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John N. Martin [52]John Neil Martin [3]
  1. Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian Logic.John N. Martin - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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    Proclus and the neoplatonic syllogistic.John N. Martin - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (3):187-240.
    An investigation of Proclus' logic of the syllogistic and of negations in the Elements of Theology, On the Parmenides, and Platonic Theology. It is shown that Proclus employs interpretations over a linear semantic structure with operators for scalar negations (hypemegationlalpha-intensivum and privative negation). A natural deduction system for scalar negations and the classical syllogistic (as reconstructed by Corcoran and Smiley) is shown to be sound and complete for the non-Boolean linear structures. It is explained how Proclus' syllogistic presupposes converting the (...)
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  3.  16
    Elements of formal semantics: an introduction to logic for students of language.John N. Martin - 1987 - Orlando: Academic Press.
  4.  14
    The Cartesian Semantics of the Port Royal Logic.John N. Martin - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This book sets out for the first time in English and in the terms of modern logic the semantics of the Port Royal Logic of Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole, perhaps the most influential logic book in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its goal is to explain how the Logic reworks the foundation of pre-Cartesian logic so as to make it compatible with Descartes' metaphysics. The Logic's authors forged a new theory of reference based on the medieval notion of objective (...)
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  5.  44
    Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian logic: order, negation, and abstraction.John N. Martin - 2004 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book shows otherwise. John Martin rehabilitates Neoplatonism, founded by Plotinus and brought into Christianity by St. Augustine.
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  6.  62
    Distributive Terms, Truth, and the Port Royal Logic.John N. Martin - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (2):133-154.
    The paper shows that in the Art of Thinking (The Port Royal Logic) Arnauld and Nicole introduce a new way to state the truth-conditions for categorical propositions. The definition uses two new ideas: the notion of distributive or, as they call it, universal term, which they abstract from distributive supposition in medieval logic, and their own version of what is now called a conservative quantifier in general quantification theory. Contrary to the interpretation of Jean-Claude Parienté and others, the truth-conditions do (...)
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  7.  39
    Existence, Negation, and Abstraction in the Neoplatonic Hierarchy 1.John N. Martin - 1995 - History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (2):169-196.
    The paper is a study of the logic of existence, negation, and order in the Neoplatonic tradition. The central idea is that Neoplatonists assume a logic in which the existence predicate is a comparative adjective and in which monadic predicates function as scalar adjectives that nest the background order. Various scalar predicate negations are then identifiable with various Neoplatonic negations, including a privative negation appropriate for the lower orders of reality and a hyper-negation appropriate for the higher. Reversion to the (...)
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  8.  83
    Existential Import in Cartesian Semantics.John N. Martin - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (3):211-239.
    The paper explores the existential import of universal affirmative in Descartes, Arnauld and Malebranche. Descartes holds, inconsistently, that eternal truths are true even if the subject term is empty but that a proposition with a false idea as subject is false. Malebranche extends Descartes? truth-conditions for eternal truths, which lack existential import, to all knowledge, allowing only for non-propositional knowledge of contingent existence. Malebranche's rather implausible Neoplatonic semantics is detailed as consisting of three key semantic relations: illumination by which God's (...)
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  9.  69
    All brutes are subhuman: Aristotle and ockham on private negation.John N. Martin - 2003 - Synthese 134 (3):429 - 461.
    The mediaeval logic of Aristotelian privation, represented by Ockham's expositionof All A is non-P as All S is of a type T that is naturally P and no S is P, iscritically evaluated as an account of privative negation. It is argued that there aretwo senses of privative negation: (1) an intensifier (as in subhuman), the dualof Neoplatonic hypernegation (superhuman), which is studied in linguistics asan operator on scalar adjectives, and (2) a (often lexicalized) Boolean complementrelative to the extension of (...)
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    The lover of the beautiful and the good: Platonic foundations of aesthetic and moral value.John Neil Martin - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):31-51.
    Though acknowledged by scholars, Plato’s identification of the Beautiful and the Good has generated little interest, even in aesthetics where the moral concepts are a current topic. The view is suspect because, e.g., it is easy to find examples of ugly saints and beautiful sinners. In this paper the thesis is defended using ideas from Plato’s ancient commentators, the Neoplatonists. Most interesting is Proclus, who applied to value theory a battery of linguistic tools with fixed semantic properties—comparative adjectives, associated gradable (...)
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    Some Misconceptions in the Critique of Semantic Presupposition.John N. Martin - 1979 - Indiana University Linguistics Club.
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  12.  47
    Lukasiewicz's Many-valued Logic and Neoplatonic Scalar Modality.John N. Martin - 2002 - History and Philosophy of Logic 23 (2):95-120.
    This paper explores the modal interpretation of ?ukasiewicz's n -truth-values, his conditional and the puzzles they generate by exploring his suggestion that by ?necessity? he intends the concept used in traditional philosophy. Scalar adjectives form families with nested extensions over the left and right fields of an ordering relation described by an associated comparative adjective. Associated is a privative negation that reverses the ?rank? of a predicate within the field. If the scalar semantics is interpreted over a totally ordered domain (...)
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  13.  19
    A syntactic characterization of Kleene's strong connectives with two designated values.John N. Martin - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):181-184.
  14.  60
    The Concept of the Irreplaceable.John N. Martin - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (1):31-48.
    An analysis is proposed for the common argument that something should be preserved because it is irreplaceable. The argument is shown to depend on modal elements in irreplaceable, existence assumptions of preserve, and the logic of obligation. In terms of this theory it is argued that utilitarianism can account for most, but not all instances of persuasive appeals to irreplaceability. Beingessentially backwards looking, utilitarianism cannot in principle justify preservation of objects irreplaceable because of their history or genesis.
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  15.  31
    Epistemic semantics for classical and intuitionistic logic.John N. Martin - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (2):105-116.
  16.  40
    The semantics of Frege's Grundgesetze.John N. Martin - 1984 - History and Philosophy of Logic 5 (2):143-176.
    Quantifiers in Frege's Grundgesetze like are not well-defined because the part Fx & Gx stands for a concept but the yoking conjunction is horizontalised and must stand for a truth-value. This standard interpretation is rejected in favor of a substitutional reading that, it is argued, both conforms better to the text and is well-defined. The theory of the horizontal is investigated in detail and the composite reading of Frege's connectives as made up of horizontals is rejected. The sense in which (...)
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  17.  37
    A Note on ‘Distributive Terms, Truth, and The Port Royal Logic’.John Neil Martin - 2016 - History and Philosophy of Logic 37 (4):391-392.
    A note correcting some technical terminology from linguistics found in ‘Distributive Terms, Truth, and The Port Royal Logic’, this journal, Jan. 17, 2013, 133–54.
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    A Tense Logic for Boethius.John N. Martin - 1989 - History and Philosophy of Logic 10 (2):203-212.
    An interpretation in modal and tense logic is proposed for Boethius's reconciliation of God's foreknowledge with human freedom from The consolation of philosophy, Book V. The interpretation incorporates a suggestion by Paul Spade that God's special status in time be explained as a restriction of God's knowledge to eternal sentences. The argument proves valid, and the seeming restriction on omnipotence is mitigated by the very strong expressive power of eternal sentences.
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  19.  31
    Malebranche’s Neoplatonic Semantic Theory.John N. Martin - 2014 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 8 (1):33-71.
    This paper argues that Malebranche’s semantics sheds light on his metaphysics and epistemology, and is of interest in its own right. By recasting issues linguistically, it shows that Malebranche assumes a Neoplatonic semantic structure within Descartes’ dualism and Augustine’s theory of illumination, and employs linguistic devices from the Neoplatonic tradition. Viewed semantically, mental states of illumination stand to God and his ideas as predicates stand in Neoplatonic semantics to ideas ordered by a privative relation on “being.” The framework sheds light (...)
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  20.  52
    Order theoretic properties of holistic ethical theories.John N. Martin - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (3):215-234.
    Using concepts from abstract algebra and type theory, I analyze the structural presuppositions of any holistic ethical theory. This study is motivated by such recent holistic theories in environmental ethics as Aldo Leopold’s land ethic, James E. Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, Arne Naess’ deep ecology, and various aesthetic ethics of the sublime. I also discuss the holistic and type theoretic assumptions of suchstandard ethical theories as hedonism, natural rights theory, utilitarianism, Rawls’ difference principle, and fascism. I argue that although there are (...)
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  21.  43
    Philosophy and Science Fiction.John N. Martin - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (3):280-281.
  22.  25
    Privative negation in the port Royal logic.John N. Martin - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):664-685.
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  23. Sortal Presupposition: A Study of Category Mistakes, Their Logic, and Importance.John Neil Martin - 1973 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
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  24. Port Royal Logic.John N. Martin - 2017 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Port Royal Logic Logic or the Art of Thinking, commonly known as The Port Royal Logic, was written by Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole and first published in 1662. Although it was a textbook containing much worked-over material, the Logic was extremely influential, certainly the most important textbook in logic for the next two … Continue reading Port Royal Logic →.
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    The structure of ideas in The Port Royal Logic.John N. Martin - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 19:1-19.
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    Whether Logic Should Satisfy the Humanities Requirement.John N. Martin - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (4):385-396.
    The author addresses the question of the necessity of logic courses in undergraduate education, particularly their use as a requirement in the humanities. This paper outlines why logic counts as a humanities subject and why certain virtues of logic are beneficial to a humanities education. The authors explores these two aspects of the question and invites the reader to decide whether the combination of these two aspects of a logic course jointly satisfy the educational needs of their particular institution’s curriculum.
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    (4 other versions)Environmental Ethics, Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 1983.Holmes Rolston, John N. Martin, Judy Blankenship & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    (3 other versions)Environmental Ethics, Volume 4, Number 4, Winter 1982.Holmes Rolston, John N. Martin, Judy Blankenship & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    (2 other versions)Environmental Ethics, Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 1983.Holmes Rolston, John N. Martin, Judy Blankenship & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    (1 other version)Environmental Ethics, Volume 2, Number 2, Summer 1980.Holmes Rolston, John N. Martin, Lucille D. Torres & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    (3 other versions)Environmental Ethics, Volume 6, Number 2, Summer 1984.Holmes Rolston, John N. Martin, Judy Blankenship & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1979.Elizabeth R. Poor, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 4, Winter 1979.Lucille D. Torres, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 3, Fall 1979.Lucille D. Torres, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 1979.Theresa M. Fay, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    An axiomatization of Herzberger's $2$-dimensional presuppositional semantics. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (3):378-382.
  37.  26
    Philosophy and Economic Theory. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1980 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (4):495-497.
  38.  25
    Philosophy of Economics. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (1):84-86.
  39.  16
    Philip P. Hanson, ed.: Environmental Ethics: Philosophy and Policy Perspectives, and John Howell, ed.: Environment and Ethics - A New Zealand Contribution. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (4):357-362.
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    Rob R. Brady. The logicworks. Student manual. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green1987, i + 21 pp. + 2 disks. - Rob R. Brady. The logicworks. Guide for instructors. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green1987, i + 23 pp. + disk. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):368-370.
  41.  45
    The Disputation. [REVIEW]John N. Martin - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (4):374-375.