John Quay [16]John John Quay [1]
  1. Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19.Michael A. Peters, Fazal Rizvi, Gary McCulloch, Paul Gibbs, Radhika Gorur, Moon Hong, Yoonjung Hwang, Lew Zipin, Marie Brennan, Susan Robertson, John Quay, Justin Malbon, Danilo Taglietti, Ronald Barnett, Wang Chengbing, Peter McLaren, Rima Apple, Marianna Papastephanou, Nick Burbules, Liz Jackson, Pankaj Jalote, Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope, Aslam Fataar, James Conroy, Greg Misiaszek, Gert Biesta, Petar Jandrić, Suzanne S. Choo, Michael Apple, Lynda Stone, Rob Tierney, Marek Tesar, Tina Besley & Lauren Misiaszek - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-44.
    Michael A. Petersa and Fazal Rizvib aBeijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China; bMelbourne University, Melbourne, Australia Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to ‘no...
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    Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19: An EPAT Collective Project.Lauren Misiaszek, Tina Besley, Marek Tesar, Rob Tierney, Lynda Stone, Michael Apple, Suzanne S. Choo, Petar Jandrić, Gert Biesta, Greg Misiaszek, James Conroy, Aslam Fataar, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Pankaj Jalote, Liz Jackson, Nick Burbules, Marianna Papastephanou, Rima Apple, Peter McLaren, Wang Chengbing, Ronald Barnett, Danilo Taglietti, Justin Malbon, John Quay, Susan Robertson, Marie Brennan, Lew Zipin, Yoonjung Hwang, Moon Hong, Radhika Gorur, Paul Gibbs, Gary McCulloch, Fazal Rizvi & Michael A. Peters - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (6):717-760.
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    Learning Phenomenology with Heidegger: experiencing the phenomenological ‘starting point’ as the beginning of phenomenological research.John Quay - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):484-497.
    Phenomenology has been with us for many years, and yet grasping phenomenology remains a difficult task. Heidegger, too, experienced this difficulty and devoted much of his teaching to the challenge of working phenomenologically. This article draws on aspects of Heidegger’s commentary in progressing the teaching and learning of phenomenology, especially as this pertains to research in fields such as education. Central to this task is elucidation of what I believe to be the most important feature of phenomenology—what Heidegger referred to (...)
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    From Human–Nature to Cultureplace in Education Via an Exploration of Unity and Relation in the Work of Peirce and Dewey.John Quay - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (4):463-476.
    In outdoor education discourse the notion of relation is often employed to convey basic connections between humanity and nature as human–nature relationships, yet the sense of relation itself is rarely questioned. Drawing on the work of Peirce and Dewey, I explore the ramifications of a more nuanced understanding of relation, specifically how relation works with and within differing senses of unity. These ramifications have consequences for how we understand human–nature relationships, which I argue are better conveyed in terms of culture–place. (...)
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    “How dare you!” When an ecological crisis is impacted by an educational crisis: Temporal insights via Arendt.John Quay & Maurizio Toscano - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (10):1137-1147.
    In this paper we take as our starting point Greta Thunberg’s message to an audience of adults at a recent climate change summit: ‘This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!’ We take Thunberg at her word and endeavour to investigate what is wrong and how it might be wrong. Through this investigation we (...)
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  6. Instrumentalization of the athlete: interpreting Dokic and Agassi via Kafka’s Metamorphosis.Irena Martínková, John Quay & Jim Parry - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
    This article discusses one kind of athlete instrumentalization by reinterpreting Kafka’s novella Metamorphosis, in which the main character, Gregor Samsa, may be seen as a victim of family exploitation. We suggest that this story can be taken as a metaphor in the context of sport—of a ‘tennis mom’ or a ‘football dad’, who comes to see their child in instrumental terms. In a highly competitive sporting environment, instrumentalization has a direct impact on the young athlete, whose sporting encounter is profoundly (...)
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    Beyond modernism and postmodernism in educational theory and practice: A marriage of grounds.John Quay - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1553-1554.
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    Heidegger's Philosophic Pedagogy – By M. Ehrmantraut.John Quay - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):571-575.
    Book review of Michael Ehrmantraut's (2010) Heidegger's Philosophic Pedagogy published by Continuum.
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  9. John Dewey's conceptualisation of experience.John Quay - 2020 - In S. J. Parry & Pete Allison (eds.), Experiential learning and outdoor education: traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Art of Education and the Work(ing) of Art: Theorizing Museum Educator Pedagogies.John Quay, Robert Brown, Jennifer Andersen & Marnee Watkins - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (1):74-93.
    Museum education is a complex and specialized endeavour, even more so when involving partnerships with schools. In this paper, we engage with theories that support understanding of museum-educator pedagogies. Dewey's notion of occupations is explored as offering a better theorization of pedagogical possibilities than that available through ideas associated with identity. Museum-educator pedagogies shape occupations, as the coherence of interest-purpose-meaning. Such shaping is not a purely individual human action, as occupations are social and material, as being-in-the-world. Heidegger's phenomenological understanding of (...)
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    Theory and philosophy in education research: methodological dialogues.John Quay (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The issue of methodology is a fundamental concern for all who engage in educational research. Presenting a series of methodological dialogues between eminent education researchers including Michael Apple, Gert Biesta, Penny Enslin, John Hattie, Nel Noddings, Michael Peters, Richard Pring and Paul Smeyers, this book explores the ways in which they have chosen and developed research methods to style their investigations and frame their arguments. These dialogues address the specialized and technical aspects of conducting educational research, conceptualize the relationship between (...)
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