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  1.  14
    The Nature of True Virtue.Jonathan Edwards - 1970 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    A major work in moral philosophy by the noted Puritan divine.
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  2. The Works of Jonathan Edwards.Stephen J. Stein & Jonathan Edwards - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (1):127-130.
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    The works of Jonathan Edwards.Jonathan Edwards - 1957 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Perry Miller.
    v. 1. Freedom of the will -- v. 2. Religious affections -- v. 3. Original sin -- v. 4. The Great Awakening -- v. 5. Apocalyptic writings -- v. 6. Scientific and philosophical writings -- v. 7. The life of David Brainerd -- v. 8. Ethical writings -- v. 9. A history of the work of redemption -- v. 10. Sermons and discourses, 1720-1723 -- v. 13. The "miscellanies" (entry nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) -- v. 15. Notes on Scripture -- (...)
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  4. Causes and Consequences of Sports Concussion.Jonathan C. Edwards & Jeffrey D. Bodle - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (2):128-132.
    The Consensus Statement of the Third International Congress on Concussion in Sport in November 2008 defined concussion as a “complex pathophysiologic process affecting the brain, induced by traumatic biochemical forces.” Definitions of concussion vary slightly between various professional organizations of neurosurgeons, neurologists, and orthopedic surgeons, but all share the common characteristics of trauma affecting the head or body resulting in transient neurologic deficits or symptoms. Underlying the symptoms of concussion is a complex pathophysiologic process at the cellular level. While concussion (...)
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    Calvin and Hobbes: Trinity, authority, and community.Jonathan J. Edwards - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 115-133.
  6.  8
    Ethical writings.Jonathan Edwards - 1989 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Paul Ramsey.
    Charity and its fruits -- Dissertation I, Concerning the end for which God created the world -- Dissertation II, The nature of true virtue.
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  7. (1 other version)Jonathan Edwards's Moral Thought and Its British Context.Jonathan Edwards & Norman Fiering - 1983 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 19 (1):83-94.
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    Is consciousness only a property of individual cells?Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (4-5):60-76.
    We perceive colour, shape, sound and touch 'bound together' in a single experience. The following arguments about this binding phenomenon are raised: (1) The individual signals passing from neurone to neurone are not bound together, whether as elements of information or physically. (2) Within a single cell, binding in terms of bringing together of information is potentially feasible. A physical substrate may also be available. (3) It is therefore proposed that a bound conscious experience must be a property of an (...)
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  9. Should Humanitarians be Heroes?Jonathan Edwards - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):255-270.
    Humanitarian aid workers typically reject the accolade of hero as both untrue and undesirable. Untrue when they claim not to be acting beyond the call of duty, and undesirable so far as celebrating heroism risks elevating “heroic” choices over safer, and perhaps wiser ones. However, this leaves unresolved a tension between the denial of heroism and a sense in which certain humanitarian acts really appear heroic. And, the concern that in rejecting the aspiration to heroism an opportunity is lost to (...)
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    A Framework for Evolution and Consciousness: Panpsychism Without Tears?Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (11-12):77-101.
    Giving an account of the relation between evolution and consciousness is painted as posing a dilemma between panpsychism, with minimal consciousness in every grain of matter, and radical emergence, with consciousness appearing as from nowhere in living structures. Panpsychism has been seen as suffering from a combination problem and radical emergence as unjustified in physics. The underpinning of physics now lies in field theory, which may provide a way out on both sides. Only, and always, in a field theory account (...)
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    The application of pharmacoeconomic modelling to estimate a value‐based price for new cancer drugs.George Dranitsaris, Ilse Truter, Martie S. Lubbe, Wayne Cottrell, Biljana Spirovski & Jonathan Edwards - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):343-351.
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    A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will, which is supposed to be essential to moral agency.Jonathan Edwards & Isaac Taylor - 1831
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    A dissertation concerning liberty & necessity.Jonathan Edwards - 1797 - New York,: B. Franklin Reprints.
  14. A Dissertation Concerning Liberty and Necessity Containing Remarks on the Essays of Dr. Samuel West, and on the Writings of Several Other Authors, on Those Subjects.Jonathan Edwards - 1797 - By Leonard Worcester.
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    A Jonathan Edwards Reader.Jonathan Edwards - 1995 - Yale University Press.
    Prepared by editors of the distinguished series The Works of Jonathan Edwards, this authoritative anthology includes selected treatises, sermons, and autobiographical material by early America’s greatest theologian and philosopher.
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    Are our spaces made of words?Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (1):63-83.
    It is argued that both neuroscience and physics point towards a similar re-assessment of our concepts of space, time and 'reality', which, by removing some apparent paradoxes, may lead to a view which can provide a natural place for consciousness and language within biophysics. There are reasons to believe that relationships between entities in experiential space and time and in modern physicists' space and time are quite different, neither corresponding to our geometric schooling. The elements of the universe may be (...)
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  17. Basic writings.Jonathan Edwards - 1966 - New York,: New American Library. Edited by Ola Elizabeth Winslow.
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  18.  20
    Distinguishing Representations as Origin and Representations as Input: Roles for Individual Neurons.Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    EM Fields and the Meaning of Meaning: Response to Johnjoe McFadden.Jonathan Edwards - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (9-10):9-10.
    McFadden has recently raised several cogent points about the problems of 'Gestalt Information' and the meaning of meaning in human experience, in particular the central problem of 'binding'. Very reasonably, he has tried to resolve these problems in terms of a unified electromagnetic field. However, certain premises on which his arguments are based are open to question. Of these, two deserve particular note. The claim that individual neurons only have access to a tiny number of bits of information seems wrong, (...)
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  20. (2 other versions)Freedom of the will.Jonathan Edwards - 1754 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill. Edited by Arnold S. Kaufman & William K. Frankena.
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  21.  16
    How Many People Are There in My Head and in Hers? An Exploration of Single Cell Consciousness.Jonathan Charles Wright Edwards - 2006 - Exeter: Imprint Academic.
    This expands the proposal in 'Is consciousness only a property of individual cells?' to attempt to cover all relevant psychological, neuroscientific and philosophical issues. Some of the material is now dated (in 2011) but chiefly in the sense that tentative proposals have become firmer views for me. An example of this is the clarification of complementarities in "Are our spaces made of words?'.
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  22.  12
    Images Or Shadows of Divine Things.Jonathan Edwards & Perry Miller - 1977 - Greenwood.
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    Jonathan Edwards: Basic Writings.Jonathan Edwards & Ola Elizabeth Winslow - 1978 - Plume.
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  24. Jonathan Edwards, Freedom of the Will, The Works of Jonathan Edward, Vol. I.Jonathan Edwards - 2009 - Yale University Press.
    Presents an analysis of Jonathan Edwards' theological position. This book includes a study of his life and the intellectual issues in the America of his time, and examines the problem of free will in connection with Leibniz, Locke, and Hume.
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    Scientific and philosophical writings.Jonathan Edwards - 1980 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Wallace Earl Anderson.
    The spider papers.--Natural philosophy.--The mind.--Short scientific and philosophical papers.
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  26. The Case for Conscious Experience Being in Individual Neurons.Jonathan Edwards - 2023 - Qeios 1:DEUK7V.4.
    The idea that individual nerve cells might have conscious experiences has been around ever since cells were identified in the seventeenth century, but in the era of modern neuroscience the case for individual human neuronal experience has received little attention. A series of arguments will be presented suggesting that all the human conscious experiences that we talk about are events in individual neurons, not global to the brain or organism. We conclude that cellular consciousness is the only plausible way to (...)
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  27.  10
    The mind.Jonathan Edwards - 1963 - Berkeley,: University of California Press. Edited by Howard, Leon & [From Old Catalog].
  28. The Modern Prevailing Notions Respecting... Freedom of Will.Jonathan Edwards - 1877
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  29. Treatise on Grace and Other Posthumously Published Writings.Jonathan Edwards & Paul Helm - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (2):249-251.
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    The philosophy of Jonathan Edwards from his private notebooks.Jonathan Edwards - 1955 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    Originally published posthumously in 1955, Harvey G. Townsend's Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards reprinted some of Edwards' most important early compositions on natural philosophy, Of Being and The Mind, and collected nearly two hundred Miscellanies entries, some of them published here for the first time. In his introduction, Townsend points to Edwards' radical idealism that derived from Christian Platonism and John Locke rather than George Berkeley, as commonly thought. Townsend's work represents an important sourcebook for Edwards' writings, and his introduction presents (...)
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    The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 21: Volume 21: Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Fait.Jonathan Edwards - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    In this collection of writings drawn from Jonathan Edwards’s essays and topical notebooks, the great American theologian deals with key Christian doctrines including the Trinity, grace, and faith. The volume includes long-established pieces in the Edwards canon, newly reedited from the original manuscripts, as well as documents that have never before been published and that in some cases reveal new aspects of his theology.
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    The wartime sermons of Jonathan Edwards: A collection.Jonathan Edwards - 2022 - Eugene (Ore.): Cascade Books. Edited by Christian Cuthbert.
    Jonathan Edwards is known as one of the most respected thinkers in American history and presided over the Great Awakening, one of the formative colonial events. What many don't realize is Edwards lived during a time of widespread conflict, which eventually touched the people of Northampton personally. Through these collected sermons, many of which are unpublished, Edwards sought to instruct, train, and comfort his congregation during a precarious season in provincial life. These sermons demonstrate the scope of Edwards's greatness: a (...)
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  33. Works Vol.Jonathan Edwards - 1970 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by C. A. Holbrook.
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    Editorial: Representation in the Brain.Asim Roy, Leonid Perlovsky, Tarek R. Besold, Juyang Weng & Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A Treatise on the Will: Containing I. a Review of [j.] Edwards' Inquiry Into the Freedom of the Will [&c.].Henry Philip Tappan & Jonathan Edwards - 2018 - Franklin Classics Trade Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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