Results for 'Julio Villa-Palomino'

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  1.  42
    The Promise and Reality of Public Engagement in the Governance of Human Genome Editing Research.John M. Conley, R. Jean Cadigan, Arlene M. Davis, Eric T. Juengst, Kriste Kuczynski, Rami Major, Hayley Stancil, Julio Villa-Palomino, Margaret Waltz & Gail E. Henderson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):9-16.
    This paper analyses the activities of five organizations shaping the debate over the global governance of genome editing in order to assess current approaches to public engagement (PE). We compare the recommendations of each group with its own practices. All recommend broad engagement with the general public, but their practices vary from expert-driven models dominated by scientists, experts, and civil society groups to citizen deliberation-driven models that feature bidirectional consultation with local citizens, as well as hybrid models that combine elements (...)
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    Una tarde con Borges.Sol Martincic - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:226-232.
    Diálogo con Daniel Balderston, director del Borges Center de la University of Pittsburgh y de la revista Variaciones Borges, que ofreció una conferencia titulada “Una tarde con Borges” en la Villa Victoria Ocampo de la ciudad de Mar del Plata el 6 de julio de 2022.
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  3. Christentum und Metaphysik.Julio Terán Dutari - 1973 - München,: Berchmanskolleg Verlag.
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  4. Conocimiento y tradición metafísica: estudios gnoseológicos sobre Bergson, Heidegger, Husserl, Hegel, Kant, Tomás de Aquino.Julio Terán Dutari - 1981 - Quito: Universidad Católica.
  5. Grounding grounds necessity.Julio De Rizzo - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):639-647.
    Drawing from extensions of existing ideas in the logic of ground, a novel account of the grounds of necessity is presented, the core of which states that necessary truths are necessary because they stand in specific grounding connections.
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  6. Our Sense of the Real: Aesthetic Experience and Arendtian Politics.Kimberley Curtis, Julia Kristeva, Ross Guberman, John Mcgowan, Norma Claire Moruzzi & Dana Villa - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (3):443-460.
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  7. Nietzsche y su política en la democracia española.Héctor Julio Pérez - 2001 - Res Publica 7:55-68.
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    No Choice for Incompatibilism.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):6-13.
    P. van Inwagen famously offered three precise versions of the so-called Consequence Argument for incompatibilism. The third of these essentially employs the notion of an agent’s having a choice with respect to a proposition. In this paper, I offer two intuitively attractive accounts of this notion in terms of the explanatory connective ‘because’ and explore the prospects of the third argument once they are in play. Under either account, the argument fails.
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    El indio, la antropología y la muerte del Hombre. Una ontología latinoamericana del presente.Julio Andrés Camarillo Quesada - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):227-257.
    Con el objetivo de esbozar una ontología del presente, este artículo sigue las transformaciones de la antropología en México en busca de sus condiciones políticas y epistémicas de enunciación. El gobierno mexicano del siglo XIX dedicó mútliples esfuerzos poblar correctamente el territorio, es decir, con una población sana, educada y civilizada. A principios del siglo XX, las políticas indigenistas promovieron la aculturación de los pueblos indígenas, pero esta aculturación fue luego denunciada como etnocida por una nueva generación de antropólogos, defensores (...)
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    Avisos para tiranos, sistemas totalitarios, dictadores, reyes, príncipes, ministros y toda clase de hombres de estado: tomados de muy buenos autores del pensamiento universal.Julio Martínez Martínez - 1980 - Granada: A. De Re Universa.
    v. 1. El problema de la resistencia, la reforma, la revolución, la reacción y la tiranía.
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    Information, Genetics and Entropy.Julio Ernesto Rubio Barrios - 2015 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (1):121.
    The consolidation of the informational paradigm in molecular biology research concluded on a system to convert the epistemic object into an operational technological object and a stable epistemic product. However, the acceptance of the informational properties of genetic acids failed to clarify the meaning of the concept of information. The “information”’ as a property of the genetic molecules remained as an informal notion that allows the description of the mechanism of inheritance, but it was not specified in a logic–semantic structure. (...)
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    Vida, fulgor y crisis del sistema escolar español.Julio Ruiz Berrio - 2002 - Arbor 173 (681):83-102.
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    Reinterpretaciones del pasado colonial en el México contemporáneo.Miriam Hernández Reyna & Julio Andrés Camarillo Quesada - 2024 - Dianoia 68 (93):155-181.
    Este artículo aborda las reinterpretaciones del pasado colonial iniciadas a finales de los años sesenta en México y que se expresan con la oposición entre la memoria indígena y la Historia etnocida. Desde una perspectiva de estudios críticos sobre la memoria se muestra que esta resignificación del pasado tuvo como fundamento el concepto de etnocidio con el que una generación de antropólogos críticos calificó al colonialismo de un crimen de destrucción cultural, que en el país habría sido perpetuado por las (...)
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    Special Issue arising from the 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA'2004.José Júlio Alferes & João Leite - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (3):389-391.
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    RESEÑA de : Solís, Carlos. Razones e Intereses : la historia de la Ciencia después de Kuhn. Barcelona : Paidós, 1994.Julio César Armero Sanjosé - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (5):239.
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    Take the Money and Run: Psychopathic Behavior in the Trust Game.Manuel I. Ibáñez, Gerardo Sabater-Grande, Iván Barreda-Tarrazona, Laura Mezquita, Sandra López-Ovejero, Helena Villa, Pandelis Perakakis, Generós Ortet, Aurora García-Gallego & Nikolaos Georgantzís - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  17.  13
    Contemporary Psychology.H. C. Stevens & Guido Villa - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (1):107.
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  18. Explaining coincidences.Julio De Rizzo - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14843-14864.
    A traditional account of coincidences has it that two facts are coincidental whenever they are not related as cause and effect and do not have a common cause. A recent contribution by Lando : 132–151, 2017) showed that this account is mistaken. In this paper, I argue against two alternative accounts of coincidences, one suggested by Lando, and another by Bhogal : 677–694, 2020), and defend a third one in their place. In short, I propose that how explanatory links relate (...)
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    Ontología y gnoseología en la Logica ingredientibus de Pedro Abelardo.Julio A. Castello Dubra - 2004 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 21:43-60.
    El trabajo se ocupa de la sección de las Glosas a la Isagogé de Porfirio de Pedro Abelardo dedicada a las tres cuestiones sobre los universales. La parte “destructiva”, en la que Abelardo somete a crítica las doctrinas realistas de Guillermo de Champeaux no tiene un sentido meramente negativo, sino que busca llegar al punto de partida de la propia posición de Abelardo: las cosas no sólo difieren por sus formas (accidentes), sino también por sus materias (esencias). Al hablar de (...)
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    When the Sad Past Is Left: The Mental Metaphors Between Time, Valence, and Space.Nicolas Spatola, Julio Santiago, Brice Beffara, Martial Mermillod, Ludovic Ferrand & Marc Ouellet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Autonomía: dos concepciones éticas.Julio de la Vega-Hazas - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23:195.
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    Ernesto A. Leyendeker.Julio De Zan - 1999 - Tópicos 7:117-118.
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    Reverberações das cartas de alforria nas discriminações étnicas.Júlio César Dos Santos & Aline Souza Da Conceição - 2017 - Odeere 4:124.
    O objetivo do artigo é entender as narrativas nas cartas de alforria, como dinâmicas de produção de sentidos intergeracionais de pessoas em situações de discriminações étnicas. Questionamos os temas nas cartas de alforria que marcam narrativas de discriminação étnica nas ações e atividades atuais. O método de pesquisa foi uma busca documental nos cartórios da cidade por cartas de alforria e inventários de família com declarações de posse de uma pessoa sobre a outra, de 1872 a 1888. Um outro método (...)
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    Filosofía del derecho.Julio Fernández Bulte - 1997 - La Habana: Editorial Félix Varela.
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    Radiografía del dolor: origen y proyecciones espirituales del sufrimiento: ensayo.Julio Fausto Fernández - 1974 - San Salvador, El Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Publicaciones.
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  26. La duda como método de conocimiento.B. Ortiz & C. Julio - 1975 - Panamá: [S.N.].
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    La ilustración heterodoxa: Sade, Mandeville y Hamann.Julio Seoane Pinilla - 1998 - Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos.
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  28.  31
    Exploring disparities between global hiv/aids funding and recent tsunami relief efforts: An ethical analysis.Timothy Christie, Getnet A. Asrat, Bashir Jiwani, Thomas Maddix & Julio S. G. Montaner - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (1):1–7.
    ABSTRACT Objective: To contrast relief efforts for the 26 December 2004 tsunami with current global HIV/aids relief efforts and analyse possible reasons for the disparity. Methods: Literature review and ethical analysis. Results: Just over 273,000 people died in the tsunami, resulting in relief efforts of more than US$10 bn, which is sufficient to achieve the United Nation’s long‐term recovery plan for South East Asia. In contrast, 14 times more people died from HIV/aids in 2004, with UNAIDS predicting a US$8 bn (...)
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    The Microbiota‐Inflammasome Hypothesis of Major Depression.Antonio Inserra, Geraint B. Rogers, Julio Licinio & Ma-Li Wong - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (9):1800027.
    We propose the “microbiota‐inflammasome” hypothesis of major depressive disorder (MDD, a mental illness affecting the way a person feels and thinks, characterized by long‐lasting feelings of sadness). We hypothesize that pathological shifts in gut microbiota composition (dysbiosis) caused by stress and gut conditions result in the upregulation of pro‐inflammatory pathways mediated by the Nod‐like receptors family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome (an intracellular platform involved in the activation of inflammatory processes). This upregulation exacerbates depressive symptomatology and further compounds gut (...)
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    Construction of monadic three-valued łukasiewicz algebras.Luiz Monteiro, Sonia Savini & Julio Sewald - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (3-4):473 - 483.
    The notion of monadic three-valued ukasiewicz algebras was introduced by L. Monteiro ([12], [14]) as a generalization of monadic Boolean algebras. A. Monteiro ([9], [10]) and later L. Monteiro and L. Gonzalez Coppola [17] obtained a method for the construction of a three-valued ukasiewicz algebra from a monadic Boolea algebra. In this note we give the construction of a monadic three-valued ukasiewicz algebra from a Boolean algebra B where we have defined two quantification operations and * such that *x=*x (where (...)
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    Shared and Distinct Patterns of Functional Connectivity to Emotional Faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Children.Kristina Safar, Marlee M. Vandewouw, Elizabeth W. Pang, Kathrina de Villa, Jennifer Crosbie, Russell Schachar, Alana Iaboni, Stelios Georgiades, Robert Nicolson, Elizabeth Kelley, Muhammed Ayub, Jason P. Lerch, Evdokia Anagnostou & Margot J. Taylor - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Impairments in emotional face processing are demonstrated by individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which is associated with altered emotion processing networks. Despite accumulating evidence of high rates of diagnostic overlap and shared symptoms between ASD and ADHD, functional connectivity underpinning emotion processing across these two neurodevelopmental disorders, compared to typical developing peers, has rarely been examined. The current study used magnetoencephalography to investigate whole-brain functional connectivity during the presentation of happy and angry faces in (...)
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    Desconstruções e contextos nacionais.Alcides Cardoso dos Santos, Fabio Durão, Maria das Graças G. Villa da Silva & Michael Naas (eds.) - 2006 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: 7 Letras.
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    Learning Experiences and the Development of Critical Thinking in Students of Early Childhood Education at Public Universities – 2023.Consuelo Nora Casimiro Urcos, Walther Hernán Casimiro Urcos, Donatila Tobalino López, Lourdes Basilia Pareja Pérez, Elizabeth Mercedes Vegas Palomino & Enaidy Reinosa Navarro - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:211-226.
    Introduction: This study explores how learning experiences at public universities impact the development of critical thinking in early education students in 2023. Objective: To determine the influence of learning experiences on the critical thinking of early education students, identifying effective didactic strategies for its promotion. Methodology: Utilizing a quantitative approach, data were collected from 247 early education students across various public universities in Peru through structured surveys. These surveys were designed to measure students' perceptions of their learning experiences and their (...)
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Jeffery Aubin, Dianne M. Cole, Julio Cesar Dias Chaves, Jonathan I. von Kodar, Anne-France Morand, Timothy Pettipiece, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Martin Voyer & Eric Crégheur - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):503-553.
    Jeffery Aubin,Dianne Cole,Julio Cesar Dias Chaves,Jonathan von Kodar,Anne-France Morand,Timothy Pettipiece,Paul-Hubert Poirier,Martin Voyer,Eric Crégheur.
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    Impacts of peers’ unethical behavior on employees’ ethical intention: Moderated mediation by Machiavellian orientation.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Alexis Bañón-Gomis & Jorge Linuesa-Langreo - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (2):185-205.
    Research suggests a direct negative relationship between peers’ unethical behavior and employees’ ethical intention. But several possible mechanisms might explain this relationship in more detail. For example, Machiavellianism is a personality trait characterized by interpersonal manipulation and the use of unethical means to achieve certain self‐interested ends, whether useful or pleasant. This article adopts an Aristotelian understanding of philia, related to three goods on which human relationships rest: useful, pleasant, and honest. We propose that Machiavellianism, a self‐interested, pragmatic personality orientation, (...)
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  36.  52
    Supervisor Role Modeling, Ethics-Related Organizational Policies, and Employee Ethical Intention: The Moderating Impact of Moral Ideology.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martinez-Cañas - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (4):653-668.
    The moral ideology of banking and insurance employees in Spain was examined along with supervisor role modeling and ethics-related policies and procedures for their association with ethical behavioral intent. In addition to main effects, we found evidence supporting that the person–situation interactionist perspective in supervisor role modeling had a stronger positive relationship with ethical intention among employees with relativist moral ideology. Also as hypothesized, formal ethical polices and procedures were positively related to ethical intention among those with universal beliefs, but (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Organizational Climate.Segundo Antonio Espinoza Palomino, Raquel Silva Juárez, María-Verónica Seminario-Morales, Segundo Ramos Villalta Arellano, Mirian Elizabeth Arévalo Rodríguez & Priscila E. Lujan-Vera - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):47-54.
    Retraction note: Espinoza Palomino, S. A., Silva Juárez, R., Seminario-Morales, M. V., Villalta Arellano, S. R., Arévalo Rodríguez, M. E. & Lujan-Vera, P. E. (2023). Organizational Climate: Characterization from the Perspective of Senati Students - Peru. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 21(1), 47-54. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, (...)
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    El pensamiento pedagógico de Guido Villa-Gómez.Guido Villa-Gómez - 1979 - La Paz, Bolivia: Instituto Boliviano de Cultura.
  39.  51
    Ethical Culture, Ethical Intent, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):95-108.
    A multidimensional measure of ethical culture was examined for its relationship to person–organization fit, ethical intent and organizational citizenship behavior, using a sample of 525 employees from the financial industry in Spain. As hypothesized, relative to studies using unidimensional assessments, our measure of EC was more strongly related to ethical intent and organizational citizenship. Also, significant differences were found in the degree to which each the EC dimensions related to both ethical intent and OCB. Finally, in a first for the (...)
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    Repensar la politización del arte. Hacia una lectura de la destitución sensorial en el cine de Paz Encina y Raúl Ruiz.Alexis Palomino & Matías Sánchez Ponce - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:320-342.
    A la luz del trabajo cinematográfico de Paz Encina y Raúl Ruiz, este artículo problematiza algunas lecturas del concepto benjaminiano de politización del arte, prestando especial atención a la capacidad del cine para producir una destitución sensorial. El problema de la politización del arte se piensa desde el rol del arte en la política: como un dispositivo que resiste la narcosis sensorial impuesta por políticas posdictatoriales estetizantes del Cono Sur. A través de un análisis comparado de lectores contemporáneos de la (...)
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  41. The Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt.Dana Richard Villa (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hannah Arendt was one of the foremost political thinkers of the twentieth century, and her particular interests have made her one of the most frequently cited thinkers of our time. This Companion examines the primary themes of her multi-faceted work, from her theory of totalitarianism and her controversial idea of the 'banality of evil' to her classic studies of political action and her final reflections on judgment and the life of the mind. Each essay examines the political, philosophical, and historical (...)
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  42. Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por Ocasiao da Posse da cadeira 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia.Julio Michael Stern - 2023 - In Edgard Leite (ed.), 200 Anos de Independencia e 33 mos de Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. FAPERJ. pp. 211-224.
    Inauguration speech at chair number 18 of the Brasilian Academy of Philosophy.
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    Chaotic Honeybees Optimization Algorithms Approach for Traveling Salesperson Problem.Pedro Palominos, Carla Ortega, Miguel Alfaro, Guillermo Fuertes, Manuel Vargas, Mauricio Camargo, Victor Parada & Gustavo Gatica - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    Due to the difficulty in solving combinatorial optimization problems, it is necessary to improve the performance of the algorithms by improving techniques to deal with complex optimizations. This research addresses the metaheuristics of marriage in honey-bees optimization based on the behavior of bees. The current study proposes a technique for solving combinatorial optimization problems within proper computation times. The purpose of this study focuses on the travelling salesperson problem and the application of chaotic methods in important sections of the MBO (...)
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  44. Archaeology and Language in the Andes.Cerrón-Palomino Rodolfo - 2012
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    Unravelling the Enigma of the'Particular Language'of the Incas.Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino - 2012 - In Cerrón-Palomino Rodolfo (ed.), Archaeology and Language in the Andes. pp. 265.
    Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century chroniclers call attention to the Incas having had a ‘particular language’, used exclusively by members of the court. The sparse linguistic material attributed to it consists of barely a dozen proper names which ‘El Inca’ Garcilaso de la Vega, unable to explain through his Quechua mother tongue, assumed must belong to the purported secret language. On closer inspection most of these words do turn out to be explicable in terms of either a Quechua or an Aymara origin. (...)
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    (1 other version)Cybersemiotics and Epistemology: A Critical Review of the Conditions of “Observation” from Transcendental Semiotics.Julio Horta - 2021 - In Carlos Vidales & Søren Brier (eds.), Introduction to Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Perspective. Springer Verlag. pp. 399-420.
    This chapter aims to establish a philosophical discussion about the epistemological conditions of “observation”, from the cybersemiotic transdisciplinary view of knowing. For this purpose, the discussion will be divided into three parts, each one of them with the intention of outlining a conceptual critique that later allows a pertinent justification of the observation from a transcendental semiotics. This work is based on a problem: it seeks to show that a the cybersemiotic point of view, to consider on a foundationalist stance, (...)
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  47. Introducción a las ciencias jurídicas y políticas: materiales de enseñanza y guía bibliográfica.Palomino Manchego & F. José (eds.) - 1978 - Lima, Perú: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Programa Académico de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Departamento Académico de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas.
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    Las migraciones de menores no acompañados desde una perspectiva de género.Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino - 2012 - Dilemata 10:65-84.
    The aim of this work is the description of the migration of unaccompanied minors which is affected by new patterns of mobility and the globalization. The dynamism of this migrant phenomenon and diversification with respect to other kind of migration requires a new theoretical framework more complex and derived from the all explicative approaches. The study of the migration of unaccompanied minors involves the socio-political contexts, the legal framework and the home and host country; besides, it is strongly linked to (...)
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    Circulaciones interrumpidas. Marx entre Baudelaire y Borges.Alexis Palomino - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (32):79-103.
    Propongo en las siguientes páginas dar cuenta de las posibles conexiones que existen entre lenguaje y economía, para poder desanudar los entramados que operan en el encuentro entre ambas disciplinas, de manera que nos sea posible esclarecer por qué existiría una relación tan significativa entre el modo de funcionamiento de la economía y el papel que juega el lenguaje en ella, especialmente desde el problema del intercambio como punto de encuentro entre ambas. Comenzando por un análisis del problema del valor (...)
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    Pratiques cartographiques en Nouvelle-France.Jean-François Palomino - 2012 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 31:21.
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