Results for 'Karelia Cerda Castro'

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  1.  10
    Estallido Social e Historia de las Mujeres: construcción de genealogía política feminista en Chile.Karelia Cerda Castro - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (20):e045.
    El presente artículo analiza las implicancias del Estallido Social para la producción de Historia de las Mujeres, a partir del protagonismo del movimiento feminista y de mujeres en el desarrollo de las movilizaciones iniciadas el 18 de octubre de 2019 en Chile. El objetivo central, es reflexionar en torno a la reivindicación de la participación de las mujeres en las luchas sociales del pasado que surge en el movimiento feminista actual y la consiguiente interpelación hacia la historiografía chilena. En ese (...)
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    Maternidad y acción política: tensiones y estrategias de mujeres opositoras a la dictadura cívico-militar en Iquique (1973-1989). [REVIEW]Karelia Cerda Castro, Gabriela Saavedra Morales & Nicole Muñoz Flores - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (26):e159.
    Durante la dictadura cívico militar chilena, distintos sectores sociales se movilizaron contra el régimen, siendo las mujeres un grupo importante en la lucha antidictatorial presente en múltiples espacios organizativos. Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar desde una mirada crítica y enfoque de género, distintas trayectorias de activismos de mujeres madres opositoras al régimen en la ciudad de Iquique, buscando evidenciar las tensiones entre la concepción tradicional de la maternidad presente tanto en el discurso público de la dictadura como a nivel (...)
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  3. A Origem de Alguns dos Conceitos Metafí­sicos de Aristóteles.Susana de Castro Amaral - 2000 - Princípios 7 (8):83-94.
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    Moral injury and the need to carry out ethically responsible research.Victoria Williamson, Dominic Murphy, Carl Castro, Eric Vermetten, Rakesh Jetly & Neil Greenberg - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):135-142.
    The need for research to advance scientific understanding must be balanced with ensuring the rights and wellbeing of participants are safeguarded, with some research topics posing more ethical quandaries for researchers than others. Moral injury is one such topic. Exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences can lead to significant distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and selfinjury. In this article, we discuss how the rapid expansion of research in the field of moral injury could threaten the wellbeing, dignity and (...)
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    Mimetic Theory and Latin America: Reception and Anticipations.João Cezar de Castro Rocha - 2014 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 21:75-120.
    The task of mapping the reception of mimetic theory in Latin America presents two challenges. On the one hand, rather than looking at just one country, this study has to take into account a mosaic of nations making up a continent, each with their own local diversities and particular complexities. Such circumstances impose specific rhythms onto the assimilation of Girardian thought, and being aware of these rhythms is vital to understanding the precise impact of mimetic theory. On the other hand, (...)
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    Walking a tightrope: A meta‐synthesis from frontline nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic.Sara Fernández-Basanta, Marta Castro-Rodríguez & María-Jesús Movilla-Fernández - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12492.
    Nursing staff plays a key role in the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, being in the front line of care. This study sought to synthesise the qualitative literature on care experiences of frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. A search was conducted on five databases in January 2021. Fifteen qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the research, being submitted to interpretive meta-synthesis according to the eMERGe guide. The final synthesis included a line of argument (...)
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  7. Index of Authors Volume 5, 2001.A. Acevedo, E. H. Y. Boo, J. Brinkmann, E. S. Callahan, B. Castro, L. Chalip, P. M. Clikeman, L. Dickie, J. Down & D. D. DuFrene - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (485).
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  8. Identidad y hacedores de verdad.Javier Castro Albano - 2007 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (1):103-115.
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    Graduating political crisis and violence in the discourse of history: The role of Spanish suffixes.Claudio Pinuer, Claudia Castro & Teresa Oteíza - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):296-323.
    This article offers an analysis of the Spanish derivative morphology potential for graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the expression of political crisis and of contested meanings of human rights violations in the discourse of recent Chilean History. This study is framed in the typological principles of Systemic Functional Linguistics and in the appraisal system, particularly in the sub-system of graduation. The analysis demonstrates on one hand the productive role of the suffixes -ada and -azo when graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the expression (...)
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  10. En torno al tomismo analítico.Sixto José Castro Rodríguez - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (140):151-160.
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  11. Rio and Le Clezio: A Quantitative Study.N. Campi De Castro - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 57:273-298.
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  12.  14
    Gildo Marçal Brandão: itinerários intelectuais.Simone de Castro Tavares Coelho (ed.) - 2010 - São Paulo: FAPESP.
    Esta é a biografia de Gildo Marçal Brandão. A obra apresenta não só seus escritos, mas também informações biográficas, imagens, entrevistas e relatos de vários momentos considerados memoráveis da participação de Gildo no debate intelectual e político. Combinando trabalho meticuloso, os organizadores do presente volume têm o mérito de fazer tudo isso, uma vez que foram reunidos textos inéditos ou esparsos de Gildo, registros fotográficos, depoimentos de sua esposa - Simone Coelho - prefácios de dois de seus mais próximos amigos (...)
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  13. Michel De Certeau: História e ficção.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2012 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 19 (31):5-27.
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    Hacia una distinta comprensión del ámbito político. Algunas consideraciones gadamerianas desde el diálogo prudente.Mario Díaz Dominguez & José Antonio Mateos Castro - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 141 (141):63-82.
    De manera inmediata y tradicional pensamos que hablar sobre política exige forzosamente ligarla a la idea de conflicto. Si bien es cierto que el carácter político marca ciertos modos de habitar el mundo, también es relevante aclarar que, a partir del concepto que tengamos de política, podremos darnos cuenta de si la idea de conflicto es inherente a esta o si la política puede ser pensada desde otro horizonte. Hans-Georg Gadamer nos ofrece una serie de reflexiones hermenéuticas en torno al (...)
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  15. A propósito de la política de admisión en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Varios modelos de otras sociedades.Rosa Isabel de Acuña & Gonzalo Adis Castro - 1976 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 39:207-218.
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    Ontological foundations for software requirements with a focus on requirements at runtime.Bruno Borlini Duarte, Andre Luiz de Castro Leal, Ricardo de Almeida Falbo, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Renata S. S. Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (2):73-105.
    The use of Requirements at Runtime (RRT) is an emerging research area. Many methods and frameworks that make use of requirements models during software execution can be found in the literature. How...
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    Examining the cognitive processes used by adolescent girls and women scientists in identifying science role models: A feminist approach.Gayle A. Buck, Vicki L. Plano Clark, Diandra Leslie‐Pelecky, Yun Lu & Particia Cerda‐Lizarraga - 2008 - Science Education 92 (4):688-707.
  18. Caracterización de Los instrumentos de evaluación Del desarrollo Del lenguaje para hablantes Del español.Liliana Isabel Neira & Francisco Castro - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    El accidente veloz:(notas sobre el vértigo contemporáneo).Fernando Castro Flórez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 47:59-67.
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    Observation of health technologies after their introduction into clinical practice: a systematic review on data collection instruments.Leonor Varela-Lema, Alberto Ruano-Ravina & Teresa Cerdá Mota - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1163-1169.
  21.  35
    ¿Una Filosofía Del Cuerpo En Kant?: Una Aproximación Estético-Antropológica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernández - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 28:169-180.
    Constituye un lugar común en la filosofía de Kant, reducir el papel del cuerpoal aporte que las intuiciones sensibles ofrecen para el conocimiento fenoménico.Otro lugar común lo constituyen las restricciones que para con éstos,se establecen dentro de la filosofía moral. Desde ambos horizontes lasfunciones tanto de la sensibilidad como de la corporalidad, se presentancomo subordinadas, bien al entendimiento teórico, bien a la razón práctica.El propósito de este artículo está destinado a señalar el rol de primer ordenque ambas facultades, poseen para (...)
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    Paulo Freire: uma arqueologia bibliográfica.Sandro de Castro Pitano, Danilo Romeu Streck & Cheron Zanini Moretti (eds.) - 2019 - Curitiba, PR: Appris Editora.
    O livro Paulo Freire: uma arqueologia bibliográfica é fruto de um denso esforço investigativo que reuniu pesquisadores(as) brasileiros(as) sobre o pensamento freireano, buscando analisar e evidenciar o conjunto de influências presentes em sua obra. Na forma de uma arqueologia, escava o conjunto de escritos de Freire desde o final dos anos de 1950, até as obras publicadas postumamente. Como resultado, elenca e analisa no formato de verbetes 501 presenças identificadas nos seus livros, incluindo autores e autoras, instituições, pessoas, lugares e (...)
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  23.  20
    Filosofia, educação a descolonização epistêmica do saber.Dannyel Teles de Castro & Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):83-112.
    Apoio: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) – Brasil – Código de Financiamento 001 Filosofia, educação a descolonização epistêmica do saber Resumo: O artigo pretende abordar as possíveis contribuições da filosofia latino-americana e das filosofias e pedagogias indígenas na descolonização epistêmica do saber. Para tanto, investiga o trabalho de libertação da filosofia proposto Enrique Dussel e Raúl Fornet-Bettancourt, bem como a noção de colonialidade do saber, pensada por diferentes teóricos da concepção decolonial. Identifica-se a necessidade de compreender (...)
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  24.  26
    Cognitive flexibility and memory in pigeons, human children, and adults.Kevin P. Darby, Leyre Castro, Edward A. Wasserman & Vladimir M. Sloutsky - 2018 - Cognition 177 (C):30-40.
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  25.  10
    Jogos de linguagem e neodocumentalismo.Sergio de Castro Martins - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):e-6935.
    O presente artigo visa estabelecer relações entre a teoria do Neodocumentalismo da Ciência da Informação e alguns aspectos expostos nos sistemas filosóficos da Filosofia de Ludwig Wittgenstein, sobretudo da sua segunda fase, tal como exposto em sua obra Investigações Filosóficas. Neste sentido, pretende-se estabelecer relações convergentes entre o conceito de jogos de linguagem e os aspectos relativos ao documento como instrumento de veiculação de informação, ordenação e prática social. Após uma introdução do tema, serão apresentados os conceitos e configurações do (...)
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    Alain Badiou y Pablo de Tarso como militante. Comentario sobre una lectura política del apóstol.Roberto Lobos Villaseca, Armando Trelles-Castro & Sol Simunic Vergara - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):351-357.
    Nuestro trabajo se propone presentar el pensamiento paulino trabajado por Alain Badiou en San Pablo: La fundación del universalismo. Intentaremos clarificar las posiciones que toma Badiou en torno a la figura del apóstol. Consideramos que, explicitando las lecturas del autor en cuestión, es posible tejer puentes para la discusión en el campo de la teología política. Entendemos la lectura de Badiou como una lectura filosófica política, que busca dialogar con una comunidad política. Pablo, en Badiou, es presentado como «un teórico (...)
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    Musings on Saint Anselm’s Dilemma.J. -Martín Castro Manzano - 2019 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 22 (43):5-12.
    In this contribution we suggest two simple contentions: i) that Saint Anselm’s ontological argument, as presented in the Proslogion, only makes sense if embedded in an ordered and bounded ontology; and ii) that an interpretation of the main premise of the argument, within such ontology, produces a dilemma that demands a new revision of the argument.
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  28. Comentarios jurídicos.José Elías Castro - 1940 - [Bogotá?:
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  29. “... E Para Definir A América, Sua Democracia Atlética”.Jürgen Habermas & Susana de Castro - 2009 - Redescrições 1 (2).
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    Diógenes laercio IX 61-116: Pirrón Y Los pirrónicos.Alfonso Correa Motta & Sánchez Castro - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):215-238.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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  31. Ontología e interpretación de la obra de arte en Joseph Margolis.Sixto José Castro Rodríguez - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (172):437-462.
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    The Open Algorithm Based on Numbers Method: An Effective Instructional Approach to Domain-Specific Precursors of Arithmetic Development.Gamal Cerda, Estíbaliz Aragón, Carlos Pérez, José I. Navarro & Manuel Aguilar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  33. Mark Rothko and Romy Castro.Paulo Alexandre E. Castro (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Thephilosophersbookcompany & Createspace.
    This book is about what Mark Rothko and Romy Castro think about painting. The bottom line placed here is: what is matter for a painter? What they want to communicate with their art? And how they do it? This book seeks to uncover some of the secrets that are in minds painters. In the backgrond, waht unites, apparently, two such different artists is the way they establish intimacy with matter, even that a concept of matter or intimacy may assume (...)
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  34. Collected papers of Barry Castro: 1968 to 2005.Barry Castro - 2006 - Grand Rapids, MI: Business Ethics Center, Grand Valley State University. Edited by Leslie Newman.
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    The Fifth Decade of Religion and Nothingness: Introduction to the Special Issue.Sova P. K. Cerda & Tobias Bartneck - 2024 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 3 (1):1-18.
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  36. Explanatory model of emotional-cognitive variables in school mathematics performance: a longitudinal study in primary school.Gamal Cerda, Carlos Pérez, José I. Navarro, Manuel Aguilar, José Antonio Casas & Estivaliz Aragon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:146673.
    This study tested a structural model of cognitive-emotional explanatory variables to explain performance in mathematics. The predictor variables assessed were related to students’ level of development of early mathematical competencies (EMCs), specifically, relational and numerical competencies, predisposition toward mathematics, and the level of logical intelligence in a population of primary school Chilean students (n = 634). This longitudinal study also included the academic performance of the students during a period of four years as a variable. The sampled students were initially (...)
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  37.  19
    Nishitani Keiji’s “Prajña and Reason” [Excerpt].Sova P. K. Cerda - 2024 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 3 (1):93-114.
    The following presents an excerpt from Nishitani Keiji’s “Prajña and Reason” (1979), which can be considered Nishitani’s last attempt to make his case for the importance of the “standpoint of śūnyatā (‘emptiness’)” in confrontation with the history of Western philosophy. The translator’s preface situates “Prajña and Reason” (1) in Nishitani’s oeuvre and (2) in the context of his broader reception of Western thought, before (3) outlining the place of the excerpt within the full study. The translation here excerpts section six (...)
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    Feuerbach y Kant: dos actitudes antropológicas.Manuel Cabada Castro - 1980 - Madrid: La Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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    Utopía Y ficción en la narrativa temprana de Adolfo bioy casares.Kristov D. Cerda Neira - 2005 - Alpha (Osorno) 21.
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    ¿Se puede ser imparcial moralmente en la toma de decisiones de la crisis medioambiental?Amanda Ramírez-Cerda - 2024 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 18:49-63.
    Este artículo busca cuestionar dos criterios presentes tradicionalmente en la teoría de la justicia y la toma de decisiones en la crisis medioambiental: 1) La posibilidad de la imparcialidad moral y 2) La dicotomía ser humano/naturaleza. Se sostiene que el principio de parcialidad moral y la interdependencia con el medioambiente permitirán un desarrollo de políticas favorables a la naturaleza. Se argumenta que el cambio climático permite reconsiderar nuestras relaciones con la naturaleza y que la ética del cuidado ambiental, conocida como (...)
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  41. Shaping your own mind: the self-mindshaping view on metacognition.Víctor Fernández-Castro & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):139-167.
    Starting from Proust’s distinction between the self-attributive and self-evaluative views on metacognition, this paper presents a third view: self-mindshaping. Based on the notion of mindshaping as the core of social cognition, the self-mindshaping view contends that mindshaping abilities can be turned on one’s own mind. Against the self-attributive view, metacognition is not a matter of accessing representations to metarepresent them but of giving shape to those representations themselves. Against the self-evaluative view, metacognition is not blind to content but relies heavily (...)
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    Castro Orellana, R. (2023): Dispositivos neoliberales y resistencias. Herder: Barcelona.Álvaro Castro Sánchez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):317-320.
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    Obras de Luis Castro Leiva: Para Pensar a Bolívar.Luis Castro Leiva - 2005 - Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Edited by Carole Leal Curiel.
    v. 1. Para pensar a Bolívar -- v. 2. Lenguajes republicanos.
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    Does Social Performance Really Lead to Financial Performance? Accounting for Endogeneity.Roberto Garcia-Castro, Miguel A. Ariño & Miguel A. Canela - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):107-126.
    The empirical relationship between a firm’s social performance and its financial performance is still not well established in the literature. Despite more than 30 years of research and more than 100 empirical studies on the issue, the results are still mixed. We argue that the heterogeneous results found in previous studies are not due exclusively to problems related with the measurement instruments or the samples used. Instead, we posit that a more fundamental problem related with the endogeneity of social strategic (...)
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  45.  23
    Where Did the Unconscious Go?Alejandro Cerda-Rueda - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (3):7-31.
    It has been suggested that due to AI-technology-generated gadgets, a digital unconscious enables the probable annulment of the Freudian unconscious. The purpose of this article is to delve into Freudian topography as a way to demonstrate that this foreclosure of the unconscious was somewhat present in Freud as of 1920. In addition, regardless of solid attempts at the extinction of the unconscious by contemporary demands, I will focus on how the capitalist discourse and AI-generated technology propose a different form of (...)
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    Una poética desde la marginalidad Y el fracaso: El escupitajo en la escudilla de Enrique lihn.Kristov Cerda Neira - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 23.
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    Filosofía andante.David Cerdá - 2023 - [Madrid]: Ediciones Monóculo.
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    (1 other version)Introducción a la medición axiomática en las ciencias comportamentales. I. estructuras de ordenación.Constancio de Castro - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):401-426.
    There is a frequent attitude of scholars against the quantification of Social Sciences. Our purpose here consists of describing the central topic of quantification, namely the measure ment topic by the axiomatic method. We emphasize the significance of measurement axioms for building the laws of experimental knowledge. The first step which seems unavoidable for every measuring process, thus the order structure, is presented as the initial topic which must be followed up by the more sophisticated topics in the future. The (...)
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    Clathrin‐mediated endocytosis: What works for small, also works for big.Javier Pizarro-Cerdá, Matteo Bonazzi & Pascale Cossart - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (6):496-504.
    Clathrin and the endocytosis machinery has recently been described as being required in mammalian cells for the internalization of large particles including pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and large viruses. These apparently unexpected observations, within the framework of the classical mechanisms for the formation of clathrin‐coated vesicles, are now considered as examples of a new non‐classical function of clathrin, which can promote the internalization of membrane domains associated to planar clathrin lattices. The role of actin downstream of clathrin seems to be critical (...)
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  50. Commodification and exploitation: arguments in favour of compensated organ donation.L. D. de Castro - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):142-146.
    This paper takes the view that compensated donation and altruism are not incompatible. In particular, it holds that the arguments against giving compensation stand on weak rational grounds: the charge that compensation fosters “commodification” has neither been specific enough to account for different types of monetary transactions nor sufficiently grounded in reality to be rationally convincing; although altruism is commendable, organ donors should not be compelled to act purely on the basis of altruistic motivations, especially if there are good reasons (...)
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