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Katelis Viglas [21]Katelis S. Viglas [1]
  1. A Historical Outline of Byzantine Philosophy.Katelis Viglas - 2006 - Res Cogitans 3 (1):73-105.
    We are going to present a panorama of Byzantine Philosophy. As starting point should be considered the Patristic Thought, which preceded the Byzantine Philosophy and was established in the first centuries A.D. into the Greek-Roman world. It was based on the Old and New Testament, the apostolic teachings, as well as on Judaism and Greek Philosophy. Also, the Ancient Oriental Religions – especially those of the Greek-Roman period, i.e. the Gnosticism- exerted an influence on it. The Patristic Thought and the (...)
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  2. The Placement of Lucian’s Novel True History in the Genre of Science Fiction.Katelis Viglas - 2016 - Interlitteraria 21 (1).
    Among the works of the ancient Greek satirist Lucian of Samosata, well-known for his scathing and obscene irony, there is the novel True History. In this work Lucian, being in an intense satirical mood, intended to undermine the values of the classical world. Through a continuous parade of wonderful events, beings and situations as a substitute for the realistic approach to reality, he parodies the scientific knowledge, creating a literary model for the subsequent writers. Without doubt, nowadays, Lucian’s large influence (...)
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  3. Chaldean and Neo-Platonic Theology.Katelis Viglas - 2016 - Philosophia E-Journal of Philosophy and Culture 14:171-189.
    In the present paper, the meanings the term “Chaldeans” acquired during the Antiquity and the early Middle Ages are presented, but mainly the role the Chaldean Oracles played inside the movement of Neo-Platonism is emphasized. The stratification of Being according to the theology of the Chaldean Oracles, suggests a reformation of the ancient Chaldean dogmas by the Neo-Platonists. The kernel of this paper is the demonstration of the similarity between the name “En” that the ancient Babylonians used as the first (...)
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  4. A Historical Outline of Byzantine Philosophy and Its Basic Subjects.Katelis Viglas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):121-144.
    The article seeks to present an overview of the history of Byzantine philosophy. It takes its point of departure in the most important factors that influenced and shaped the Patristic thought. Subsequently, the paper considers the relative autonomy of Byzantine philosophy and offers a brief profile of major philosophers that contributed to the stream in the period from 9th to 15th century. From the numerous subjects that were taken into account by the most prominent Byzantine philosophers, the article discusses such (...)
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  5. Mysticism and Rational Spirituality - When Theology meets Philosophy in Byzantium.Katelis Viglas - 2005 - European Journal of Science and Theology 1 (3):5-9.
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    Ii. abteilung.Patrick Andrist, Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, Jelena Bogdanović, Rudolf Stefec, Sergei Mariev, Katelis Viglas, Charles C. Yost & Michael Altripp - 2014 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 107 (1):253-292.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 253-292.
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    Τα Σημειωματάρια του Λεονάρντο Ντα Βίντσι. Από το Νεοπλατωνισμό στη Φυσιοκρατία.Katelis Viglas - 2013 - Philotheos 13:176-188.
    Leonardo Da Vinci’s Notebooks. From Neo-Platonism to Physicalism. The epistemological thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci does not continue the tradition of Neo-Platonic thought, but surpasses it in order to abandon it. Generally, it comes to a rupture with the authorities of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. But, on close reading of the Notebooks of Da Vinci, some structural and morphological parallels with the Neo-Platonic principles and ideas become apparent, which the Renaissance man converted to laws of nature. The presence of (...)
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  8. Jeremias II Tranos, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch (1536-1595).Katelis Viglas - 2017 - The Anchialites Association of Athens.
    Katelis Viglas’ book: Jeremiah II Tranos. Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch (1536-1595) is a historical-theological description and analysis of the most important data and facts concerning the life and works of Jeremiah II Tranos, Patriarch of Constantinople in the 16th century. The book consists of a Prologue, which refers to the aim of the treatise and the method followed. In the Introduction there is a general outline of the era of Jeremiah II and its origins, as well (...)
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    (1 other version)L’expérience de l’instant métaphysique.Katelis Viglas - 2006 - Philotheos 6:131-143.
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  10. (1 other version)Principles and Characteristics of George Gemistos Plethon’s Philosophy.Katelis Viglas - 2009 - PHILOTHEOS, International Journal for Philosophy and Theology 9:183-190.
    George Gemistos Plethon was a Byzantine Philosopher, who lived during the 14th and 15th centuries before the fall of the Byzantine Empire. In his writings we can find the feeling of an intense Greek identity. Also, he can be considered as a genuine neoplatonist, who played a decisive role in the controversy between Platonists and Aristotelians in his era. He took part in the Council of Florence and the Council of Ferrara (1438-1439), where he gave a course of lectures on (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Consideration of the World as an Ensouled Living Being (Plotinus).Katelis Viglas - 2004 - PHILOTHEOS (International Journal for Philosophy and Theology) 4:237-248.
  12. The Concept of Unbounded and Evil Matter in Plotinus and John Damascenus.Katelis Viglas - 2005 - Theandros. An Online Journal of Orthodox Christian Theology and Philosophy 2 (3):5.
  13. The Pair Movement-Rest in Plotinus and Maximus the Confessor.Katelis Viglas - 2005 - Theandros. An Online Journal of Orthodox Christian Theology and Philosophy 3 (2):6.
  14. Byzantine Philosophy B'. [REVIEW]Katelis S. Viglas - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):353-354.
    Linos G. Benakis, Byzantine Philosophy Β’, Athens 2013, pp. 544.
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  15. (1 other version)Edward Moore's Origen of Alexandria and St. Maximus the Confessor: An Analysis and Critical Evaluation of Their Eschatological Doctrines. [REVIEW]Katelis Viglas - 2007 - Philotheos. International Journal for Philosophy and Theology 7:496-497.