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Katherin A. Rogers [42]Katherin Anne Rogers [1]
  1.  30
    Freedom and Self Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Katherin A. Rogers presents a new theory of free will, based on the thought of Anselm of Canterbury. We did not originally produce ourselves. Yet, according to Anselm, we can engage in self-creation, freely and responsibly forming our characters by choosing 'from ourselves' between open options. Anselm introduces a new, agent-causal libertarianism which is parsimonious in that, unlike other agent-causal theories, it does not appeal to any unique and mysterious powers to explain how the free agent chooses. After setting out (...)
  2.  76
    An Anselmian Approach to Divine Simplicity.Katherin A. Rogers - 2020 - Faith and Philosophy 37 (3):308-322.
    The doctrine of divine simplicity (DDS) is an important aspect of the classical theism of philosophers like Augustine, Anselm, and Thomas Aquinas. Recently the doctrine has been defended in a Thomist mode using the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction. I argue that this approach entails problems which can be avoided by taking Anselm’s more Neoplatonic line. This does involve accepting some controversial claims: for example, that time is isotemporal and that God inevitably does the best. The most difficult problem involves trying to reconcile (...)
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  3. Classical theism and the multiverse.Katherin A. Rogers - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):23-39.
    Some analytic philosophers of religion argue that theists should embrace the hypothesis of the multiverse to address the problem of evil and make the concept of a “best possible creation” plausible. I discuss what classical theists, such as Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas, might make of the multiverse hypothesis including issues such as: the principle of plenitude, what a classical theist multiverse could look like, and how a classical theist multiverse could deal with the problem of evil and the question of (...)
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  4. Anselmian Eternalism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):3-27.
    Anselm holds that God is timeless, time is tenseless, and humans have libertarian freedom. This combination of commitments is largely undefended incontemporary philosophy of religion. Here I explain Anselmian eternalism with its entailment of tenseless time, offer reasons for accepting it, and defend it against criticisms from William Hasker and other Open Theists. I argue that the tenseless view is coherent, that God’s eternal omniscience is consistent with libertarian freedom, that being eternal greatly enhances divine sovereignty, and that the Anselmian (...)
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  5. The necessity of the present and Anselm's eternalist response to the problem of theological fatalism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (1):25-47.
    It is often argued that the eternalist solution to the freedom/foreknowledge dilemma fails. If God's knowledge of your choices is eternally fixed, your choices are necessary and cannot be free. Anselm of Canterbury proposes an eternalist view which entails that all of time is equally real and truly present to God. God's knowledge of your choices entails only a ‘consequent’ necessity which does not conflict with libertarian freedom. I argue this by showing that if consequent necessity does conflict with libertarian (...)
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  6.  90
    Evidence for God from Certainty.Katherin A. Rogers - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (1):31-46.
    Human beings can have “strongly certain” beliefs—indubitable, veridical beliefs with a unique phenomenology—about necessarily true propositions like 2+2=4. On the plausible assumption that mathematical entities are platonic abstracta, naturalist theories fail to provide an adequate causal explanation for such beliefs because they cannot show how the propositional content of the causally inert abstracta can figure in a chain of physical causes. Theories which explain such beliefs as “corresponding” to the abstracta, but without any causal relationship, entail impossibilities. God, or a (...)
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  7.  69
    The Incarnation As Action Composite.Katherin A. Rogers - 2013 - Faith and Philosophy 30 (3):251-270.
    The Council of Chalcedon insisted that God Incarnate is one person with two natures, one divine and one human. Recently critics have rightly argued that God Incarnate cannot be a composite person. In the present paper I defend a new composite theory using the analogy of a boy playing a video game. The analogy suggests that the Incarnation is God doing something. The Incarnation is what I label an “action composite” and is a state of affairs, constituted by one divine (...)
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  8. The Divine Controller Argument for Incompatibilism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (3):275-294.
    Incompatibilists hold that, in order for you to be responsible, your choices must come from yourself; thus, determinism is incompatible with responsibility. One way of defending this claim is the Controller Argument: You are not responsible if your choices are caused by a controller, and natural determinism is relevantly similar to such control, therefore... Q.E.D. Compatibilists dispute both of these premises, insisting upon a relevant dissimilarity, or allowing, in a tollens move, that since we can be determined and responsible, we (...)
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  9.  38
    The Neoplatonic Metaphysics and Epistemology of Anselm of Canterbury.Katherin A. Rogers - 1997
    This work argues that Anselm was a Christian neoplatonist of the Augustinian variety, and that thus he was the inheritor of a powerful and systematic metaphysics and epistemology. The view that the world is an image of the divine mind and its ideas, a fragmented and temporal copy of of the perfect, eternal unity which is God, led Anselm to a strong exemplarism on the doctrine of the universals, and ultimately to a theistic idealism. This discussion concludes with a neoplatonic (...)
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  10.  56
    The Abolition of Sin.Katherin A. Rogers - 2002 - Faith and Philosophy 19 (1):69-84.
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  11. St. Augustine on Time and Eternity.Katherin A. Rogers - 1996 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 70 (2):207-223.
  12.  15
    The Anselmian Approach to God and Creation.Katherin A. Rogers - 1997 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    In this series of essays, the author sets out the traditional, Anselmian views on certain questions in the philosophy of religion, and aims to defend these views in the contemporary idiom.
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  13.  69
    Anselm on the Ontological Status of Choice.Katherin A. Rogers - 2012 - International Philosophical Quarterly 52 (2):183-197.
    If God is the cause of everything that has any sort of existence at all, where is there room in the universe for rational creatures to have freedom of will? Isn’t a choice made by a created agent a sort of thing, and hence made by God? But if God causes our choices, how are we responsible such that we can be appropriately praised and blamed? Call this the dilemma of created freedom and divine omnipotence. Anselm solves the dilemma by (...)
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  14.  63
    Eternity has no Duration: Katherin A. Rogers.Katherin A. Rogers - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (1):1-16.
    In 1981 Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann published a landmark article aimed at exploring the classical concept of divine eternity. 1 Taking Boethius as the primary spokesman for the traditional view, they analyse God's eternity as timeless yet as possessing duration. More recently Brian Leftow has seconded Stump and Kretzmann's interpretation of the medieval position and attempted to defend the notion of a durational eternity as a useful way of expressing the sort of life God leads. 2 However, there are (...)
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  15.  46
    Personhood, potentiality, and the temporarily comatose patient.Katherin A. Rogers - 1992 - Public Affairs Quarterly 6 (2):245-254.
  16. Incarnation.Katherin A. Rogers - 2010 - In Charles Taliaferro & Chad V. Meister (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Christian philosophical theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  17. Omniscience, Eternity, and Freedom.Katherin A. Rogers - 1996 - International Philosophical Quarterly 36 (4):399-412.
  18.  84
    Eternity Has No Duration.Katherin A. Rogers - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (1):1 - 16.
  19. God is Not the Author of Sin.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (3):300-310.
    Following Anselm of Canterbury I argue against Hugh McCann’s claim that a traditional, classical theist understanding of God’s relationship to creation entails that God is the cause of our choices, including our choice to sin. I explain Anselm’s thesis that God causes all that has ontological status, yet does not cause sin. Then I show that McCann’s God, if not a sinner, must nonetheless be an unloving deceiver, McCann’s theodicy fails on its own terms, his proposed requirements for moral authenticity (...)
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  20.  89
    What’s Wrong with Occasionalism?Katherin A. Rogers - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3):345-369.
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  21.  84
    Hume on Necessary Causal Connections.Katherin A. Rogers - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (258):517 - 521.
    According to David Hume our idea of a necessary connection between what we call cause and effect is produced when repeated observation of the conjunction of two events determines the mind to consider one upon the appearance of the other. No matter how we interpret Hume's theory of causation this explanation of the genesis of the idea of necessity is fraught with difficulty. I hope to show, looking at the three major interpretations of Hume's causal theory, that his account is (...)
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  22.  59
    Does God Cause Sin?Katherin A. Rogers - 2003 - Faith and Philosophy 20 (3):371-378.
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  23.  41
    The medieval approach to aardvarks, escalators, and God.Katherin A. Rogers - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1):63-68.
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  24. Augustine's compatibilism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2004 - Religious Studies 40 (4):415-435.
    In analysing Augustine's views on freedom it is standard to draw two distinctions; one between an earlier emphasis on human freedom and a later insistence that God alone governs human destiny, and another between pre-lapsarian and post-lapsarian freedom. These distinctions are real and important, but underlying them is a more fundamental consistency. Augustine is a compatibilist from his earliest work on freedom through his final anti-Pelagian writings, and the freedom possessed by the un-fallen and the fallen will is a compatibilist (...)
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  25.  65
    A Clone by any Other Name.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):247-255.
    The possibility of cloning human beings raises the difficult question: Which human lives have value and deserve legal protection? Current cloning legislation tries to hide the problem by illegitimately renaming the entities and processes in question. The Delaware cloning bill, (SB55 2003/2004) for example, permits and protects the creation of human embryos by cloning, as long as they will be destroyed for research and therapeutic purposes, but it adopts terminology which renders its import unclear. I show that, in the case (...)
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  26.  22
    A Defense of Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo Argument.Katherin A. Rogers - 2000 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 74:187-200.
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  27.  30
    A Medieval Approach to Keith Ward’s Christ and the Cosmos.Katherin A. Rogers - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (2):323-332.
    In Christ and the Cosmos Keith Ward hopes to “reformulate” the conciliar statements of the Trinity and Incarnation since they cannot serve our post-Enlightenment, scientific age. I dispute Ward’s motivation, noting that the differences in perspective to which he points may not be as radical as he supposes. And his “reformulation” has worrisome consequences. I am especially concerned at his point that Jesus, while very special and perfectly good, is only human. This undermines free will theodicy, and, much more troubling, (...)
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  28.  55
    Anselm's Perfect God.Katherin A. Rogers - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher (eds.), Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 133--140.
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  29.  24
    Christ Our Brother.Katherin A. Rogers - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (2):223-236.
    If Christ, a single member of the human race, can pay the debt of sin for all of us, then there must be some principle uniting all humanity. Some scholarssuggest that, in Anselm’s theory of the atonement, the unity in question is similar to that of a corporation or that it derives from our shared participation in humannature. Neither of these proposals can be supported from Anselm’s text. Rather, there is considerable evidence that Anselm held that all the “children of (...)
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  30.  94
    Freedom, Science and Religion.Katherin A. Rogers - 2012 - In Yujin Nagasawa (ed.), Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 237.
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  31.  38
    (2 other versions)Freedom, Will, and Nature.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:279-290.
  32. God, time, and freedom.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - In Paul Copan & Chad Meister (eds.), Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  33. Pt. 2. God in relation to creation. Incarnation.Katherin A. Rogers - 2010 - In Charles Taliaferro & Chad V. Meister (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Christian philosophical theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  34.  82
    Retribution, Forgiveness, and the Character Creation Theory of Punishment.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Social Theory and Practice 33 (1):75-103.
  35.  45
    The Experimental Approach to Free Will: Freedom in the Laboratory.Katherin A. Rogers - 2022 - Routledge.
    Rogers canvases the literature critical of recent experiments, adding new criticisms of her own. She argues these experiments should not undermine belief in human freedom and lists ethical and practical problems facing the attempt to study free will experimentally.
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  36.  20
    Anselm Against McCann On God and Sin. [REVIEW]Katherin A. Rogers - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (4):397-415.
    Hugh McCann argues that God wills human sin, that humans are nonetheless significantly free, and that his position provides a satisfying theodicy of sin. I defend an Anselmian view: Although God causes the existence of all that exists, He does not produce sin. Human beings are the ultimate sources of their sinning, which sinning should not happen. McCann rejoins that my position is incoherent and that my criticisms are not well taken. I respond, clarifying Anselm’s understanding of human freedom, revisiting (...)
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  37.  16
    (1 other version)A Most Unlikely God. [REVIEW]Katherin A. Rogers - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (3):353-367.
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  38.  42
    (1 other version)David O'Connor God and inscrutable evil: In defence of theism and atheism. (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998). Pp. XIII+273. £53 hbk, £19.95 pbk. [REVIEW]Katherin A. Rogers - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (2):229-240.
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