Results for 'Lensa Hati'

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  1. Biodata Penulis.Sinar Hidayah, Kembara Hidup, Tips Belajar, Tips Perniagaan, Ibu Bapa, Gaya Hidup, Puisi Kreatif, Timeline Cover & Lensa Hati - unknown - Dilema 15:13.
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    Abdülhak el-i̇slâmî'ni̇n (XIV.-XV. Yy) el- husâmu'l-memdûd adli yahudi̇li̇ğe reddi̇yesi̇ni̇n değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇.Hati̇ce Dağhan - 2017 - Dini Araştırmalar 20 (51):1-1.
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    E-textbook piracy behavior.Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, Rahma Fitriasih & Anya Safira - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):105-123.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence the intention of students to pirate academic e-books by integrating three main theories: ethics theory, deterrence theory, and the theory of planned behavior. The study also examines the moderating role of past piracy behavior on the relationship between the factors in the previously mentioned theories and students’ piracy intention. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected using a convenience sample of 662 university students. Based on their past behaviors, the (...)
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    Shining Pearl On The Threshold And Divine Secret Whispering Ney Or Mysticism In Pinhan And Suskunlar.Sibel Hati̇poğlu - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1224-1253.
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    Türk Müziği Keman Öğretimine Yönelik Yeni Kaynak Hazırlamada "Beylik Aranağmeler.Vasfi Hati̇poğlu - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):417-417.
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    The Risks of Interrogation with the Help of an Interpreter in the Criminal Procedure.Csilla Hati - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):125-139.
    During the criminal procedure, the process of verification includes the reconstruction of past events for the sake of establishing the statement of facts. When it comes to exploring the events in the past, great significance can be attributed to personal evidence. In order to prevent the influencing of the interrogated person, many provisions of guarantee had been established in the criminal procedure. In such an interrogatory situation, the most difficult practical problem is how to word the question so that the (...)
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    Yusuf El- Karad'vî’nin Fıkhü’z-Zek't Eseri Bağlamında “Fî Sebîlill'h” Kavramı.Abdurrahman Candan & Hati̇ce Erkoç - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):278-301.
    Yusuf el-Karadâvî’nin alanında en kapsamlı çalışma olan Fıkhü’z-Zekât isimli eseri bağlamında “fî sebîlillâh” kavramının ne anlama geldiğini ele aldık. Dünya Müslümanlarından büyük kitlelerin takip ettiği Karadâvî, verdiği fetvalarda günümüz şartlarını göz önünde bulundurmuştur. Konuları ele alırken kendi tercih ettiği görüşünü söylemekten çekinmemiştir. “Fî sebîlillâh” kavramını bütün mezhepler cihad ve Allah yolunda cihad eden gaziler olarak anlamıştır. Böyle anlaşılması İslam’ın yayılış dönemindeki sosyopolitik şartlarla yakından ilgilidir. Karadâvî “fî sebîlillâh” kavramının cihad anlamına geldiğini kabul etmiştir. Cihadın anlaşılmasının kuvvetli delillerinin olduğunu belirtmiştir. Ancak (...)
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    Dari hati ke hati. Hamka - 2016 - Jakarta: Gema Insani.
    On Islam and its relation to sociocultural and political condition in Indonesia; collected articles.
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    Br̥hatī. Prabhākaramiśra - 1934 - Madras: Edited by Śabarasvāmī$T. Mīmāṃsābhāṣya Tarkapada, $D. Active 780-825$T. R̥juvimalā Śālikanāthamiśra, $D. Active 780-825 Śālikanāthamiśra, S. K. Ramanatha Sastri & Es Subrahmaṇyaśāstri.
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  10. Hati nurani pada alam pikiran Jawa dan pada alam pikiran Barat.S. Reksosusilo - 1983 - In Franz Magnis-Suseno & S. Reksosusilo (eds.), Etika Jawa dalam tantangan: sebuah bunga rampai. Yayasan Kanisius.
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    Ebû hâti̇m er-râzî’ye göre kur’ân’in hz. muhammed’i̇n peygamberli̇ği̇ne delâleti̇.Süleyman Akkuş & Zülkif Özer - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32):79-79.
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    İmam hati̇p li̇sesi̇ öğrenci̇leri̇nde okul ai̇di̇yet duygusu.Nevzat Gencer - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:149-172.
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    Pikir itu pelita hati: ilmu berpikir mengubah dunia: dari marxisme sampai teori Deng Xiaoping.S. Suroso - 2015 - Bandung: Ultimus.
    Straightening out misconception about Marxist philosophy in Indonesia.
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    Türk makam müzi̇ği̇ ekseni̇nde hati̇p zâki̇rî Hasan efendi̇’ni̇n i̇ki̇ i̇lâhîsi̇ üzeri̇ne makamsal ve bi̇çi̇msel bi̇r i̇nceleme.Emre Akgün - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):162-174.
    Türk makam müziği, kökeni Orta Asya’ya dayanan, Çin, Hint, Fars ve Ortadoğu kültürüyle yoğurulmuş, çok kültürlü yapısıyla oldukça zenginleşmiş bir müziktir. İslâmiyetin kabulüyle Orta çağ İslâm dünyasının en önemli kuramcılarından olan Kındî, Farâbî ve İbn-î Sînâ yapmış oldukları çalışmalarla Türk makam müziğinin gelişimine büyük katkı sağlamışlardır. Türk mûsikîsi en büyük gelişimini Osmanlı devleti zamanında göstermiştir. Padişahların birçoğunun mevlevî tarikatına mensup olması bu bağlamda mûsikî ve edebiyata hâkim olmaları gelişimi sağlayan en önemli etkenlerdendir. Türk makam müziğinin gelişiminde Doğu coğrafyası ile olan (...)
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    χάρις: Ketika Pemberian Ditanggapi dengan Rasa Syukur (Membaca Kisah Paulus dan Lidia dalam Kis. 16:13-15 melalui Lensa Gift of Exchange Repertoire). [REVIEW]Klementius Anselmus Loba & Aryanto Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):1-32.
    This article analyzes the encounter story of Paul and Lydia (Acts 16:13-15) as a concrete example of the practice of reciprocal gift exchange. The exchange of “gifts” between the two took place when Paul preached the Christian faith and baptized Lydia, and she reciprocated by giving Paul a ride. This study employs a social science approach by taking a repertoire of gift exchanges from the ancient Greco-Roman world to be applied to this story, and biblical studies for interpretation. From the (...)
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    Epistemic Injustice and Digital Disinformation: Addressing Knowledge Inequities in the Digital Age.Sugeng Sugeng, Annisa Fitria & Selam Bastomi - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):134-168.
    This research scrutinizes the repercussions of digital disinformation on knowledge disparities and delves into strategies aimed at fostering epistemic justice. The examination of the findings will involve a comprehensive exploration of various ethical frameworks and theories. This analytical approach seeks to identify the underlying ethical issues that may be inherent in the results. Ethical frameworks provide a structured lens through which we can evaluate the implications of the findings on different stakeholders, ensuring a thorough understanding of potential ethical dilemmas. For (...)
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    A Computational Approach to Identifying Cultural Keywords Across Languages.Zheng Wei Lim, Harry Stuart, Simon De Deyne, Terry Regier, Ekaterina Vylomova, Trevor Cohn & Charles Kemp - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (1):e13402.
    Distinctive aspects of a culture are often reflected in the meaning and usage of words in the language spoken by bearers of that culture. Keywords such as душа (soul) in Russian, hati (heart) in Indonesian and Malay, and gezellig (convivial/cosy/fun) in Dutch are held to be especially culturally revealing, and scholars have identified a number of such keywords using careful linguistic analyses (Peeters, 2020b; Wierzbicka, 1990). Because keywords are expected to have different statistical properties than related words in other (...)
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    Bukti penyertaan tuhan melalui perjalanan bangsa Israel menyeberangi laut teberau berdasarkan keluaran 13:17 – 14:1-31.Janes Sinaga, Raden Deddy Kurniawan & Juita Lusiana Sinambela - forthcoming - Logos:143-152.
    Bukti penyertaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel sungguh nyata. Tuhan bukan saja memperkenalkan diri-Nya sebagai Tuhan, Allah pembebas, namun juga Tuhan, Allah yang menyertai kehidupan mereka. Sementara itu bagi Firaun, seharusnya peristiwa ini adalah pelajaran penting dalam sejarah kehidupannya dan bangsanya. Bahwa berperkara dengan Tuhan, Allah Israel adalah sebuah kesia-siaan. Baik bangsa Israel dan Firaun sama-sama diajarkan akan sifat dan karakter Tuhan, Allah yang adil dan penuh kasih. Ini pula yang seharusnya menjadi pelajaran bagi umat-umat Tuhan sepanjang zaman. Bahwa penting (...)
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    Charles Taylor, A Secular Age, Cambridge, Mass./London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007, 874 hlm.Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (1):125-130.
    Charles Taylor—yang lahir pada 1931 di Kanada—adalah salah seorang filosof kontemporer berbahasa Inggris paling terkenal. Ia menjadi guru besar di Montreal dan mengajar juga di Oxford. Hampir 20 tahun sesudah dua jilid bukunya, Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity (1989), memperoleh perhatian besar, Taylor menerbitkan buku A Secular Age, sebuah karya lebih raksasa lagi, yang oleh Robert N. Bellah disebut “salah satu buku terpenting semasa hidup saya.” Buku ini menceritakan sejarah sekularisasi di Barat dan dengan demikian juga (...)
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    Dekalog dan Perjanjian yang Baru.Surip Stanislaus - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (2):238-271.
    The Decalogue is the ten commandments which are a covenant between God and His people. Written on two tablets of stone, this Decalogue is apodictive (unconditional command and prohibition). It expresses the love between God and His people and between members of the people. This article shows that in the Pentateuch there are two versions of the Decalogue (Ex. 20:1-17 and Deut. 5:6-21) with some differences between them. Deuteronomy 5:6-21 contains additions to Exodus 20:1-17. Ex. 20:1-17 was spoken by God (...)
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    Leonhard Swidler, Jesus was a Feminist What the Gospels Reveal about His Revolusionary Perspective, Lanham etc.: Sheed & Ward, 2007, 276 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):98-101.
    Leonhard Swidler, guru besar teologi Katolik di Universitas Temple di Philadephia dan pendiri Institute for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, termasuk teolog Katolik Amerika Serikat sangat terkenal. Delapan tahun lalu ia menerbitkan buku yang pantas diperhatikan. Judulnya saja mengagetkan: Jesus was a Feminist. Namun kita tidak perlu berprasangka. Buku ini bukan salah satu dari pelbagai tulisan ideologis. Yang dimaksud Swidler dengan feminis Yesus seorang feminis sangat radikal (h. 33) adalah bahwa Yesus vigorously promoted the dignity and equality of women in the (...)
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    Izzeldin Abuelaish, I Shall Not Hate: Kisah Seorang Dokter Palestina Memperjuangkan Perdamaian Tanpa Dendam dan Kebencian, Bandung: Qanita/Mizan, 2011, 370 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):128-130.
    Tragedi perang Palestina–Israel tampak sebagai jalan penderitaan dan kekejian yang tanpa ujung dan tanpa solusi. Di tengah kesuraman seperti itu kisah kehidupan yang diceritakan oleh dokter Abuelaish mengharukan dan membawa harapan. Lahir dalam kamp pengungsi Jabalia di Jalur Gaza pada 1955, tujuh tahun setelah perang 1948 melahirkan negara Israel di tengah tanah Palestina, Abuelaish mengalami kemelaratan sangat ekstrem bersama ayahnya yang kehilangan tanahnya dan ibunya yang berwatak kuat tetapi juga keras serta delapan saudaranya. Sebelas orang ini hidup bertahun-tahun dalam ruang (...)
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    Peter Walker, In the Steps of Jesus: Menapak Jejak Mesias, diterjemahkan oleh V. Indra Sanjaya, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2010, 215 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):296-298.
    Dalam Alkitab Kristen tersimpan empat kisah Injil yang dengan cara- nya masing-masing menceritakan hidup dan karya Yesus dari Nazaret. Riwayat-riwayat itu dapat sangat bermakna bagi pembaca yang satu, tetapi juga sulit dipahami oleh pembaca yang lain. Hal ini disebabkan, antara lain, karena manusia masa kini kurang akrab dengan latar belakang, zaman dan tempat kisah Injil tersebut ditulis. Bagaimana mengatasi kesulitan itu? Peter Walker, seorang dosen Alkitab di Universitas Oxford, yang pernah meneliti situs-situs di Tanah Suci, dan berpengalaman sebagai pemandu rombongan (...)
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    R.S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible in Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013, 303 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):91-95.
    Sugirtharajah, seorang pakar biblika kelahiran Sri Lanka, yang mengajar di Universitas Birmingham, U.K., dan dikenal sebagai godfather penelitian pascakolonial dalam bidang Alkitab, menambahkan suatu karya inovatif lagi pada daftar tulisan-tulisannya yang sudah sangat mengesankan. Perhatiannya untuk suara penafsiran pinggiran sudah diketahui dari karyanya yang paling terkenal, Voices from the Margin (1991). Meskipun Alkitab berasal dari Asia, namun kebanyakan peneliti-an tentang Alkitab dan juga tentang pengaruhnya sepanjang sejarah, terfokus pada Eropa dan Amerika, dengan meminggirkan Asia. Itu mendorong S untuk mengadakan penelitian (...)
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