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  1.  20
    Vivisection, Medicine, and Bioethics: A Case Study from Ancient Rome.Leonardo Costantini & Antonio Stramaglia - 2022 - Intertexts 26 (1-2):16-30.
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    An Emendation to Apuleius, Apologia 47.1.Leonardo Costantini - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (1):347-350.
    The most authoritative testimony for the text of Apuleius’ defence-speech known asApologiaorPro Se De Magiais a Cassinese MS indicated with thesiglumF (Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 68.2), written under the abbotship of Desiderius (1058–1087) in a mature Beneventan script, which also preserves the text of theMetamorphosesand theFlorida. The text that F preserves is unsurprisingly not flawless, and in this note I argue for the presence of a corruption affectingautinApol. 47.1. For the sake of clarity, I provide the passage fromApol. 46.6 (...)
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  3.  17
    Dynamics of Laughter: The Costumes of Menippus and Mithrobarzanes in Lucian’s Necyomantia.Leonardo Costantini - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (1):101-122.
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    Pseudo-Apuleius’ De Fato.Leonardo Costantini - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):461-462.
    The note presents the discovery of a spurious Apuleian work entitledDe fatofrom MS n° 1040 at the Bibliothèque patrimoniale Villon in Rouen. This work is, in fact, a series of excerpts from Firmicus Maternus, MathesisBook 1.
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  5.  14
    APULEIUS, METAMORPHOSES 1–3 - (L.) Graverini, (L.) Nicolini (ed., trans.) Apuleio: Metamorfosi. Volume I (Libri I–III). Pp. cxxx + 389. Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Mondadori, 2019. Cased, €50. ISBN: 978-88-04-71132-2. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):408-409.
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  6.  26
    Apuleius’ polymathic knowledge - plantade, vallat Les savoirs d'apulée. Pp. 404. Hildesheim: Georg olms, 2018. Paper, €98. Isbn: 978-3-487-15638-5. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):143-145.
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  7.  21
    Apuleian receptions - (f.) bistagne, (c.) boidin, (r.) mouren (edd.) The afterlife of apuleius. (Bics supplement 140.) Pp. XIV + 182, b/w & colour ills. London: Institute of classical studies, university of London, 2021. Paper, £65. Isbn: 978-1-905670-88-8. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):557-559.
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  8.  11
    FRONTO'S GREEK LETTERS: A NEW EDITION - (C.) Castelli Il greco di Frontone. Testo critico e traduzione, studio linguistico, stilistico e retorico. Storia editoriale. (Fontes Ambrosiani 10.) Pp. xviii + 266. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2022. Paper, €38. ISBN: 978-88-9359-620-6. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):119-121.
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  9.  13
    JEWISH AND EARLY CHRISTIAN INFLUENCES ON APULEIUS? - (W.S.) Smith Religion and Apuleius’ Golden Ass. Pp. xiv + 193, ills. London and New York: Routledge, 2023. Cased, £120, US$160. ISBN: 978-1-032-19280-2. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):539-541.
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  10.  21
    More ancient magic - (r.G.) Edmonds III drawing down the moon. Magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Pp. XVIII + 474, ills, colour pls. Princeton and oxford: Princeton university press, 2019. Cased, £35, us$45. Isbn: 978-0-691-15693-4. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):398-400.
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    Magic in hellenistic and imperial literature - (m.) Reif de arte magorum. Erklärung und deutung ausgewählter hexenszenen bei theokrit, Vergil, horaz, ovid, seneca und Lucan unter berücksichtigung Des ritualaufbaus und der relation zu den zauberpapyri. (Hypomnemata 203.) Pp. 511. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016. Cased, €100. Isbn: 978-3-525-20873-1. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):444-446.
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    The Loeb apologia, Florida and de deo socratis. Jones apuleius. Apologia. Florida. De deo socratis. Pp. XXXII + 414. Cambridge, ma and London: Harvard university press, 2017. Cased, £16.95, €21, us$26. Isbn: 978-0-674-99711-0. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):107-109.
  13.  37
    Two studies on ancient magic - frankfurter guide to the study of ancient magic. Pp. XX + 797, b/w & colour ills. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2019. Cased, €249, us$299. Isbn: 978-90-04-17157-2. - Watson magic in ancient greece and Rome. Pp. X + 248, ills. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2019. Paper, £19.99, us$26.95 . Isbn: 978-1-78831-298-1. [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-3.
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    Two studies on ancient magic - (d.) frankfurter (ed.) Guide to the study of ancient magic. (Religions in the graeco-Roman world 189.) Pp. XX + 797, b/w & colour ills. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2019. Cased, €249, us$299. Isbn: 978-90-04-17157-2. - (L.C.) Watson magic in ancient greece and Rome. Pp. X + 248, ills. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2019. Paper, £19.99, us$26.95 (cased, £65, us$88). Isbn: 978-1-78831-298-1 (9781-78831-297-4 hbk). [REVIEW]Leonardo Costantini - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):247-249.
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