  1.  79
    Sport as a drama.Lev Kreft - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):219-234.
    Argument of this text is that: to develop aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with aesthetics as philosophy of art but with aesthetics of everyday life; to start with aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with beautiful of ‘pure aesthetics’ but with the dramatic; to analyze the dramatic in sport, we should not open the analysis with analogy between theater and sport, but with sport as a sort of performance; to get at the meaning of sport as a (...)
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    Sport and Politics in the Twenty-First Century.Sandra Meeuwsen & Lev Kreft - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (3):342-355.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we address the aporia(s) of the Olympic discourse produced by the troubled split between sport and politics. To start our argument, we will show that sporting governing bodies continuously insist that they are still on the other side of any kind of politics. Guided by Aristotle, who presented the reciprocity of ethics and politics, we will unveil the fallacy of this discourse. In a short genealogy of the relationship between sport, ethics, and politics, we will highlight (...)
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    The Elite Athlete - In a State of Exception?Lev Kreft - 2009 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 3 (1):3-18.
    At IAPS Ljubljana conference (September 2007) Dag Vidar Hanstad and Sigmund Loland presented a paper on elite-level athletes' duty to provide information on their whereabouts, to decide between two opposing positions: is this WADA demand justifiable anti-doping work or an indefensible surveillance regime? They concluded that on moral grounds this regime is conditionally acceptable, the condition being the acceptability of a general framework and objectives embodied in anti-doping global legislative foundations (the World Anti-Doping Code). But, as they said, principled objections (...)
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    Aesthetic Imagination in Football.Lev Kreft - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):124-139.
    In my previous texts on aesthetics of sport and of football, the accent was on dramatic aesthetic properties and on everyday aesthetics as a proper framework for the aesthetics of sport in general and football in particular. Here, following this starting point, the character of football as a game of social interactions and its character of purposive sport are examined, to find out what could be the most important aesthetic condition for playing the game and being-in-the-game. To get at the (...)
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    The Governance of Sport.Lev Kreft - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (1):119-131.
    Political philosophy is an examination of distribution of power in human communities and institutions. In previous period when identity issues were the most important political approach philosophy of sport had to deal mostly with discrimination and much less with the distribution of power in sport governance. Recent scandals revealed that at the top of sport governing bodies. Even more: it exposed the political character of the distribution of unleashed power in sport. That is why it is not enough to punish (...)
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    Filozofija sporta: nastanak i razvoj discipline (Philosophy of Sport: Emergence and Development of the Discipline).Lev Kreft - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (3):393-397.
    From the institutional inauguration of the discipline in 1972, philosophy of sport tends to expand, spreading itself around the world from one country to another, and including new philosophical in...
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    Philosophy, sport and education: international perspectives.Emanuele Isidori, López Frías, Francisco Javier, Arno Müller & Lev Kreft (eds.) - 2014 - Viterbo: Sette città.
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  8. Art and nation-state.Lev Kreft - 2001 - Filozofski Vestnik 22 (2):199-213.
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    Estetika in poslanstvo.Lev Kreft - 1994 - Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
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    Hedonistic morality and the art of life: Jean-Marie Guyau revisited.Lev Kreft - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (2):137-146.
    The aim of this paper is to defend the position that aesthetics and ethics in sport are not two separate domains or aspects. In sport, the aesthetic and the ethical both arise from sport’s attractiveness or from the pleasure sport offers to its activists and consumers. To think about sport philosophically, we should find a link and a principle beyond this division as a source of both the aesthetic and the ethical in sport. The philosophy and philosophical sociology of Jean-Marie (...)
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    Levi horog: filozofija športa v osmih esejih.Lev Kreft - 2011 - Ljubljana: Založba Sophia.
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    Martin in the field.Lev Kreft - 2008 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (1):71 – 83.
    Martin Strel, a Slovenian hero, swam all 3004 km of Danube in 200, and Mississippi in 2002, to become one of nominees for the sportsperson of the year award. Surprisingly, an orchestrated attack on his status as a sportsperson and on status of his achievements as sport records followed successfully. Martin did not get the award. He continued with his activities, swimming Parana, Jang Tse, and Amazonas lately, but was never mentioned in sport context again. This case is examined to (...)
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  13. Sport, education and peace.Lev Kreft - 2014 - In Emanuele Isidori, López Frías, Francisco Javier, Arno Müller & Lev Kreft (eds.), Philosophy, sport and education: international perspectives. Viterbo: Sette città.
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  14. The Second Modernity of Naturalist Aesthetics.Lev Kreft - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    Naturalist aestetics, strictly speaking, is a move to establish naturalist explanation of aesthetic phenomena. It was nearly forgotten, at least in the history of aesthetics, where, if mentioned, it was put aside as something dead and despised. Its reappearance in recent years, among other occasions at the XIVIVth International Congress of Aesthetics (Rio de Janeiro, 2004), came as a surprise and a challenge. Its second modernity has predecessors in the first modernity, and Darwin is only one of the many, and (...)
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  15. The work of art in the epoch of hegemony of commodities.Lev Kreft - 2003 - Filozofski Vestnik 24 (3):35-51.
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    Vzvišeno med Kantom in Longinom.Lev Kreft - 1990 - Filozofski Vestnik 11 (1).
    V Kantovi in Longinovi obravnavi vzvišenega naletimo na vzporednice, ki skorajda potrjujejo misel Danka Grliča, da tu ni bilo kakšnega posebnega miselnega napredka. Izkaže se, da modernistična zastavitev potiska v pozabo psihologistično estetiko in njeno obravnavo vzvišenega v francoski in angleški tradiciji. Pri Longinu ni najti modernistične strasti po spreminjanju razmer in izboljšanju človeštva. Pri Longinu nas vzvišeno s svojim učinkom ne pokliče v funkcijo subjekta napredka, ampak nam da čutiti, da smo poklicani v pozicijo opazovalca dovršenega naravnega teatra. Moralni (...)
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