  1.  97
    Guest Editor’s Introduction to Symposium on Allen Buchanan, The Heart of Human Rights.Lister Matthew - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (2):115-120.
    For many years now Allen Buchanan has been one of the most important theorists working on the philosophy of human rights, producing a large number of papers and two books significantly devoted to the topic. In the work under consideration in this symposium, Buchanan breaks new ground by examining what he claims to be the “heart” of international human rights practice – the international legal human rights (“ILHR”) system, subjecting it to moral and philosophical analysis and criticism. Buchanan's book was (...)
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  2.  63
    Fixing The Cracking In The Global Liberal Order: Thoughts On Making The Case For Progressive Immigration After Brexit And Trump.Lister Matthew - 2017 - The Critique (2017).
    In the face of the Brexit vote and the election of Trump, there is serious worry about whether the liberal, democratic, and cosmopolitan values thought to underlie progressive immigration policies are in fact widely shared. In this article, I examine these worries and provide suggestions about how those who do favor just progressive immigration policies might best respond to the problems we currently face.
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  3.  82
    Alien Ideas: Review of Strangers in our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration, by David Miller. [REVIEW]Lister Matthew - 2016 - Thew New Rambler 2016.
    David Miller, Professor of Politics at Oxford University, has long been one of the most important and interesting contributors to political theory and philosophy. He is well known for insisting on the mutual relevance of philosophical reflection and political practice, an approach well captured by the title of his recent book, Justice for Earthlings. In his most recent book, Strangers in our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration, Miller revises and extends the work he has been doing for several years (...)
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