  1.  19
    The New Ecological Order.Luc Ferry - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    Is ecology in the process of becoming the object of our contemporary passions, in the same way that Fascism was in the 30s, or Communism under Stalin? In The New Ecological Order, Luc Ferry offers a penetrating critique of the ideological root of the "Deep Ecology" movement spreading throughout the United States, Germany, and France. Traditional ecological movements, or "democratic ecology," seek to protect the environment of human societies; they are pragmatic and reformist. But another movement has become the refuge (...)
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    Heidegger and modernity.Luc Ferry - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Alain Renaut.
    " Heidegger and Modernity is an intervention in the Heidegger debate in France which many may see as decisive. Its central claim is that the responses of left Heideggerians to continuing disclosures regarding Heidegger's Nazi affiliations fail to come to terms with central ambiguities in his philosophical responses, both early and late, to modernity and technology. . . . Incisive and hard hitting, Luc Ferry and Alain Renault have condensed in a short and tightly organized book both a judicious and (...)
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    Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age.Luc Ferry (ed.) - 1993 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Homo Aestheticus, Luc Ferry argues that this central problem of aesthetic theory is fundamentally related to the political problem of democratic individualism.
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    Why We Are Not Nietzscheans.Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut & Robert de Loaiza (eds.) - 1997 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    "To think with Nietzsche against Nietzsche." Thus the editors describe the strategy adopted in this volume to soften the destructive effects of Nietzsche's "philosophy with a hammer" on French philosophy since the 1960s. Frustrated by the infinite inclusiveness of deconstructionism, the contributors to this volume seek to renew the Enlightenment quest for rationality. Though linked by no common dogma, these essays all argue that the "French Nietzsche" transmitted through the deconstructionists must be reexamined in light of the original context in (...)
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  5. What Must First Be Proved Is Worth Little.Luc Ferry & Alain Renaut - 1997 - In Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut & Robert de Loaiza (eds.), Why We Are Not Nietzscheans. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. pp. 92--109.
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    Man made God: the meaning of life.Luc Ferry - 2002 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    What happens when the meaning of life based on a divine revelation no longer makes sense? Does the quest for transcendence end in the pursuit of material success and self-absorption? Luc Ferry argues that modernity and the emergence of secular humanism in Europe since the eighteenth century have not killed the search for meaning and the sacred, or even the idea of God, but rather have transformed both through a dual process: the humanization of the divine and the divinization of (...)
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    Apprendre à vivre.Luc Ferry - 2006 - Paris: Plon.
    1. Traité de philosophie à l'usage des jeunes générations -- 2. La sagesse des mythes.
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    A brief history of thought: a philosophical guide to living.Luc Ferry - 2019 - Edinburgh: Canongate Books. Edited by Theo Cuffe.
    From the timeless wisdom of ancient Greece through to Christianity, the Enlightenment, existentialism and postmodernism, A Brief History of Thought brilliantly and accessibly explains the enduring teachings of philosophy - including its profound relevance in today's world as well as its essential role in achieving happiness and living a meaningful life. This lively journey through the great thinkers challenges every one of us to learn to think for ourselves and asks us the most important question of all: how can we (...)
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    Dictionnaire amoureux de la philosophie.Luc Ferry - 2018 - Paris: Plon. Edited by Alain Bouldouyre.
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    De l'amour: Une philosophie pour le XXIe siècle.Luc Ferry - 2012 - Paris: Odile Jacob. Edited by Claude Capelier.
    « Ce que j’appelle la “révolution de l’amour”, c’est-à-dire la naissance de la famille moderne, enracinée dans le passage du mariage arrangé au mariage choisi par et pour l’amour, a transformé nos vies. Elle apporte un nouveau principe de sens, qui requiert une nouvelle philosophie. Elle ne bouleverse pas seulement nos existences privées, mais tout notre rapport au collectif. C’est ce que j’appelle le “deuxième humanisme”». Le premier fut un humanisme de la Loi et de la raison. C’était celui des (...)
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    La plus belle histoire de la philosophie.Luc Ferry - 2014 - Paris: Robert Laffont. Edited by Claude Capelier.
    C’est une longue épopée, engagée depuis l’Antiquité, qui se poursuit encore aujourd’hui, une aventure pleine de passions, de révoltes, de revirements et de coups de génie. Telle est l’histoire de la philosophie, vue et racontée par Luc Ferry : une conquête obstinée, menée au fil des siècles par une poignée d’explorateurs qui, soudain, trouvent une nouvelle clef pour donner un sens à la condition humaine et bouleversent fondamentalement notre manière de penser. Pourquoi et quand s’est-on mis à philosopher? Comment les (...)
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    La révolution transhumaniste: comment la technomédecine et l'uberisation du monde vont bouleverser nos vies.Luc Ferry - 2016 - Paris: Plon.
    "Ne croyez surtout pas qu'il s'agisse de science-fiction : 18 avril 2015, une équipe de généticiens chinois entreprenait d'"améliorer" le génome de quatre-vingt-trois embryons humains. Jusqu'où ira-t-on dans cette voie? Sera-t-il possible un jour (bientôt? déjà?) d'"augmenter" à volonté tel ou tel trait de caractère de ses enfants, d'éradiquer dans l'embryon les maladies génétiques, voire d'enrayer la vieillesse et la mort en façonnant une nouvelle espèce d'humains "augmentés"? Nous n'en sommes pas (tout à fait) là, mais de nombreux centres de (...)
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    Les sept écologies.Luc Ferry - 2021 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
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    La vie heureuse: sagesses anciennes et spiritualité laïque.Luc Ferry - 2022 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
    Des scientifiques, de plus en plus nombreux, nous promettent que la "révolution de la longévité" est pour demain, que nos petits-enfants pourront vivre cent cinquante ans, voire davantage, encore jeunes et en bonne santé physique et psychique. Ce livre fait le point sur ces recherches, sépare science et fantasmes et pose la question de fond : à quoi bon vivre aussi longtemps? Face à cette interrogation, deux conceptions de la vie heureuse s'opposent. La première nous vient de ces sagesses anciennes (...)
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    Mythologie et philosophie: le sens des grands mythes grecs.Luc Ferry - 2016 - Paris: Plon.
    "Par dizaines, des expressions issues de la mythologie grecque se sont inscrites dans le langage courant : une "pomme de discorde", un "dédale de rues", prendre le "taureau par les cornes", toucher le "pactole", "tomber de Charybde en Scylla", suivre un "fil d'Ariane", "jouer les Cassandre", etc. Mille références endormies aux Sirènes, à Typhon, Océan, Triton, Python, Sibylle, Stentor, Mentor, Laïus, Argus, OEdipe et à tant d'autres personnages mythiques habitent encore incognito nos conversations de tous les jours. Je vous propose (...)
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    On love: a philosophy for the twenty-first century.Luc Ferry - 2013 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Andrew Brown & Claude Capelier.
    All the great ideals that gave life meaning in earlier societies--God, the nation, revolution, freedom, democracy--are in disarray today, widely questioned, and rejected outright by the many people who have lost faith in them. But there is another value, rooted in the birth of the modern family and in the passage from traditional to modern marriage, which has transformed our lives in profound and often unrecognized ways: love. It affects not only our personal lives but many aspects of our social (...)
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    Od panowania nad naturą do naturalizacji człowieka. Uwagi do heideggerowskiej krytyki techniki.Luc Ferry - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 10:37-46.
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    Political Philosophy 3: From the Rights of Man to the Republican Idea.Luc Ferry & Alain Renaut - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this final volume of Political Philosophy, Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut summarize these efforts and put forward their own set of arguments.
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    Political Philosophy 2: The System of Philosophies of History.Luc Ferry - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Ferry begins this second volume of his ambitious three-volume Political Philosophy by considering both the structure and the potential political effects of the various philosophies of history born of German Idealism.
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  20. The Distinction between Law and Ethics in the Early Philosophy of Fichte in Fichte and Contemporary Philosophy.Luc Ferry - 1988 - Philosophical Forum 19 (2-3):182-196.
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  21.  26
    The system of philosophies of history.Luc Ferry - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Because contemporary political philosophy owes a significant debt to the great nineteenth-century German philosophies of history, a sound knowledge of German Idealist philosophy is crucial to an understanding of our own time. In Political Philosophy 2 , Luc Ferry provides not only a thorough introduction to German Idealism and its critics, but also an insightful look at contemporary political philosophy. Ferry begins this second volume of his ambitious three-volume Political Philosophy by considering both the structure and the potential political effects (...)
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    The Three Phases of Modern Philosophy: Tasks for a Secularized Thought 1.Luc Ferry & Steven Rothnie - 1994 - Thesis Eleven 37 (1):1-9.
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    Vaincre les peurs: la philosophie comme amour de la sagesse.Luc Ferry - 2006 - Paris: Jacob.
    " Le point de départ de ce livre est une conférence dans laquelle j'ai présenté à un large public les points essentiels de mon livre, Apprendre à vivre.
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    What is the Good Life?Luc Ferry - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    Has inquiry into the meaning of life become outmoded in a universe where the other-worldiness of religion no longer speaks to us as it once did, or, as Nietzsche proposed, where we are now the creators of our own value? Has the ancient question of the "good life" disappeared, another victim of the technological world? For Luc Ferry, the answer to both questions is a resounding no. In What Is the Good Life? Ferry argues that the question of the meaning (...)
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  25. Machiavel et autres écrits philosophiques et politiques de 1806-1807.J. Fichte, Luc Ferry & Alain Renaut - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):131-132.
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  26. Théorie critique. Essais, coll. « Critique de la politique ».Max Horkheimer, Luc Ferry & Alain Renaut - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):489-490.
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    CHAPTER 2. Foucault.Alain Renaut & Luc Ferry - 1994 - In Mark Lilla (ed.), New French Thought: Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 54-62.
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    CHAPTER 10. How to Think about Rights.Alain Renaut & Luc Ferry - 1994 - In Mark Lilla (ed.), New French Thought: Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 147-154.
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    CHAPTER 4. Kant and Fichte.Alain Renaut & Luc Ferry - 1994 - In Mark Lilla (ed.), New French Thought: Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 73-81.
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  30. Philosophies de l'Université. L'idéalisme allemand et la question de l'Université, coll. « Critique de la Politique ». Schelling, Fichte, Schleiermacher, Humboldt, Hegel & Luc Ferry - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (1):137-138.
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  31. Familles, je vous aime. Politique et vie privée áa l'âge de la mondialisation. Familia y amor: un alegato a favor de la vida privada/. [REVIEW]Luc Ferry & Sandra Chaparro Martínez - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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