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Matthew Hunt [21]Matthew R. Hunt [6]Matthew Robert Hunt [1]
  1. Relational autonomy as an essential component of patient-centered care.Carolyn Ells, Matthew R. Hunt & Jane Chambers-Evans - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (2):79-101.
    Despite enthusiasm for patient-centered care, the practice of patient-centered care is proving challenging. Further, it is curious that the literature about this subject does not explicitly address patient autonomy, since patients guide care in patient-centered care, and respect for patient autonomy is a prominent health-care value. We argue that by explicitly adopting a relational conception of autonomy as an essential component, patient-centered care becomes more coherent, is strengthened, and could help practitioners to make better use of a principle of respect (...)
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    Authorship ethics in global health research partnerships between researchers from low or middle income countries and high income countries.Elise Smith, Matthew Hunt & Zubin Master - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):42.
    Over the past two decades, the promotion of collaborative partnerships involving researchers from low and middle income countries with those from high income countries has been a major development in global health research. Ideally, these partnerships would lead to more equitable collaboration including the sharing of research responsibilities and rewards. While collaborative partnership initiatives have shown promise and attracted growing interest, there has been little scholarly debate regarding the fair distribution of authorship credit within these partnerships.
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    (1 other version)Ethics beyond borders: How health professionals experience ethics in humanitarian assistance and development work.Matthew R. Hunt - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (2):59-69.
    Health professionals are involved in humanitarian assistance and development work in many regions of the world. They participate in primary health care, immunization campaigns, clinic- and hospital-based care, rehabilitation and feeding programs. In the course of this work, clinicians are frequently exposed to complex ethical issues. This paper examines how health workers experience ethics in the course of humanitarian assistance and development work. A qualitative study was conducted to consider this question. Five core themes emerged from the data, including: tension (...)
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    Ethical Challenges for Patient Access to Physical Therapy: Views of Staff Members from Three Publicly–Funded Outpatient Physical Therapy Departments.Maude Laliberté, Bryn Williams–Jones, Debbie E. Feldman & Matthew Hunt - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (2):157-169.
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    Counterterrorism policies and practices: health and values at stake.Lisa Eckenwiler, Matthew Hunt, Ayesha Ahmad, Philippe Calain, Angus Dawson, Robert Goodin, Daniel Messelken, Leonard Rubenstein & Verina Wild - 2015 - WHO Bulletin 93:737–738.
    New mechanisms to ensure that counter ter ror ism ac t ivit ies do not contravene international law or ethical values and principles will require careful design. Apart from the ethical and legal grounds, there are good practical rea-sons to design more effective counterter-rorism measures. Preventable harms to population health contribute to mistrust and instability and undermine the stated objectives of the intelligence services.
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    Real‐time Responsiveness for Ethics Oversight During Disaster Research.Lisa Eckenwiler, John Pringle, Renaud Boulanger & Matthew Hunt - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (9):653-661.
    Disaster research has grown in scope and frequency. Research in the wake of disasters and during humanitarian crises – particularly in resource-poor settings – is likely to raise profound and unique ethical challenges for local communities, crisis responders, researchers, and research ethics committees. Given the ethical challenges, many have questioned how best to provide research ethics review and oversight. We contribute to the conversation concerning how best to ensure appropriate ethical oversight in disaster research and argue that ethical disaster research (...)
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    Familiar ethical issues amplified: how members of research ethics committees describe ethical distinctions between disaster and non-disaster research.Catherine M. Tansey, James Anderson, Renaud F. Boulanger, Lisa Eckenwiler, John Pringle, Lisa Schwartz & Matthew Hunt - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):44.
    The conduct of research in settings affected by disasters such as hurricanes, floods and earthquakes is challenging, particularly when infrastructures and resources were already limited pre-disaster. However, since post-disaster research is essential to the improvement of the humanitarian response, it is important that adequate research ethics oversight be available. We aim to answer the following questions: 1) what do research ethics committee members who have reviewed research protocols to be conducted following disasters in low- and middle-income countries perceive as the (...)
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    Tragic Choices in Humanitarian Health Work.Matthew Hunt, Christina Sinding & Lisa Schwartz - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (4):338-344.
    Humanitarian healthcare work presents a range of ethical challenges for expatriate healthcare professionals, including tragic choices requiring the selection of a least-worst option. In this paper we examine a particular set of tragic choices related to the prioritization of care and allocation of scarce resources between individuals in situations of widespread and urgent health needs. Drawing on qualitative interviews with clinicians, we examine the nature of these choices. We offer recommendations to clinical teams and aid organizations for preparing and supporting (...)
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  9.  37
    Ethical considerations related to participation and partnership: an investigation of stakeholders' perceptions of an action-research project on user fee removal for the poorest in Burkina Faso.Matthew R. Hunt, Patrick Gogognon & Valéry Ridde - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):13.
    Healthcare user fees present an important barrier for accessing services for the poorest (indigents) in Burkina Faso and selective removal of fees has been incorporated in national healthcare planning. However, establishing fair, effective and sustainable mechanisms for the removal of user fees presents important challenges. A participatory action-research project was conducted in Ouargaye, Burkina Faso, to test mechanisms for identifying those who are indigents, and funding and implementing user fee removal. In this paper, we explore stakeholder perceptions of ethical considerations (...)
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  10.  38
    Counterterrorism, Ethics, and Global Health.Lisa Eckenwiler & Matthew Hunt - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):12-13.
    The intersection of national security, foreign policy, and health has been explored in a number of arenas, but little attention has been devoted to the ethical issues surrounding the global health impact of current counterterrorism policy and practice. In this essay, we’ll review a range of harms to population health traceable to counterterrorism operations, identify concerns involving moral agency and responsibility—specifically of humanitarian health workers, military medical personnel, and national security officials and operatives—and highlight two interrelated policy issues: the need (...)
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  11. Supporting Value Sensitivity in the Humanitarian Use of Drones through An Ethics Assessment Framework.Ning Wang, Markus Christen, Matthew Hunt & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2022 - International Review of the Red Cross 104 (919):1397-1428.
    The current humanitarian use of drones is focused on two applications: disaster mapping and medical supply delivery. In response to the growing interest in drone deployment in the aid sector, we sought to develop a resource to support value sensitivity in humanitarian drone activities. Following a bottom-up approach encompassing a comprehensive literature review, two empirical studies, a review of guidance documents, and consultations with experts, this work illuminates the nature and scope of ethical challenges encountered by humanitarian organizations embarking upon (...)
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  12.  29
    The Ethics of Humanitarian Innovation: Mapping Values Statements and Engaging with Value-Sensitive Design.Lilia Brahimi, Gautham Krishnaraj, John Pringle, Lisa Schwartz, Dónal O’Mathúna & Matthew Hunt - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):1-10.
    The humanitarian sector continually faces organizational and operational challenges to respond to the needs of populations affected by war, disaster, displacement, and health emergencies. With the goal of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of response efforts, humanitarian innovation initiatives seek to develop, test, and scale a variety of novel and adapted practices, products, and systems. The innovation process raises important ethical considerations, such as appropriately engaging crisis-affected populations in defining problems and identifying potential solutions, mitigating risks, ensuring accountability, sharing benefits (...)
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    Supporting, Promoting, Respecting and Advocating: A Scoping Study of Rehabilitation Professionals' Responses to Patient Autonomy.Emilie Blackburn, Evelyne Durocher, Debbie Feldman, Anne Hudon, Maude Laliberté, Barbara Mazer & Matthew Hunt - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):22-34.
    Background: Autonomy is a central concept in both bioethics and rehabilitation. Bioethics has emphasized autonomy as self-governance and its application in treatment decision-making. In addition to discussing decisional autonomy, rehabilitation also focuses on autonomy as functional independence. In practice, responding to patients with diminished autonomy is an important component of rehabilitation care, but also gives rise to tensions and challenges. Our objective was to better understand the complex and distinctive ways that autonomy is understood and upheld in the context of (...)
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  14. Supporting, Promoting, Respecting and Advocating: A Scoping Study of Rehabilitation Professionals’ Responses to Patient Autonomy.Emilie Blackburn, Evelyne Durocher, Debbie Feldman, Anne Hudon, Maude Laliberté, Barbara Mazer & Matthew Hunt - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):22-34.
    Contexte : L’autonomie est un concept central tant en bioéthique qu’en réadaptation. La bioéthique a mis l’accent sur l’autonomie en tant qu’auto-gouvernance et sur son application dans la prise de décision en matière de traitement. En plus de discuter de l’autonomie décisionnelle, la réadaptation met aussi l’accent sur l’autonomie en tant qu’indépendance fonctionnelle. Dans la pratique, la prise en charge des patients en perte d’autonomie est une composante importante des soins de réadaptation, mais elle engendre aussi des tensions et des (...)
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    Critical Reflections on the Ethical Dimensions of Rehabilitation Practices.Marie-Josée Drolet, Matthew Hunt & Marie-Ève Caty - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):1-8.
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  16. Réflexions critiques sur les dimensions éthiques des pratiques de la réadaptation.Marie-Josée Drolet, Matthew Hunt & Marie-Ève Caty - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):1-8.
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    Ethical questions identified in a study of local and expatriate responders’ perspectives of vulnerability in the 2010 Haiti earthquake.Evelyne Durocher, Ryoa Chung, Christiane Rochon, Jean-Hugues Henrys, Catherine Olivier & Matthew Hunt - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):613-617.
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  18. Humanitarian research : ethical considerations in conducting research during global health emergencies.Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra & Matthew Hunt - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Ethical Considerations Associated with “Humanitarian Drones”: A Scoping Literature Review.Ning Wang, Markus Christen & Matthew Hunt - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-21.
    The use of drones (or unmanned aerial vehicles, UVAs) in humanitarian action has emerged rapidly in the last decade and continues to expand. These so-called ‘humanitarian drones’ represent the first wave of robotics applied in the humanitarian and development contexts, providing critical information through mapping of crisis-affected areas and timely delivery of aid supplies to populations in need. Alongside these emergent uses of drones in the aid sector, debates have arisen about potential risks and challenges, presenting diverse perspectives on the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ethics of Engaged Presence: A Framework for Health Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Development Work.Matthew R. Hunt, Lisa Schwartz, Christina Sinding & Laurie Elit - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (3):47-55.
    In this article, we present an ethics framework for health practice in humanitarian and development work: the ethics of engaged presence. The ethics of engaged presence framework aims to articulate in a systematic fashion approaches and orientations that support the engagement of expatriate health care professionals in ways that align with diverse obligations and responsibilities, and promote respectful and effective action and relationships. Drawn from a range of sources, the framework provides a vocabulary and narrative structure for examining the moral (...)
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  21.  23
    Ethical Considerations Associated with Closing a Non-communicable Disease Program in a Humanitarian Setting.Handreen Mohammed Saeed, Lisa Schwartz & Matthew Hunt - unknown
    Managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in crisis-affected and fragile humanitarian contexts requires special attention because primary health care systems often collapse or become compromised in such settings. As a result, addressing and managing these diseases become more challenging. Humanitarian organizations that intervene in crisis situations are increasingly including NCD management in the services they support and provide; however, they encounter a range of issues such as ensuring the quality of care, sustainability of programs, and the possibility of unintended harms. This case (...)
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  22.  13
    Unpacking the “Oughtness” of Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crises: Moral Logics and What Is at Stake?Elysée Nouvet, Matthew Hunt, Gautham Krishnaraj, Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Carrie Bernard, Laurie Elit, Sonya DeLaat & Lisa Schwartz - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.), Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 179-200.
    It is clear that in the eyes of a growing number of humanitarian fieldworkers and decision-makers, palliative care is something humanitarian organizations should strive to provide as they address the needs of populations affected by crises. What remains less clear are the moral justifications underlying the push to do so. This chapter dives beneath surface prescriptions of what “ought to be” the place of palliative care within humanitarian response. It presents and analyses a series of evocative statements made by 24 (...)
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  23. Ethical Considerations Associated with Closing a Non-communicable Disease Program in a Humanitarian Setting.Handreen Saeed, Lisa Schwartz & Matthew Hunt - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (2):132.
    Managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in crisis-affected and fragile humanitarian contexts requires special attention because primary health care systems often collapse or become compromised in such settings. As a result, addressing and managing these diseases become more challenging. Humanitarian organizations that intervene in crisis situations are increasingly including NCD management in the services they support and provide; however, they encounter a range of issues such as ensuring the quality of care, sustainability of programs, and the possibility of unintended harms. This case (...)
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    Patient-centered care and cultural practices: Process and criteria for evaluating adaptations of norms and standards in health care institutions. [REVIEW]Matthew R. Hunt - 2009 - HEC Forum 21 (4):327-339.
    Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Practices: Process and Criteria for Evaluating Adaptations of Norms and Standards in Health Care Institutions Content Type Journal Article Pages 327-339 DOI 10.1007/s10730-009-9115-8 Authors Matthew R. Hunt, McMaster University Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Montreal Canada Journal HEC Forum Online ISSN 1572-8498 Print ISSN 0956-2737 Journal Volume Volume 21 Journal Issue Volume 21, Number 4.
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    Health Care Professionals and Bedbugs: An Ethical Analysis of a Resurgent Scourge. [REVIEW]Maude Laliberté, Matthew Hunt, Bryn Williams-Jones & Debbie Ehrmann Feldman - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):245-255.
    Many health care professionals (HCPs) are understandably reluctant to treat patients in environments infested with bedbugs, in part due to the risk of themselves becoming bedbug vectors to their own homes and workplaces. However, bedbugs are increasingly widespread in care settings, such as nursing homes, as well as in private homes visited by HCPs, leading to increased questions of how health care organizations and their staff ought to respond. This situation is associated with a range of ethical considerations including the (...)
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