Results for 'Meri L. Clark'

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  1.  12
    The Good and the Useful Together: Colombian Positivism in a Century of Conflict.Meri L. Clark - 2012 - In Gregory D. Gilson & Irving W. Levinson (eds.), Latin American Positivism: New Historical and Philosophic Essays. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 27.
  2.  14
    The emergence and transformation of positivism.Meri L. Clark - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 53–67.
    This chapter contains sections titled: European Positivism through a Latin American Lens Latin American Positivism Latin American Positivism Compared The Legacy of Nineteenth‐Century Positivism in Latin America References Further Reading.
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  3.  64
    Sylvie Schweitzer, Femmes de pouvoir. Une histoire de l’égalité professionnelle en Europe.Linda L. Clark & Christiane Klapisch-Zuber - 2011 - Clio 33:04-04.
    Cette étude de l’histoire des femmes européennes qui ont eu une vie professionnelle du milieu du XIXe siècle à nos jours est une précieuse synthèse et une belle introduction à l’historiographie récente. Sylvie Schweitzer s’intéresse surtout aux femmes françaises, mais elle apporte de nombreux éléments qui permettent de les comparer à leurs collègues d’autres pays en Europe occidentale, voire de quelques pays de l’Europe de l’Est. Un thème central du livre est l’histoire de la résistance à l’é...
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    A patient and relative centred evaluation of treatment escalation plans: a replacement for the do-not-resuscitate process.L. Obolensky, T. Clark, G. Matthew & M. Mercer - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):518-520.
    The Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP) was introduced into our trust in an attempt to improve patient involvement and experience of their treatment in hospital and to embrace and clarify a wider remit of treatment options than the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order currently offers. Our experience suggests that the patient and family are rarely engaged in DNR discussions. This is acutely relevant considering that the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) now obliges these discussions to take place. The TEP is a form (...)
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    Thinking About How and Why to Think.R. L. Clark Stephen - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (277):385-.
    1. Believing Enough to Think The Scottish system of university education requires most aspirants to an Ordinary Degree to study some philosophy. Philosophers in Scottish Universities must therefore contend with enormous first-year classes, stocked with youngsters who have little real desire to be philosophers, or even to philosophize. Some years ago, at Glasgow, a question in the final exam was as follows: ‘“Philosophy is of no use, and so should not be studied.” Discuss’. A couple of hundred students answered, more (...)
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  6.  78
    Deconstructing the Laws of Logic.R. L. Clark Stephen - 2008 - Philosophy 83 (1):25-53.
    I consider reasons for questioning ‘the laws of logic’, and suggest that these laws do not accord with everyday reality. Either they are rhetorical tools rather than absolute truths, or else Plato and his successors were right to think that they identify a reality distinct from the ordinary world of experience, and also from the ultimate source of reality.
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    Neural response to emotional faces with and without awareness; event-related fMRI in a parietal patient with visual extinction and spatial neglect.Patrik Vuilleumier, J. L. Armony, Karen Clarke, Masud Husain, Julia Driver & Raymond J. Dolan - 2002 - Neuropsychologia 40 (12):2156-2166.
  8.  58
    What if you went to the police and accused your uncle of abuse? Misunderstandings concerning the benefits of memory distortion: A commentary on Fernández.Henry Otgaar, Mark L. Howe, Andrew Clark, Jianqin Wang & Harald Merckelbach - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:286-290.
  9.  54
    Willingness to express emotion depends upon perceiving partner care.Katherine R. Von Culin, Jennifer L. Hirsch & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):641-650.
    Two studies document that people are more willing to express emotions that reveal vulnerabilities to partners when they perceive those partners to be more communally responsive to them. In Study 1, participants rated the communal strength they thought various partners felt toward them and their own willingness to express happiness, sadness and anxiety to each partner. Individuals who generally perceive high communal strength from their partners were also generally most willing to express emotion to partners. Independently, participants were more willing (...)
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  10.  18
    No less a man: Reconstructing identity after prostate cancer.Barbara G. Bokhour, Lorrie L. Powel & Jack A. Clark - 2007 - Communications 4 (1):99-109.
    Few diagnoses present as great a challenge to one's life as cancer. Many men each year are confronted with a diagnosis of early stage prostate cancer and find themselves making decisions about treatment in the face of side effects that present often devastating effects, including problems controlling one's urine and an inability to perform sexually. In this paper, we explore the narratives of men who, having chosen and undergone treatment for early stage prostate cancer, are living with the consequences. Faced (...)
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  11. Book Notes. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey, Jan M. Boxill, Emmett L. Bradbury, Maudemarie Clark, Samir J. Haddad & Colin M. Patrick - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):923-928.
    It's surprising that contemporary moral philosophers have not thought more about food. The rapidly expanding industrialized landscape of modern western agribusiness raises moral concerns about large-scale livestock production, the increased usage of genetically modified crops, and the effects these now common practices may have on long-term environmental and human health. Here Pence argues that biotechnology is more helpful than harmful, on the ground that it will abate world hunger. Positioning himself as an "impartialbioethicist" he sets about the task of sorting (...)
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  12. Anderson, JR, 313, 559.R. N. Aslin, D. H. Ballard, J. Berger, L. Boroditsky, C. R. Clark, T. Dartnall, S. Dennis, B. Galantucci, E. A. F. Gibson & R. L. Goldstone - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29:1091.
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  13. Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior: Clark L. Hull's Theoretical Papers, with Commentary.Clark L. Hull, A. Amsel & M. E. Rashotte - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):171-182.
  14.  57
    A Semantics‐Based Approach to the “No Negative Evidence” Problem.Ben Ambridge, Julian M. Pine, Caroline F. Rowland, Rebecca L. Jones & Victoria Clark - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1301-1316.
    Previous studies have shown that children retreat from argument‐structure overgeneralization errors (e.g., *Don’t giggle me) by inferring that frequently encountered verbs are unlikely to be grammatical in unattested constructions, and by making use of syntax‐semantics correspondences (e.g., verbs denoting internally caused actions such as giggling cannot normally be used causatively). The present study tested a new account based on a unitary learning mechanism that combines both of these processes. Seventy‐two participants (ages 5–6, 9–10, and adults) rated overgeneralization errors with higher (...)
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  15.  28
    The patient and clinician experience of informed consent for surgery: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence.L. J. Convie, E. Carson, D. McCusker, R. S. McCain, N. McKinley, W. J. Campbell, S. J. Kirk & M. Clarke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-17.
    Background Informed consent is an integral component of good medical practice. Many researchers have investigated measures to improve the quality of informed consent, but it is not clear which techniques work best and why. To address this problem, we propose developing a core outcome set to evaluate interventions designed to improve the consent process for surgery in adult patients with capacity. Part of this process involves reviewing existing research that has reported what is important to patients and doctors in the (...)
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  16.  44
    Pride and Prejudice or Family and Flirtation?: Jane Austen's Depiction of Women's Mating Strategies.Daniel J. Kruger, Maryanne L. Fisher, Sarah L. Strout & Shana’E. Clark - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1):114-128.
    In The Art Instinct, Denis Dutton promoted a theoretical framework that “has more validity, more power, and more possibilities than the hermetic discourse that deadens so much of the humanities.”1 This framework is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural and sexual selection. Dutton proposed to seek “human universals that underlie the vast cacophony of cultural differences and across the globe” (AI, p. 39), based on a shared, evolved human nature.This contrasts with the relativistic presumptions of those falling under the (...)
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  17.  61
    Classical conditioning and brain systems: The role of awareness.Robert E. D. Clark & L. R. Squire - 1998 - Science 280:77-81.
  18.  56
    Commentary on "Multiple Personality and Moral Responsibility".Stephen R. L. Clark - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (1):55-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Multiple Personality and Moral Responsibility”Stephen R. L. Clark (bio)Theaitetos sleeping is not quite “the same” as Theaitetos waking, any more than Alcibiades drunk is Alcibiades sober. Nor am I, at fifty, quite “the same” as Stephen was when he was five. In one way, my sober fifty-year-old waking self can reasonably disclaim responsibility for what Stephen did or seemed to do when he was dreaming, drunk, (...)
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  19.  72
    Feyerabend's conquest of abundance.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2002 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):249 – 267.
    (2002). Feyerabend's Conquest of Abundance. Inquiry: Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 249-267.
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  20.  7
    (1 other version)God's world and the great awakening.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Stephen R.L. Clark defends the primary faith of humankind, that there is a real world which is more than a shadow of our desires and fancies, and which can be discovered through right reason. Focusing on the way in which we can "turn aside" to the Truth from the normal delusions of self-concern, Clark offers a properly worked, Platonic metaphysics as the key to identifying that reality. This book is the final volume of Limits and (...)
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  21.  43
    (1 other version)How many selves make me?Stephen R. L. Clark - 1991 - Philosophy 29:213-33.
  22.  23
    Managing Contradiction: Stockholder and Stakeholder Views of the Firm as Paradoxical Opportunity.Cynthia E. Clark, Erica L. Steckler & Sue Newell - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (1):123-159.
    Stockholder and stakeholder perspectives have been positioned in the literature as being in tension, and thus a potential source of innovation and change. However, researchers have overlooked a systematic examination of this presumption in theory and in practice. This study explores the ways that stockholder and stakeholder assumptions are presented by theorists and compares these with expressions of stockholder and stakeholder perspectives used by firms in practice. We argue that theoretical entrenchment dichotomizing these perspectives has disrupted the ability of researchers (...)
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  23.  19
    Contemplating historical consciousness: notes from the field.Anna Clark & Carla L. Peck (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford: Berghahn.
    The last several decades have witnessed an explosion of new empirical research into representations of the past and the conditions of their production, prompting claims that we have entered a new era in which the past has become more “present” than ever before. Contemplating Historical Consciousness brings together leading historians, ethnographers, and other scholars who give illuminating reflections on the aims, methods, and conceptualization of their own research as well as the successes and failures they have encountered. This rich collective (...)
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  24.  25
    “I am in favour of organ donation, but I feel you should opt-in”—qualitative analysis of the #options 2020 survey free-text responses from NHS staff toward opt-out organ donation legislation in England.Natalie L. Clark, Dorothy Coe, Natasha Newell, Mark N. A. Jones, Matthew Robb, David Reaich & Caroline Wroe - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background In May 2020, England moved to an opt-out organ donation system, meaning adults are presumed to be an organ donor unless within an excluded group or have opted-out. This change aims to improve organ donation rates following brain or circulatory death. Healthcare staff in the UK are supportive of organ donation, however, both healthcare staff and the public have raised concerns and ethical issues regarding the change. The #options survey was completed by NHS organisations with the aim of understanding (...)
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  25. Constructing Persons: The Psychopathology of Identity.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (2):157-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.2 (2003) 157-159 [Access article in PDF] Constructing Persons:The Psychopathology of Identity Stephen R. L. Clark Keywords identity, legal fictions, materialism, psychopathology. Steve Matthews argues that the criteria proposed by Stephen Behnke and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong for establishing personal identity in cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) are flawed. Neither brain identity nor memory convergence are adequate grounds for ascribing identity, even in the absence (...)
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  26. Notes and News.Clark L. Hull - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (2):56.
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    Braicovich, RS, freedom and.A. Cameron, E. Carawan, C. L. Caspers, R. J. Clark, S. Corner, C. Eckerman, A. M. Eckstein, E. Eidinow, S. Esposito & R. Ferri - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:665-667.
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  28.  89
    Minds, memes, and multiples.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (1):21-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Minds, Memes, and MultiplesStephen R. L. Clark (bio)AbstractMultiple Personality Disorder is sometimes interpreted as evidence for a radically pluralistic theory of the human mind, judged to be at odds with an older, monistic theory. Older philosophy, on the contrary, suggests that the mind is both plural (in its sub-systems or personalities) and unitary (in that there is only one light over all those lesser parts). Talk of gods (...)
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  29.  13
    Sylvie Schweitzer, Les Inspectrices du Travail, 1878-1974. Le genre de la fonction publique.Linda L. Clark - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Le parcours professionnel des femmes qui sont entrées à l’Inspection du travail entre 1878 et 1974 est l’objet du dernier ouvrage de Sylvie Schweitzer. Après avoir écrit Les femmes ont toujours travaillé : une histoire des femmes aux XIXe et XXe siècles (2000) et Femmes au pouvoir : une histoire de l’égalité professionnelle en Europe, xixe et xxe siècles (2010), Sylvie Schweitzer s’intéresse ici à un groupe de fonctionnaires françaises employées à l’un des postes de responsabilité qu’elle évo...
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  30.  39
    G.K. Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2006 - Templeton Foundation Press.
    Offering a detailed study of early 20th-century essayist, poet, novelist, political campaigner, and theologian G.K. Chesterton, author Stephen R.L. Clark ...
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  31.  62
    Individuals and points.Bowman L. Clark - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1):61-75.
  32.  37
    L'Egalité en marche: Le féminisme sous la Troisième République.Linda L. Clark - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (5):698-699.
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  33.  56
    Seeing and inferring.Romane L. Clark - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (2):81-96.
  34.  30
    Mathematico-Deductive Theory of Rote Learning.Clark L. Hull - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):37.
  35.  49
    Milton Valente: L'Éthique stoïcienne chez Cicéron. Pp. x + 433. Paris: Librairie Saint-Paul: 1956. Paper, 2,850 fr.M. L. Clarke - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (01):84-.
  36. Philosophers and Popular Cosmology.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1993 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):115-122.
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  37.  21
    (1 other version)Nations and Empires.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1996 - European Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):63-80.
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    Value, valuation, and natural-science methodology.Clark L. Hull - 1944 - Philosophy of Science 11 (3):125-141.
    One of the initial obstacles to the study of the theory of value is the fact that practically every author whom the student consults on the subject characterizes value and valuation differently, and seems to trace them ultimately to a different source. For example, one writer will formulate a theory of value in terms of pain and pleasure ; another, in terms of feeling ; another, in terms of desires or wants ; still others, in terms of “requiredness”, of interest, (...)
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  39.  66
    Moderate realist ideology critique.Rebecca L. Clark - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):260-273.
    Realist ideology critique (RIC) is a strand of political realism recently developed in response to concerns that realism is biased toward the status quo. RIC aims to debunk an individual's belief that a social institution is legitimate by revealing that the belief is caused by that very same institution. Despite its growing prominence, RIC has received little critical attention. In this article, I buck this trend. First, I improve on contemporary accounts of RIC by clarifying its status and the role (...)
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  40.  51
    Metre and rhythm in piano playing.L. Henry Shaffer, Eric F. Clarke & Neil P. Todd - 1985 - Cognition 20 (1):61-77.
  41.  41
    Animals and Their Moral Standing.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1997 - Routledge.
    Twenty years ago, people thought only cranks or sentimentalists could be seriously concerned about the treatment of non-human animals. However, since then philosophers, scientists and welfarists have raised public awareness of the issue; and they have begun to lay the foundations for an enormous change in human practice. This book is a record of the development of 'animal rights' through the eyes of one highly-respected and well-known thinker. This book brings together for the first time Stephen R.L. Clark's major (...)
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  42.  10
    Social Justice and Transformative Learning: Culture and Identity in the United States and South Africa.Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke & Darren L. Clarke (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    The similarities between the United States and South Africa with respect to race, power, oppression and economic inequities are striking, and a better understanding of these parallels can provide educational gains for students and educators in both countries. Through shared experiences and perspectives, this volume presents scholarly work from U.S. and South African scholars that advance educational practice in support of social justice and transformative learning. It provides a comprehensive framework for developing transformational learning experiences that facilitates leadership for social (...)
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  43.  9
    Social Work and Social Philosophy: A Guide for Practice.Chris L. Clark - 1985 - Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edited by Stewart Asquith.
  44. Archaeology: The Loss of Innocence.D. L. Clarke - 1973 - Antiquity 47:6-18.
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  45.  14
    (1 other version)Aristotle.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1979 - Philosophical Books 20 (1):10-12.
  46.  18
    The nature of the beast: are animals moral?Stephen R. L. Clark (ed.) - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  47.  67
    Hume, animals and the objectivity of morals.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (139):117-133.
  48.  96
    Aristotle's Man: Speculations Upon Aristotelian Anthropology.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1975 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Words have determinable sense only within a complex of unstated assumptions, and all interpretation must therefore go beyond the given material. This book addresses what is man's place in the Aristotelian world. It also describes man's abilities and prospects in managing his life, and considers how far Aristotle's treatment of time and history licenses the sort of dynamic interpretation of his doctrines that have been given. The ontological model that explains much of Aristotle's conclusions and methods is one of life-worlds, (...)
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  49.  62
    (1 other version)Religious Commitment and Secular Reason.S. R. L. Clark - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):134-137.
    Many religious people are alarmed about features of the current age - violence in the media, a pervasive hedonism, a marginalization of religion, and widespread abortion. These concerns influence politics, but just as there should be a separation between church and state, so should there be a balance between religious commitments and secular arguments calling for social reforms. Robert Audi offers a principle of secular rationale, which does not exclude religious grounds for action but which rules out restricting freedom except (...)
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  50.  20
    Supernatural Explanations and Inspirations.Stephen R. L. Clark - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3):49-63.
    I propose, in partial response to the rich essays by Millican & Thornhill-Miller and Salamon that religious traditions are too diverse to be represented either by a cosmological core or even an ethical. Religious sensibility is more often inspirational than explanatory, does not always require a transcendent origin of all things, and does not always support the sort of humanistic values preferred in the European Enlightenment. A widely shared global religion is more likely to be eclectic than carefully ‘rational’, and (...)
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