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  1. Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault.Pierre Hadot, Arnold I. Davidson & Michael Chase - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):417-420.
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    Teleology and Final Causation in Aristotle and in Contemporary Science.Michael Chase - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (3):511-536.
    ABSTRACT: With a view to suggesting the possible relevance of Aristotelian thought to current notions of complexity and self-organization, studies Aristotlenard cells, and the theories of Schneider, Kay, and D. Sagan.
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    Time and Eternity from Plotinus and Boethius to Einstein.Michael Chase - 2014 - Schole 8 (1):67-110.
    This article seeks to show that the views on time and eternity of Plotinus and Boethius are analogous to those implied by the block-time perspective in contemporary philosophy of time, as implied by the mathematical physics of Einstein and Minkowski. Both Einstein and Boethius utilized their theories of time and eternity with the practical goal of providing consolation to persons in distress; this practice of consolatio is compared to Pierre Hadot’s studies of the “Look from Above”, of the importance of (...)
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    Observations on Pierre Hadot's Conception of Philosophy as a Way of Life.Michael Chase - 2021 - In James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani & Kathleen Wallace (eds.), Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 262–286.
    The chapter presents a brief case study, in which we can observe the impact of Pierre Hadot's ideas on Martin O’Hagan, a person not far removed from us in terms of space, time, and aspirations. Hadot's concept of “Philosophy as a Way of Life (PWL)” could provide an option for a person who, excluded from and/or disillusioned by Academic philosophy, still felt the need to search for answers to a few centrally important questions that had direct impact on his life. (...)
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    Which School of Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy is Most Appropriate for Life in a Time of COVID-19?Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1):7-31.
    The author argues that ancient Skepticism may be most suited to deal with two crises in the Age of COVID-19: both the physical or epidemiological aspects of the pandemic, and the epistemological and ethical crisis of increasing disbelief in the sciences. Following Michel Bitbol, I suggest one way to mitigate this crisis of faith may be for science to become more epistemically modest, renouncing some of its claims to describe reality as it objectively is, and adopting an “intransitive” rather than (...)
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    Pressing Questions for the Philosophical Life in a Time of Crisis.Matthew Sharpe, Eli Kramer & Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (2):1-6.
    Preview: 2020, the year the coronavirus pandemic spread globally, marked the twenty-fifth year since the publication of Pierre Hadot’s work Philosophy as a Way of Life. In that time, what began as the research specialization of just a few scholars has become a growing area of philosophical and metaphilosophical inquiry, bringing together researchers from around the globe. Hadot’s key ideas of spiritual exercises, and the very idea of PWL, have been applied to a host of individual thinkers from across the (...)
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    Isis Has No Veils.Pierre Hadot & Michael Chase - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (3):349-353.
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    Pavel Florensky on space and time.Michael Chase - 2015 - Schole 9 (1):105-118.
    An investigation of the views on space and time of the Russian polymath Pavel Florensky. After a brief account of his life, I study Florensky’s conception of time in The Meaning of Idealism, where he first confronts Einstein’s theory of special relativity, comparing it to Plato’s metaphor of the Cave and Goethe’s myth of the Mothers. Later, in his Analysis of spatiality and time, Florensky speaks of a person’s biography as a four-dimensional unity, in which the temporal coordinate is examined (...)
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    Porphyry on the Cognitive Process.Michael Chase - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (2):383-405.
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    «Quod est primum in compositione, est ultimum in resolutione». Notas acerca de las nociones de «análisis» y «síntesis» en la antigüedad tardía.Michael Chase - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico 48 (1):103-139.
    En este artículo se investigan los orígenes griegos y latinos de la máxima escolástica que dicta que lo primero en la composición es lo último en la resolución. Estudio a la tradición que sostuvo que la síntesis procede de lo anterior a lo posterior, mientras que el análisis procede de lo posterior a lo anterior. En primer lugar, busco los orígenes de estas nociones en las matemáticas griegas. Posteriormente me ocupo de autores del platonismo medio, quienes identificaron el análisis con (...)
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  11.  43
    Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns - Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot.Michael Chase, Stephen R. L. Clark & Michael McGhee (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  12. Discussions on the Eternity of the World in Late Antiquity.Michael Chase - 2011 - Schole 5 (2):111-173.
    This article studies the debate between the Neoplatonist philosophers Simplicius and John Philoponus on the question of the eternity of the world. The first part consists in a historical introduction situating their debate within the context of the conflict between Christians and Pagan in the Byzantine Empire of the first half of the sixth century. Particular attention is paid to the attitudes of these two thinkers to Aristotle's attempted proofs of the eternity of motion and time in Physics 8.1. The (...)
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    Individus et description.Michael Chase - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 95 (1):3-36.
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  14. Études de Philosophie Antique et Médiévale. Dossier Thomas d'Aquin.Michael Chase - 2009 - Chôra 7:37-52.
    Dans un fragment de son commentaire perdu sur les Catégories d’Aristote, adressé à Gédalios et transmis par Simplicius dans son propre Commentaire surles Catégories, Porphyre évoque la distinction, à première vue énigmatique, entre les termes techniques grecs huparxis et hupostasis. On avance dans laprésente contribution que des passages tirés d’une source inattendue – le De Incarnatione du moine Théodore de Raithu – peuvent illuminerle sens de ce texte porphyrien. Ce résultat fournit l’occasion de quelques réflexions sur l’influence de Porphyre sur (...)
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    Interpretation of Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's five terms.Michael Chase - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Michael Chase.
    One of his six introductions to philosophy, widely used by students in Alexandria, Ammonius' lecture on Porphyry was recorded in writing by his students in the commentary translated here. Along with five other types of introductions (three of which are translated in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle volume Elias and David: Introductions to Philosophy with Olympiodorus: Introduction to Logic) it made Greek philosophy more accessible to other cultures. These introductions became standard in Ammonius' school and included a popular set of (...)
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    Behind the veil in memory of Pierre Hadot.Luc Brisson & Michael Chase - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (3):433-440.
    This memorial essay on the French historian of philosophy Pierre Hadot (1922–2010) explores his life and work. Starting out from an ecclesiastical background and education, Hadot's interest in mysticism led him to study the late Greek Neoplatonists Plotinus and Porphyry, as well as the Latin Church Fathers. Elected first to the École pratique des hautes études and then to the Collège de France, Hadot developed his most influential idea, that ancient philosophy was not the construction of an abstract system of (...)
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    Beatrice Motta, La mediazione estrema. L’antropologia di Nemesio d’Emesa fra plato­nismo e aristotelismo.Michael Chase - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):235-240.
    Némésius, évêque d’Émèse en Syrie (aujourd’hui Homs) vers la fin du ive et le début du ve siècle après J.-C., ne nous a laissé qu’un seul ouvrage, le De natura hominis. Parfois salué comme le « premier traité d’anthropologie chrétienne », ce livre occupe une place à part dans la tradition patristique. En effet, au lieu de tenter de réfuter les théories « païennes », c’est-à-dire relevant de la philosophie grecque, concernant la nature de l’homme, l’auteur y récupère très largement (...)
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  18. Documenta III. Kassel, 1964.Michael Chase - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (1):81-83.
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  19. Discussions on the Eternity of the world in Antiquity and contemporary cosmology.Michael Chase - 2013 - Schole 7 (1):20-68.
    This contribution continues the comparison between ancient and modern beliefs on scientific cosmology which began in a previous article in this Journal. I begin with a brief survey of contemporary theories on Big Bang cosmology, followed by a study of the cosmological theories of the Presocratic thinker Pherecydes of Syros. The second part of my paper studies the ramifications of the basic Platonic principle that bonum est diffusivum sui. I begin by studying the vicissitudes of this theory in the Patristic (...)
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  20.  11
    Introduction.Michael Chase - 2021 - In James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani & Kathleen Wallace (eds.), Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 1–9.
    This introductory chapter of Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns — Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot talks about the life of Pierre Hadot. The author's memories of his close friendship with Pierre Hadot are presented. In the 1970s, Hadot began to accord more and more importance to the idea of spiritual exercises, that is, philosophical practices intended to transform the practitioner's way of looking at the world and consequently his or her way of being. These exercises, (...)
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    "Omne corpus fugiendum?" Augustine and Porphyry on the body and the post-mortem destiny of the soul.Michael Chase - 2004 - Chôra 2:37-58.
  22.  20
    On Types of Certainty: from Buddhism to Islam and Beyond.Michael Chase - 2022 - Comparative Philosophy 13 (2).
    Studies the threefold hierarchy of certainty, from its origins in Mahāyāna Buddhism, through Islam, to 17th century China. This tripartite scheme may be traced back to the ancient Buddhist scheme of the threefold wisdom as systematized by Vasubandhu of Gandhāra in the 4th-5th centuries CE. Following the advent of Islam in the 8th century, it was combined with Qur'anic notions of certainty. Initially taken up by early Islamic mystics such as Sahl al-Tustarī and al-Ḥākim al-Tirmiḏī, the notion of yaqīn was (...)
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    Porphyry against the Christians: Critical Notes on a Recent Volume of Studies.Michael Chase - 2014 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 8 (1):93-106.
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  24. Porphyre et augustin : Des trois sortes de « visions » au corps de résurrection'.Michael Chase - 2005 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 51 (2):233-256.
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    (1 other version)Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision.Michael Chase (ed.) - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Porphyre sur la Providence.Michael Chase - 2015 - Chôra 13:125-147.
    Studies the doctrine of providence of the Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry of Tyre. Following a survey of Hellenistic theories of fate and providence, the doctrine of destiny ex hupotheseos, developed on the basis of Plato’s dialogues, is examined : according to it, our acts are free, but their consequences are necessary. As an integral part of Middle Platonic philosophy, this theory was probably transmitted to Late Antiquity by Porphyry. We then move on to examine Porphyry’s treatise On what depends on us, (...)
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  27. The scientific epistemology of al-Naẓẓām.Michael Chase - 2024 - In Ross Hernández, José Alberto & Daniel Vázquez (eds.), Cause and explanation in ancient philosophy. New York,: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  28. What does Porphyry mean by 2,ä< B"JZD".Michael Chase - 2004 - Dionysius 22.
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  29. The Present Alone is Our Happiness, Second Edition: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson.Marc Djaballah & Michael Chase (eds.) - 2011 - Stanford University Press.
    One of the most influential historians of ancient philosophy of the past half-century, Pierre Hadot was adept at using ancient philosophers to illuminate the relevance of their ideas to contemporary life. This new edition of _The Present Alone is Our Happiness_, which has been significantly revised and expanded to include two previously untranslated essays, is an ideal introduction to some of Hadot's more scholarly work. In it, we discover that to be an Epicurean is not merely to think like one; (...)
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  30. Philosophy as a way of life: ancients and moderns: essays in honor of Pierre Hadot.Pierre Hadot & Michael Chase (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Damascius, Problems & Solutions Concerning First Principles. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Sara Ahbel-Rappe. New York: Oxford University Press (Religion in Translation Series), 2010, xxviii-529 pp. 2 index. [REVIEW]Michael Chase - 2012 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 6 (1):139-145.
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