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Michael J. Wreen [18]Michael Joseph Wreen [1]
  1.  70
    Look, Ma! No Frans!Michael J. Wreen - 1994 - Pragmatics and Cognition 2 (2):285-306.
    This paper criticizes the pragma-dialectical conception of a fallacy, according to which a fallacy is an argumentative speech act which violates one or more of the rules of 'rational discussion'. That conception is found to be neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for committing a fallacy. It is also found wanting in several other respects.
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  2. Jealousy.Michael J. Wreen - 1989 - Noûs 23 (5):635-652.
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    May the force be with you.Michael J. Wreen - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (4):425-440.
    This paper is a critical assessment of argumentum ad baculum, or appeal to force. Its principal contention is that, contrary to common opinion, there is no general fallacy of ad baculum. Most real-life ad baculums are, in fact, fairly strong. A basic logical form for reconstructed ad baculums is proposed, and a number of heterodoxical conclusions are also advanced and argued for. They include that ad baculum is not necessarily a prudential argument, that ad baculum need not involve force, violence, (...)
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  4. Kant's Philosophy of Religion Reconsidered.Philip J. Rossi & Michael J. Wreen (eds.) - 1991 - Indiana University Press.
    "The essays, both philosophical and historical, demonstrate the continuing significance of a neglected aspect of Kant’s thought."—Religious Studies Review Challenging the traditional view that Kant's account of religion was peripheral to his thinking, these essays demonstrate the centrality of religion to Kant's critical philosophy. Contributors are Sharon Anderson-Gold, Leslie A. Mulholland, Anthony N. Perovich, Jr., Philip J. Rossi, Joseph Runzo, Denis Savage, Walter Sparn, Burkhard Tuschling, Nicholas P. Wolterstorff, and Allen W. Wood.
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    A Bolt of Fear.Michael J. Wreen - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 (2):131 - 140.
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    Absent Thee from Fallacy a While?Michael J. Wreen - 1997 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (4):351 - 366.
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    The standing is slippery.Michael J. Wreen - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (4):553-572.
    This paper is a critical examination of the so-called slippery slope argument for the conservative position on abortion. The argument was discussed in the philosophic literature some time back, but has since fallen into disfavor. The argument is first exposed and a general objection to it is advanced, then rebutted. Rosalind Hursthouse's more detailed and stronger objection is next aired, but also found less than convincing. In the course of discussing her objection, the correct form of the argument is identified, (...)
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    The definition of death.Michael J. Wreen - 1987 - Public Affairs Quarterly 1 (4):87-99.
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  9. What’s Really Wrong with Adultery.Michael J. Wreen - 1986 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (2):45-49.
  10. A Second Form of Argument from Analogy.Michael J. Wreen - 2007 - Theoria 73 (3):221-239.
    One form of argument from analogy is identified and Stephen Barker's remarks about a second kind of argument from analogy, non-inductive (and non-deductive) argument from analogy, are used as a springboard to identify a second form. That form is then refined, explained, exemplified, and related to the first form. It is argued that there is a spectrum of different forms of argument from analogy, with the two forms identified being end points on the spectrum. Except in terms of form, however, (...)
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  11.  13
    Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, Sj.Roland J. Teske, Richard C. Taylor, David Twetten & Michael J. Wreen (eds.) - 2011 - Marquette University Press.
    With his clear and accessible prose, impeccable scholarship, and balanced Judgment, Roland Teske, SJ, has been an influential and important voice in Medieval philosophy for more than thirty years. This volume, in his honour, brings together more than a dozen essays on central metaphysical and theological themes in Augustine and other medieval thinkers. The authors, listed below, are noted scholars who draw upon Teskes work, reflect on it, go beyond it, and at times even disagree with it, but always in (...)
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    A Feeling Disputation.Michael J. Wreen - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (4):787-.
    This, the latest volume in The Douglas Walton Encyclopedia of Argumentation—well, it's starting to look like that, anyway—is primarily concerned with four purported fallacies that involve an appeal to emotion: ad populum, ad misericordiam, ad baculum, and ad hominem. In very rough outline, the layout of the book is this. After some preliminary remarks about the four fallacies in the first chapter, and some remarks about the theoretical framework he will be working with in the second, Walton devotes a chapter (...)
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  13.  54
    Hypothetical Autonomy and Actual Autonomy: Some Problem Cases Involving Advance Directives.Michael J. Wreen - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (4):319-333.
  14.  90
    Most assur'd of what he is most ignorant.Michael J. Wreen - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (3):341 - 368.
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    Passing the bottle.Michael J. Wreen - 1986 - Philosophia 15 (4):427-444.
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  16.  58
    Socrates is called “socrates”.Michael J. Wreen - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):359 - 371.
  17. The Power of potentiality.Michael J. Wreen - 1986 - Theoria 52 (1-2):16-40.
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  18.  36
    Review of Roberts (1993): How Reference Works: Explanatory Models for Indexicals, Descriptions and Opacity. [REVIEW]Michael J. Wreen - 1998 - Pragmatics and Cognition 6 (1-2):349-357.