Results for 'Moshe E. Bar-Lev'

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  1.  83
    An Implicature account of Homogeneity and Non-maximality.Moshe E. Bar-Lev - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1045-1097.
    I provide arguments in favor of an implicature approach to Homogeneity where the basic meaning of the kids laughed is some of the kids laughed, and its strengthened meaning is all of the kids laughed. The arguments come from asymmetries between positive and negatives sentences containing definite plurals with respect to children’s behavior, the availability of Non-maximal readings, and the robustness of neither-true-nor-false judgments :205–248, 2015). I propose to avoid some problems of Magri’s analysis by modeling the Implicature account of (...)
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    Free choice, simplification, and Innocent Inclusion.Moshe E. Bar-Lev & Danny Fox - 2020 - Natural Language Semantics 28 (3):175-223.
    We propose a modification of the exhaustivity operator from Fox Presupposition and implicature in compositional semantics, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp 71–120, 2007. that on top of negating all the Innocently Excludable alternatives affirms all the ‘Innocently Includable’ ones. The main result of supplementing the notion of Innocent Exclusion with that of Innocent Inclusion is that it allows the exhaustivity operator to identify cells in the partition induced by the set of alternatives whenever possible. We argue for this property of (...)
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    On fatal competition and the nature of distributive inferences.Moshe E. Bar-Lev & Danny Fox - 2023 - Natural Language Semantics 31 (4):315-348.
    Denić ( 2018, 2019, To appear ) observes that the availability of distributive inferences—for sentences with disjunction embedded in the scope of a universal quantifier—depends on the size of the domain quantified over as it relates to the number of disjuncts. Based on her observations, she argues that probabilistic considerations play a role in the computation of implicatures. In this paper we explore a different possibility. We argue for a modification of Denić’s generalization, and provide an explanation that is based (...)
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  4. Ani ṿe-hanaʻar: ha-naʻar ṿe-darko ba-maʻavar mi-ḳaṭnut le-gadlut, gil ha-Bar Mitsṿah.Avraham Yaʻaḳov Leṿi - 2000 - Yerushalayim: A.Y. Leṿi.
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    Financial frauds’ victim profiles in developing countries.Eldad Bar Lev, Liviu-George Maha & Stefan-Catalin Topliceanu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, the variety of the financial frauds have increased, while the number of victims became difficult to estimate. The purpose of this paper is to present the main profiles of financial frauds’ victims using a reviewing method. The analysis captures the main theoretical and empirical background regarding the motives and circumstances of becoming a victim, the dynamics of several social and demographical characteristics of this type of victims, as well as a sample of relevant case studies from some developing countries. (...)
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  6. The proactive brain: using analogies and associations to generate predictions.Moshe Bar - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (7):280-289.
  7. Conscious and nonconscious processing of visual object identity.Moshe Bar - 2000 - In Yves Rossetti (ed.), Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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    A cognitive neuroscience hypothesis of mood and depression.Moshe Bar - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (11):456.
  9. Localizing the cortical region mediating visual awareness of object identity.Moshe Bar & Irving Biederman - 1999 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (4):1790-1793.
  10. The continuum of “looking forward,” and paradoxical requirements from memory.Moshe Bar - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):315-316.
    The claim that nonhuman animals lack foresight is common and intuitive. I propose an alternative whereby foresight is a gradual continuum in that it is present in animals to the extent that it is needed. A second aspect of this commentary points out that the requirements that the memory that mediates foresight be both specific yet flexible seem contradictory.
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  11. Top-down facilitation of visual object recognition.Moshe Bar - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 140--145.
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    Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage.Simcha Lev-Yadun, Amots Dafni, Moshe A. Flaishman, Moshe Inbar, Ido Izhaki, Gadi Katzir & Gidi Ne'eman - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1126-1130.
    The main point of our hypothesis “coloration undermines camouflage” is that many color patterns in plants undermine the camouflage of invertebrate herbivores, especially insects, thus exposing them to predation and causing them to avoid plant organs with unsuitable coloration, to the benefit of the plants. This is a common case of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and a visual parallel of the chemical signals that plants emit to call wasps when attacked by caterpillars. Moreover, this is also (...)
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  13.  61
    Micro-Valences: Perceiving Affective Valence in Everyday Objects.Sophie Lebrecht, Moshe Bar, Lisa Feldman Barrett & Michael J. Tarr - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  14.  42
    A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity.Tal Ivancovsky, Shira Baror & Moshe Bar - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e89.
    Curiosity and creativity are central pillars of human growth and invention. Although they have been studied extensively in isolation, the relationship between them has not yet been established. We propose that both curiosity and creativity emanate from the same mechanism of novelty seeking. We first present a synthesis showing that curiosity and creativity are affected similarly by a number of key cognitive faculties such as memory, cognitive control, attention, and reward. We then review empirical evidence from neuroscience research, indicating that (...)
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    Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments.Moshe Weinfeld, R. Borger, W. C. Delsman, M. Dietrich, V. Kaplony-Heckel, H. M. Kümmel, O. Loretz, W. W. Müller, W. H. Ph, Otto Kaiser, E. Edel, O. Rössler, E. von Schuler, H. M. Kummel, W. W. Muller & O. Rossler - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):335.
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    Morpho-Syntactic and Lexical Encoding of Tense and Aspect in Semitic: Proceedings of the Erlangen Workshop on April 16, 2014. Edited by Lutz Edzard. [REVIEW]Assaf Bar-Moshe - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (4).
    The Morpho-Syntactic and Lexical Encoding of Tense and Aspect in Semitic: Proceedings of the Erlangen Workshop on April 16, 2014. Edited by Lutz Edzard. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. 104. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. Pp. 242. €58.
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    A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity: Response to the commentators.Tal Ivancovsky, Shira Baror & Moshe Bar - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e119.
    In our target article, we proposed that curiosity and creativity are both manifestations of the same novelty-seeking process. We received 29 commentaries from diverse disciplines that add insights to our initial proposal. These commentaries ultimately expanded and supplemented our model. Here we draw attention to five central practical and theoretical issues that were raised by the commentators: (1) The complex construct of novelty and associated concepts; (2) the underlying subsystems and possible mechanisms; (3) the different pathways and subtypes of curiosity (...)
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  18.  25
    How associative thinking influences scene perception.Shira Baror, Moshe Bar & Elissa Aminoff - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 103 (C):103377.
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ estestvoznanii︠a︡.Lev Borisovich Bazhenov, K. E. Morozov & M. S. Slut︠s︡kiĭ (eds.) - 1966
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    Comparing the Axioms of Local and Universal Choice.Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin & A. Robinson - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):661-662.
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    Evolution in spatial predator–prey models and the “prudent predator”: The inadequacy of steady‐state organism fitness and the concept of individual and group selection.Charles Goodnight, E. Rauch, Hiroki Sayama, Marcus A. M. De Aguiar, M. Baranger & Yaneer Bar‐yam - 2008 - Complexity 13 (5):23-44.
    Complexity is pleased to announce the installment of Prof Hiroki Sayama as its new Chief Editor. In this Editorial, Prof Sayama describes his feelings about his recent appointment, discusses some of the journal’s journey and relevance to current issues, and shares his vision and aspirations for its future.
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    Prayer in the Hebrew Bible: The Drama of Divine-Human Dialogue.Moshe Greenberg & Samuel E. Balentine - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):320.
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    Information processing of olfactory stimuli by the dog: II. Stimulus control and sampling strategies in simultaneous discrimination learning.R. E. Lubow, Moshe Kahn & Reuven Frommer - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (4):323-326.
  24. Intelligence is not enough: On the socialization of talking machines. [REVIEW]E. Ronald & Moshe Sipper - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (4):567-576.
    Since the introduction of the imitation game by Turing in 1950 there has been much debate as to its validity in ascertaining machine intelligence. We wish herein to consider a different issue altogether: granted that a computing machine passes the Turing Test, thereby earning the label of ``Turing Chatterbox'', would it then be of any use (to us humans)? From the examination of scenarios, we conclude that when machines begin to participate in social transactions, unresolved issues of trust and responsibility (...)
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    The role of the parahippocampal cortex in cognition.Elissa M. Aminoff, Kestutis Kveraga & Moshe Bar - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (8):379-390.
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    Empathy: The Role of Expectations.Sabrina Trapp, Simone Schütz-Bosbach & Moshe Bar - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (2):161-166.
    To what extent can we feel what someone else feels? Data from neuroscience suggest that empathy is supported by a simulation process, namely the neural activation of the same or similar regions that subserve the representation of specific states in the observer. However, expectations significantly modulate sensory input, including affective information. For example, expecting painful stimulation can decrease the neural signal and the subjective experience thereof. For an accurate representation of the other person’s state, such top-down processes would have to (...)
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    The Basic Word List of the Arabic Daily Newspaper.G. E. von Grunebaum & Moshe Brill - 1943 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 63 (1):80.
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  28. Sefer Otsar igrot ḳodesh: ṿe-hu hadrakhot yesharot le-taḳen ha-nefesh be-hatmadat u-sheḳedat ha-Torah, le-hamshikh ha-lev be-emunah u-viṭaḥon, le-hizaher meʼod be-shemirat ha-ḥushim, le-natsel et ha-zeman ha-yaḳar mi-kol yeḳar, she-lo le-lekh be-darkhe reshaʻim ṿe-ʻod.Ḥayim Avraham Dov Ber Leṿin - 2022 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mekhon ha-Rav ha-Malʼakh.
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    Convergent evidence for top-down effects from the “predictive brain”.Claire O'Callaghan, Kestutis Kveraga, James M. Shine, Reginald B. Adams & Moshe Bar - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Axiomatic Method and Intuitionism.A. Heyting, Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin & A. Robinson - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):522-523.
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    Microalloying and the mechanical properties of amorphous solids.H. George E. Hentschel, Michael Moshe, Itamar Procaccia & Konrad Samwer - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (14):1399-1419.
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  32. Yomanefesh: hitbonenut ṿe-haʻamaḳah yomyomit le-tiḳun ha-midot 5776: ʻim Mesilat yesharim.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto (ed.) - 2015 - [Israel]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    An experimental investigation of implicature and homogeneity approaches to free choice.Lyn Tieu, Cory Bill & Jacopo Romoli - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (4):431-471.
    A sentence containing disjunction in the scope of a possibility modal, such as _Angie is allowed to buy the boat or the car_, gives rise to the free choice inference that Angie can freely choose between the two. This inference poses a well-known puzzle, in that it is not predicted by a standard treatment of modals and disjunction (e.g., Kamp (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 74:57–74, 1974 )). To complicate things further, free choice tends to disappear under negation: _Angie is (...)
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  34. Voprosy leksicheskoĭ semantiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.E. I. Kedaĭtene & Lev Alekseevich Novikov (eds.) - 1980 - Moskva: Universitet druzhby narodov im. Patrisa Lumumby.
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  35. Sefer Liḳuṭe Yeḥezḳel: ṿe-hu liḳuṭ mi-sifre morenu ha-Mashgiaḥ ha-g. he-ḥ. Maran Yeḥezḳel ha-Leṿi Leṿinshṭain... be-darkhe limud ha-Torah ṿeha-tefilah, emunah, musar, midot ṿe-hanhagot ṭovot.Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain - 1985 - Bene-Beraḳ: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  36. Emunah ṿa-halakhah ba-ʻolam ha-moderni: mifʻalehem ṿe-hagutam shel R. Yiśraʼel u-veno R. Barukh Yitsḥak Lifshits.Moshe Weinstock - 2007 - Jerusalem: ha-Universitah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Israel ben Gedaliah Lipschutz & Baruch Isaac ben Israel Lipschuetz.
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    Model-complete theories of e-free AX fields.Moshe Jarden & William H. Wheeler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1125-1129.
  38. Rabot maḥshavot: ha-ḥayim - ha-gigim ṿe-tovanot = Many thoughts.Moshe Cnaan - 2016 - Azor: Sifre tsameret.
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    Mull.Layman E. Allen, Patricia A. James & Y. Bar-Hillel - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):44-47.
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    Basic Verifiability in the Combinatory Theory of Restricted Generality.Haskell B. Curry, Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin & A. Robinson - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):469-470.
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  41. Ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ materii i ee strukturnye urovni: trudy III Vsesoi︠u︡znogo soveshchanii︠a︡ po filosofskim voprosam sovremennogo estestvoznanii︠a︡.Lev Borisovich Bazhenov & Regina Semenovna Karpinskaia (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  42. Each year@ ogn&~ n is obliged to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. Without their cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high standards. We are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1989.J. Alegria, W. Badecker, M. Bar-Hillel, D. Bekerian, E. Bisiach, P. Bloom, K. Bock, G. Boolos, V. Bruce & B. Byrne - 1990 - Cognition 35:101.
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  43. Derekh ʻets ḥayim: ṿe-hu haḳdamah la-sefer Pitḥe ha-ḥokhmah.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 1996 - Bruḳlin, Nu Yorḳ: Hotsaʼat sefarim de-Bosṭon. Edited by Yechiel Papier & Daṿid Naḥum Shapira.
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    Oriental and Biblical Studies: Collected Writings of E. A. Speiser.William W. Hallo, J. J. Finkelstein, Moshe Greenberg & E. A. Speiser - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):529.
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  45. Sefer ʻAvodat Yeḥezḳel: śiḥot musar ṿe-hitbonenut.Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain - 2016 - Betar Ilit: Rabi Menaḥem Mendelson. Edited by Menaḥem Mendelson & Eliyahu Ḥayim Bloi.
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    Mesilat yesharim ha-shalem: seder ṿikuaḥ ṿe-seder peraḳim.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ofeḳ. Edited by Abraham Shoshana.
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    Obrazy sushchego: doktrina ėticheskogo maksimalizma, metafizika zhivogo universuma.Lev Chivorepla - 2009 - Moskva: KMK. Tovarishchestvo nauchnykh izdaniĭ.
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    Human preferences are biased towards associative information.Sabrina Trapp, Amitai Shenhav, Sebastian Bitzer & Moshe Bar - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1054-1068.
  49. Sefer Mesilat yesharim: ʻim hosafot beʼurim ṿe-ʻiyunim.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 2015 - [Bene Beraḳ]: Irgun Orḥot Yosher. Edited by Lipa Felman.
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    Al-Ghazālī, Bar Hebraeus, and the “Good Wife”.Lev Weitz - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (2):203.
    This article compares the sections on the qualities desirable in a wife in Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn and Bar Hebraeus’s Ethicon, which the West Syrian writer modeled on al-Ghazālī’s work. The article first establishes that al-Ghazālī based his profile of the ideal wife on a jurisprudential discussion of the topic by his teacher, Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī, expanding it, however, by adding anecdotes from Sufi literature and reasoned arguments on how “the good wife” will best facilitate her husband’s devotion (...)
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