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  1.  84
    The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler’s a Defence of Tycho Against Ursus with Essays on its Provenance and Significance.Nicholas Jardine - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    Nicholas Jardine offers here an edition and the first translation into English of Johannes Kepler's A Defence of Tycho against Ursus. He accompanies this with essays on the provenance of the treatise - the circumstances which provoked Kepler to write it, an analysis of its strategy, style and historical sources and of the contents of Ursus' Treatise on Astronomical Hypotheses to which Kepler was replying. Dr Jardine also provides three extended interpretive essays on the intrinsic interest and historical significance of (...)
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  2. Epistemology of the Sciences.Nicholas Jardine - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 685--711.
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  3.  40
    Romanticism and the Sciences.Andrew Cunningham & Nicholas Jardine - 1990 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by Andrew Cunningham & Nicholas Jardine.
    Introduction: the age of reflexion Part I. Romanticism: 1. Romanticism and the sciences David Knight 2. Schelling and the origins of his Naturphilosophie S. R. Morgan 3. Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines: the founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin Elinor S. Shaffer 4. Historical consciousness in the German Romantic Naturforschung Dietrich Von Engelhardt 5. Theology and the sciences in the German Romantic period Frederick Gregory 6. Genius in Romantic natural philosophy Simon Shaffer Part II. Sciences of (...)
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  4.  77
    Whigs and Stories: Herbert Butterfield and the Historiography of Science.Nicholas Jardine - 2003 - History of Science 41 (2):125-140.
  5.  58
    The Scenes of Inquiry: On the Reality of Questions in the Sciences.Nicholas Jardine - 1991 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Scenes of Inquiry advocates a radical shift of concern in philosophical, historical, and sociological studies of the sciences, from answers and doctrines to questions and problems, and explores the consequences of such a shift. Nicholas Jardine has expanded the book considerably for this paperback edition, adding a substantial preface, an extensive bibliography, and three new essays which develop the book's themes and pursue its aims further. 'Philosophers, historians, sociologists, and not least scientists, should read it' Times Higher Education Supplement.
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  6.  98
    The Forging of Modern Realism: Clavius and Kepler against the Sceptics.Nicholas Jardine - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (2):141.
  7.  58
    The fortunes of inquiry.Nicholas Jardine - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The belief that science shows an accumulation of a body of objective knowledge has been widely challenged by philosophers and historians in the latter half of this century. In this treatise, Dr. Jardine defends this belief with a careful appreciation of the complexities involved, drawing on many controversial issues concerning truth in science, interpretation of past theories, and grounds of scientific method.
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  8. The Fortunes of Inquiry.Nicholas Jardine - 1988 - Mind 97 (386):303-305.
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  9.  51
    Reflections on the preservation of recent scientific heritage in dispersed university collections.Nicholas Jardine - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):735-743.
    The bulk of the significant recent scientific heritage of universities is not to be found in accredited science museums or collections employed in research. Rather it is located in a wide variety of more informal collections, assemblages and accumulations. The selection and documentation of such materials is very often unsystematic and many of them are vulnerable to changes of staff, relocation and, above all, shortage of space. Following a survey of views on the values of the recent material heritage of (...)
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  10. The possibility of absolutism.Nicholas Jardine - 1980 - In D. H. Mellor (ed.), Science, Belief and Behaviour: Essays in Honour of R B Braithwaite. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  11.  35
    Recent material heritage of the sciences.Nicholas Jardine & Lydia Wilson - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):632-633.
  12.  53
    Dead questions and vicarious understandings: Questioning Gadamer's genealogy.Nicholas Jardine - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):63-78.
    Gadamer's Truth and Method emphasises the priority of engagement with questions in the process of interpretation; however, there are passages which appear dismissive of concerns with 'dead' scientific and philosophical questions. Here I argue that Gadamer's work is nevertheless an important resource for the historical study of the genesis and dissolution of questions. This type of study can overcome the divide between internal history of contents and external history of contexts. In both philosophy and the sciences, reflection on the genealogy (...)
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    Philosophy of History of Science.Nicholas Jardine - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 285–296.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Critical Narratives Rival Reconstructions Philosophical Problems Bibliography.
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  14.  60
    The matching of parts of things.Charles J. Jardine & Nicholas Jardine - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):123 - 132.
    An axiomatic treatment of the relation part of is shown to lead naturally to an account of the ways in which parts of things are matched. The determination of matchings by the properties of parts and by the relations between parts is discussed and shown to be relevant to certain classificatory problems in science. The connexions between matchings and symmetries of parts are explored, and a general account is given of the ways in which ambiguities in the matching of parts (...)
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  15.  58
    The pasts, presents, and futures of testimony.Nicholas Jardine & Marina Frasca-Spada - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52:95-100.
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  16. Turning to Ontology in Studies of Distant Sciences.Nicholas Jardine - 2020 - In Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça (eds.), Science in the forest, science in the past. Chicago: HAU Books.
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  17.  36
    William A. Wallace., Galileo and His Sources: The Heritage of the Collegio Romano in Galileo's Science.Nicholas Jardine - 1989 - International Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):121-123.
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  18.  41
    A Trial of GalileosGalileo, Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of AbsolutismMario BiagioliNovelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican ControversyJean Dietz MossGalileo, Human Knowledge, and the Book of Nature: Method Replaces MetaphysicsJoseph C. PittGalileo's Logic of Discovery and Proof: The Background, Content, and Use of His Appropriated Treatises on Aristotle's Posterior AnalyticsWilliam A. WallaceGalileo's Logical Treatises: A Translation, with Notes and Commentary, of His Appropriated Latin Questions on Aristotle's Posterior AnalyticsWilliam A. Wallace. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jardine - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):279-283.
  19.  43
    Models of the History of Philosophy. Volume 1: From Its Origins in the Renaissance to the "Historia Philosophica."Francesco Bottin Luciano Malusa Giuseppe Micheli Giovanni Santinello Ilario Tolomio Constance W. Blackwell Philip Weller. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jardine - 1995 - Isis 86 (3):465-466.
  20.  23
    Prince Cesi and fungi, not to mention fungifunguli. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jardine - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (2):267-273.
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  21.  41
    Paul Ziche;, Petr Rezvykh. Sygkepleriazein: Schelling und die Kepler-Rezeption im 19. Jahrhundert. vi + 299 pp., bibl., index. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 2013. €74. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jardine - 2014 - Isis 105 (3):666-667.
  22.  80
    Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos Edited by R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend and M. W. Wartofsky (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. xxxix; Synthese Library, Vol. 99) D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland/Boston, U.S.A., 1976. xi + 768pp. Cloth $62.00; Paper $34.00. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jardine - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (203):119-.