Results for 'Observational equivalence'

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  1. On the observational equivalence of continuous-time deterministic and indeterministic descriptions.Werndl Charlotte - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):193-225.
    On the observational equivalence of continuous-time deterministic and indeterministic descriptions Content Type Journal Article Pages 193-225 DOI 10.1007/s13194-010-0011-5 Authors Charlotte Werndl, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE UK Journal European Journal for Philosophy of Science Online ISSN 1879-4920 Print ISSN 1879-4912 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number 2.
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    (1 other version)Misinformation, observational equivalence and the possibility of rationality.Maarten van Doorn - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In vice epistemology, bad epistemic outcomes, such as maintaining false beliefs, are interpreted as indicators of blameworthy irrationality. Conversely, a growing trend in philosophical psychology advocates for environmentalist explanations, suggesting these outcomes emerge because rational cognitive processes of faultless individuals falter due to polluted environmental inputs. Building on concrete examples, I first offer a systematic analysis of the relative explanatory merits of that environmentalist project. I then use this analysis to advance the rationality debate, which has recently been identified as (...)
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    Observational equivalence of deterministic and indeterministic descriptions and the role of different observations.Charlotte Werndl - 2012 - In Hartmann Stephan, Okasha Samir & De Regt Herman (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 427-439.
    Recently some results have been presented which show that certain kinds of deterministic descriptions and indeterministic descriptions are observationally equivalent (Werndl 2009a, 2010). This paper focuses on some philosophical questions prompted by these results. More specifically, first, I will discuss the philosophical comments made by mathematicians about observational equivalence, in particular Ornstein and Weiss (1991). Their comments are vague, and I will argue that, according to a reasonable interpretation, they are misguided. Second, the results on observational (...) raise the question of whether the deterministic or indeterministic description is preferable relative to all evidence. If none of them is preferable, there is underdetermination. I will criticize Winnie's (1998) argument that, by appealing to different observations, one finds that the deterministic description is preferable. In particular, I will clarify a confusion in this argument. Furthermore, I will argue that if the concern is a strong kind of underdetermination, the argument delivers the desired conclusion but this conclusion is trivial; and for other kinds of underdetermination of interest the argument fails. (shrink)
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    The Unintelligibility of "Observational Equivalence".Michael R. Gardner - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:104 - 116.
    Suppose that two theories θ and θ ′ are observationally equivalent, so that any possible evidence for or against one has the same relation to the other. Are these theories then logically equivalent? If not, is rational choice between them possible (on non-empirical grounds), or must we forever suspend judgment? It is argued that these questions are unintelligible, because the required sense of "observationally equivalent" does not exist. An explanation as to why this fact has been long overlooked is attempted (...)
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  5. On two mathematical definitions of observational equivalence: Manifest isomorphism and reconsidered.Christopher Belanger - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (2):69-76.
    In this paper I examine two mathematical definitions of observational equivalence, one proposed by Charlotte Werndl and based on manifest isomorphism, and the other based on Ornstein and Weiss's ε-congruenceε-congruence. I argue, for two related reasons, that neither can function as a purely mathematical definition of observational equivalence. First, each definition permits of counterexamples; second, overcoming these counterexamples will introduce non-mathematical premises about the systems in question. Accordingly, the prospects for a broadly applicable and purely mathematical (...)
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  6. Are deterministic descriptions and indeterministic descriptions observationally equivalent?Charlotte Werndl - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (3):232-242.
    The central question of this paper is: are deterministic and indeterministic descriptions observationally equivalent in the sense that they give the same predictions? I tackle this question for measure-theoretic deterministic systems and stochastic processes, both of which are ubiquitous in science. I first show that for many measure-theoretic deterministic systems there is a stochastic process which is observationally equivalent to the deterministic system. Conversely, I show that for all stochastic processes there is a measure-theoretic deterministic system which is observationally equivalent (...)
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    An approach to deciding the observational equivalence of Algol-like languages.C. -H. L. Ong - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 130 (1-3):125-171.
    We prove that the observational equivalence of third-order finitary Idealized Algol is decidable using Game Semantics. By modelling the state explicitly in our games, we show that the denotation of a term M of this fragment of IA is a compactly innocent strategy-with-state, i.e. the strategy is generated by a finite view function fM. Given any such fM, we construct a real-time deterministic pushdown automaton that recognizes the complete plays of the knowing-strategy denotation of M. Since such plays (...)
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    Equivalent Theories Redefine Hamiltonian Observables to Exhibit Change in General Relativity.J. Brian Pitts - unknown
    Change and local spatial variation are missing in canonical General Relativity's observables as usually defined, an aspect of the problem of time. Definitions can be tested using equivalent formulations of a theory, non-gauge and gauge, because they must have equivalent observables and everything is observable in the non-gauge formulation. Taking an observable from the non-gauge formulation and finding the equivalent in the gauge formulation, one requires that the equivalent be an observable, thus constraining definitions. For massive photons, the de Broglie-Proca (...)
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  9.  42
    Equivalent Theories and Changing Hamiltonian Observables in General Relativity.J. Brian Pitts - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (5):579-590.
    Change and local spatial variation are missing in Hamiltonian general relativity according to the most common definition of observables as having 0 Poisson bracket with all first-class constraints. But other definitions of observables have been proposed. In pursuit of Hamiltonian–Lagrangian equivalence, Pons, Salisbury and Sundermeyer use the Anderson–Bergmann–Castellani gauge generator G, a tuned sum of first-class constraints. Kuchař waived the 0 Poisson bracket condition for the Hamiltonian constraint to achieve changing observables. A systematic combination of the two reforms might (...)
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    Epistemological observations about mind-machine equivalence.Farzad Didehvar & Mohammad Saleh Zareepour - 2007
    One of the highly contraversial discussions in philosophy of mind is equivalence of human being mind and machines. Here we show that no one could prove that, in certain he is a machine.
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    What Are Observables in Hamiltonian Theories? Testing Definitions with Empirical Equivalence.J. Brian Pitts - unknown
    Change seems missing in Hamiltonian General Relativity's observables. The typical definition takes observables to have $0$ Poisson bracket with \emph{each} first-class constraint. Another definition aims to recover Lagrangian-equivalence: observables have $0$ Poisson bracket with the gauge generator $G$, a \emph{tuned sum} of first-class constraints. Empirically equivalent theories have equivalent observables. That platitude provides a test of definitions using de Broglie's massive electromagnetism. The non-gauge ``Proca'' formulation has no first-class constraints, so everything is observable. The gauge ``Stueckelberg'' formulation has first-class (...)
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    Theory-Laden observations and empirical equivalence of theories.Lukáš Bielik - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (7).
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    Healthy Older Observers Show Equivalent Perceptual-Cognitive Training Benefits to Young Adults for Multiple Object Tracking.Isabelle Legault, Rémy Allard & Jocelyn Faubert - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    The Equivalence Principle Revisited.R. Aldrovandi, P. B. Barros & J. G. Pereira - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (4):545-575.
    A precise fomulation of the strong Equivalence Principle is essential to the understanding of the relationship between gravitation and quantum mechanics. The relevant aspects are reviewed in a context including General Relativity but allowing for the presence of torsion. For the sake of brevity, a concise statement is proposed for the Principle: An ideal observer immersed in a gravitational field can choose a reference frame in which gravitation goes unnoticed. This statement is given a clear mathematical meaning through an (...)
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    Decompositional Equivalence: A Fundamental Symmetry Underlying Quantum Theory.Chris Fields - 2016 - Axiomathes 26 (3):279-311.
    Decompositional equivalence is the principle that there is no preferred decomposition of the universe into subsystems. It is shown here, by using a simple thought experiment, that quantum theory follows from decompositional equivalence together with Landauer’s principle. This demonstration raises within physics a question previously left to psychology: how do human—or any—observers identify or agree about what constitutes a “system of interest”?
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    Functional Equivalence of Sleep Loss and Time on Task Effects in Sustained Attention.Bella Z. Veksler & Glenn Gunzelmann - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):600-632.
    Research on sleep loss and vigilance both focus on declines in cognitive performance, but theoretical accounts have developed largely in parallel in these two areas. In addition, computational instantiations of theoretical accounts are rare. The current work uses computational modeling to explore whether the same mechanisms can account for the effects of both sleep loss and time on task on performance. A classic task used in the sleep deprivation literature, the Psychomotor Vigilance Test, was extended from the typical 10-min duration (...)
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  17. Empirical equivalence, underdetermination, and systems of the world.Carl Hoefer & Alexander Rosenberg - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (4):592-607.
    The underdetermination of theory by evidence must be distinguished from holism. The latter is a doctrine about the testing of scientific hypotheses; the former is a thesis about empirically adequate logically incompatible global theories or "systems of the world". The distinction is crucial for an adequate assessment of the underdetermination thesis. The paper shows how some treatments of underdetermination are vitiated by failure to observe this distinction, and identifies some necessary conditions for the existence of multiple empirically equivalent global theories. (...)
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  18. Underdetermination, realism and empirical equivalence.John Worrall - 2009 - Synthese 180 (2):157 - 172.
    Are theories ‘underdetermined by the evidence’ in any way that should worry the scientific realist? I argue that no convincing reason has been given for thinking so. A crucial distinction is drawn between data equivalence and empirical equivalence. Duhem showed that it is always possible to produce a data equivalent rival to any accepted scientific theory. But there is no reason to regard such a rival as equally well empirically supported and hence no threat to realism. Two theories (...)
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    Discussion of "learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables".Jiji Zhang & Ricardo Silva - unknown
    Learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables is discussed. The problem of inferring the presence of latent variables, their relation to the observables, and the relation among themselves, is considered. A different approach for identifying causal structures, one that results in much simpler equivalence classes, is provided. It is found that the computational cost is much higher than the procedure implemented, but if datasets are individually of modest dimensionality, (...)
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    Ramsey Equivalence.Neil Dewar - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (1):77-99.
    In the literature over the Ramsey-sentence approach to structural realism, there is often debate over whether structural realists can legitimately restrict the range of the second-order quantifiers, in order to avoid the Newman problem. In this paper, I argue that even if they are allowed to, it won’t help: even if the Ramsey sentence is interpreted using such restricted quantifiers, it is still an implausible candidate to capture a theory’s structural content. To do so, I use the following observation: if (...)
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    Remarks on Uniformly Finitely Precomplete Positive Equivalences.V. Yu Shavrukov - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):67-82.
    The paper contains some observations on e-complete, precomplete, and uniformly finitely precomplete r. e. equivalence relations. Among these are a construction of a uniformly finitely precomplete r. e. equivalence which is neither e- nor precomplete, an extension of Lachlan's theorem that all precomplete r. e. equivalences are isomorphic, and a characterization of sets of fixed points of endomorphisms of uniformly finitely precomplete r. e. equivalences.
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    On the Equivalence Between MV-Algebras and l-Groups with Strong Unit.Eduardo J. Dubuc & Y. A. Poveda - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):807-814.
    In “A new proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms” Chang proved that any totally ordered MV-algebra A was isomorphic to the segment \}\) of a totally ordered l-group with strong unit A *. This was done by the simple intuitive idea of putting denumerable copies of A on top of each other. Moreover, he also show that any such group G can be recovered from its segment since \^*}\), establishing an equivalence of categories. In “Interpretation of AF (...)
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  23.  13
    3D vs 4D explanations 191 3D/4D equivalence 198–200 Absolute simultaneity 224 Accelerated observer 221 Action 252, 257.De Gravitatione - 2006 - In Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks (ed.), Ontology of Spacetime. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 1--94.
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    On diagonal functions for equivalence relations.Serikzhan A. Badaev, Nikolay A. Bazhenov, Birzhan S. Kalmurzayev & Manat Mustafa - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):259-278.
    We work with weakly precomplete equivalence relations introduced by Badaev. The weak precompleteness is a natural notion inspired by various fixed point theorems in computability theory. Let E be an equivalence relation on the set of natural numbers $$\omega $$, having at least two classes. A total function f is a diagonal function for E if for every x, the numbers x and f(x) are not E-equivalent. It is known that in the case of c.e. relations E, the (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards characterizing Markov equivalence classes for directed acyclic graphs with latent variables.Ayesha Ali, Thomas Richardson, Peter Spirtes & Jiji Zhang - unknown
    It is well known that there may be many causal explanations that are consistent with a given set of data. Recent work has been done to represent the common aspects of these explanations into one representation. In this paper, we address what is less well known: how do the relationships common to every causal explanation among the observed variables of some DAG process change in the presence of latent variables? Ancestral graphs provide a class of graphs that can encode conditional (...)
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  26. Reinterpreting Relativity: Using the Equivalence Principle to Explain Away Cosmological Anomalies.Marcus Arvan - manuscript
    According to the standard interpretation of Einstein’s field equations, gravity consists of mass-energy curving spacetime, and an additional physical force or entity—denoted by Λ (the ‘cosmological constant’)—is responsible for the Universe’s metric-expansion. Although General Relativity’s direct predictions have been systematically confirmed, the dominant cosmological model thought to follow from it—the ΛCDM (Lambda cold dark matter) model of the Universe’s history and composition—faces considerable challenges, including various observational anomalies and experimental failures to detect dark matter, dark energy, or inflation-field candidates. (...)
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    Interpreting observables in a quantum world from the categorial standpoint.Elias Zafiris - 2004 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43 (1):265-298.
    We develop a relativistic perspective on structures of quantum observables, in terms of localization systems of Boolean coordinatizing charts. This perspective implies that the quantum world is comprehended via Boolean reference frames for measurement of observables, pasted together along their overlaps. The scheme is formalized categorically, as an instance of the adjunction concept. The latter is used as a framework for the specification of a categorical equivalence signifying an invariance in the translational code of communication between Boolean localizing contexts (...)
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  28.  21
    What Are Observables in Hamiltonian Einstein–Maxwell Theory?James Pitts - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (8):786-796.
    Is change missing in Hamiltonian Einstein–Maxwell theory? Given the most common definition of observables, observables are constants of the motion and nonlocal. Unfortunately this definition also implies that the observables for massive electromagnetism with gauge freedom are inequivalent to those of massive electromagnetism without gauge freedom. The alternative Pons–Salisbury–Sundermeyer definition of observables, aiming for Hamiltonian–Lagrangian equivalence, uses the gauge generator G, a tuned sum of first-class constraints, rather than each first-class constraint separately, and implies equivalent observables for equivalent massive (...)
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  29. Prismatic Equivalence – A New Case of Underdetermination: Goethe vs. Newton on the Prism Experiments.Olaf L. Mueller - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):323-347.
    Goethe's objections to Newton's theory of light and colours are better than often acknowledged. You can accept the most important elements of these objections without disagreeing with Newton about light and colours. As I will argue, Goethe exposed a crucial weakness of Newton's methodological self-assessment. Newton believed that with the help of his prism experiments, he could prove that sunlight was composed of variously coloured rays of light. Goethe showed that this step from observation to theory is more problematic than (...)
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    Entanglement of Observables: Quantum Conditional Probability Approach.Andrei Khrennikov & Irina Basieva - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (5):1-22.
    This paper is devoted to clarification of the notion of entanglement through decoupling it from the tensor product structure and treating as a constraint posed by probabilistic dependence of quantum observable _A_ and _B_. In our framework, it is meaningless to speak about entanglement without pointing to the fixed observables _A_ and _B_, so this is _AB_-entanglement. Dependence of quantum observables is formalized as non-coincidence of conditional probabilities. Starting with this probabilistic definition, we achieve the Hilbert space characterization of the (...)
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  31. The light at the end of the tunneling: Observation and underdetermination.Michael Dickson - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):58.
    If observation is 'theory-laden', how can there be 'observationally equivalent theories'? How can the observations 'laden' by one theory be 'the same as' those 'laden' by another? The answer might lie in the expressibility of observationally equivalent theories in a common mathematical formalism.
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    Gravitational redshift and the equivalence principle.P. T. Landsberg & N. T. Bishop - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (6):727-737.
    Two problems have long been confused with each other: the gravitational redshift as discussed by the equivalence principle; and the Doppler shift observed by a detector which moves with constant proper acceleration away from a stationary source. We here distinguish these two problems and give for the first time a solution of the former which is ‘exact’ within the context of the equivalence principle in a sense discussed in the paper. The equivalence principle leads to transformations between (...)
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    The distance function in commutative ℓ-semigroups and the equivalence in łukasiewicz logic.Andrzej Wroński - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):241 - 253.
    The equivalence connective in ukasiewicz logic has its algebraic counterpart which is the distance function d(x,y) =|x–y| of a positive cone of a commutative -group. We make some observations on logically motivated algebraic structures involving the distance function.
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    Some Observations on Propertius 1. I.Francis Cairns - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (1):94-110.
    Propertius' account of this myth contains two major difficulties of syntax and interpretation: modo. When the word modo means ⋯ννοτε μ⋯νand stands in the first of two co-ordinate clauses it requires an answering modo or its equivalent in the second clause. Et and etiam are not satisfactory equivalents. So the necessary second modo—or equivalent—is here absent. ibat uidere is the sole account of Milanion's activities in connection with the hirsutae ferae. As such it appears obscure and abrupt.
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    Classical Analogs of Unitarily Equivalent Hamilton Operators.Berthold-Georg Englert - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):375-384.
    A unitary transformation replaces the given description of a quantum system by an equivalent one. It is observed, however, that not all members of a set of unitarily equivalent Hamilton operators are equally well suited for identifying the corresponding classical systems. A criterion is proposed for recognizing the privileged representatives of the set. A few explicit examples are reported that show the criterion at work.
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    Is time dilation physically observable?W. Kantor - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (1):105-113.
    The circular arc swept out by the angular displacement of a clock indicator (or its equivalent representation) measuring time is shown to be a Lorentz invariant, representing “universal” time. The concepts of time dilation and transverse Doppler effect are accordingly not physically observable. The experiments on these effects when examined critically are found to be inconclusive. Length contraction, also experimentally unconfirmed, and kinematic temporal phase, both consequences of the Lorentz transformations, are as a matter of logical consistency also physically unobservable.
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  37. The category of equivalence relations.Luca San Mauro, Valentino Delle Rose & Andrea Sorbi - 2021 - Algebra and Logic 5 (60):295-307.
    We make some beginning observations about the category Eq of equivalence relations on the set of natural numbers, where a morphism between two equivalence relations R and S is a mapping from the set of R-equivalence classes to that of S-equivalence classes, which is induced by a computable function. We also consider some full subcategories of Eq, such as the category Eq(Σ01) of computably enumerable equivalence relations (called ceers), the category Eq(Π01) of co-computably enumerable (...) relations, and the category Eq(Dark*) whose objects are the so-called dark ceers plus the ceers with finitely many equivalence classes. Although in all these categories the monomorphisms coincide with the injective morphisms, we show that in Eq(Σ01) the epimorphisms coincide with the onto morphisms, but in Eq(Π01) there are epimorphisms that are not onto. Moreover, Eq, Eq(Σ01), and Eq(Dark*) are closed under finite products, binary coproducts, and coequalizers, but we give an example of two morphisms in Eq(Π01) whose coequalizer in Eq is not an object of Eq(Π01). (shrink)
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    Topological elementary equivalence of regular semi‐algebraic sets in three‐dimensional space.Floris Geerts & Bart Kuijpers - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (6):435-463.
    We consider semi‐algebraic sets and properties of these sets that are expressible by sentences in first‐order logic over the reals. We are interested in first‐order properties that are invariant under topological transformations of the ambient space. Two semi‐algebraic sets are called topologically elementarily equivalent if they cannot be distinguished by such topological first‐order sentences. So far, only semi‐algebraic sets in one and two‐dimensional space have been considered in this context. Our contribution is a natural characterisation of topological elementary equivalence (...)
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    Exprimer la dynamique spatiale par l’utilisation de l’adjectif grave et ses équivalents polonais dans les textes de loi.Dorota Śliwa - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2221-2235.
    Starting from the observation that the construction of vague reference in legal texts is intended by the legislator, we examine the intensifier adjective grave linked to linguistic vagueness. The aim is to define the meanings of grave and the role of the noun it qualifies, and to identify Polish equivalents in comparable and parallel legal texts. After mentioning studies on vagueness and vague reference, we analyse definitions that indicate two meanings: ‘importance’ and ‘consequence. The ‘cause-consequence’ relationship becomes central to the (...)
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    Born–Jordan Quantization and the Equivalence of the Schrödinger and Heisenberg Pictures.Maurice A. de Gosson - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (10):1096-1106.
    The aim of the famous Born and Jordan 1925 paper was to put Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics on a firm mathematical basis. Born and Jordan showed that if one wants to ensure energy conservation in Heisenberg’s theory it is necessary and sufficient to quantize observables following a certain ordering rule. One apparently unnoticed consequence of this fact is that Schrödinger’s wave mechanics cannot be equivalent to Heisenberg’s more physically motivated matrix mechanics unless its observables are quantized using this rule, and not (...)
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  41. Leibniz on Motion and the Equivalence of Hypotheses.Anja Jauernig - 2008 - The Leibniz Review 18:1-40.
    Contrary to popular belief, I argue that Leibniz is not hopelessly confused about motion: Leibniz is indeed both a relativist and an absolutist about motion, as suggested by the textual evidence, but, appearances to the contrary, this is not a problem; Leibniz’s infamous doctrine of the equivalence of hypotheses is well-supported and well-integrated within Leibniz’s physical theory; Leibniz’s assertion that the simplest hypothesis of several equivalent hypotheses can be held to be true can be explicated in such a way (...)
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    On the general covariance and strong equivalence principles in quantum general relativity.Eduard Prugovečki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (7):989-1076.
    The various physical aspects of the general relativistic principles of covariance and strong equivalence are discussed, and their mathematical formulations are analyzed. All these aspects are shown to be present in classical general relativity, although no contemporary formulation of canonical or covariant quantum gravity has succeeded to incorporate them all. This has, in part, motivated the recent introduction of a geometro-stochastic framework for quantum general relativity, in which the classical frame bundles that underlie the formulation of parallel transport in (...)
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  43. A Transformational Characterization of Markov Equivalence for Directed Maximal Ancestral Graphs.Jiji Zhang & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    The conditional independence relations present in a data set usually admit multiple causal explanations — typically represented by directed graphs — which are Markov equivalent in that they entail the same conditional independence relations among the observed variables. Markov equivalence between directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) has been characterized in various ways, each of which has been found useful for certain purposes. In particular, Chickering’s transformational characterization is useful in deriving properties shared by Markov equivalent DAGs, and, with certain generalization, (...)
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    A transformational characterization of Markov equivalence for directed acyclic graphs with latent variables.Jiji Zhang & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    Different directed acyclic graphs may be Markov equivalent in the sense that they entail the same conditional independence relations among the observed variables. Chickering provided a transformational characterization of Markov equivalence for DAGs, which is useful in deriving properties shared by Markov equivalent DAGs, and, with certain generalization, is needed to prove the asymptotic correctness of a search procedure over Markov equivalence classes, known as the GES algorithm. For DAG models with latent variables, maximal ancestral graphs provide a (...)
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    The nature of educational theories: goal-directed, equivalence and interlevel theories.Tone Kvernbekk - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This important book explores the question of what an educational theory is and how educational theories can work. It offers a classification scheme of distinct types of educational theory and considers ways the nature of theories can inform the work of educational theorists and practitioners. Kvernbekk observes throughout how metatheoretical knowledge of the structure of theory types will improve understanding and representation of educational phenomena and enhance the ability to change these phenomena for the better. The author explores how the (...)
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    A mathematical characterization of the physical structure of observers.Matthew J. Donald - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (4):529-571.
    It is proposed that the physical structure of an observer in quantum mechanics is constituted by a pattern of elementary localized switching events. A key preliminary step in giving mathematical expression to this proposal is the introduction of an equivalence relation on sequences of spacetime sets which relates a sequence to any other sequence to which it can be deformed without change of causal arrangement. This allows an individual observer to be associated with a finite structure. The identification of (...)
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    Evidence for the Deterministic or the Indeterministic Description? A Critique of the Literature About Classical Dynamical Systems.Charlotte Werndl - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (2):295-312.
    It can be shown that certain kinds of classical deterministic and indeterministic descriptions are observationally equivalent. Then the question arises: which description is preferable relative to evidence? This paper looks at the main argument in the literature for the deterministic description by Winnie (The cosmos of science—essays of exploration. Pittsburgh University Press, Pittsburgh, pp 299–324, 1998). It is shown that this argument yields the desired conclusion relative to in principle possible observations where there are no limits, in principle, on (...) accuracy. Yet relative to the currently possible observations (of relevance in practice), relative to the actual observations, or relative to in principle observations where there are limits, in principle, on observational accuracy the argument fails. Then Winnie’s analogy between his argument for the deterministic description and his argument against the prevalence of Bernoulli randomness in deterministic descriptions is considered. It is argued that while the arguments are indeed analogous, it is also important to see they are disanalogous in another sense. (shrink)
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  48. On choosing between deterministic and indeterministic models: underdetermination and indirect evidence.Charlotte Werndl - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2243-2265.
    There are results which show that measure-theoretic deterministic models and stochastic models are observationally equivalent. Thus there is a choice between a deterministic and an indeterministic model and the question arises: Which model is preferable relative to evidence? If the evidence equally supports both models, there is underdetermination. This paper first distinguishes between different kinds of choice and clarifies the possible resulting types of underdetermination. Then a new answer is presented: the focus is on the choice between a Newtonian deterministic (...)
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    Determinism.Charlotte Werndl - 2016 - In Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith & Neil Levy (eds.), Routledge Companion to Free Will. New York: Routledge.
    This article focuses on three recent discussions on determinism in the philosophy of science. First, determinism and predictability will be discussed. Then, second, the paper turns to the topic of determinism, indeterminism, observational equivalence and randomness. Finally, third, there will be a discussion about deterministic probabilities. The paper will end with a conclusion.
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  50. (1 other version)Another look at general covariance and the equivalence of reference frames.Dennis Dieks - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (1):174-191.
    In his general theory of relativity (GR) Einstein sought to generalize the special-relativistic equivalence of inertial frames to a principle according to which all frames of reference are equivalent. He claimed to have achieved this aim through the general covariance of the equations of GR. There is broad consensus among philosophers of relativity that Einstein was mistaken in this. That equations can be made to look the same in different frames certainly does not imply in general that such frames (...)
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