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  1.  10
    Simile alle ombre e al sogno: la filosofia dell'immagine.Paolo Spinicci - 2008 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  2.  9
    Il museo della filosofia: le prime stanze.Paolo Spinicci, Clotilde Calabi, Chiara Cappelletto & Anna Ichino (eds.) - 2019 - Udine: Mimesis.
    From November 5 to November 22, 2019, the University of Milan hosts an exhibition in which philosophy and its problems are staged in playful and interactive forms. Like any catalog, this volume also intends to document the objects and themes proposed to the visitor. But it also has a more ambitious goal: to imagine and design the spaces of that Museum of Philosophy which, we are sure, will be created here in Milan, starting from the experience of this exhibition--Translated, via (...)
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  3.  21
    Il problema dell'intuizione: tre studi su Platone, Kant, Husserl.Anselmo Aportone, Francesco Aronadio & Paolo Spinicci - 2002
  4.  7
    Analitico e sintetico: lezioni su Kant, Husserl, Quine.Paolo Spinicci - 2007 - Milano: CUEM.
  5.  3
    Caravaggios Judith und Holofernes: Phänomenologische Bemerkungen über die bildliche Erzählung.Paolo Spinicci - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 26 (26):150.
    Caravaggio’s Judith and Holofernes demonstrates a phenomenologically relevant aspect of pictorial narrative. On the one hand, each part can only be understood if it is arranged in a temporally extended narrative. On the other hand, the fixity of the moment it presents to the viewer is essential. It is a duality that characterises pictorial narrative and, in this painting, proves essential to understanding its subject: a first-person narrative of death.
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  6.  17
    ¿Cuál siglo XX? Las reflexiones fenomenológicas de Giovanni Piana sobre el arte del siglo XX.Paolo Spinicci & Arcangelo Tomasella - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 96:213-231.
    El alcance y la intensidad de las reflexiones filosóficas de Giovanni Piana sobre las artes, y especialmente sobre las vicisitudes del arte del siglo XX en el conjunto de su producción teó-rica no se limitan al proyecto de delinear una filosofía de la música que efectivamente se ha convertido, desde la década de 1990, en el centro de sus intereses teóricos. El arte del siglo XX y sus vanguardias representaron para Piana un argumento lleno de sugestión e interés. El objetivo (...)
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  7.  34
    Il problema del realismo. Osservazioni a margine di un corso di Mario Dal Pra.Paolo Spinicci - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):629-644.
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  8.  12
    I pensieri dell'esperienza: interpretazione di "Esperienza e giudizio" di Edmund Husserl.Paolo Spinicci - 1985 - Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
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    Lezioni sul concetto di immaginazione.Paolo Spinicci - 2009 - Milano: CUEM.
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  10.  9
    La visione e il linguaggio: considerazioni sull'applicabilità del modello linguistico all'esperienza.Paolo Spinicci - 1992 - Milano: Guerini. Edited by George Berkeley.
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  11.  19
    Notes for an imaginary zoology.Paolo Spinicci - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21.
    Hippogriffs and unicorns have a fixed role in philosophical reflection: they serve as interchangeable examples of fictional objects. The purpose of this article is to show that there are many different forms of imaginary objects and that drawing a taxonomy of these objects actually means rethinking the relation that binds imaginative products to our world – a relation that is far from being univocal.
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  12.  15
    ¿Quale novecento? Le riflessioni fenomenologiche di giovanni piana sull’arte del XX secolo.Paolo Spinicci - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 96:193-211.
    El alcance y la intensidad de las reflexiones filosóficas de Giovanni Piana sobre las artes, y especialmente sobre las vicisitudes del arte del siglo XX en el conjunto de su producción teó-rica no se limitan al proyecto de delinear una filosofía de la música que efectivamente se ha convertido, desde la década de 1990, en el centro de sus intereses teóricos. El arte del siglo XX y sus vanguardias representaron para Piana un argumento lleno de sugestión e interés. El objetivo (...)
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  13. Reality and representation-an essay on the origins of the philosophy of experience in the thought of bretano, Franz.Paolo Spinicci - 1985 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 40 (2):229-254.
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  14. Tiedemannus redivivus. Anton Marty e la linguistica settecentesca nell'età del positivismo Tiedemannus redivivus. Anton Marty et la linguistique du 18e siècle à l'âge du positivisme. [REVIEW]Paolo Spinicci - 1988 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 43 (2):307-327.