Results for 'Phillip Nieburg'

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  1.  29
    Thoughts on Alternative Designs for Clinical Trials for Ebola Treatment Research.Ronald Waldman & Phillip Nieburg - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):38-40.
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  2. Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain.James F. Childress, Ruth R. Faden, Ruth D. Gaare, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jeffrey Kahn, Richard J. Bonnie, Nancy E. Kass, Anna C. Mastroianni, Jonathan D. Moreno & Phillip Nieburg - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):170-178.
    Public health ethics, like the field of public health it addresses, traditionally has focused more on practice and particular cases than on theory, with the result that some concepts, methods, and boundaries remain largely undefined. This paper attempts to provide a rough conceptual map of the terrain of public health ethics. We begin by briefly defining public health and identifying general features of the field that are particularly relevant for a discussion of public health ethics.Public health is primarily concerned with (...)
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  3. Nieburg Phillip.F. Childress James, R. Faden Ruth, D. Gaare Ruth, O. Gostin Lawrence, Bonnie Richard J. Kahn Jeffrey, E. Kass Nancy, C. Mastroianni Anna & D. Moreno Jonathan - 2002 - Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain. J Law Med Ethics 30 (2):170-178.
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  4. La influencia de Vico en Cassirer.Donald Phillip Verene - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
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  5. Hope and its Place in Mind.Phillip Pettit - 2004 - Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1):152--165.
    People may have open minds on whether a life-extending drug or technology is going to be developed before their sixties and may strongly desire that development. Do they therefore hope that it occurs? Do they hope for it in the substantive sense of “pinning their hopes” on the development? No, they do not. Hoping for a prospect in that sense certainly presupposes having an open mind on whether it will occur and having a desire for its occurrence. But, more crucially, (...)
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  6. Performing the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori.Phillip R. Sloan - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (2):229-253.
    Phillip R. Sloan - Performing the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.2 229-253 Preforming the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori Phillip R. Sloan Situating Kant's philosophical project in relation to the natural sciences of his day has been of concern to several scholars from both the history of science and the (...)
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    Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist.Phillip Cary - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    Phillip Cary argues that Augustine invented or created the concept of self as an inner space--as space into which one can enter and in which one can find God. This concept of inwardness, says Cary, has worked its way deeply into the intellectual heritage of the West and many Western individuals have experienced themselves as inner selves. After surveying the idea of inwardness in Augustine's predecessors, Cary offers a re-examination of Augustine's own writings, making the controversial point that in (...)
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    Descartes, the Sceptics, and the Rejection of Vitalism in Seventeenth-Century Physiology.Phillip R. Sloan - 1977 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (1):1.
  9. Quantified Modal Logic and the Plural De Re.Phillip Bricker - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):372-394.
    Modal sentences of the form "every F might be G" and "some F must be G" have a threefold ambiguity. in addition to the familiar readings "de dicto" and "de re", there is a third reading on which they are examples of the "plural de re": they attribute a modal property to the F's plurally in a way that cannot in general be reduced to an attribution of modal properties to the individual F's. The plural "de re" readings of modal (...)
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  10. Philosophies of Exclusion: Liberal Political Theory and Immigration.Phillip Cole - 2000 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The mass movement of people across the globe constitutes a major feature of world politics today. -/- Whatever the cause of the movement - often war, famine, economic hardship, political repression or climate change - the governments of western capitalist states see this 'torrent of people in flight' as a serious threat to their stability and the scale of this migration indicates a need for a radical re-thinking of both political theory and practice, for the sake of political, social and (...)
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    Saving Faith from Kant’s Remarkable Antimony.Phillip L. Quinn - 1990 - Faith and Philosophy 7 (4):418-433.
    This paper is a critical study of Kant’s antinomy of saving faith. In the first section, I sketch aspects of Kant’s philosophical account of sin and atonement that help explain why he finds saving faith problematic from the moral point of view. I proceed in the next section to give a detailed exposition of Kant’s remarkable antinomy and of his proposal for resolving it theoretically. In the third and final section, I argue that alternative ways of resolving the antimony both (...)
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    Punishment and societal defense.Phillip Montague - 1983 - Criminal Justice Ethics 2 (1):30-36.
  13.  44
    Investigating the effect of stimulus variables and eye movement profiles on binocular rivalry rate: Implications for large-scale endophenotype studies.Law Phillip, Riddiford Jacqueline, Gurvich Caroline, Ngo Trung & Miller Steven - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14. Island Universes and the Analysis of Modality.Phillip Bricker - 2001 - In Gerhard Preyer & Frank Siebelt (eds.), Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    It follows from Humean principles of plenitude, I argue, that island universes are possible: physical reality might have 'absolutely isolated' parts. This makes trouble for Lewis's modal realism; but the realist has a way out. First, accept absolute actuality, which is defensible, I argue, on independent grounds. Second, revise the standard analysis of modality: modal operators are 'plural', not 'individual', quantifiers over possible worlds. This solves the problem of island universes and confers three additional benefits: an 'unqualified' principle of compossibility (...)
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    Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity.Phillip Wegner - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Drawing from literary history, social theory, and political critique, this far-reaching study explores the utopian narrative as a medium for understanding the social space of the modern nation-state. Considering the narrative utopia from its earliest manifestation in Thomas More's sixteenth-century work _Utopia _to some of the most influential utopias of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this book is an astute study of a literary genre as well as a nuanced dialectical meditation on the history of utopian thinking as a (...)
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  16. Absolute Actuality and the Plurality of Worlds.Phillip Bricker - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):41–76.
    According to David Lewis, a realist about possible worlds must hold that actuality is relative: the worlds are ontologically all on a par; the actual and the merely possible differ, not absolutely, but in how they relate to us. Call this 'Lewisian realism'. The alternative, 'Leibnizian realism', holds that actuality is an absolute property that marks a distinction in ontological status. Lewis presents two arguments against Leibnizian realism. First, he argues that the Leibnizian realist cannot account for the contingency of (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Concrete possible worlds.Phillip Bricker - 2008 - In Theodore Sider, John P. Hawthorne & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Contemporary debates in metaphysics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 111--134.
    In this chapter, I survey what I call Lewisian approaches to modality: approaches that analyze modality in terms of concrete possible worlds and their parts. I take the following four theses to be characteristic of Lewisian approaches to modality. (1) There is no primitive modality. (2) There exists a plurality of concrete possible worlds. (3) Actuality is an indexical concept. (4) Modality de re is to be analyzed in terms of counterparts, not transworld identity. After an introductory section in which (...)
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  18. Bradley and the Structure of Knowledge.Phillip Ferreira - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (200):401-402.
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  19. Direct causation in the linguistic coding and individuation of causal events.Phillip Wolff - 2003 - Cognition 88 (1):1-48.
  20.  77
    Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green (review).Phillip Ferreira - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):369-370.
    Phillip Ferreira - Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 369-370 David O. Brink. Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 139. Cloth, $27.50. The British idealists have not fared well during the past century. Still, there has been in recent years a renewed interest in the (...)
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  21. Prudence.Phillip Bricker - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (7):381-401.
    The article explicates a notion of prudence according to which an agent acts prudently if he acts so as to satisfy not only his present preferences, but his past and future preferences as well. A simplified decision-theoretic framework is developed within which three analyses of prudence are presented and compared. That analysis is defended which can best handle cases in which an agent's present act will affect his future preferences.
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  22. Realism without parochialism.Phillip Bricker - 2020 - In Modal Matters: Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 40-76.
    I am a realist of a metaphysical stripe. I believe in an immense realm of "modal" and "abstract" entities, of entities that are neither part of, nor stand in any causal relation to, the actual, concrete world. For starters: I believe in possible worlds and individuals; in propositions, properties, and relations (both abundantly and sparsely conceived); in mathematical objects and structures; and in sets (or classes) of whatever I believe in. Call these sorts of entity, and the reality they comprise, (...)
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  23. Structure-Mapping in Metaphor Comprehension.Phillip Wolff & Dedre Gentner - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (8):1456-1488.
    Metaphor has a double life. It can be described as a directional process in which a stable, familiar base domain provides inferential structure to a less clearly specified target. But metaphor is also described as a process of finding commonalities, an inherently symmetric process. In this second view, both concepts may be altered by the metaphorical comparison. Whereas most theories of metaphor capture one of these aspects, we offer a model based on structure-mapping that captures both sides of metaphor processing. (...)
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    Peter Sloterdijk’s Relational Metaphysics.Phillip Wiebe - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (6):765-768.
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  25. Deep Learning as Method-Learning: Pragmatic Understanding, Epistemic Strategies and Design-Rules.Phillip H. Kieval & Oscar Westerblad - manuscript
    We claim that scientists working with deep learning (DL) models exhibit a form of pragmatic understanding that is not reducible to or dependent on explanation. This pragmatic understanding comprises a set of learned methodological principles that underlie DL model design-choices and secure their reliability. We illustrate this action-oriented pragmatic understanding with a case study of AlphaFold2, highlighting the interplay between background knowledge of a problem and methodological choices involving techniques for constraining how a model learns from data. Building successful models (...)
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  26. 'Aristotle's Intermediates and Xenocrates' Mathematicals'.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2022 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 40 (1):79-112.
    This paper investigates the identity and function of τὰ μεταξύ in Aristotle and the Early Academy by focussing primarily on Aristotle’s criticisms of Xenocrates of Chalcedon, the third scholarch of Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s direct competitor. It argues that a number of passages in Aristotle’s Metaphysics (at Β 2, Μ 1-2, and Κ 12) are chiefly directed at Xenocrates as a proponent of theories of mathematical intermediates, despite the fact that Aristotle does not mention Xenocrates there. Aristotle complains that the (...)
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    Patriotism and political obligation.Phillip Montague - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (2):44-56.
    Arguments aimed at undermining certain accounts of the grounds of political obligations—no matter how successful they may be—fall far short of demonstrating that there are no such obligations. Doubts about the efficacy of these arguments in this latter regard seem even more justified when it is recognized that parallel lines of reasoning can be developed in the area of filial obligations , which arguments provide rather less than conclusive reasons for denying that there are filial obligations .Furthermore, we have good (...)
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    Re-Examining Huck Finn's Conscience.Phillip Montague - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):542 - 546.
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    Tracking the emergence of meaning in the brain during natural story comprehension.Alday Phillip, Sassenhagen Jona & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky Ina - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  30. Migration and the Human Right to Health.Phillip Cole - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (1):70.
    In December 2007 it was revealed that the British government is considering the exclusion of certain groups of migrants—those considered to be present “illegally”—from primary health care provided by the National Health Service. At present, practitioners have discretion to accept any individual for NHS treatment regardless of their status. A joint Home Office and Department of Health review is examining this access for foreign nationals, and the likely outcome is the restriction of access to irregular migrants, which would, according to (...)
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    Eunapii Vitae Sophistarum.Phillip de Lacy & Joseph Giangrande - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (3):331.
  32. Hellenistic Pythagorean Epistemology.Phillip Sidney Horky & Giulia De Cesaris - 2018 - Lexicon Philosophicum 6 (Special Issue: 'Hellenistic Theo):221-262.
    The paper offers a running commentary on ps-Archytas’ On Intellect and Sense Perception (composed ca. 80 BCE), with the aim to provide a clear description of Hellenistic/post-Hellenistic Pythagorean epistemology. Through an analysis of the process of knowledge and of the faculties that this involves, ps-Archytas presents an original epistemological theory which, although grounded in Aristotelian and Platonic theories, results in a peculiar Pythagorean criteriology that accounts for the acquisition and production of knowledge, as well as for the specific competences of (...)
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  33. (C) instances, the relevance criterion, and the paradoxes of confirmation.Phillip J. Rody - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (2):289-302.
    The Relevance Criterion of confirmation gained prominence as the underlying principle of the class-size approach (CSA) to Hempel's paradoxes of confirmation. The CSA, however, yields counter-intuitive results for (c) instances, and this failing cast serious doubt on the acceptability of the Relevance Criterion. In this paper an attempt is made to rescue the Relevance Criterion from this embarrassment. This is done by incorporating that criterion into a new resolution of the paradoxes, a resolution based on a theory of selective confirmation (...)
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    An Introduction to Quantum Computing.Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme & Michele Mosca - 2006 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    This concise, accessible text provides a thorough introduction to quantum computing - an exciting emergent field at the interface of the computer, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences. Aimed at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in these disciplines, the text is technically detailed and is clearly illustrated throughout with diagrams and exercises. Some prior knowledge of linear algebra is assumed, including vector spaces and inner products. However, prior familiarity with topics such as quantum mechanics and computational complexity is not required.
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    Queer considerations: Exploring the use of social media for research recruitment within LGBTQ communities.Catherine Littler & Phillip Joy - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):267-274.
    The use of social media platforms (such as Facebook) for research recruitment has continued to increase, especially during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Social media enables researchers to reach diverse communities that often do not have their voices heard in research. Social media research recruitment, however, can pose risks to both potential participants and the researchers. This topic paper presents ethical considerations related to social media recruitment, and offers an example of harassment and hate speech risks when social media is used (...)
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    Human Embryos and Moral Rights.Phillip Montague - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (4):502-518.
  37.  11
    F: Biographical Notes on Nicholas St. John Green.Phillip Wiener - 1949 - In Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 231-234.
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    Acts, Agents, and Supererogation.Phillip Montague - 1989 - American Philosophical Quarterly 26 (2):101 - 111.
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  39. The myth of evil: demonizing the enemy.Phillip Cole - 2006 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Terrorism, torture, and the problems of evil -- Diabolical evil, searching for Satan -- Philosophies of evil -- Communities of fear -- The enemy within -- Bad seeds -- The character of evil -- Facing the Holocaust -- Twenty-first-century mythologies.
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  40. (2 other versions)Senses of Humor as Political Virtues.Phillip Deen - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):371-387.
    This article discusses whether a sense of humor is a political virtue. It argues that a sense of humor is conducive to the central political virtues. We must first, however, delineate different types of humor (benevolent or malicious) and the different political virtues (sociability, prudence, and justice) to which they correspond. Generally speaking, a sense of humor is politically virtuous when it encourages good will toward fellow citizens, an awareness of the limits of power, and a tendency not to take (...)
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    The rhetorical sense of philosophy.Donald Phillip Verene - 2021 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This work approaches texts in the history of philosophy as the repository of a kind of literature that brings together rational thought and rhetorical principles.
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    Jameson's Modernisms; or, the Desire Called Utopia.Phillip E. Wegner - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (4):2-20.
    This essay offers an immanent reading of Fredric Jameson’s Archaeologies of the Future in terms of his theorization of a four-fold allegorical hermeneutic. On the literal level, the book explores science fictions; on the allegorical, Utopian representations; on the moral, or individual psychological, it serves as a “partial summing up” of a number of sequences in Jameson’s ongoing project; and on the anagogical, it contributes to a reinvention of Marxism for an era of globalization. Jameson’s recent writings also share an (...)
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    The Global Structure of Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Polish Groups, The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 2014. Supervised by Christian Rosendal.Phillip Wesolek - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):200-201.
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    Chapter Five. Darwinism in James's Psychology and Pragmatism.Phillip Wiener - 1949 - In Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 97-128.
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    Criteria of Strengthening Evidence.Phillip H. Wiebe - 1978 - Philosophy Research Archives 4:184-195.
    Confirmation theorists have frequently expressed an interest in evidence which strengthens a hypothesis or in evidence which makes a hypothesis firmer. A number of criteria have been offered, including the instantial criterion, the prediction criteria, and Hempel's satisfaction criterion. All of these criteria are dyadic, but the concept of strengthening evidence is triadic, for it makes explicit reference to an evidence report and a hypothesis, and implicit reference to prior evidence in the light of which a new evidence report must (...)
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    Chapter One. The Background of Science and Natural Theology.Phillip Wiener - 1949 - In Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 1-17.
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    Chapter Three. Chauncey Wright, Defender of Darwin and Precursor of Pragmatism.Phillip Wiener - 1949 - In Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 31-69.
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    Index.Phillip Wiener - 1949 - In Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA, USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 281-288.
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    Human Subject Research Review in the Department of Defense.Phillip E. Winter - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (3):9.
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  50. (1 other version)The Relation Between General and Particular: Entailment vs. Supervenience.Phillip Bricker - 2006 - In Dean Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Papers in Metaphysics, vol. 3. Oxford University Press. pp. 251-287.
    Some argue, following Bertrand Russell, that because general truths are not entailed by particular truths, general facts must be posited to exist in addition to particular facts. I argue on the contrary that because general truths (globally) supervene on particular truths, general facts are not needed in addition to particular facts; indeed, if one accepts the Humean denial of necessary connections between distinct existents, one can further conclude that there are no general facts. When entailment and supervenience do not coincide (...)
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