Results for 'Psychology Philosophy'

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  1.  60
    Critical Psychology, Philosophy, and Social Therapy.Lois Holzman - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (4):471-489.
    This article presents critical psychology in some new light. First, it presents the history of US critical psychology in terms of the overall foundation of its critique (identity-based, ideologically-based, and epistemologically-based). Second, it broadens the population that can be called critical psychologists. The argument is made to include: (1) philosophers of language, science, and mind critical of psychology’s foundational assumptions, conceptions, and methods of inquiry; and (2) non-professional, ordinary people who live their lives critical of psychology (...)
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  2. Psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science: Reflections on the history and philosophy of experimental psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (3):207-232.
    This article critically examines the views that psychology first came into existence as a discipline ca. 1879, that philosophy and psychology were estranged in the ensuing decades, that psychology finally became scientific through the influence of logical empiricism, and that it should now disappear in favor of cognitive science and neuroscience. It argues that psychology had a natural philosophical phase (from antiquity) that waxed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that this psychology transformed into (...)
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    Character: New Perspectives in Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology.Christian B. Miller, R. Michael Furr, Angela Knobel & William Fleeson (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book contains new work on character from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, and psychology. From a virtual reality simulation of the Milgram shock experiments, to understanding the virtue of modesty in Muslim societies, to defending soldiers’ moral responsibility for committing war crimes, these chapters break new ground and significantly advance our understanding of character. The main topics covered fall under the heading of our beliefs about character, the existence and nature of character traits, character and ethical theory, (...)
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    Morality, psychology, philosophy.Lydia B. Amir - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (1):43-57.
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    Intuition as Emergence: Bridging Psychology, Philosophy and Organizational Science.Paola Adinolfi & Francesca Loia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Accelerating environmental uncertainty and the need to cope with increasingly complex market and social demands, combine to create high value for the intuitive approach to decision-making at the strategic level. Research on intuition suffers from marked fragmentation, due to the existence of disciplinary silos based on diverse, apparently irreconcilable, ontological and epistemological assumptions. Not surprisingly, there is no integrated interdisciplinary framework suitable for a rich account of intuition, contemplating how affect and cognition intertwine in the intuitive process, and how intuition (...)
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    (3 other versions)Causal learning: psychology, philosophy, and computation.Alison Gopnik (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Five studies investigated (a) children’s ability to use the dependent and independent probabilities of events to make causal inferences and (b) the interaction between such inferences and domain-specific knowledge. In Experiment 1, preschoolers used patterns of dependence and independence to make accurate causal inferences in the domains of biology and psychology. Experiment 2 replicated the results in the domain of biology with a more complex pattern of conditional dependencies. In Experiment 3, children used evidence about patterns of dependence and (...)
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  7.  16
    The Unifying Moment: The Psychological Philosophy of William James and Alfred North Whitehead.Craig R. Eisendrath - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Craig Eisendrath reinterprets and unifies the writings of the late-nineteenth-century psychologist William James and the twentieth-century philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. James's psychology achieves greater depth by its grounding in philosophic doctrine, and Whitehead's abstract and frequently abstruse philosophy gains greater specificity through the concrete illustrations provided by a wealth of psychological evidence. The result is an extension of James and an exegesis of Whitehead. The merging of James's theory of will and Whitehead's theory of concrescence and organism is (...)
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    Kinaesthesia in the psychology, philosophy and culture of human experience.Roger Smith - 2023 - New York: Routlegde.
    This accessible book explores the nature and importance of kinaesthesia, considering how action, agency and movement intertwine and are fundamental in feeling embodied in the world.
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  9. Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology.Anthony J. Marcel - 2003 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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    Embryo Donation for Pregnancy: Psychology, Philosophy and Policy.Jennifer Flynn - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (S1).
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    Psychological philosophies.Shadworth H. Hodgson - 1899 - Mind 8 (32):433-438.
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    A Plea for Natural Philosophy: And Other Essays.Penelope Maddy - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    A plea for natural philosophy --On the question of realism --Hume and Reid --Moore's hands --Wittgenstein on hinges --A note on truth and reference --The philosophy of logic --A Second Philosophy of logic --Psychology and the a priori sciences --Do numbers exist? --Enhanced if-thenism.
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    Making spirit matter: neurology, psychology, and selfhood in modern France.Larry Sommer McGrath - 2020 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The problem of the relation between mind and brain has been among the most persistent in modern Western thought, one that even recent advances in neuroscience haven't been able to put to rest. Historian Larry McGrath's Making Spirit Matter is about how a particularly productive and influential generation of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century French thinkers attempted to answer this puzzle by showing the mutual dependence of spirit and matter. The veritable revolution taking place across disciplines, from philosophy to (...)
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    Hinges, philosophy and mind: on Moyal-Sharrock’s certainty in action.Annalisa Coliva - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-5.
    Certainty in Action is an invaluable collection of Danièle Moyal-Sharrock’s papers appeared after her seminal Understanding Wittgenstein’s On Certainty (2004). It focuses on the centrality of action and claims that this is the distinctive trait of “the third Wittgenstein” – the one that, after the Wittgenstein of the Tractatus and the one of the Philosophical Investigations, wrote the Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, the Remarks on Colour and On Certainty.
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    Fragments in philosophy and science.James Mark Baldwin - 1902 - New York,: C. Scribner's Sons.
    Philosophy: its relation to life and education.--The ideslism of Spinoza.--Recent discussion in materialism.--Professor Watson on reality and time.--The cosmic and the moral.--Psychology past and present.--The postulates of physiological psychology.--The origin of volition in childhood.--Imitation: a chapter in the natural history of consciousness.--The origin of emotional expression.--The perception of external reality.--Feeling, belief, and judgment.--Memory for square size.--The effect of size-contrast upon judgments of position in the retinal field.--An optical illusion.--New questions in mental chronometry. Types of reaction.--The "type-theory" of (...)
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    Psychology without foundations: history, philosophy and psychosocial theory.Steven D. Brown - 2009 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Edited by Paul Stenner.
    This new book proposes a way out of the crisis by letting go of the idea that psychology needs ‘new’ foundations or a new identity, whether biological, discursive, or cognitive. The psychological is not narrowly confined to any one aspect of human experience; it is quite literally ‘everywhere’. Drawing on a range of influential thinkers including Michel Serres, Michel Foucault, AN Whitehead, and Gilles Deleuze, the book proposes a strong process-oriented approach to the psychological, which studies ‘events’ or ‘occasions.’.
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  17.  55
    (1 other version)Assumptions about human nature and the impact of philosophical concepts on professional issues: A questionnaire-based study with 800 students from psychology, philosophy, and science.Jochen Fahrenberg Marcus Cheetham - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (3):pp. 183-201.
    Philosophical anthropology is concerned with assumptions about human nature, differential psychology with the empirical investigation of such belief systems. A questionnaire composed of 64 questions concerning brain and consciousness, free will, evolution, meaning of life, belief in God, and theodicy problem was used to gather data from 563 students of psychology at seven universities and from 233 students enrolled in philosophy or the natural sciences. Essential concepts were monism–dualism–complementarity, atheism–agnosticism–deism–theism, attitude toward transcendence–immanence, and self-ratings of religiosity and (...)
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  18. XV Assemblea dell 'Australian Association of Psychology and Philosophy'.E. Chiocchetti - 1939 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 31.
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  19. Stout, G. E., Studies in Philosophy and Psychology.Rudolf Metz - 1932 - Kant Studien 37:302.
  20. Moral psychology as accountability.Brendan Dill & Stephen Darwall - 2014 - In Justin D'Arms & Daniel Jacobson (eds.), Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Philosophical Essays on the Science of Ethics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 40-83.
    Recent work in moral philosophy has emphasized the foundational role played by interpersonal accountability in the analysis of moral concepts such as moral right and wrong, moral obligation and duty, blameworthiness, and moral responsibility (Darwall 2006; 2013a; 2013b). Extending this framework to the field of moral psychology, we hypothesize that our moral attitudes, emotions, and motives are also best understood as based in accountability. Drawing on a large body of empirical evidence, we argue that the implicit aim of (...)
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  21.  11
    Archetypal ontology: new directions in analytical psychology.Jon Mills - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Erik Goodwyn.
    In this novel re-examination of the archetype construct, philosopher Jon Mills and psychiatrist Erik Goodwyn engage in spirited dialogue on the origins, nature, and scope of what archetypes actually constitute, their relation to the greater questions of psyche and worldhood, and their relevance for Jungian studies and analytical psychology today. Arguably the most definitive feature of Jung's metapsychology is his theory of archetypes. It is the fulcrum on which his analytical depth psychology rests. With recent trends in post-Jungian (...)
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  22.  22
    and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.C. E. M. Banzato, J. E. Mezzich & C. E. Berganza - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (2):131-143.
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    Historical Dictionary of Quotations in Cognitive Science: A Treasury of Quotations in Psychology, Philosophy, and Artificial Intelligence.Morton Wagman (ed.) - 2000 - Greenwood Press.
    Focuses on distinguished quotations representing the best thinking in philosophy, psychology, and artificial intelligence from classical civilization to ...
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  24.  39
    Telepathy As a Natural And Normal Process of Life Contextual Support from Biology, Psychology, and Philosophy.William Winter - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (5-6):130-149.
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  25. Is psychology relevant to aesthetics?George Dickie - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (3):285-302.
  26. (1 other version)Folk psychology.P. M. Churchland - 1994 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds.Robert A. Wilson - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):392-395.
    This book offers a sustained critique of individualism in psychology, a view that has been the subject of debate between philosophers such as Jerry Fodor and Tyler Burge for many years. The author approaches individualism as an issue in the philosophy of science and by discussing issues such as computationalism and the mind's modularity he opens the subject up for non-philosophers in psychology and computer science. Professor Wilson carefully examines the most influential arguments for individualism and identifies (...)
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    Fact and fiction in B. F. Skinner's science & utopia: an essay on philosophy of psychology.R. Puligandla - 1974 - St. Louis: W. H. Green.
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    The way into phenomenological transcendental philosophy from psychology.Edmund G. Husserl - 1937 - In Edmund Husserl (ed.), The crisis of european sciences.
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    Analytic Psychology.James R. Angell - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6 (5):532.
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    A Phenomenology of Langerian Mindfulness: The Psychology of Presence.Mohsen Fatemi - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In The Phenomenological Psychology of Mindfulness, Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi draws on the latest scholarly findings in Langerian psychology and examines their implications in clinical and social psychology.
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    Relations between philosophy and psychology.Albert G. A. Balz - 1948 - Psychological Review 55 (2):115-125.
  33.  20
    Please pass the peas: psychology, philosophy and welcome boundaries.Christian S. Crandall - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (5):607-614.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that the data presented in Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds are of greater interest to psychologists than to philosophers, and cautions experimental philosophers against some experimental shortcomings in the use of self-report and vignettes.
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    On the Coherence of Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Psychology.Henning Zöller - 2013 - Wittgenstein-Studien 4 (1).
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  35. Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology.Marc Jeannerod - 2003 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  36.  23
    Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Robert C. Richardson - 1983 - Noûs 17 (3):482-494.
  37. The Relations of structural and function Psychology to philosophy.[author unknown] - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 56:531-534.
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  38.  30
    Varieties of Understanding: New Perspectives From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology.Stephen R. Grimm (ed.) - 2019 - New York, New York: Oup Usa.
    In this volume some of the leading philosophers, psychologists, and theologians in the world shed light on the various ways in which we understand the world, pushing debates on this issue to new levels of sophistication and insight.
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    (1 other version)When psychology undermines beliefs.Derek Leben - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology (3):1-23.
    This paper attempts to specify the conditions under which a psychological explanation can undermine or debunk a set of beliefs. The focus will be on moral and religious beliefs, where a growing debate has emerged about the epistemic implications of cognitive science. Recent proposals by Joshua Greene and Paul Bloom will be taken as paradigmatic attempts to undermine beliefs with psychology. I will argue that a belief p may be undermined whenever: (i) p is evidentially based on an intuition (...)
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  40. Some aspects of the problems of self-conscience of personality in contemporary soviet philosophy and psychology.P. Macek - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (1):105-115.
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  41. Getting Objects for Free (Or Not): The Philosophy and Psychology of Object Perception.Gary Hatfield - 2009 - In Gary Carl Hatfield (ed.), Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 212-255.
  42.  53
    Psychology.Jean Piaget - 1926 - The Monist 36 (3):430-455.
  43.  38
    Philosophy of science in hungary.Gabriella Ujlaki - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (1):157 - 175.
    The report gives a survey of the Hungarian philosophy of science after 1973. The report throws some light on the history of Hungarian philosophy in the context of the political circumstances of the late sixties and seventies. It starts with the not so well-known history of 'persecution of philosophers' in 1973. Then it treats the emergence of the philosophy of science focussing on the most significant representatives of this branch of philosophy, which was up to that (...)
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    From Formalism to Psychology: Metaphilosophical Shifts in Wilfrid Sellars’s Early Works.Peter Olen - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):24-63.
    When discussing Wilfrid Sellars’s philosophy, very little work has been done to offer a developmental account of his systematic views. More often than not, Sellars’s complex views are presented in a systematic and holistic fashion that ignores any periodization of his work. I argue that there is a metaphilosophical shift in Sellars’s early philosophy that results in substantive changes to his conception of language, linguistic rules, and normativity. Specifically, I claim that Sellars’s shift from a formalist metaphilosophy to (...)
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  45.  52
    Empowerment in nursing: The role of philosophical and psychological factors.R. N. T. Rmn & Katie L. Dann Bsc Psychology - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):234–239.
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    The Psychology of Ethical Empiricism.A. C. Fox - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (35):302 - 318.
    The bearing of certain psychological doctrines upon ethical theory is important, and has been made use of especially by those who espouse empiricism in Ethics. It is the purpose of this paper to examine some of these leading doctrines and the ethical theory which has been connected with them. In doing so, it is appropriate to select for examination the views of Professor W. McDougall, as expressed principally in his Social Psychology and Outline of Psychology ; and this (...)
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  47. Mencian Philosophic Psychology.Bryan William Van Norden - 1991 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    This dissertation is an investigation of the philosophic psychology of Mengzi , a Chinese Confucian of the 4th century B.C. As such, it is concerned with the role of desires, emotions, and practical reasoning in Mengzi's conception of self-cultivation and ethical flourishing. In chapter 1, I discuss why Mengzi is still worth studying by philosophers, certain hermeneutic issues, and the historical factors that account for some of the characteristic differences between Chinese and Western philosophy. ;In chapter 2, I (...)
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    Radical philosophical critique and critical thinking in psychology.Thomas Teo - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):193-199.
    Introducing the concept of tradition and its importance for critical-intellectual development, traditions of radical philosophy and psychology are presented. Emphasizing the role of Marxist and post-Marxist thought in various critical approaches, critical programs are presented as theoretical endeavors that share the critique of ideology. These approaches examine knowledge production and knowledge biases in the sciences and psychology from the perspective of social categories or in terms of power. It is suggested that critical thinking in psychology could (...)
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  49.  46
    Pastoral Psychology as a Field of Tension between Theology and Psychology.E. Pavesi - 2010 - Christian Bioethics 16 (1):9-29.
    Ever since its beginning, Christianity ascribed an important role to care for bodily and psychic suffering. Up to modernity, psychological assistance was closely connected with theology. In modern times, philosophy and theology began to distance themselves from metaphysics and transcendence, thus opening the path for a purely psychological interpretation of religion and of religious life (cf. Kant, Schleiermacher). The founders of important psychological schools (Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Erich Fromm, Fritz Perls, and Carl Rogers) offered purely naturalistic interpretations (...)
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  50.  53
    Psychological Knowledge: A Social History and Philosophy.Martin Kusch - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Psychologists and philosophers have assumed that psychological knowledge is knowledge about, and held by, the individual mind. _Psychological Knowledge_ challenges these views. It argues that bodies of psychological knowledge are social institutions like money or the monarchy, and that mental states are social artefacts like coins or crowns. Martin Kusch takes on arguments of alternative proposals, shows what is wrong with them, and demonstrates how his own social-philosophical approach constitutes an advance. We see that exists a substantial natural amount of (...)
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