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Rebecca Bennett [20]Rebecca J. Bennett [2]Rebecca Ann Bennett [1]
  1. The fallacy of the principle of procreative beneficence.Rebecca Bennett - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (5):265-273.
    The claim that we have a moral obligation, where a choice can be made, to bring to birth the 'best' child possible, has been highly controversial for a number of decades. More recently Savulescu has labelled this claim the Principle of Procreative Beneficence. It has been argued that this Principle is problematic in both its reasoning and its implications, most notably in that it places lower moral value on the disabled. Relentless criticism of this proposed moral obligation, however, has been (...)
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  2. When Intuition is Not Enough. Why the Principle of Procreative Beneficence Must Work Much Harder to Justify Its Eugenic Vision.Rebecca Bennett - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (9):447-455.
    The Principle of Procreative Beneficence claims that we have a moral obligation, where choice is possible, to choose to create the best child we can. The existence of this moral obligation has been proposed by John Harris and Julian Savulescu and has proved controversial on many levels, not least that it is eugenics, asking us to produce the best children we can, not for the sake of that child's welfare, but in order to make a better society. These are strong (...)
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  3.  47
    Can routine screening for alcohol consumption in pregnancy be ethically and legally justified?Rebecca Bennett & Catherine Bowden - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):512-516.
    In the UK, it has been proposed that alongside the current advice to abstain from alcohol completely in pregnancy, there should be increased screening of pregnant women for alcohol consumption in order to prevent instances of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network published guidelines in 2019 recommending that standardised screening questionnaires and associated use of biomarkers should be considered to identify alcohol exposure in pregnancy. This was followed in 2020 by the National Institute for Health and Care (...)
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  4.  78
    There Can Be No Moral Obligation to Eradicate All Disability.Rebecca Bennett - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (1):30-40.
  5.  47
    Is Your Banker Leaking Your Personal Information? The Roles of Ethics and Individual-Level Cultural Characteristics in Predicting Organizational Computer Abuse.Paul Benjamin Lowry, Clay Posey, Tom L. Roberts & Rebecca J. Bennett - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (3):385-401.
    Computer abuse by employees is a critical concern for managers. Misuse of an organization’s information assets leads to costly damage to an organization’s reputation, decreases in sales, and impositions of fines. We use this opportunity to introduce and expand the theoretic framework proffered by Thong and Yap to better understand the factors that lead individuals to commit CA in organizations. The study uses a survey of 449 respondents from the banking, financial, and insurance industries. Our results indicate that individuals who (...)
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  6. Should We Criminalize HIV Transmission?Rebecca Bennett - 2007 - In Charles A. Erin & Suzanne Ost (eds.), The Criminal Justice System and Health Care. Oxford University Press.
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    Reasons, Persons, Eugenics and an Argument in Favour of Gene Editing.Rebecca Bennett - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):37-40.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 37-40.
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  8. Is Reproduction Women's Business? How Should We Regulate Regarding Stored Embryos, Posthumous Pregnancy, Ectogenesis and Male Pregnancy?Rebecca Bennett - 2008 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 2 (3).
    Traditionally reproduction, gestation and childbirth have all been regarded as being primarily a woman's domain. As natural reproduction occurs inside a woman's body, respect for autonomy and bodily integrity requires the pregnant woman to have the conclusive say over the fate of the embryo/fetus growing within her. Thus traditionally the ethics and law of reproduction is dominated by the importance of respecting women's reproductive choices. This paper argues that emerging technologies demand a radical rethink of ethics and law in the (...)
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    The risk of normative bias in reporting empirical research: lessons learned from prenatal screening studies about the prominence of acknowledged limitations.Panagiota Nakou & Rebecca Bennett - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (6):589-606.
    Empirical data can be an extremely powerful and influential tool in bioethical research. However, when researchers or policy makers look for answers to ethical questions by engaging with empirical research, there can be a tendency (conscious or unconscious) to shape, report, and use empirical research in a way that confirms their own preferred ethical conclusions. This skewing effect - what we call ‘normative bias’ - is often so subtle it falls short of clear misconduct and thus can be difficult to (...)
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  10.  46
    Psychological and Ethical Challenges of Introducing Whole Genome Sequencing into Routine Newborn Screening: Lessons Learned from Existing Newborn Screening.Fiona Ulph & Rebecca Bennett - 2022 - The New Bioethics 29 (1):52-74.
    As a psychologist and an ethicist, we have explored empirically newborn screening consent and communication processes. In this paper we consider the impact on families if newborn screening uses whole genome sequencing. We frame this within the World Health Organization’s definition of health and contend that proposals to use whole genome sequencing in newborn screening take into account the ethical, practical and psychological impact of such screening. We argue that the important psychological processes occurring in the neonatal phase necessitate a (...)
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    The proper scope of the principle of procreative beneficence revisited.Søren Holm & Rebecca Bennett - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (1-2):22-32.
    The principle of procreative beneficence, first suggested by Julian Savulescu, argues that: If couples have decided to have a child, and selection is possible, then they have a significant moral reason to select the child, of the possible children they could have, whose life is expected, in light of the relevant available information, to go best or at least not worse than any of the others. While the validity of this moral principle has been widely contested, in this paper we (...)
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  12.  31
    (1 other version)Many thanks to bioethics reviewers.George Agich, Priscilla Anderson, Alice Asby, Dominic Beer, Rebecca Bennett, Alec Bodkin, Stephen Braude, Dan Brock, Gideon Calder & Emma Cave - 2002 - In Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.), Bioethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2002.
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  13.  53
    Bioethics, medicine, and the criminal law.Amel Alghrani, Rebecca Bennett & Suzanne Ost (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Who should define what constitutes ethical and lawful medical practice? Judges? Doctors? Scientists? Or someone else entirely? This volume analyses how effectively criminal law operates as a forum for resolving ethical conflict in the delivery of health care. It addresses key questions such as: how does criminal law regulate controversial bioethical areas? What effect, positive or negative, does the use of criminal law have when regulating bioethical conflict? And can the law accommodate moral controversy? By exploring criminal law in theory (...)
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  14. Birth Control.Rebecca Bennett - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Bioethics, Genethics and Medical Ethics.Rebecca Bennett, Charles A. Erin, John Harris & Søren Holm - 1996 - In Eric Tsui-James & Nicholas Bunnin (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 499–516.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Bioethics Genethics Medical Ethics.
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  16.  14
    Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality.Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.) - 2001 - Clarendon Press.
    An international team of eighteen doctors, philosophers, and lawyers present a fresh and thorough discussion of the ethical, legal, and social issues raised by testing and screening for HIV and AIDS. They aim to point the way to practical advances but also to give an accessible guide for those new to the debate.
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  17. Introduction.Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.), Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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    Reproductive choice.Rebecca Bennett & John Harris - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 201–219.
    The prelims comprise: Reproductive Choice and Reproductive Autonomy The Limits of Reproductive Autonomy The Right to Reproduce? Who Should Be Provided with Assistance to Reproduce? Reproductive Choices in Pregnancy Future Reproductive Choices Conclusions Notes References.
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  19. Should we Routinely Test Pregnant Women for HIV?Rebecca Bennett - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.), Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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  20. Values of Life: 40 years of The Value of Life.Tuija Takala, Matti Häyry, Rebecca Bennett & Søren Holm - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-3.
    This special section brings together international scholars celebrating the 40th anniversary of John Harris’ book, The Value of Life: An Introduction to Medical Ethics (1985), and John Harris and his contributions to the field of bioethics more generally.
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    Status Differentiation and the Protean Self: A Social-Cognitive Model of Unethical Behavior in Organizations. [REVIEW]Bella L. Galperin, Rebecca J. Bennett & Karl Aquino - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):407 - 424.
    Based on social-cognitive theory, this article proposes a model that seeks to explain why high status organizational members engage in unethical behavior. We argue that status differentiation in organizations creates social isolation which initiates activation of high status group identity and a deactivation of moral identity. We further argue that high status group identity results in insensitivity to the needs of out-group members which, in turn, results in lessened motivation to selfregulate ethical decision making. As a result of this identity (...)
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  22. Drug Use in Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Edited by Margaret P Battin and Arthur G Lipman, New York, Pharmaceutical Products Press, 1996, 360 pages, US$36.00. [REVIEW]Rebecca Bennett - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):222-223.