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  1.  20
    Before Bioethics: A History of American Medical Ethics From the Colonial Period to the Bioethics Revolution.Robert Baker - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    The first history of American medical ethics published in more than a half century, Before Bioethics tracks the evolution of American medical ethics from colonial midwives and physicians' oaths to current bioethical controversies over abortion, AIDS, animal rights, and physician-assisted suicide.
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  2.  20
    The structure of moral revolutions: studies of changes in the morality of abortion, death, and the bioethics revolution.Robert Baker - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    On scientific and moral revolutions -- Using the dead for the living: the benthamite moral revolution -- Immoralizing and criminalizing abortion: the doctors revolution -- Irredentism and counter-revolutions in geology and abortion -- The american bioethics revolution -- The structure of moral revolutions.
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  3.  83
    The American medical ethics revolution: how the AMA's code of ethics has transformed physicians' relationships to patients, professionals, and society.Robert Baker (ed.) - 1999 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The American Medical Association enacted its Code of Ethics in 1847, the first such national codification. In this volume, a distinguished group of experts from the fields of medicine, bioethics, and history of medicine reflect on the development of medical ethics in the United States, using historical analyses as a springboard for discussions of the problems of the present, including what the editors call "a sense of moral crisis precipitated by the shift from a system of fee-for-service medicine to a (...)
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  4.  61
    A draft model aggregated code of ethics for bioethicists.Robert Baker - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):33 – 41.
    Bioethicists function in an environment in which their peers - healthcare executives, lawyers, nurses, physicians - assert the integrity of their fields through codes of professional ethics. Is it time for bioethics to assert its integrity by developing a code of ethics? Answering in the affirmative, this paper lays out a case by reviewing the historical nature and function of professional codes of ethics. Arguing that professional codes are aggregative enterprises growing in response to a field's historical experiences, it asserts (...)
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  5.  87
    Bioethics and history.Robert Baker - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (4):447 – 474.
    Standard bioethics textbooks present the field to students and non-experts as a form of "applied ethics." This ahistoric and rationalistic presentation is similar to that used in philosophy of science textbooks until three decades ago. Thomas Kuhn famously critiqued this self-conception of the philosophy of science, persuading the field that it would become deeper, richer, and more philosophical, if it integrated the history of science, especially the history of scientific change, into its self-conception. This essay urges a similar reconceptualization for (...)
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  6.  32
    Anchor bias, autonomy, and 20th‐century bioethicists' blindness to racism.Robert Baker - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (4):275-281.
    The central thesis of this article is that by anchoring bioethics' core conceptual armamentarium in a four-principled theory emphasizing autonomy and treating justice as a principle of allocation, theorists inadvertently biased 20th-century bioethical scholarship against addressing such subjects as ableism, anti-Black racism, classism, and other forms of discrimination, placing them outside of the scope of bioethics research and scholarship. It is also claimed that these scope limitations can be traced to the displacement of the nascent concept of respect for persons—a (...)
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  7. Particulars: Bare, naked, and nude.Robert Baker - 1967 - Noûs 1 (2):211-212.
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  8.  87
    A theory of international bioethics: Multiculturalism, postmodernism, and the bankruptcy of fundamentalism.Robert Baker - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (3):201-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Theory of International Bioethics: Multiculturalism, Postmodernism, and the Bankruptcy of Fundamentalism 1Robert Baker (bio)AbstractThis first of two articles analyzing the justifiability of international bioethical codes and of cross-cultural moral judgments reviews “moral fundamentalism,” the theory that cross-cultural moral judgments and international bioethical codes are justified by certain “basic” or “fundamental” moral principles that are universally accepted in all cultures and eras. Initially propounded by the judges at the (...)
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  9.  21
    On Racist Tools and the Bioethics Lexicon.Robert Baker - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):25-28.
    Shen-yi Liao and Vanessa Cabonell’s “Materialized Oppression in Medical Tools and Technologies,” joins the long list of groundbreaking papers whose importance is obscured by an innocuous title. Som...
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  10.  30
    Race and Bioethics: Bioethical Engagement With a Four-Letter Subject.Robert Baker - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):16-18.
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  11. Triage and Equality: An Historical Reassessment of Utilitarian Analyses of Triage.Robert Baker & Martin Strosberg - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (2):103-123.
    We distinguish and review aspects of the history of two models of triage: egalitarian and utilitarian. Egalitarian triage is widely and successfully practiced in battlefield medicine, as well as in the emergency room and the ICU. Utilitarian triage has been sporadically practiced and typically collapses under the pressure of public scrutiny. Unfortunately, the two models tend to be conflated, confusing our understanding of the past and confounding our ability to plan for the future.
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  12.  37
    A theory of international bioethics: The negotiable and the non-negotiable.Robert Baker - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (3):233-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Theory of International Bioethics: The Negotiable and the Non-NegotiableRobert Baker (bio)AbstractThe preceding article in this issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal presents the argument that “moral fundamentalism,” the position that international bioethics rests on “basic” or “fundamental” moral principles that are universally accepted in all eras and cultures, collapses under a variety of multicultural and postmodern critiques. The present article looks to the contractarian tradition of (...)
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  13.  19
    Reply to Rawls's, race, and 20th century bioethics.Robert Baker - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (6):578-580.
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  14. Medical ethics' appropriation of moral philosophy: The case of the sympathetic and the unsympathetic physician.Robert Baker & Laurence B. McCullough - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (1):3-22.
    Philosophy textbooks typically treat bioethics as a form of "applied ethics"-i.e., an attempt to apply a moral theory, like utilitarianism, to controversial ethical issues in biology and medicine. Historians, however, can find virtually no cases in which applied philosophical moral theory influenced ethical practice in biology or medicine. In light of the absence of historical evidence, the authors of this paper advance an alternative model of the historical relationship between philosophical ethics and medical ethics, the appropriation model. They offer two (...)
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  15.  89
    (1 other version)Bioethics and Human Rights: A Historical Perspective.Robert Baker - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (3):241-252.
    Bioethics and human rights were conceived in the aftermath of the Holocaust, when moral outrage reenergized the outmoded concepts of and renaming them and to give them new purpose. Originally, the principles of bioethics were a means for protecting human rights, but through a historical accident, bioethical principles came to be considered as fundamental. In this paper I reflect on the parallel development and accidental divorce of bioethics and human rights to urge their reconciliation.
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  16.  36
    In Defense of Bioethics.Robert Baker - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (1):83-92.
    Although bioethics societies are developing standards for clinical ethicists and a code of ethics, they have been castigated in this journal as “a moral, if not an ethics, disaster” for not having completed this task. Compared with the development of codes of ethics and educational standards in law and medicine, however, the pace of pro-fessionalization in bioethics appears appropriate. Assessed by this metric, none of the charges leveled against bioethics are justified. The specific charges leveled against the American Society for (...)
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  17.  81
    Philosophy and Sex.Robert Baker & Frederick Elliston - 1979 - Noûs 13 (1):91-94.
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  18.  58
    The Cambridge world history of medical ethics.Robert B. Baker & Laurence B. McCullough (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics is the first comprehensive scholarly account of the global history of medical ethics. Offering original interpretations of the field by leading bioethicists and historians of medicine, it will serve as the essential point of departure for future scholarship in the field. The volumes reconceptualize the history of medical ethics through the creation of new categories, including the life cycle; discourses of religion, philosophy, and bioethics; and the relationship between medical ethics and the state, (...)
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  19.  63
    Ethics Across the Curriculum—Pedagogical Perspectives.Elaine E. Englehardt, Michael S. Pritchard, Robert Baker, Michael D. Burroughs, José A. Cruz-Cruz, Randall Curren, Michael Davis, Aine Donovan, Deni Elliott, Karin D. Ellison, Challie Facemire, William J. Frey, Joseph R. Herkert, Karlana June, Robert F. Ladenson, Christopher Meyers, Glen Miller, Deborah S. Mower, Lisa H. Newton, David T. Ozar, Alan A. Preti, Wade L. Robison, Brian Schrag, Alan Tomhave, Phyllis Vandenberg, Mark Vopat, Sandy Woodson, Daniel E. Wueste & Qin Zhu - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Late in 1990, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (lIT) received a grant of more than $200,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum.! Enough has now been accomplished to draw some tentative conclusions. I am the grant's principal investigator. In this paper, I shall describe what we at lIT did, what we learned, and what others, especially philosophers, can learn (...)
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  20. The discourses of practitioners in nineteenth-and twentieth-century Britain and the United States.Robert B. Baker - 2009 - In Robert B. Baker & Laurence B. McCullough (eds.), The Cambridge world history of medical ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2009--446.
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  21.  43
    Balkanizing bioethics.Robert Baker - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):13 – 14.
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  22.  26
    The Significance of the ASBH's Code of Ethics for Healthcare Ethics Consultants.Robert Baker - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):52-54.
    A decade ago some members of the American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) concluded that the society's reluctance to develop a code of professional ethics, although a tolerable anom...
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  23. A history of codes of ethics for bioethicists.Robert Baker - 2007 - In Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Felicia Cohn (eds.), The ethics of bioethics: mapping the moral landscape. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  24.  31
    Erasing Blackness From Bioethics.Robert Baker - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):33-35.
    February is Black History Month and so healthcare practitioners will soon rummage history books for information about famous African Americans, like Onesimus, the African slave who...
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  25.  51
    Conscience and the unconscionable.Robert Baker - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (5):ii-iv.
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  26. Union College’s Rapaport Everyday Ethics Across the Curriculum Initiative.Anastasia Pease & Robert Baker - 2009 - Teaching Ethics 9 (2):5-24.
  27.  61
    Visibility and the just allocation of health care: A study of Age-Rationing in the British national Health Service.Robert Baker - 1993 - Health Care Analysis 1 (2):139-150.
    The British National Health Service (BNHS) was founded, to quote Minister of Health Aneurin Bevan, to ‘universalise the best’. Over time, however, financial constraints forced the BNHS to turn to incrementalist budgeting, to rationalise care and to ask its practitioners to act as gatekeepers. Seeking a way to ration scarce tertiary care resources, BNHS gatekeepers began to use chronological age as a rationing criterion. Age-rationing became the ‘done thing’ without explicit policy directives and in a manner largely invisible to patients, (...)
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  28.  46
    Negotiating international bioethics: A response to Tom Beauchamp and Ruth Macklin.Robert Baker - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):423-453.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Negotiating International Bioethics: A Response to Tom Beauchamp and Ruth MacklinRobert Baker (bio)AbstractCan the bioethical theories that have served American bioethics so well, serve international bioethics as well? In two papers in the previous issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, I contend that the form of principlist fundamentalism endorsed by American bioethicists like Tom Beauchamp and Ruth Macklin will not play on an international stage. Deploying techniques (...)
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  29.  60
    The Efficacy of Professional Ethics The AMA Code of Ethis in Historical and Current Perspective.Robert Baker & Linda Emanuel - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (4):S13.
  30. From Metaethicist to Bioethicist.Robert Baker - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (4):369-379.
    I was the graduate student that Albert Jonsen so aptly describes. Bronx born and educated at the City College of New York, I emigrated to the Midwest to study at the Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science, where May Brodbeck, Herbert Feigl and other “logical positivists” were engaging in an ongoing dialogue with postpositivists like Paul Feyerabend and Karl Popper. In this environment, I studied philosophy of science, epistemology, and metaethics—the epistemology and logic of ethical concepts and language. I (...)
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  31. Confidentiality in professional medical ethics.Robert Baker - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):39 – 41.
    In his deftly argued, “A Defense of Unqualified Confidentiality” (Kipnis 2006), Kenneth Kipnis challenges the received view that a physician's duty of confidentiality must be balanced against a dut...
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  32.  15
    The Hippocratic Oath: Misreading and Rereading an Ancient Text.Robert Baker - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):370-385.
    The Hippocratic oath is such an enduring icon of medical morality that physicians in Nazi Germany invoked it to protest _Euthanasie_, the systematized killing of weak or sick children, people with incurable diseases, hospitalized criminals (a category applicable to gays), geriatric patients, long-term patients, patients not of German blood (Jews and Romani), and people with disabilities. Several expert witnesses at the 1945 Nuremberg Medical Trial also cited the oath to condemn Nazi physicians' abuse of human research subjects. Noting these invocations, (...)
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  33.  35
    Bias in journalistic accounts of embryo research reconsidered.Robert Baker - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):15 – 16.
  34.  41
    Philosophers' Invasion of Clinical Ethics: Historical and Personal Reflections.Robert Baker - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):51-54.
    When laypeople learned what decisions physicians were making about laypeople's health they were often appalled. … They discovered that physicians … were making controversial moral moves, choices th...
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  35.  8
    Letter to the Editor.Robert Baker - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):1-2.
    Several disturbing trends in recent years seem to be endangering the future of bioethics book publishing. One striking feature of the last two meetings of the American Society for Bioethics and the...
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  36. Brave New World: History, Science, and Dystopia.Robert S. Baker - 1991 - Utopian Studies 2 (1):159-161.
  37.  43
    Stem Cell Rhetoric and the Pragmatics of Naming.Robert Baker - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):52-53.
  38.  34
    Against Anonymity.Robert Baker - 2014 - Bioethics 28 (4):166-169.
    In ‘New Threats to Academic Freedom’ Francesca Minerva argues that anonymity for the authors of controversial articles is a prerequisite for academic freedom in the Internet age. This argument draws its intellectual and emotional power from the author's account of the reaction to the on-line publication of ‘ After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?’ – an article that provoked cascades of hostile postings and e-mails. Reflecting on these events, Minerva proposes that publishers should offer the authors of controversial articles (...)
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  39.  5
    Addressing Discrimination and Epistemic Injustices in Bioethics and Medicine.Robert Baker - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):18-20.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 18-20.
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    Alice, Bergmann, and the Mad Hatter.Robert Baker - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):707 - 736.
    While the Professor stood in uffish thought, his audience waited quietly. Then the Professor began to read.
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  41.  16
    A Case for Secular Ethics in Science, Technology and Society.Robert E. Baker - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (2-3):98-101.
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  42. Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays. Volume I: 1920-1925.Robert S. Baker & James Sexton - 2001 - Utopian Studies 12 (2):234-245.
  43.  13
    Avunculus Liber.Robert J. Baker & Bruce A. Marshall - 1977 - Mnemosyne 30 (3):292-293.
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    Bergmann as Historian.Robert Baker - 2007 - In Laird Addis, Greg Jesson & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.), Ontology and Analysis: Essays and Recollection about Gustav Bergmann. De Gruyter. pp. 51-58.
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  45.  11
    Catullus and Friend in Carm. Xxxi.Robert J. Baker - 1970 - Mnemosyne 23 (1):33-41.
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    Catullus and Sirmio.Robert J. Baker - 1983 - Mnemosyne 36 (1-4):316-323.
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  47.  27
    Discrimination transfer along a pitch continuum.Robert A. Baker & Stanley W. Osgood - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (4):241.
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  48.  15
    Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues.Robert Baker, Tom L. Beauchamp, Michael Boylan, Bernard Gert, Lawrence O. Gostin, Akiko Ito, Peter Tan & Rosemarie Tong (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Editors Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon, and Alison Dundes Renteln have assembled the works of an interdisciplinary, international team of experts in bioethics into a comprehensive, innovative and accessible book. Topics covered range from torture and lethal injection to euthanasia, sex selection, vulnerable human subjects, to health equity, safety and public health, and environmental disasters like Bhopal, Fukushima, and more.
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  49.  38
    (1 other version)International Bioethics and Human Rights: Reflections on a Proposed Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.Robert Baker - 2005 - Politics and Ethics Review 1 (2):188-196.
  50.  7
    In Dark Again in Wonder: The Poetry of René Char and George Oppen.Robert Baker - 2012 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    At the center of_ In Dark Again in Wonder_ are readings of René Char and George Oppen. Both of these poets achieved recognition at a young age, Char among the French surrealists in the 1930s, Oppen among the American objectivists in the same decade. Both were independent individuals who, having found their way to communities of inventive writers, stepped back and shaped their own idiosyncratic paths. Both responded decisively to the social upheavals of the 1930s and ‘40s. Oppen committed himself (...)
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