Results for 'Rodrigo Mota'

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    Caráter e liberdade da vontade em Arthur Schopenhauer.Rodrigo Mota - 2015 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 6 (1):155.
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    O noûs aristotélico-tomista.Rodrigo Mota - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):191-209.
    Pretendo com este artigo desenhar as linhas gerais da idéia de noûs em Aristóteles, sua adoção e desenvolvimento por Santo Tomás de Aquino, tomando a forma que chegou até nós, como intelecto ou inteligência, “modo de saber” que capta o universal. Apresento primeiramente os “modos de saber” pensados por Aristóteles em suas principais obras, culminando na idéia de noûs como modo próprio do conhecimento filosófico na sua busca pelo ser das coisas. Em seguida passo para a retomada deste conceito em (...)
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    Voltaire philosophe: regards croisés.Sébastien Charles & Stéphane Pujol (eds.) - 2017 - Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle.
    Voltaire historien de la philosophie. De l'Antiquité au Grand Siècle Renan Laruc, Porphyre de Tyr, héros voltairien; Marc-André Nadeau, Défense et critique de Montaigne dans les Lettres philosophiques; Véronique Le Ru, Voltaire, lecteur de Descartes; Gerhardt Stenger, Un philosophe peut en cacher un autre: Malebranche et Spinoza dans Tout en Dieu; Lorenzo Bianchi, Voltaire lecteur et critique de Bayle; Miguel Benitez, Locke, Voltaire et la matière pensante; Claire Fauvergue, Voltaire et l'idée d'automate. Voltaire et la philosophie des Lumières Debora Sicco, (...)
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  4. Do People Think Consciousness Poses a Hard Problem?: Empirical Evidence on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness.Rodrigo Díaz - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):55-75.
    In a recent paper in this journal, David Chalmers introduced the meta-problem of consciousness as “the problem of explaining why we think consciousness poses a hard problem” (Chalmers, 2018, p. 6). A solution to the meta-problem could shed light on the hard problem of consciousness. In particular, it would be relevant to elucidate whether people’s problem intuitions (i.e. intuitions holding that conscious experience cannot be reduced to physical processes) are driven by factors related to the nature of consciousness, or rather (...)
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  5. Reactance, morality, and disgust: The relationship between affective dispositions and compliance with official health recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rodrigo Díaz & Florian Cova - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (1).
    Emergency situations require individuals to make important changes in their behavior. In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, official recommendations to avoid the spread of the virus include costly behaviors such as self-quarantining or drastically diminishing social contacts. Compliance (or lack thereof) with these recommendations is a controversial and divisive topic, and lay hypotheses abound regarding what underlies this divide. This paper investigates which cognitive, moral, and emotional traits separate people who comply with official recommendations from those who don't. In (...)
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  6. Emotions and the body. Testing the subtraction argument.Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):47-65.
    Can we experience emotion without the feeling of accelerated heartbeats, perspiration, or other changes in the body? In his paper “What is an emotion”, William James famously claimed that “if we fancy some strong emotion and then try to abstract from our consciousness of it all the feelings of its bodily symptoms, we find we have nothing left behind” (1884, p. 193). Thus, bodily changes are essential to emotion. This is known as the Subtraction Argument. The Subtraction Argument is still (...)
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  7. What do people think is an emotion?Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Affective Science 3:438–450.
    In emotion research, both conceptual analyses and empirical studies commonly rely on emotion reports. But what do people mean when they say that they are angry, afraid, joyful, etc.? Building on extant theories of emotion, this paper presents four new studies (including a pre-registered replication) measuring the weight of cognitive evaluations, bodily changes, and action tendencies in people’s use of emotion concepts. The results of these studies suggest that the presence or absence of cognitive evaluations has the largest impact on (...)
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    Hume contra Aristóteles, Locke y Leibniz sobre la causalidad.Silvio Mota Pinto - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 59:367-396.
    Aristotle’s conception of causality and the ones Modern philosophers have bequeathed us have been exhaustively discussed, although the contrast between them has not, in my opinion, been sufficiently highlighted. This paper proposes to fill this gap. I start with Aristotelian causality and his theses that causal explanation requires knowledge of causal laws and that the necessity associated with these laws presupposes the existence of causal powers. I discuss next Locke’s and Leibniz’s attempts to modernize Aristotle’s theses on causality. The third (...)
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    Competência informacional com vistas à mulher em situação de violência.Georginei Souza Neri & Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):598-610.
    A violência contra a mulher é uma realidade mundial estabelecida nas desigualdades de gênero e perpetuada por discursos culturais e sociais. O acesso e uso de informações precisas e atualizadas sobre diferentes formas de violência são fundamentais para romper o ciclo de agressão e da falta de conhecimento sobre direitos e leis de proteção. Nesta perspectiva, é mister entender o comportamento informacional e fomentar a Competência Informacional das mulheres vítimas da violência de gênero. O presente artigo se propõe a tecer (...)
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  10. Against Emotions as Feelings: Towards an Attitudinal Profile of Emotion.Rodrigo Díaz - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (7):223-245.
    Are feelings an essential part or aspect of emotion? Cases of unconscious emotion suggest that this is not the case. However, it has been claimed that unconscious emotions are better understood as either (a) emotions that are phenomenally conscious but not reflectively conscious, or (b) dispositions to have emotions rather than emotions proper. Here, I argue that these ways of accounting for unconscious emotions are inadequate, and propose a view of emotions as non-phenomenal attitudes that regard their contents as relevant (...)
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  11. You are just being emotional! Testimonial injustice and folk-psychological attributions.Rodrigo Díaz & Manuel Almagro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5709-5730.
    Testimonial injustices occur when individuals from particular social groups are systematically and persistently given less credibility in their claims merely because of their group identity. Recent “pluralistic” approaches to folk psychology, by taking into account the role of stereotypes in how we understand others, have the power to explain how and why cases of testimonial injustice occur. If how we make sense of others’ behavior depends on assumptions about how individuals from certain groups think and act, this can explain why (...)
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    Cold Side-Effect Effect: Affect Does Not Mediate the Influence of Moral Considerations in Intentionality Judgments.Rodrigo Díaz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:295.
    Research has consistently shown that people consider harmful side effects of an action more intentional than helpful side effects. This phenomenon is known as the side- effect effect (SEE), which refers to the influence of moral considerations in judgments of intentionality and other non-moral concepts. There is an ongoing debate about how to explain this asymmetric pattern of judgment and the psychological factors involved in it. It has been posited that affective reactions to agents that bring about harmful side- effects (...)
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  13. Using fMRI in experimental philosophy: Exploring the prospects.Rodrigo Díaz - 2019 - In Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis (eds.), Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Press.
    This chapter analyses the prospects of using neuroimaging methods, in particular functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), for philosophical purposes. To do so, it will use two case studies from the field of emotion research: Greene et al. (2001) used fMRI to uncover the mental processes underlying moral intuitions, while Lindquist et al. (2012) used fMRI to inform the debate around the nature of a specific mental process, namely, emotion. These studies illustrate two main approaches in cognitive neuroscience: Reverse inference and (...)
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    Universos éticos y la metarregla del doble efecto en el estado de necesidad.Raúl Madrid Ramírez & Rodrigo Andrés Guerra Espinosa - 2020 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (14):247.
    Este artículo tiene por objeto explicar cuándo en el estado de necesidad la distinción entre un mal mayor o menor responde al universo ético consecuencialista y desde qué consideraciones no lo haría; segundo, explicar por qué es posible desde el principio del doble efecto la ponderación de la vida humana, aceptando la objetivización de sus parámetros según los efectos de una acción. Por ello, a continuación trataremos en la primera sección el concepto de mal en clave consecuencialista y, posteriormente, moral (...)
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    Distinciones y Comunicaciones.Diego Rodrigo Salazar - 1997 - Cinta de Moebio 2.
    Durante los últimos años se ha venido desarrollando una nueva reflexión epistemológica, proveniente esta vez de la biología, y que ha vuelto a sugerir algunas nociones respecto del estatuto de la realidad que ya se hallaban esbozadas en los filósofos escépticos presocráticos: se trata de l..
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  16. Do Moral Beliefs Motivate Action?Rodrigo Díaz - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (3):377-395.
    Do moral beliefs motivate action? To answer this question, extant arguments have considered hypothetical cases of association (dissociation) between agents’ moral beliefs and actions. In this paper, I argue that this approach can be improved by studying people’s actual moral beliefs and actions using empirical research methods. I present three new studies showing that, when the stakes are high, associations between participants’ moral beliefs and actions are actually explained by co-occurring but independent moral emotions. These findings suggest that moral beliefs (...)
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    Configuraciones formativas.Rodrigo Garcia de la Sienra & José Ezcurdia (eds.) - 2007 - Guanajuato, Gto. [Mexico]: Universidad de Guanajuato.
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    Queering paradigms IV: south-north dialogues on queer epistemologies, embodiments and activisms.Elizabeth Sara Lewis, Rodrigo Borba, Branca Falabella Fabrício & Diana de Souza Pinto (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book is composed of research presented at the fourth international Queering Paradigms Conference (QP4), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It intends to contribute to building a queer postcolonial critique of the current politics of queer activism and of queer knowledge production and circulation.
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    Reading Comprehension in L2: Effect of Explicit Instruction of Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies.Rodrigo Matamala Poblete & Belén Muñoz Muñoz - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:160-176.
    Resumen: La instrucción explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje ha emergido como una ventaja para la enseñanza de lenguas. En Chile, diferentes investigaciones han abordado este tema, limitándose a describir el tipo de estrategias utilizadas en L2 en contextos universitarios, por lo que es necesario ampliar el enfoque de estos estudios e incorporar a aprendientes secundarios. En este sentido, la presente investigación se propuso estudiar el impacto de la instrucción explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje cognitivas y metacognitivas en la lectura en (...)
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  20. A Grande Crise do Capital.Rodrigo Dantas - 2009 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 14 (1):47-72.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma análise marxista da crise econômica mundial e do modo como ela coloca em questão o sistema capitalista. Nele defendemos a tese de que não estamos diante de uma "crise financeira", mas de uma crise clássica de superprodução, determinada pelo caráter cada vez mais especulativo do capital e pela hipertrofia do capital financeiro diante do capital que produz diretamente a mais-valia. São analisadas as dimensões estruturais da crise, o papel do Estado, a natureza do capital financeiro (...)
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  21. Why is there something rather than nothing? / Por que há algo, e não nada?Rodrigo Cid - 2012 - Investigação Filosófica 3 (art 2):1-17.
    My aim here is to answer the question about why is there something rather than nothing by arguing for the existence of some necessary beings (that, as such, couldn’t not exist) – the space, the time, and the natural basic laws – and by showing that the existence of nothingness is logically impossible. I also try to account for the fact that contingent beings arise from necessary beings by distinguishing between necessary existence and necessary arising, as to answer the question (...)
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    “El poema Escotida o vida del Doctor Sutil Escoto” (1744), de fray Gregorio Farías, un antecedente americano del dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción.Rodrigo Álvarez-Gutiérrez - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (1):71-83.
    Durante la época colonial, en algunos países de Iberoamérica, se desarrolló un movimiento teológico que tuvo como centro el pensamiento escotista. Si bien la complejidad de las ideas de este franciscano abarcó muchos aspectos de las verdades de fe, su impronta se manifestó claramente en un poema escrito por un religioso chileno: Gregorio Farías. Este, siguiendo los parámetros de la épica heroica de corte sacro, dio a luz una obra conocida como la “Scotida”. Allí puso en valor el tema de (...)
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    Seifert, J.: "Conocimiento de Dios por las vías de la razón y del amor".Alicia Rodrigo Fernández - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47:355-359.
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    Aproximación a los problemas de prueba en la argumentación jurídica.José Rodrigo Flórez Ruiz - 2007 - Ratio Juris 1 (1):83-88.
    El presente artículo trata de llamar la atención sobre ciertos problemas que encuentra el razonamiento jurídico en el manejo de la prueba y que ha soslayado un tanto la llamada teoría estándar de la argumenta ción jurídica. Busca encarar pre·" guntas tales como: ¿Dónde se ubican los problemas de prueba en el marco de la argumentación jurídica? ¿Qué papel cumple la lógica en la apreciación racional de la prueba? ¿Cuál Lógica es la apro piada en el marco probatorio? ¿Cómo se (...)
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    Uma visão de mundo filosófica.Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):571-596.
    The purpose of this paper is to present a philosophical worldview, specifically metaphysical. This is important precisely to obtain a generalist view of reality, at a time when philosophical discussions are becoming increasingly specialized. The metaphysical worldview presented here is a general perspective on time, space, matter, laws of nature, the mind and the normativity. In order to achieve such goal, (1) we will talk about the nature of philosophy and its relation to the construction of a worldview, (2) we (...)
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  26. A obra de Kierkegaard e seu lugar na história da filosofia moderna.Rodrigo Dantas - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (1):102-124.
    Este artigo visa situar o significado da obra de Kierkegaard no contexto da história da filosofia moderna. Após caracterizar os momentos determinantes da história da filosofia moderna em suas relações dialéticas com o processo histórico numa época de desenvolvimento revolucionário da sociedade, o artigo reconstitui os argumentos de Kierkegaard em torno da oposição absoluta e não dialética entre a experiência vivida dos indivíduos e o saber racional para apresenta- los como um momento determinado do desenvolvimento da filosofia moderna.
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    B. Tsaban, Algebra, selections and additive Ramsey theory. Fundamenta Mathematicae, , no. 240, pp. 81–104.Rodrigo R. Dias - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):179-180.
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  28. An introduction to the metaphysics of the laws of nature / Uma introdução à metafísica das leis da natureza.Rodrigo Cid - 2016 - In Lúcio Marques & Maurício Reis (eds.), Entre o ser e o não-ser.
    Antes de começarmos a falar sobre as leis da natureza, creio que vale a pena explicar algumas coisas sobre o título dessa conferência. Nele, digo que farei uma introdução à metafísica das leis da natureza. Uma introdução, em filosofia, consiste da apresentação de um problema filosófico, indicando as razões pelas quais tal problema é um problema, e das principais posições que tentam resolvê-lo, com suas respectivas dificuldades mais aparentes. Uma introdução não deve dar respostas definitivas sobre qual posição devemos aceitar, (...)
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  29. The Dilemma of the Continuity of Matter / O Dilema da Continuidade da Matéria.Rodrigo Cid - 2011 - Revista Do Seminário Dos Alunos Do PPGLM/UFRJ 2:paper 2.
    In this paper I intend to present the Dilemma of Continuity of Matter and a possible solution to it. This dilemma consists in choosing between two misfortunes in explaining the continuity of matter: or to say that material objects are infinitely divisible and not explain what constitutes the continuity of some kind of object, or to say that there is a certain kind of indivisible object and not explain what constitutes the continuity of such an object. The solution we provide (...)
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  30. Evaluación del rendimiento externo del Bachillerato Colombiano.José Rodrigo Cuéllar - 1984 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 26 (77):122-138.
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    (1 other version)Una concepción quebrada de la historia a partir de Nietzsche y Deleuze: el nihilismo como a priori de la historia universal.Rodrigo Martínez Reinoso - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 2:33.
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    Derecho natural: apuntes de clase.Rodrigo Noguera Laborde - 1992 - Santa Fé de Bogotá: Editorial Hojas e Ideas.
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  33. Formalizing the intuitions on the meaning of life / Formalizando as intuições sobre o sentido da vida.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Revista Do Seminário Dos Alunos Do PPGLM/UFRJ 1:paper 10.
    When we ask ourselves about the meaning of life, two analyses are possible in principle: 1. that we are asking something about the purpose or the reason of being of life or of a life, or 2. that we are asking something the value of life or of a life. At the present article, I do not approach 1 neither the life as a whole, but I take the individual lives in the context of 2. I briefly explain what would (...)
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  34. Fundamentality: Structures, powers, and a supervenience dualism.Rodrigo Cid - manuscript
    If we want to say what “fundamentality” means, we have to start by approaching what we generally see at the empty place of the predicate “____ is fundamental”. We generally talk about fundamental entities and fundamental theories. At this article, I tried to make a metaphysical approach of what is for something to be fundamental, and I also tried to talk a little bit of fundamental incomplete and complete theories. To do that, I start stating the notion of “entity” and (...)
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  35. Two kinds of metaphysical possibilities / Dois tipos de possibilidades metafísicas.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Theoria: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia 2.
    In this article, I intend to show what the metaphysical possibility is, distinguishing it from the logical and the physical possibilities, and then to indicate that at least there is two kinds of metaphysical possibilities, i.e., the potentialities of the things and the possibilities of the events to occur. This is an important goal because it makes clearer the discussion about possibilities. To show what the metaphysical possibility is, I try to show that we need an absolute modality for the (...)
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  36. Against Gettier.Rodrigo Cid - manuscript
    In “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” Edmund Gettier (1963) attacked the thesis ‘S knows that P iff P is true, S believes that P, and S is justified in believing that P’. His intention was to sustain that someone can have a justified true belief without knowing that belief. He made that by creating two counter-examples to that thesis. In this article, I try to show that Gettier’s arguments are based in a weak account of justification, and that such a (...)
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  37. Actualized and protected descriptivism: an answer to Celia Teixeira / Descritivismo atualizado e protegido: uma resposta à Célia Teixeira.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Revista Aproximação 2:9-ss.
    It was argued by Célia Teixeira (2003) that the actualized descriptivist theory of names have the problem of generating undesired epistemic necessities. In this paper I want to argue for a descriptivis theory that does not suffer from such problem. For this I will explain Teixeira's objections and later present my own conception of an actualized descriptivist theory of names; it is, protected against the problem of undesired necessities.
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  38. Some thoughts on memory from Wittgenstein / Considerações acerca da memória a partir de Wittgenstein.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 3:69-78.
    This article intends to present the thought of Wittgenstein – mainly from his notes at Philosophical Investigations (PI), Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology (RPP), and Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology (LW) – and of his commentators about important thesis on memory. This one is a major epistemic problem, since our knowledge of the past facts comes from it. Provided that it sometimes fails, is important to know of what we are talking about when we use the term (...)
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  39. Necessity, possibility, and laws of nature / A necessidade, a possibilidade e as leis da natureza.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Investigação Filosófica 1:paper 1.
    We intend at this article to show some reasons to think the laws of nature as metaphysically necessary: to distinguish the metaphysical modality from the epistemical modality, and to have an absolute modality to face the relative physical and logical modalities. Lately, we indicate what does it mean to talk about metaphysically necessary laws, distinguishing two kinds of metaphysical modalities, and we account for the question about if the laws of nature are metaphysically necessary. The conclusion we get is that (...)
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    Presença da filosofia e da antropologia em Totem e tabu: Freud, entre Kant, Hegel, Frazer e Schopenhauer.Josiane Bocchi, Rodrigo Barros Gewehr & Luiz Eduardo Prado de Oliveira - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):257.
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  41. Against Salmon: Saving Conceptual Theories / Contra Salmon: Salvando as Teorias Conceituais.Rodrigo Cid - 2011 - Itaca 18:133-148.
    In this paper I intend to expose some of Nathan Salmon's arguments, which aim to show that the conceptual theories of the informational value of singular terms cannot be the case, and to present some objections to these arguments, objections which seek to restore the capacity of the conceptual theories to secure the referent, and to have a concept as the informational value of a singular term. I fulfill such goal by making an initial introduction, where I briefly explain Frege's (...)
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  42. A dialogue about possibilities: a philosophical discussion on determinism and possibilities / Diálogo sobre a Possibilidade: uma discussão filosófica sobre o determinismo e as possibilidades.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Série Filosofia 26:163-172.
    O objetivo deste artigo é ser uma introdução aos diversos tipos de possibilidades e mostrar o caminho que a discussão sobre a existência de possibilidades não-atuais deve seguir a partir da aceitação do determinismo. E essa discussão é relevante porque sua resposta tem bastante infl uência em nossos pensamentos e lógicas sobre as modalidades da necessidade e da possibilidade. Cumprimos tal objetivo através de um diálogo a respeito das possibilidades. Este formato de texto tem a vantagem de ser mais pedagógico (...)
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  43. Necessity is not truth in all possible worlds / A necessidade não é a verdade em todos os mundos possíveis.Rodrigo Cid - 2013 - Fundamento: Revista de Pesquisa Em Filosofia 6:79-87.
    My main purpose in this article is to present an argument for the idea that necessity qua truth in all possible worlds, without other qualifications, leads us to contradiction. If we do not want to accept the contradiction, we will face a dilemma: or accepting that everything we take as contingent is in fact necessary, or accepting that we cannot translate some sentences – at least the indexed to worlds sentences – to the possible worlds vocabulary. We have an intuition (...)
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  44. Some reflection on the school curriculum and the role of education / Reflexões acerca dos currículos educacionais e a função da educação.Rodrigo Cid - 2008 - Saberes 1 (1):124-131.
    The aim of this paper is to indicate the purpose of education and how it implies changes in the curricula of basic education and in the methods of teaching, guidance and evaluation. We start with the concepts of capacities and overlapping consensus, created respectively by Amartya Sen and John Rawls, and find something that we can call a good life and what it means to improve life. So, we established that education should have as its primary function to enable the (...)
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  45. The necessary and the possible de Michael Loux.Rodrigo Cid - 2011 - Filosofia Unisinos 12 (3).
    Neste capítulo, Loux apresenta alguns problemas com relação às modalidades e algumas das relações entre elas e o vocabulário dos mundos possíveis, expondo as duas principais posições ontológicas com relação a tais mundos e às modalidades e com relação à natureza das modalidades, a saber, o possibilismo e o actualismo, defendidos respectivamente por Lewis e Plantinga. Essas são teorias inconsistentes entre si, que intentam nos dizer se os mundos possíveis são concretos ou abstratos e se existe algo além do que (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Laws of Nature and Tooley's Cases / As leis da natureza e os casos de Tooley.Rodrigo Cid - 2013 - Manuscrito 36 (1):67-101.
    The purposes of this paper are: (1) to present four theories of the nature of natural laws, (2) to show that only one of them is capable of adequately answering to Tooley's Cases, and (3) indicate why these cases are relevant for our ontology. These purposes are important since the concept of "natural law" is used in many (if not all) realms of natural science and in many branches of philosophy; if Tooley's cases are possible, they represent situations that must (...)
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    Noticias Del yo: Buscando la familia en otra parte. El Caso de fantasmas literarios. Una convocación de Hernán Valdés.Rodrigo Cánovas Emhart - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:279-287.
    En este artículo se analiza una recreación quijotesca en la novela de Graham Greene Monseñor Quijote. Para ello se utilizan dos términos procedentes del Derecho romano: los conceptos de autoridad y poder. En esta obra de Greene, la autoridad surge de los libros o de autores de libros, cuya lectura permite que la vida siga teniendo sentido. En Greene encontramos la estrategia de lectura conocida como las sortes virgilianae que permite a los personajes orientarse en las dificultades diarias. Sin embargo, (...)
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    Aproximación hacia una comprensión estructural de la e-justicia.Alex Rodrigo Coll & Rubén Restrepo - 2021 - Cinta de Moebio 70:81-93.
    Resumen: El presente artículo propone una visión estructural de la e-justicia por contraposición al reduccionismo metodológico e instrumental actual que la concibe como la simple incorporación de los dispositivos tecnológicos de la información y de la comunicación a la función pública judicial de impartir justicia, cuando más, a una transformación cultural del órgano judicial. El análisis plantea que la justicia es un concepto medular de la estabilidad social, que no se agota en la funcionalidad judicial, que depende de las asignaciones (...)
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    On earthly Paradises, Revolution in Chile and some effects on the Catholic Church.Rodrigo Colarte Olivares - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44:91-115.
    Resumen La investigación pretende describir algunas influencias que las concepciones revolucionarias tuvieron en la Iglesia Católica chilena observadas en el análisis de las cartas pastorales de la Conferencia Episcopal entre los años 1960 y 1975. Por ello se elabora un marco teórico que permite caracterizar el concepto de revolución a partir del pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset y de otros autores que complementan dicha visión, para luego aplicarlo a la realidad chilena de la segunda mitad del siglo veinte, periodo (...)
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  50. Are the laws of nature metaphysically necessary? / São as leis da natureza metafisicamente necessárias?Rodrigo Cid - 2016 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro
    The main intent of this thesis is to defend that the laws of nature are better thought as transcendent universals, such as platonic governism suggests, and that they are metaphysically necessary in a strong way, such as the heterodox version of such platonism defends. With this intention, we sustain that physical symmetries are essential consequences of the laws of nature – what solves the challenge of symmetries – thus being metaphysically necessary, without being governist's necessitation laws. First, we will show (...)
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