Results for 'S. Erer'

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  1.  80
    The views of cancer patients on patient rights in the context of information and autonomy.S. Erer, E. Atici & A. D. Erdemir - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):384-388.
    Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the views of cancer patients on patient rights in the context of the right to information and autonomy according to articles related to the issue in the “Patient Rights Regulation”. Methods: The research was conducted among cancer patients in the medical oncology department of a research and practice hospital using a random sampling method between June and September 2005. Data were collected during face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. Results: There was a (...)
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    Das Darlehensrecht der Volksrepublik Chinacredit Law in the People's Republic of China.Jakob Riemenschneider - 2008 - De Gruyter Recht.
    In den letzten 25 Jahren hat das chinesische Recht eine beeindruckende Entwicklung erfahren. In zunehmendem Maße wird es Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, und in Deutschland erscheinen in immer größerer Zahl Publikationen, die das chinesische Recht für die Rechtsvergleichung erschließen oder es rechtsvergleichend mit anderen Rechtsordnungen erörtern. In der neuen Schriftenreihe Schriften zum chinesischen Recht, die im Auftrag der Deutsch-Chinesischen Juristenvereinigung von Professor Dr. Uwe Blaurock, Freiburg, Professor Dr. Ulrich Manthe, Passau, Dr. Knut B. Pißler, Hamburg, und Professorin Dr. Christiane Wendehorst, Göttingen, (...)
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    Modern Bir Finansman Yöntemi: Kitle Fonlaması.Emrullah Dumlu - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):328-348.
    Kitle fonlaması, bir projesi ya da iş fikri olan girişimcinin bir internet platformu üzerinden yaptığı açık çağrıyla kitlelerden fon toplayarak projesini finanse ettiği yeni nesil bir finansman yöntemidir. Bu yöntem daha ziyade güçlü maddi kaynakları olmayan, geleneksel finansman kaynakları tarafından istenen teminatı göstermekte zorlanan, çok fazla iş tecrübesi ve tanınırlığı bulunmayan girişimciler için iş yapma imkânı sunan alternatif bir finansal kaynak oluşturma mekanizmasıdır. Bu yöntemin bağışa, ödüle, paya ve borca dayalı fonlama şeklinde dört temel çeşidi bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, işte bu (...)
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    Fichte und die Reform des preußischen Heeres.Elena Alessiato - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:374-396.
    At the beginning of the 19. century the call for a general reform of the State rose in Prussia: after the collapse of the German Empire in 1806, the need for reform became still more pressing. A fundamental part of this renovation process was the reform of the Prussian army, to which men like Clausewitz, the general von Scharnhorst, the war ministers von Stein and later von Boyen contributed. All they were convinced that a new way of making war was (...)
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  5. Kant On Obligation And Motivation In Law And Ethics.Nelson Potter - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    The first part of Immanuel Kant's Metaphysics of Morals , Rechtslehre , has usually been discussed as a political treatise. But there are parallels between law and ethics in Kant; lawgiving in either realm is a combination of precept and incentive. In works that present his core moral philosophy of inner freedom, this freedom is an internal ethical freedom based on an underlying purely moral incentive, whose adequacy is a transcendental assumption of this part of Kant's moral philosophy. But this (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Jeder ist sich selbst der fernste. Zum zusammenhang zwischen personaler identität und moral bei Nietzsche und Emerson.Dieter Thoma - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:316-343.
    Am Leitfaden des Satzes "Jeder ist sich selbst der Fernste" wird die systematische Rage erörtert, wie die Revision personaler Identität bei Emerson und Nietzsche für eine Revision der Moral fruchtbar gemacht werden kann. Dabei geht es inbesondere um die Figur des "abandonment" oder der Selbstüberwindung, mit der die Person, die "werdende Seele" , ihre Vertrautheit mit sich verliert. Diese Erfahrung innerer Fermdheit oder "Ferne" eröffnet ein neues moralisches Verhältnis zu äußerer Fremdheit oder zum Anderen. Selbstbezug und Interaktion greifen ineinander. Neben (...)
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    Repräsentation bei Descartes (Philosophische Abhandlungen, Bd. 68).Dominik Perler - 1996 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Gr.-8°, Ln. m. SU. XIII, 342 S. Neuwertiges Ex. / Fine Copy // Descartes` Ideentheorie ist in der neueren Forschung immer wieder als Ausgangspunkt des neuzeitlichen "way of ideas" dargestellt worden, der in einen verhängnisvollen Repräsentationalismus mündet. Denn Cartesische Ideen scheinen so etwas wie mentale Objekte in einer "inneren Arena" zu sein. Da wir nur zu diesen mentalen Objekten einen unmittelbaren Zugang haben, können wir höchstens auf die Existenz äußerer Objekte schließen, wir können sie aber nie unmittelbar erkennen. Stets sind (...)
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    Addendum to “Einstein’s “Zur Electrodynamik...” Revisited, with some Consequences” by S. D. Agashe.S. D. Agashe - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):306-309.
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    The nativist's dilemma.Philip S. Kitcher - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (January):1-16.
  10.  7
    Modern igazságelméletek: filozófiai-logikai elemzés.Vilmos Sós - 1978 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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  11. Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo prava.S. S. Alekseev - 1963 - Sverdlovsk,:
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    Pravo na poroge novogo tysi︠a︡cheletii︠a︡: Nekotorye tendent︠s︡ii mirovogo pravovogo razvitii︠a︡-- nadezhda i drama sovremennoĭ ėpokhi.S. S. Alekseev - 2000 - Moskva: Statut.
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  13. Cracking the cultural code-Methodological reflections on Kracauer's' The Mass Ornament'.S. Giles - 2000 - Radical Philosophy 99:31-39.
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    Just War Theory and the ANC's Armed Struggle.S. R. Miller - 1990 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):80-102.
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  15. Śāṅkaradarśanamarmaprakāśah̤.Kr̥ṣṇa Joyis - 1996 - Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha. Edited by Narasimha Murthy & L. M..
    Study on the contributions of Śaṅkarācārya to Hindu philosophy.
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    Who's Afraid of Psychiatric Genomics?Paul S. Appelbaum - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):15-17.
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  17. Do No Right, Take No Wrong; Keep What You Have, Get What You Can: Or, the Way of the World Displayd, by S.H. Misodolus.H. S. & Do - 1711
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  18.  46
    Are you sure about that? Eliciting confidence ratings may influence performance on Raven's progressive matrices.Kit S. Double & Damian P. Birney - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (2):190-206.
    Confidence ratings have often been integrated into reasoning and intelligence tasks as a means for assessing meta-reasoning processes. Although it is often assumed that eliciting these judgements throughout reasoning tasks has no effect on the underlying performance outcomes, this is yet to be established empirically. The current study examines whether eliciting CR from participants during a fluid-reasoning task influences their performance and how this effect is moderated by their initial self-confidence in their own reasoning abilities. In a first experiment, we (...)
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  19.  41
    Togolese lay people's and health professionals’ views about the acceptability of physician-assisted suicide.Lonzozou Kpanake, Kolou S. Dassa, Paul Clay Sorum & Etienne Mullet - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):621-624.
    Aim To study the views on the acceptability of physician-assisted-suicide of lay people and health professionals in an African country, Togo.Method In February–June 2012, 312 lay people and 198 health professionals in Togo judged the acceptability of PAS in 36 concrete scenarios composed of all combinations of four factors: the patient's age, the level of incurability of the illness, the type of suffering and the patient's request for PAS. In all scenarios, the patients were women receiving the best possible care. (...)
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  20.  96
    Spinoza's definition of attribute.Francis S. Haserot - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):499-513.
  21.  29
    Jaśkowski's criterion and three-valued paraconsistent logics.Alexander S. Karpenko - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:81.
    A survey is given of three-valued paraconsistent propositionallogics connected with Jaśkowski’s criterion for constructing paraconsistentlogics. Several problems are raised and four new matrix three-valued paraconsistent logics are suggested.
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  22. John Dillon, Dexippus, On Aristotle's Categories Reviewed by.S. J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (5):310-311.
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  23. Kulʹtura kak mudrostʹ: renessansnai︠a︡ tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ v evropeĭskom gumanizme XIX-XX vv.S. N. Artanovskiĭ - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gos. universitet kulʹtury i iskusstv.
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  24. Other People’s Problems: Student Distancing, Epistemic Responsibility, and Injustice.Matt S. Whitt - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (5):427-444.
    In classes that examine entrenched injustices like sexism or racism, students sometimes use “distancing strategies” to dissociate themselves from the injustice being studied. Education researchers argue that distancing is a mechanism through which students, especially students of apparent privilege, deny their complicity in systemic injustice. While I am sympathetic to this analysis, I argue that there is much at stake in student distancing that the current literature fails to recognize. On my view, distancing perpetuates socially sanctioned forms of ignorance and (...)
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  25.  7
    Sot︠s︡ialʹna vidpovidalʹnistʹ ofit︠s︡era: monohrafii︠a︡.O. S. Kapinus - 2019 - Lʹviv: Nat︠s︡ionalʹna akademii︠a︡ sukhoputnykh viĭsʹk imeni hetʹmana Petra Sahaĭdachnoho.
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  26. (1 other version)Alkhwarizmi's Astronomical Rules: Yet Another Latin Version?Fritz S. Pedersen - 1992 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen Âge Grec Et Latin 62:31-75.
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  27. Chip's journey.Charles S. Peirce - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  28. (2 other versions)Brett's History of Psychology.R. S. Peters - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (18):171-172.
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  29. Husserl's Ideen in the Portuguese Speaking Community.Pedro M. S. Alves & Carlos A. Morujão - 2013 - In Lester Embree & Thomas Nenon (eds.), Husserl’s Ideen. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  30. Fransı̄s Bākūn.ʻAbbās Maḥmūd ʻAqqād - 1945
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  31. Do S-cones contribute to OFF channels? Psychophysical tests of an unresolved physiological problem.K. Shinomori, J. S. Werner & L. Spillmann - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 107-107.
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    Print︠s︡ip svobody v postroenii nachalʹnogo obrazovanii︠a︡: metodologicheskie osnovy, istoricheskiĭ opyt i sovremennye tendent︠s︡ii: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Zaĭt︠s︡ev - 1998 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
  33.  9
    Adhyātmarāmāyaṇasya dārśanikī antardr̥ṣṭiḥ.Snehalatā Śarmā - 2017 - Dillī: Amara Grantha Pablikeśansa.
    Study of philosophical aspects of Adhyātmarāmāyaṇa, portion of Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa, Hindu mythological text.
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  34. Dharmakirti's Theory of Inference: Revaluation and Reconstruction.Brendan S. Gillon - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):768-772.
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    Halin’s infinite ray theorems: Complexity and reverse mathematics.James S. Barnes, Jun Le Goh & Richard A. Shore - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Halin in 1965 proved that if a graph has [Formula: see text] many pairwise disjoint rays for each [Formula: see text] then it has infinitely many pairwise disjoint rays. We analyze the complexity of this and other similar results in terms of computable and proof theoretic complexity. The statement of Halin’s theorem and the construction proving it seem very much like standard versions of compactness arguments such as König’s Lemma. Those results, while not computable, are relatively simple. They only use (...)
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  36.  14
    Franz Caucig’s „Phaedrus”.Geoffrey S. Bove & Ilter Coskun - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (4):7-21.
    The article interprets Franz Caucig’s Socrates with a Disciple and Diotima?, one of several paintings commissioned for Palais Auersperg in Vienna, now housed at the Slovenian National Gallery. Socrates and a young man are in a pastoral setting beneath a plane tree near a river. They are addressed by a woman, and a chariot with maidens can be seen in the background. The scene is from Plato’s Phaedrus, since Socrates never leaves Athens, except for military service and in this scene (...)
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  37.  10
    ʻAyn al-Quz̤āt Hamadānī: mīrās̲dār-i siyah gilīmī va zunnārʹdārī.Ṣabā Fadavī - 2021 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Nigāh-i Muʻāṣir. Edited by Bāsim Al-Rassām.
    ʻAyn al-Quḍāh al-Hamadhānī, ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad, -1131. ; Ontology -- Islam. ; Knowledge, Theory of (Islam). ; Sufis -- Iran -- Biography. ; Muslim philosophers -- Iran -- Biography.
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  38. Aspects of the relation between philosophy and esotericism in Moshe Idel's perspective.S. Frunza - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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  39.  24
    Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 8: 1890–1892.Charles S. Peirce - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    Volume 8 of this landmark edition follows Peirce from May 1890 through July 1892—a period of turmoil as his career unraveled at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The loss of his principal source of income meant the beginning of permanent penury and a lifelong struggle to find gainful employment. His key achievement during these years is his celebrated Monist metaphysical project, which consists of five classic articles on evolutionary cosmology. Also included are reviews and essays from The Nation in (...)
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  40.  34
    Vallabhadeva's Kommentar (Śāradā-Version) zum Kumārasaṃbhava des KālidāsaVallabhadeva's Kommentar (Sarada-Version) zum Kumarasambhava des Kalidasa.Sheldon Pollock, M. S. Narayana Murti, Klaus L. Janert & Vallabhadeva - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):381.
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  41. The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.Sally S. Sedgwick (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The period from Kant to Hegel is one of the most intense and rigorous in modern philosophy. The central problem at the heart of it was the development of a new standard of theoretical reflection and of the principle of rationality itself. The essays in this volume, published in 2000, consider both the development of Kant's system of transcendental idealism in the three Critiques, the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, and the Opus Postumum, as well as the reception and transformation (...)
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  42.  55
    On Hart's category mistake.Michael S. Green - 2013 - Legal Theory 19 (4):347-369.
    This essay concerns Scott Shapiro's criticism that H.L.A. Hart's theory of law suffers from a Although other philosophers of law have summarily dismissed Shapiro's criticism, I argue that it identifies an important requirement for an adequate theory of law. Such a theory must explain why legal officials justify their actions by reference to abstract propositional entities, instead of pointing to the existence of social practices. A virtue of Shapiro's planning theory of law is that it can explain this phenomenon. Despite (...)
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  43. Robert Spaemann’s Philosophische Essays.S. J. Arthur Madigan - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):105-132.
    IN 1983 THE STUTTGART PUBLISHING FIRM OF PHILIPP RECLAM brought out a slim volume containing an introduction and seven essays by Robert Spaemann, then Professor of Philosophy at the University of Munich. Entitled Philosophische Essays, it presents and illustrates Spaemann’s philosophical project: to understand the phenomenon of modernity, to criticize the deficiencies of modern thought, and to preserve what is good in modernity by rehabilitating the teleological understanding of nature that modernity largely rejected. A second edition in 1994 included three (...)
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  44. A non-solution to a non-problem: A comment on Alan Strudler's ldquomass torts and moral principlesrdquo.S. J. - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (1):91-100.
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    Amending the Military’s Rules of Engagement to Consider Blame.Stephen C. S. DiLorenzo - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):117-133.
    I am concerned that the military’s Rules of Engagement (ROE) exclusively focus on prescribing permissible actions but fail to consider the servicemembers’ blameworthiness. In explaining this concern, I will illuminate how permissible actions do not necessarily yield blamelessness. While permissibility is generally a function of rules or good outcomes, blameworthiness is at least a function of an agent’s intentions. Why should we care about permissible actions done with blameworthy intentions? I offer two distinct motivations. Using a self-defense situation as an (...)
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  46. N.A. Berdi︠a︡ev i sovremennostʹ: materialy nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Ulan-Udė, 15 apreli︠a︡ 2009 g.D. Sh T︠S︡yrendorzhieva (ed.) - 2009 - Ulan-Udė: Izdatelʹstvo Buri︠a︡tskogo gosuniversiteta.
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  47.  10
    Peirce's Doctrine of Signs: Theory, Applications, and Connections.Charles S. Peirce Sesquicentennial International Congress (ed.) - 1996 - Walter de Gruyter.
  48.  12
    U.S. Wage Inequality, Technological Change, and Decline in Union Power.James S. Mosher - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (2):225-263.
    Wage inequality, including the college/high school education premium, has increased substantially in the United States. A key part of the most widely accepted explanation for this is that skill-biased technological change accelerated during this time. This article suggests that the impact of skill-biased technological change was closer to constant in the second half of the twentieth century. This leaves a large unexplained decrease in the college/high school education premium in the 1940s and a large unexplained increase in the 1980s. The (...)
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  49.  16
    Cooley's Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind.Will S. Munroe - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:50.
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    Hume’s Radical Scepticism and the Fate of Naturalized Epistemology, written by Kevin Meeker.Peter S. Fosl - 2015 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 5 (3):263-268.
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