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Susan Hekman [33]Susan J. Hekman [13]
  1.  57
    Material Feminisms.Stacy Alaimo & Susan J. Hekman (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    By insisting on the importance of materiality, this volume breaks new ground in philosophy, feminist theory, cultural studies, science studies, and other fields where the body and nature collide.
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  2.  36
    Gender and knowledge: elements of a postmodern feminism.Susan J. Hekman - 2007 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    After the success of the hardback, students and academics will welcome the publication of this book in paperback. The aim of the book is to explore the connection between two perspectives that have had a profound effect upon contemporary thought: post–modernism and feminism. Through bringing together and systematically analysing the relations between these, Hekman is able to make a major intervention into current debates in social theory and philosophy. The critique of Enlightenment knowledge, she argues, is at the core of (...)
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  3. What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding & Susan Hekman - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):202-210.
    Feminist epistemologists who attempt to refigure epistemology must wrestle with a number of dualisms. This essay examines the ways Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, and Susan Hekman reconceptualize the relationship between self/other, nature/culture, and subject/object as they struggle to reformulate objectivity and knowledge.
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  4.  48
    The Material of Knowledge: Feminist Disclosures.Susan J. Hekman (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Susan Hekman believes we are witnessing an intellectual sea change. The main features of this change are found in dichotomies between language and reality, discourse and materiality. Hekman proposes that it is possible to find a more intimate connection between these pairs, one that does not privilege one over the other. By grounding her work in feminist thought and employing analytic philosophy, scientific theory, and linguistic theory, Hekman shows how language and reality can be understood as an indissoluble unit. In (...)
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  5.  67
    Moral Voices, Moral Selves: Carol Gilligan and Feminist Moral Theory.Susan J. Hekman - 1995 - University Park, Pa.: Polity.
    This book is an original discussion of key problems in moral theory. The author argues that the work of recent feminist theorists in this area, particularly that of Carol Gilligan, marks a radically new departure in moral thinking. Gilligan claims that there is not only one true, moral voice, but two: one masculine, one feminine. Moral values and concerns associated with a feminine outlook are relational rather than autonomous; they depend upon interaction with others. In a far-reaching examination and critique (...)
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  6.  13
    Hermeneutics and the sociology of knowledge.Susan J. Hekman - 1986 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
  7.  52
    Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault.Susan J. Hekman (ed.) - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume presents an exploration of the intersection between the work of Michel Foucault and feminist theory, focusing on Foucault's theories of sex/body, identity/subject, and power/politics. Like the other books in this series, this volume seeks to bring a feminist perspective to bear on the interpretation of a major figure in the philosophical canon. In the case of Michel Foucault, however, this aim is somewhat ironic because Foucault sees his work as disrupting that very canon. Since feminists see their work (...)
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  8.  65
    Beyond identity: Feminism, identity and identity politics.Susan Hekman - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (3):289-308.
    This article is a critique, first, of the theory of identity advanced by Judith Butler and many of the feminist critics of identity politics, and, second, of identity politics itself. I argue that Butler's rejection of the modernist subject for its opposite, the fictional, substanceless subject, is untenable. Looking to object relations theory, I argue instead for a concept of the subject as an ungrounded ground, occupying a middle ground between the postmodern and the modern subject. With regard to identity (...)
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  9.  69
    Action as a text: Gadamer's hermeneutics and the social scientific analysis of action.Susan Hekman - 1984 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14 (3):333–354.
    This paper argues that Gadamer's hermeneutics offers a methodological perspective for social and political theory that overcomes the impasse created by the dichotomy between the positivist and humanist approaches to social action. Both the positivists’attempt to replace the actors’subjective concepts with the objective concepts of the social scientist and the humanists’attempt to describe meaningful action strictly in the social actors’terms have been called into question in contemporary discussions. Gadamer's approach, which is based on the hermeneutical method of textual interpretation, offers (...)
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  10.  98
    John Stuart Mill'sthe subjection of women: The foundations of liberal feminism.Susan Hekman - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):681-686.
  11.  57
    (1 other version)Private Selves, Public Identities: Reconsidering Identity Politics.Susan J. Hekman - 2004 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In an age when "we are all multiculturalists now," as Nathan Glazer has said, the politics of identity has come to pose new challenges to our liberal polity and the presuppositions on which it is founded. Just what identity means, and what its role in the public sphere is, are questions that are being hotly debated. In this book Susan Hekman aims to bring greater theoretical clarity to the debate by exposing some basic misconceptions—about the constitution of the self that (...)
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  12.  18
    The Feminine Subject.Susan J. Hekman - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In 1949 Simone de Beauvoir asked, “What does it mean to be a woman?” Her answer to that question inaugurated a radical transformation of the meaning of “woman” that defined the direction of subsequent feminist theory. What Beauvoir discovered is that it is impossible to define “woman” as an equal human being in our philosophical and political tradition. Her effort to redefine “woman” outside these parameters set feminist theory on a path of radical transformation. The feminist theorists who wrote in (...)
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  13. Identity crises: Identity, identity politics, and beyond.Susan Hekman - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (1):3-26.
  14.  21
    Feminist New Materialism and Process Theology: Beginning the Dialogue.Susan Hekman - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (2):198-207.
    For many years feminist theologians have found much in common with process theology. As a consequence a robust tradition has developed that links feminist theology with many aspects of process theology. An important element of this tradition is the attempt to draw similarities between postmodernism and feminist process theology. In this article I argue, first, that the connection between feminist process theology and postmodernism is philosophically problematic and, second, that another contemporary feminist approach, the new materialism, provides the basis for (...)
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  15. Material bodies.Susan Hekman - 1998 - In Donn Welton (ed.), Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 61--70.
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  16.  15
    Backgrounds and Riverbeds: Feminist Reflections.Susan Hekman - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (2):427.
  17. (1 other version)Max Weber and post-positivist social theory.Susan Hekman - 1994 - In Asher Horowitz & Terry Maley (eds.), The barbarism of reason: Max Weber and the twilight of enlightenment. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 267--286.
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  18.  23
    Re-Interpreting Mannheim.Susan Hekman - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (1):137-142.
  19. We have never been postmodern: Latour, Foucault and the material of knowledge.Susan Hekman - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):435-454.
    In We Have Never Been Modern Bruno Latour challenges the intellectual community to find an alternative to modernism that does not privilege either the discursive or the material in the construction of knowledge. A central aspect of his thesis is the rejection of postmodernism as a version of linguistic constructionism. I challenge his assessment of one postmodern, Michel Foucault, by arguing that Foucault's work successfully integrates the discursive and the material. Focusing on Foucault's theory of power, I argue that he (...)
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  20.  18
    Books in Review.Susan Hekman - 1984 - Political Theory 12 (2):299-302.
  21.  17
    Divine Women? Irigaray, God, and the Subject.Susan Hekman - 2019 - Feminist Theology 27 (2):117-125.
    One of the central themes of contemporary feminist literature is the exclusion of the female subject from the Western tradition. Luce Irigaray has made significant contributions to this literature. In this article I examine one aspect of Irigaray’s work on the feminine subject, her discussion of divine women. She argues that in order to achieve full subjectivity women must worship a female god that will give them the divinity that they lack, the divinity that the patriarchal god provides for men. (...)
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  22.  22
    Introduction.Susan Hekman - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (1):1-2.
  23. (1 other version)Patchen Markell, Bound By Recognition Reviewed by.Susan Hekman - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (4):278-280.
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  24.  49
    Perspectives on Equality: Constructing a Relational Theory (review).Susan Hekman - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (3):163-166.
  25.  31
    Reconsidering Ethics and Politics.Susan J. Hekman - 2000 - Theory and Event 4 (4).
  26.  29
    Simone de Beauvoir and the beginnings of the feminine subject.Susan Hekman - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (2):137-151.
    Since de Beauvoir’s bold pronouncement that ‘One is not born a woman’ feminists have been struggling with the subject in feminist theory. Each new iteration of the subject has been advanced by its adherents as the ‘right’ definition, superseding the flawed definition that preceded it. This pattern aptly describes the reception of de Beauvoir’s subject. Feminist theorists since de Beauvoir have been disdainful of her subject, rejecting it as a tainted example of existentialism that has nothing to offer contemporary feminist (...)
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  27.  42
    The Althusserian critique of Weber: A reassessment.Susan Hekman - 1982 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 12 (1):83–102.
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  28.  61
    Moral voices, moral selves: About getting it right in moral theory. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1):143 - 162.
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  29.  34
    Review of Unbearable weight: Feminism, culture and the body and Bodies that matter. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (4):151-57.
  30.  14
    Review of Self, society, and personal choice by Diana T. Meyers. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):222-25.
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  31.  46
    Antifoundational thought and the sociology of knowledge: The case of Karl Mannheim. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1987 - Human Studies 10 (3-4):333 - 356.
  32.  63
    From epistemology to ontology: Gadamer's hermeneutics and Wittgensteinian social science. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):205 - 224.
  33.  25
    Naturalism and Social Science: A Post Empiricist Philosophy of Social Science. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 1980 - Political Theory 8 (4):555-558.
  34.  28
    Review of Peg O'Connor, Morality and Our Complicated Form of Life: Feminist Wittgensteinian Metaethics[REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (10).
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  35.  80
    Book review: Christine M. Koggel. Perspectives on Equality: Constructing a Relational Theory. Lanham, md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (3):163-166.
  36.  93
    Book review: Nancy Hirschmann. The subject of liberty: Toward a feminist theory of freedom. And Seyla Benhabib. The claims of culture: Equality and diversity in the global era. [REVIEW]Susan Hekman - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):190-194.