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  1.  20
    Professional Oversight of Emergency-Use Interventions and Monitoring Systems: Ethical Guidance From the Singapore Experience of COVID-19.Tamra Lysaght, Gerald Owen Schaefer, Teck Chuan Voo, Hwee Lin Wee & Roy Joseph - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):327-339.
    High degrees of uncertainty and a lack of effective therapeutic treatments have characterized the COVID-19 pandemic and the provision of drug products outside research settings has been controversial. International guidelines for providing patients with experimental interventions to treat infectious diseases outside of clinical trials exist but it is unclear if or how they should apply in settings where clinical trials and research are strongly regulated. We propose the Professional Oversight of Emergency-Use Interventions and Monitoring System as an alternative pathway based (...)
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  2.  47
    Stamping Out Animal Culling: From Anthropocentrism to One Health Ethics.Zohar Lederman, Manuel Magalhães-Sant’Ana & Teck Chuan Voo - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (5):1-14.
    Culling is used in traditional public health policies to control animal populations. These policies aim primarily to protect human interests but often fail to provide scientific evidence of effectiveness. In this article, we defend the need to move from a strictly anthropocentric approach to disease control towards a One Health ethics, using culling practices as an example. We focus on the recent badger culls in the UK, claiming that, based on data provided by the English Government, these culls may be (...)
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  3. Clarifying how to deploy the public interest criterion in consent waivers for health data and tissue research.G. Owen Schaefer, Graeme Laurie, Sumytra Menon, Alastair V. Campbell & Teck Chuan Voo - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background Several jurisdictions, including Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and most recently Ireland, have a public interest or public good criterion for granting waivers of consent in biomedical research using secondary health data or tissue. However, the concept of the public interest is not well defined in this context, which creates difficulties for institutions, institutional review boards and regulators trying to implement the criterion. Main text This paper clarifies how the public interest criterion can be defensibly deployed. We first explain the (...)
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  4.  35
    Key Ethical Concepts and Their Application to COVID-19 Research.Angus Dawson, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Michael Parker, Maxwell J. Smith & Teck Chuan Voo - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):127-132.
    During the WHO-GloPID COVID-19 Global Research and Innovation Forum meeting held in Geneva on the 11th and 12th of February 2020 a number of different ethical concepts were used. This paper briefly states what a number of these concepts mean and how they might be applied to discussions about research during the COVID-19 pandemic and related outbreaks. This paper does not seek to be exhaustive and other ethical concepts are, of course, relevant and important.
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  5. Brain-Machine Interfaces and Personal Responsibility for Action - Maybe Not As Complicated After All.Søren Holm & Teck Chuan Voo - 2011 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (3).
    This comment responds to Kevin Warwick’s article on predictability and responsibility with respect to brain-machine interfaces in action. It compares conventional responsibility for device use with the potential consequences of phenomenological human-machine integration which obscures the causal chain of an act. It explores two senses of “responsibility”: 1) when it is attributed to a person, suggesting the morally important way in which the person is a causal agent, and 2) when a person is accountable and, on the basis of fairness (...)
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    Treating Workers as Essential Too: An Ethical Framework for Public Health Interventions to Prevent and Control COVID-19 Infections among Meat-processing Facility Workers and Their Communities in the United States.Kelly K. Dineen, Abigail Lowe, Nancy E. Kass, Lisa M. Lee, Matthew K. Wynia, Teck Chuan Voo, Seema Mohapatra, Rachel Lookadoo, Athena K. Ramos, Jocelyn J. Herstein, Sara Donovan, James V. Lawler, John J. Lowe, Shelly Schwedhelm & Nneka O. Sederstrom - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):301-314.
    Meat is a multi-billion-dollar industry that relies on people performing risky physical work inside meat-processing facilities over long shifts in close proximity. These workers are socially disempowered, and many are members of groups beset by historic and ongoing structural discrimination. The combination of working conditions and worker characteristics facilitate the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Workers have been expected to put their health and lives at risk during the pandemic because of government and industry pressures to keep (...)
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  7.  55
    Organs as inheritable property?Teck Chuan Voo & Soren Holm - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):57-61.
    It has been argued that organs should be treated as individual tradable property like other material possessions and assets, on the basis that this would promote individual freedom and increase efficiency in addressing the shortage of organs for transplantation. If organs are to be treated as property, should they be inheritable? This paper seeks to contribute to the idea of organs as inheritable property by providing a defence of a default of the family of a dead person as inheritors of (...)
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  8.  40
    The Minnesota Starvation Experiment and Force Feeding of Prisoners—Relying on Unethical Research to Justify the Unjustifiable.Zohar Lederman & Teck Chuan Voo - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):407-416.
    This article poses a response to one argument supporting the force feeding of political prisoners. This argument assumes that prisoners have moral autonomy and thus cannot be force fed in the early stages of their hunger strike. However, as their fasting progresses, their cognitive competence declines, and they are no longer autonomous. Since they are no longer autonomous, force feeding becomes justified. This article questions the recurrent citation of a paper in empirical support of the claim that hunger strike causes (...)
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  9.  13
    Justice in control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus transmission: a fair question to ask?Zohar Lederman & Teck Chuan Voo - 2020 - Monash Bioethics Review 38 (Suppl 1):56-71.
    Active surveillance cultures and contact precautions is a strategy to control the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within healthcare facilities. Whether to implement this strategy to routinely screen and isolate inpatients with MRSA in non-outbreak (endemic) settings, or to remove it and use standard infection control precautions only is scientifically and ethically controversial, in view of the potential adverse effects of contact precautions on patients. To support the use of standard precautions only, it has been argued that active surveillance (...)
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  10.  18
    Family Presence for Patients and Separated Relatives During COVID-19: Physical, Virtual, and Surrogate.Teck Chuan Voo, Mathavi Senguttuvan & Clarence C. Tam - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):767-772.
    During an outbreak or pandemic involving a novel disease such as COVID-19, infected persons may need to undergo strict medical isolation and be separated from their families for public health reasons. Such a practice raises various ethical questions, the characteristics of which are heightened by uncertainties such as mode of transmission and increasingly scarce healthcare resources. For example, under what circumstances should non-infected parents be allowed to stay with their infected children in an isolation facility? This paper will examine ethical (...)
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  11.  40
    Altruism and Reward: Motivational Compatibility in Deceased Organ Donation.Teck Chuan Voo - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (3):190-202.
    Acts of helping others are often based on mixed motivations. Based on this claim, it has been argued that the use of a financial reward to incentivize organ donation is compatible with promoting altruism in organ donation. In its report Human Bodies: Donation for Medicine and Research, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics uses this argument to justify its suggestion to pilot a funeral payment scheme to incentivize people to register for deceased organ donation in the UK. In this article, I (...)
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  12.  34
    Risk stratification: an important tool in the special review of research using oocytes and embryos.G. Owen Schaefer & Teck Chuan Voo - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):599-600.
    Like all research, embryo research can take a variety of forms, some posing substantially more risks to persons than others. Savulescu et al argue persuasively that regulatory regimes specially designed for sensitive embryo research should differentiate between person-affecting and non-person-affecting embryo research, with substantial scrutiny only warranted for the former.1 Yet if we find Savulescu et al ’s argument persuasive, what practical implications would it have? In this commentary, we focus in particular on how such an argument might apply in (...)
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    Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Malaysian Healthcare: Research Developments, Ethical Dilemmas, and Governance Strategies.Kean Chang Phang, Tze Chang Ng, Sharon Kaur Gurmukh Singh, Teck Chuan Voo & Wellester Anak Alvis - forthcoming - Asian Bioethics Review:1-35.
    In the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AIH), understanding the entities and legal frameworks governing its research and development is crucial. This report delves into the intricacies of AIH in Malaysia, undertaking a comprehensive literature search on scientific databases, government portals, and news sources. Additionally, bibliometric analysis has been concurrently conducted to discern trends and developments in AIH over the years. Notably, the interest in AIH has seen a consistent rise since 2017, marked by a growing number of (...)
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  14.  6
    Boundaries Between Research, Surveillance and Monitored Emergency Use.Teck Chuan Voo & Ignacio Mastroleo - 2023 - In Susan Bull, Michael Parker, Joseph Ali, Monique Jonas, Vasantha Muthuswamy, Carla Saenz, Maxwell J. Smith, Teck Chuan Voo, Katharine Wright & Jantina de Vries (eds.), Research Ethics in Epidemics and Pandemics: A Casebook. Springer Verlag. pp. 65-84.
    Responses to outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics involves a heterogeneous set of activities that aim to address threats to public health. In addition to research, non-research activities, such as prevention and control interventions, and surveillance, are conducted. The boundaries between research and non-research responses can rapidly blur during a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic. There may be common elements between these types of activities, and they may draw on the same resources and infrastructure. Non-research activities, such as surveillance (...)
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  15.  25
    Research Ethics in Epidemics and Pandemics: A Casebook.Susan Bull, Michael Parker, Joseph Ali, Monique Jonas, Vasantha Muthuswamy, Carla Saenz, Maxwell J. Smith, Teck Chuan Voo, Katharine Wright & Jantina de Vries (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access casebook addresses complex and important ethical challenges arising when health-related research in conducted in the context of epidemics and pandemics. This book provides contextually-rich real-world case studies illustrating research ethics issues encountered by researchers, ethics reviewers and regulators around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The accompanying commentaries outline relevant conceptual approaches and ethical considerations. These promote understanding and reflection on relevant ethical issues, ethical approaches and competing considerations in a manner supporting thoughtful evaluation of their implications (...)
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  16.  16
    The clinician-researcher : a servant of two masters?Alastair V. Campbell, Jacqueline Chin & Teck Chuan Voo - 2010 - In John Elliott, W. Calvin Ho & Sylvia S. N. Lim (eds.), Bioethics in Singapore: The Ethical Microcosm. World Scientific.
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    Land-Locked Developing Countries and Their Infrastructural Challenges in Contributing to Global Ethics: A Zimbabwe Case Study.Nahal Haghbin, Sithembile Ruzario, Paul Ndebele & Teck Chuan Voo - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (10):21-24.
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  18.  27
    Patient Isolation during Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Arguments for Physical Family Presence.Teck Chuan Voo, Zohar Lederman & Sharon Kaur - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):133-142.
    This article argues that outbreak preparedness and response should implement a ‘family presence’ policy for infected patients in isolation that includes the option of physical visits and care within the isolation facility under some conditions. While such a ‘physical family presence’ policy could increase infections during an outbreak and may raise moral dilemmas, we argue that it is ethically justified based on the least infringement principle and the need to minimize the harms and burdens of isolation as a restrictive measure. (...)
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  19.  22
    Screening is not always healthy: an ethical analysis of health screening packages in Singapore.Teck Chuan Voo, Mee Lian Wong & Sarah Ee Fang Yong - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-21.
    BackgroundHealth screening is undertaken to identify individuals who are deemed at higher risk of disease for further diagnostic testing so that they may possibly benefit from interventions to modify the natural course of disease. In Singapore, screening tests are widely available in the form of a package, which bundles multiple tests in one session and commonly includes non-recommended tests. There are various ethical issues associated with such testing as they may not be clinically appropriate and can result in more harm (...)
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  20. Trade in human body parts.Teck Chuan Voo & Alastair V. Campbell - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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