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Tobias Starzak [19]Tobias Benjamin Starzak [1]
  1.  92
    How to ascribe beliefs to animals.Albert Newen & Tobias Starzak - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (1):3-21.
    In this article, we analyze and reject two versions of the content‐argument against animal beliefs, namely, the ontological argument from Davidson and the epistemological argument from Stich. One of the main defects of the strongest version of the argument is that it over‐intellectualizes belief ascriptions in humans and thus sets the comparative bar for belief ascriptions in animals too high. In the second part of the article, we develop a gradualist notion of belief which captures basic beliefs as well as (...)
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    Prospects of enactivist approaches to intentionality and cognition.Tobias Schlicht & Tobias Starzak - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):89-113.
    We discuss various implications of some radical anti-representationalist views of cognition and what they have to offer with regard to the naturalization of intentionality and the explanation of cognitive phenomena. Our focus is on recent arguments from proponents of enactive views of cognition to the effect that basic cognition is intentional but not representational and that cognition is co-extensive with life. We focus on lower rather than higher forms of cognition, namely the question regarding the intentional and representational nature of (...)
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    Towards ending the animal cognition war: a three-dimensional model of causal cognition.Tobias Benjamin Starzak & Russell David Gray - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-24.
    Debates in animal cognition are frequently polarized between the romantic view that some species have human-like causal understanding and the killjoy view that human causal reasoning is unique. These apparently endless debates are often characterized by conceptual confusions and accusations of straw-men positions. What is needed is an account of causal understanding that enables researchers to investigate both similarities and differences in cognitive abilities in an incremental evolutionary framework. Here we outline the ways in which a three-dimensional model of causal (...)
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    Can affordances be reasons?Tobias Starzak & Tobias Schlicht - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    We discuss whether affordances can be reasons, against the background of two interlocked considerations: (1) While the problematic degree of idealization in accounts of reasons that treat them as mental states speaks in favor of the alternative view which treats them as facts, a cognitive consideration relationship is still required to account for the motivating role of reasons. (2) While recent enactive accounts of cognition hold promise to avoid over-intellectualization of acting for reasons, these are so far either underdeveloped or (...)
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    Interpretations without justification: a general argument against Morgan’s Canon.Tobias Starzak - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    In this paper I critically discuss and, in the end, reject Morgan’s Canon, a popular principle in comparative psychology. According to this principle we should always prefer explanations of animal behavior in terms of lower psychological processes over explanations in terms of higher psychological processes, when alternative explanations are possible. The validity of the principle depends on two things, a clear understanding of what it means for psychological processes to be higher or lower relative to each other and a justification (...)
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    Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Warum erfinden Tiere keine Computer und warum fliegen sie nicht zum Mond? Die philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit Tieren ist von jeher durch die Suche nach einer anthropologischen Differenz motiviert, von der man sich erhofft, etwas über die Natur des Menschen zu erfahren. Dabei ist die technologische Entwicklung des Menschen der vielleicht augenfälligste Unterschied zu allen nicht-menschlichen Tieren. Bei genauerer Betrachtung basiert die Fähigkeit des Menschen Innovationen hervorzubringen jedoch nicht auf der Erfindungsgabe einzelner, sondern ist vielmehr das Ergebnis kumulativer kultureller Evolution, eines (...)
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    8. Die Evolution von Kooperation.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 185-224.
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    1. Einleitung.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-10.
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    2. Erkenntnistheoretische und methodologische Überlegungen.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-46.
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    Index.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 243-250.
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    4. Ökologische Rationalität.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 79-104.
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    7. Kooperation und kumulative kulturelle Evolution.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 161-184.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 232-242.
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    Papineau’s Theoretical Rationality and the Anthropological Difference.Tobias Starzak - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (3):473-482.
    A common view in philosophy is that the way human beings reason is not only gradually better, but that our way of reasoning is fundamentally distinctive. Findings in the psychology of reasoning challenge the traditional view according to which human beings reason in accordance with the laws of logic and probability theory, but rather suggest that human reasoning consists in the application of domain specific rules of thumb similar to those that we ascribe to some intelligent non-human animals as well. (...)
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    3. Rationale Lebewesen.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 47-78.
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    9. Schluss.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 225-231.
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    6. Soziales Lernen.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 133-160.
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    5. Theoretische Rationalität.Tobias Starzak - 2014 - In Kognition Bei Menschen Und Tieren: Eine Vergleichende Philosophische Perspektive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 105-132.
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