Results for 'W. van Gils'

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  1.  29
    Taking a moral holiday? Physicians’ practical identities at the margins of professional ethics.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):626-633.
    Physicians frequently encounter situations in which their professional practice is intermingled with moral affordances stemming from other domains of the physician’s lifeworld, such as family and friends, or from general morality pertaining to all humans. This article offers a typology of moral conflicts ‘at the margins of professionalism’ as well as a new theoretical framework for dealing with them. We start out by arguing that established theories of professional ethics do not offer sufficient guidance in situations where professional ethics overlaps (...)
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    Hilde Lindemann’s Counterstories: A Framework for Understanding the #MeToo Social Resistance Movement on Twitter.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:88-99.
    This paper proposes a framework for understanding and analysing online social resistance movements based on Hilde Lindemann’s concept of counterstories (Damaged Identities, Narrative Repair, 2003). This framework is based on the premise that we shape our identities in shared social spaces, and that such shared spaces are structured according to so-called ‘master narratives’. Master narratives define the ‘realm of possible identities’ that we can assume, and form the basis for either recognizing or denying recognition to various social groups in specific (...)
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    Taking a moral holiday? Physicians practical identities at the margins of professional ethics.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):626-633.
    Physicians frequently encounter situations in which their professional practice is intermingled with moral affordances stemming from other domains of the physician’s lifeworld, such as family and friends, or from general morality pertaining to all humans. This article offers a typology of moral conflicts ‘at the margins of professionalism’ as well as a new theoretical framework for dealing with them. We start out by arguing that established theories of professional ethics do not offer sufficient guidance in situations where professional ethics overlaps (...)
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    Relevance rides again? Aggregation and local relevance.Aart van Gils & Patrick Tomlin - 2020 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Volume 6. Oxford University Press.
    Often institutions or individuals are faced with decisions where not all claims can be satisfied. Sometimes, these claims will be of differing strength. In such cases, it must be decided whether or not weaker claims can be aggregated in order to collectively defeat stronger claims. Many are attracted to a view, which this chapter calls Limited Aggregation, where this is sometimes acceptable and sometimes not. A new version of this view, Local Relevance, has recently emerged. This chapter seeks to explore (...)
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  5.  22
    Physicians’ duty to climate protection as an expression of their professional identity: a defence from Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral framework.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):368-374.
    The medical profession is observing a rising number of calls to action considering the threat that climate change poses to global human health. Theory-led bioethical analyses of the scope and weight of physicians’ normative duty towards climate protection and its conflict with individual patient care are currently scarce. This article offers an analysis of the normative issues at stake by using Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral account of practical identities. We begin by showing the case of physicians’ duty to climate protection, before (...)
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  6.  28
    Is Practical Deliberation Bound by a Coherency Requirement? Foundational Normative States, Volitional Conflict, and Autonomy.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (1):55-79.
    Harry G. Frankfurt has put the problem of volitional conflict at the center of philosophical attention. If you care fundamentally about your career and your family, but these cares conflict, this conflict undermines the coherency of your decision standard and thereby your ability to choose and act autonomously. The standard response to this problem is to argue that you can overcome volitional conflict by unifying your foundational motivational states. As Frankfurt puts it, the ‘totality of things that an agent cares (...)
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    Occupying Multiple Practical Identities instead of Moving between the Moral Spheres: An Alternative Perspective on Physicians’ Professional Ethics.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):42-44.
    In depicting five “spheres of morality” occupied by physicians Doernberg and Troug provide an impressive analysis on physicians’ various commitments and role conflicts which are excellently illustr...
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    The micro-level of climate protection in healthcare and physicians’ professional ethos: a reply to the commentaries.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):378-379.
    We are extremely grateful for the insightful and thought-provoking commentaries on our feature article.1 We have distilled four themes emerging from the commentaries, and we would also like to address one misunderstanding of our argument that has appeared. In our article, we explicitly acknowledge that major decisions relevant for climate protection take place at the mesolevels and macrolevels of healthcare, a point raised again in some of the commentaries.2–4 Climate protection is a societal issue, and we thank these authors for (...)
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  9.  42
    Editorial ‘the Value of Disorientation’.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt, Clinton Peter Verdonschot & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3-4):495-499.
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  10.  57
    When Organizational Identification Elicits Moral Decision-Making: A Matter of the Right Climate.Suzanne van Gils, Michael A. Hogg, Niels Van Quaquebeke & Daan van Knippenberg - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):155-168.
    To advance current knowledge on ethical decision-making in organizations, we integrate two perspectives that have thus far developed independently: the organizational identification perspective and the ethical climate perspective. We illustrate the interaction between these perspectives in two studies, in which we presented participants with moral business dilemmas. Specifically, we found that organizational identification increased moral decision-making only when the organization’s climate was perceived to be ethical. In addition, we disentangle this effect in Study 2 from participants’ moral identity. We argue (...)
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  11.  82
    Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Questionnaire: A Validation Study in Two Educational Contexts.Fleur Elisabeth van Gils, Hilde Colpin, Karine Verschueren, Karlien Demol, Isabel Maria ten Bokkel, Ersilia Menesini & Benedetta Emanuela Palladino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Given the high prevalence and dramatic impact of being bullied at school, it is crucial to get more insight into how teachers can reduce bullying. So far, few instruments have measured elementary teachers’ responses to bullying. This study investigated the validity of the student-reported Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Questionnaire. The factor structure and measurement invariance were tested across two educational contexts among fourth and fifth grade students from Italy and Belgium. Furthermore, associations between student-perceived teachers’ responses and students’ bullying behavior (...)
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  12.  27
    The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming: by David Wallace-Wells, New York, NY, Tim Duggan Books, 2019, 320 pp., 27 USD.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0525576709.Aart Van Gils - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (1):118-121.
    The Uninhabitable Earth has one of the most arresting book covers I have ever seen: a single dead honeybee against a clinically white background. If that does not send a chill down your spine, then...
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  13. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken.W. Banning, C. J. van der Klaauw, H. A. Kramers, H. J. Pos, K. F. Proost & J. B. Ubbink - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:127-128.
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  14. The peacock's tail of altruism.W. Iredale & M. Van Vugt - 2009 - The Psychologist.. 22:938-941.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Jacques van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, Elly Beurskens, F. Droës, Wim Weren, M. J. J. Menken, Martin Parmentier, M. Parmentier, G. Rouwhorst, Marc Schneiders, M. Schrama, Hans Goddijn, M. B. Pranger, Ber Leurink, Otger Steggink, Eugène Honée, Johan G. Hahn, R. G. W. Huysmans, C. Traets & J. Hahn - 1988 - Bijdragen 49 (1):90-110.
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    The Third Pillar: The Revival of Community in a Polarised World, by Raghuram Rajan. London: William Collins, 2019. 464 pp. [REVIEW]Aart van Gils - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (3):437-439.
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  17. Corruption, Fast or Slow? Ethical Leadership Interacts With Machiavellianism to Influence Intuitive Thinking and Corruption.Muhammad U. Manara, Suzanne van Gils, Annika Nübold & Fred R. H. Zijlstra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18. The coevolutionary relation between Dutch mainport policies and the development of the seaport Rotterdam.Jurian Edelenbos, Lasse Gerrits & Marcel Van Gils - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (2):49-60.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Jacques van Ruiten, Bart-Jan Koet, Th C. de Kruijf, J. Wissink, Ben Vedder, J. Y. H. Jacobs, W. G. Tillmans, R. G. W. Huysmans, Th Bell, H. Bleijendaal, Guido Zingari, Paul van Tongeren, H. P. M. Goddijn, Jules Loyson, G. Verwey & M. V. D. Berk - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (2):203-229.
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  20.  8
    The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.W. Van D. Bingham - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (4):91-98.
  21.  34
    Initiated and received task interdependence and distributed team performance: the mediating roles of different forms of role clarity.Sut I. Wong & Suzanne van Gils - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):781-790.
    Distributed agile teams are increasingly employed in organizations, partly due to the increased focus on digital transformation. However, research findings about the performance of such teams appear to be inconsistent, calling for more research to investigate the conditions under which distributed agile teams may thrive. Given that task coordination is particularly challenging when team members are not co-located, the present study investigates the roles of the two types of task interdependence, i.e., initiated versus received task interdependence. Survey results from 191 (...)
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  22. I” or “me”?: The logic of human relations.W. Van Staden - 1999 - In Chris Mace (ed.), Heart and soul: the therapeutic face of philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 87--103.
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  23. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken. Derde geheel herziene druk.W. Banning, C. Van der Klaauw, H. Kramers, H. Pos, K. Proost & J. Ubbink - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (3):563-564.
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  24.  24
    Confronting Co-workers: Role Models, Attitudes, Expectations, and Perceived Behavioral Control as Predictors of Employee Voice in the Military.Femke Hilverda, Rick van Gils & Miriam Carla de Graaff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  49
    Foundations of physics.W. Yourgrau & A. van der Merwe - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):3-4.
  26.  18
    The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research.Shuili Du, Mayowa T. Babalola, Premilla D’Cruz, Edina Dóci, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Louise Hassan, Gazi Islam, Alexander Newman, Ernesto Noronha & Suzanne van Gils - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):1-16.
    Online crowdsourcing platforms have rapidly become a popular source of data collection. Despite the various advantages these platforms offer, there are substantial concerns regarding not only data validity issues, but also the ethical, societal, and global ramifications arising from the prevalent use of online crowdsourcing platforms. This paper seeks to expand the dialogue by examining both the “internal” aspects of crowdsourcing research practices, such as data quality issues, reporting transparency, and fair compensation, and the “external” aspects, in terms of how (...)
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  27.  65
    In the quagmire of quibbles: a dialectical exploration.Erik C. W. Krabbe & Jan Albert van Laar - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3459-3476.
    Criticism may degenerate into quibbling or nitpicking. How can discussants keep quibblers under control? In the paper we investigate cases in which a battle about words replaces a discussion of the matters that are actually at issue as well as cases in which a battle about minor objections replaces a discussion of the major issues. We survey some lines of discussion dealing with these situations in profiles of dialogue.
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  28.  10
    Existence and Explanation: Essays presented in Honor of Karel Lambert.W. Spohn, B. C. Van Fraassen & B. Skyrms (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This collection of essays is dedicated to 'Joe' Karel Lambert. The contributors are all personally affected to Joe in some way or other, but they are definitely not the only ones. Whatever excuses there are - there are some -, the editors apologize to whomever they have neglected. But even so the collection displays how influential Karel Lambert has been, personally and through his teaching and his writings. The display is in alphabetical order - with one exception: Bas van Fraassen, (...)
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  29.  25
    Etnografie van de Kaowerawédj (Centraal Nieuw-Guinea)Etnografie van de Kaowerawedj.Thomas W. Maretzki & J. P. K. van Eechoud - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):486.
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  30.  51
    Bringing Excitement to Empirical Business Ethics Research: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics.Mayowa T. Babalola, Matthijs Bal, Charles H. Cho, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Omrane Guedhami, Hao Liang, Greg Shailer & Suzanne van Gils - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (3):903-916.
    To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors-in-chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialog around the theme Bringing Excitement to Empirical Business Ethics Research (inspired by the title of the commentary by Babalola and van Gils). These editors, considering the diversity of empirical approaches in business ethics, envisage a future in which (...)
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  31.  19
    Socio-Emotional Concern Dynamics in a Model of Real-Time Dyadic Interaction: Parent-Child Play in Autism.Casper Hesp, Henderien W. Steenbeek & Paul L. C. van Geert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Motivational Make-Up of Workaholism and Work Engagement: A Longitudinal Study on Need Satisfaction, Motivation, and Heavy Work Investment.Toon W. Taris, Ilona van Beek & Wilmar B. Schaufeli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33.  41
    Seductive eyes: Attractiveness and direct gaze increase desire for associated objects.Madelijn Strick, Rob W. Holland & Ad van Knippenberg - 2008 - Cognition 106 (3):1487-1496.
  34.  42
    De Novis Libris Iudicia.W. J. W. Koster, G. Van Hoorn, L. Byvanck-Quarles Van Ufford, A. W. Byvanck, W. Den Boer, J. H. Thiel, E. Paratore, A. D. Leeman & J. Gonda - 1954 - Mnemosyne 7 (2):157-173.
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    Estimation and Identifiability of Model Parameters in Human Nociceptive Processing Using Yes-No Detection Responses to Electrocutaneous Stimulation.Huan Yang, Hil G. E. Meijer, Jan R. Buitenweg & Stephan A. van Gils - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Regulating cognitive control through approach-avoidance motor actions.Severine Koch, Rob W. Holland & Ad van Knippenberg - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):133-142.
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  37. Paul Hensel.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Kant Studien 35:560.
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  38.  15
    Doing All They Can: Physicians Who Deny Medical Futility.Jeffrey W. Swanson & S. Van McCrary - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (4):318-326.
    Why do some physicians continue to treat patients who are clearly dying or persistently unconscious, while others consider medical intervention to be futile past a certain point? No doubt, medical decisions vary in part because clinical information is often ambiguous in individual cases and because it may support more than one reasonable interpretation of a patient's chances for survival or improvement if a particular treatment is administered. Also, cases vary considerably to the extent that a patient's or a family member's (...)
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  39. Aristoteles. Zijn betekenis voor de wereld van nu.J. van Rijen, W. Klever, G. van der Wal, B. Delfgaauw & F. Vleeskens - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44 (2):354-355.
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    Science, Religious Naturalism, and Biblical Theology: Ground for the Emergence of Sustainable Living.George W. Fisher & Gretchen van Utt - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):929-943.
  41.  41
    Das Selbstverständnis der jüdischen Diaspora in der hellenistisch-römischen ZeitDas Selbstverstandnis der judischen Diaspora in der hellenistisch-romischen Zeit.Harold W. Attridge, Willem Cornelis van Unnik & Pieter Willem van der Horst - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):323.
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  42. (1 other version)Die Schule Karl Barths und die Marburger Philosophie.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:333.
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  43.  65
    Are emotional expressions intentional?: A self-organizational approach.R. W. Gibbs Jr & G. C. Van Orden - 2003 - Consciousness and Emotion 4 (1):1-16.
    This paper discusses the debate over whether emotional expressions are spontaneous or intentional actions. We describe a variety of empirical evidence supporting these two possibilities. But we argue that the spontaneous-intentional distinction fails to explain the psychological dynamics of emotional expressions. We claim that a complex systems perspective on intentions, as self-organized critical states, may yield a unified view of emotional expressions as a consequence of situated action. This account simultaneously acknowledges the embodied status of environment, evolution, culture and mind (...)
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    Introduction Dossier: Ordinum pietas (1613), its Context and Seventeenth-Century Reception.Hans W. Blom & Harm-Jan van Dam - 2013 - Grotiana 34 (1):7-10.
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  45.  20
    Review: Yearley on Mencius. [REVIEW]Bryan W. Van Norden - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (2):369 - 376.
  46. Information exchange between client and the outside world from the NLP perspective.H. T. W. Hoenderdos & L. K. J. Van Romunde - 1995 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 28 (2-3):347-349.
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  47. Wittgenstein, une vie.William W. Bartley & Paul-Louis van Berg - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (2):245-246.
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  48.  22
    An algebraic look at filtrations in modal logic.W. Conradie, W. Morton & C. J. van Alten - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (5):788-811.
  49.  93
    The Ways of Criticism.Erik C. W. Krabbe & Jan Albert van Laar - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (2):199-227.
    This paper attempts to systematically characterize critical reactions in argumentative discourse, such as objections, critical questions, rebuttals, refutations, counterarguments, and fallacy charges, in order to contribute to the dialogical approach to argumentation. We shall make use of four parameters to characterize distinct types of critical reaction. First, a critical reaction has a focus, for example on the standpoint, or on another part of an argument. Second, critical reactions appeal to some kind of norm, argumentative or other. Third, they each have (...)
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  50.  30
    Hansen on Hsün-Tzu.Bryan W. Van Norden - 1993 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 20 (3):365-382.
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