Results for 'character'

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  1. Stephen wear.Character Of Bioethics - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16:53-70.
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  2. Character, and its External Signs, by J.C.S.C. S. J. & Character - 1865
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  3. James Laine.Outof Character - 1991 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 19:273-296.
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  4. the Iteration Problem'.G. Cullity & Moral Character - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2).
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  5. Moral knowledge and ethical character.Robert Audi - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a unified collection of published and unpublished papers by Robert Audi, a renowned defender of the rationalist position in ethics. Taken together, the essays present a vigorous, broadly-based argument in moral epistemology and a related account of reasons for action and their bearing on moral justification and moral character. Part I details Audi's compelling moral epistemology while Part II offers a unique vision of ethical concepts and an account of moral explanation, as well as a powerful (...)
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    The Transcendental Character of Determinism.Patrick Suppes - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):242-257.
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    Responsible action and virtuous character.Robert Audi - 1991 - Ethics 101 (2):304-321.
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    Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophical Inquiry.Alex C. Michalos - 1986 - Noûs 20 (4):573-574.
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    (1 other version)Autonomy and the subjective character of experience.Kim Atkins - 2000 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):71–79.
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    The informational character of representations.Fred Dretske - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):376-377.
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    In Assessing the Character and Quality of Contemporary Bioethical Discourse, “Counting Heads” May Not Be Very Helpful.Arthur Kuflik - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):38-39.
    Pierson et al. (2024) surveyed 824 U.S. bioethicists on a wide range of ethical issues, including topics related to abortion, medical aid in dying, and resource allocation, among others. They conte...
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    The relationships of character strengths with coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction.Claudia Harzer & Willibald Ruch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  13. (1 other version)The Co-Presentational Character of Perception.Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche - 2019 - In . pp. 303-322.
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    Transdisciplinary Participatory Action Research: How Philosophers, Psychologists, and Practitioners Can Work Well Together To Promote Adolescent Character Development Within Context.Anne Jeffrey, Krista Mehari, Marie Chastang & Sarah Schnitker - 2023 - Journal of Positive Psychology 18.
    Character strengths research has the potential to imply that youth have character deficits or moral failings that cause their problematic behavior. This ignores the impact of context, especially for youth who are members of historically marginalized groups in under resourced communities. On the other hand, framing youth who are members of underrepresented groups solely as products of oppression undermines their agency and the power of collective action. It may be possible to promote character development in a contextually (...)
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    Sex and Character: An Investigation of Fundamental Principles.Otto Weininger - 2005 - Indiana University Press.
    The first complete English translation of Viennese philosopher Otto Weininger's notorious treatise on gender, sexuality, and race.
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  16. Nietzsche's Conscience: Six Character Studies from the 'Genealogy'.Aaron Ridley - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (200):398-401.
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  17. Sartre's Theory of Character.Jonathan Webber - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):94-116.
    Various influential ethical theories propose that we should strive to develop morally sound character traits, either because good actions are those that issue from good character traits, or because good traits are those that generally incline us toward actions that are good for some independent reason such as the intentions with which they are performed or the consequences of performing them. This proposal obviously raises questions about the nature and origins of character traits, and our degree of (...)
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    The Dimensions of Organizational Character and Its Impacts on Organizational Performance in Chinese Context.Dengke Yu, Huan Xiao & Qiushi Bo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Contempt and the Cultivation of Character.Ryan West - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (3):493-519.
    Macalester Bell urges the cultivation of apt contempt as the best response to what she calls “the vices of superiority”. In this essay, I sketch two character profiles. The first—the ideal contemnor—paradigmatically answers the vices of superiority with contempt. The second—the ideal Christian neighbor—is marked by humility and love, and answers the vices of superiority in non-contemptuous ways. I argue that the latter character rivals the former as a fitting moral response to the vices of superiority. Furthermore, I (...)
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  20. On the Character of Statistical-Mechanical Probabilities'.D. Albert - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64.
  21.  23
    A continued racial character of some of the Gereformeerde Kerke in South Africa: Strategic moves evading reconciliation and unity of churches in post-apartheid South Africa.Elijah Baloyi - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
    The quest for liberation of all South Africans from past racial divides since the inception of democratic government has been prioritised for more than 24 years now. Although this is an ongoing process and some achievements have been made to this end, it is yet evident that the impact of racism and apartheid still influence many lives both in and outside the churches. The Gereformeerde Kerke in South Africa is amongst the churches that officially removed the barriers of apartheid to (...)
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  22. Molding professional character.Rosamond Rhodes & Lawrence G. Smith - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 10:99-114.
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  23. Idealism in national character.Robert Falconer - 1920 - New York: Hodder & Stoughton.
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  24. Conceptualizing James. The character of consciousness.Owen Flanagan & Heather Wallace - 2017 - In David Howell Evans (ed.), Understanding James, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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    The religious character of secular arguments supporting euthanasia and what it implies for conscientious practice in medicine.John Tambakis, Lauris Kaldijian & Ewan C. Goligher - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (1):57-74.
    Contemporary bioethics generally stipulates that public moral deliberation must avoid allowing religious beliefs to influence or justify health policy and law. Secular premises and arguments are assumed to maintain the neutral, common ground required for moral deliberation in the public square of a pluralistic society. However, a careful examination of non-theistic arguments used to justify euthanasia (regarding contested notions of human dignity, individual autonomy, and death as annihilation) reveals a dependence on metaethical and metaphysical beliefs that are not universally accepted (...)
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    The Dipolar Character of Being in Plato and Whitehead.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (1):118-130.
    It has often been noticed that Plato's metaphysical view of being is dipolar. The purpose of the present article is to detail what it means to say that being is dipolar in Plato. Further, I will explore the extent to which dipolarity in Whitehead is indebted to Plato and the extent to which Whitehead's dipolarity is different from Plato's. In this regard I will concentrate on Whitehead's recently published Harvard Lectures.
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    Intellectualist Aristotelian Character Education: An Outline and Assessment.Matt Ferkany & Benjamin Creed - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (6):567-587.
    Since its resurgence in the 1990s, character education has been subject to a bevy of common criticisms, including that it is didactic and crudely behaviorist; premised on a faulty trait psychology; victim‐blaming; culturally imperialist, racist, religious, or ideologically conservative; and many other horrible things besides. Matt Ferkany and Benjamin Creed examine an intellectualist Aristotelian form of character education that has gained popularity recently and find that it is largely not susceptible to such criticisms. In this form, character (...)
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    Stroke-based intelligent character recognition using a deterministic finite automaton.D. Alvarez, R. Fernandez & L. Sanchez - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):463-471.
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    The Foundations of Character.William Kelley Wright - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (6):637-637.
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    The enigma of the brain and its place as cause, character and pretext in the imaginary of dementia.Alan Blum - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (4):108-124.
    An analysis of the collective engagement with the disease known as Alzheimer’s and the dementia reputed of it reveals recourse to a socially standardized formula that attributes causal agency to the brain in the absence of clinching knowledge. I propose that what Baudrillard calls the model of molecular idealism stipulates such a neurological view of determinism in order to provide caregivers with reassurance in the face of the perplexing character of dementia and the depressing reactions to mortality that it (...)
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    The living muslim ethics in character education.Muhammad Muntahibun Nafis - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (1):101-115.
    This paper examines character education as discussed through Kitab Adab al-‘Alim wa al-Muta’allim by the founder of the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama, Kiai Hasyim Asy’ari. It tries to locates character education as the transformation of Muslim subjects as the foundation of social piety. The article further argues that Kiai Hasyim Asy’ari through his work had laid a comprehensive Islamic values that are parallel to principles of character education. The core values of Islamic character (...)
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  32.  45
    Some Conjectures Concerning the Character ren.Pang Pu - 2008 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 40 (4):59-66.
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    Measures of intelligence and character.A. T. Poffenberger - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (10):261-266.
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    Alfano, Mark. Character as Moral Fiction.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. 234. $90.00.Candace L. Upton - 2014 - Ethics 124 (3):598-602.
  35. ""Disputes on the" Natural Character" of and" Freedom" in Contemporary Capitalism.Vaclav Cernik - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (8):782-793.
    The paper offers an analysis of ongoing disputes on freedom, democracy, justice and ecological sustainability of contemporary capitalism, which became even more topical due to the global financial and economical crisis of the latter. The author’s focus is on several methodological aspects of these disputes. He shows how freedom and democracy are reduced to mere political freedom and democracy, while the distributive justice is reduced to mere redistribution of pre-distributed revenues. If social sciences are to resolve the theoretical problems of (...)
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  36. „The Deductive Character of Spinoza's Metaphysics”.Michael Hooker - 1980 - In Richard Kennington (ed.), The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza. Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
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  37. Leading in the unique character of academe: What it takes.Kathleen M. Ponder & Cynthia D. McCauley - 2006 - In David G. Brown (ed.), University presidents as moral leaders. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers. pp. 211.
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    The Contextual Character of Moral Integrity: Transcultural Psychological Applications.Dita Šamánková, Marek Preiss & Tereza Příhodová - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses outcomes of a study by the National Institute of Mental Health, Czech Republic, examining moral integrity in the post-communist Czech-speaking environment. Chapters map the history of the Euro-Atlantic ethical disciplines from moral philosophy and psychology to evolutionary neuroscience and socio-biology. The authors emphasize the biological and social conditionality of ethics and call for greater differentiation of both research and applied psychological standards in today’s globalised world. Using a non-European ethical system – Theravada Buddhism – as a case (...)
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    Heidegger and the Disclosive Character of the Emotions.David Weberman - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (3):379-410.
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    Virtues disunited and the folk psychology of character.Sergio Barbosa & William Jiménez-Leal - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):332-350.
    Despite the recent attention given to moral character in moral psychology and moral philosophy, there is little evidence on how the folk concept of character is structured. Virtue ethics literature...
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  41. Episcopal munera and the character of episcopal orders.Guy Mansini - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (3):369-394.
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    The pragmatic view on dual character concepts and expressions.Lucien Baumgartner - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (5):726-744.
    This article introduces a new pragmatic framework for dual character concepts and their expressions, offering an alternative to the received lexical‐semantic view. On the prevalent lexical‐semantic view, expressions such as “philosopher” or “scientist” are construed as lexical polysemes, comprising both a descriptive and a normative dimension. Thereby, this view prioritizes established norms, neglecting normative expressions emerging in specific contexts. In contrast, the pragmatic view integrates pragmatic modulation as a central element in explaining context‐dependent dual character concepts and expressions. (...)
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  43. Literary landscapes. Reading character in reading or, character again, post-theoretically.Ivan Callus - 2022 - In Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu (ed.), Post-theories in literary and cultural studies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Hermeneutics and the Provisional Character of Dialogue.Ben Vedder & Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (3):343-359.
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    (1 other version)Fixity of character: Its ethical interpretation.J. D. Logan - 1897 - Mind 6 (24):526-535.
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    The Chance Character of Human Existence.P. J. MacLaughlin - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:139-142.
    This book is a fair example of the confusions that arise when a word is used in a variety of senses without any attempt being made to differentiate them. The author employs the word “chance” as if it had the same meaning in totally different disciplines, as if there were no need to distinguish between the physical, logical, moral and philosophical levels. He makes an effort to revive and extend the atomism of the Greeks, by substituting the “electron” for the (...)
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    On the autological character of diagonalizable algebras.Roberto Magari - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (4):327 - 333.
    Let $\scr{T}$ be the first order theory of diagonalizable algebras. We define a bijection φ from the atomic formulas of $\scr{T}$ (identities) to the open formulas of $\scr{T}$ . φ is an algebraic analogous of $\vDash $ . We prove that φ, $\phi ^{-1}$ preserve the validity.
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    Formative Factors in Character: A Psychological Study in the Moral Development of Childhood.Herbert Martin - 1925 - Longmans, Green and Co.
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  49. The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues.M. McAvoy - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):641-644.
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  50. The nature and character of peoples-malfatti, bartolomeo and the 1st italian manual on ethnography (1878).S. Puccini - 1988 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (1):81-104.
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