Results for 'mental health'

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  1. Armando roa.The Concept of Mental Health 87 - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White (eds.), Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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  3. Mental Health Pluralism.Craig French - 2025 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 28 (1):65-81.
    In addressing the question of what mental health is we might proceed as if there is a single phenomenon – mental health – denoted by a single overarching concept. The task, then, is to provide an informative analysis of this concept which applies to all and only instances of mental health, and which illuminates what it is to be mentally healthy. In contrast, mental health pluralism is the idea that there are multiple (...)
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    Sources of Stress and Their Associations With Mental Disorders Among College Students: Results of the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Initiative.Eirini Karyotaki, Pim Cuijpers, Yesica Albor, Jordi Alonso, Randy P. Auerbach, Jason Bantjes, Ronny Bruffaerts, David D. Ebert, Penelope Hasking, Glenn Kiekens, Sue Lee, Margaret McLafferty, Arthur Mak, Philippe Mortier, Nancy A. Sampson, Dan J. Stein, Gemma Vilagut & Ronald C. Kessler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mental Health: A Philosophical Analysis.Per-Anders Tengland - 2001 - Springer Verlag.
    The author's aim here is to philosophically analyze the notion of positive mental health. Defining characteristics of positive mental health are described, drawing on modern psychiatric, psychoanalytical, psychological, and philosophical literature. The author finds that it is impossible to draw decisive conclusions about what characteristics constitute positive mental health, and suggests a general theory of health. Lennart Nordenfelt's holistic theory of general health is chosen to guide the rest of the discussion. The (...)
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    Beyond Binary Models: A Bioethical Inquiry Into Neurodiversity and the Medical Framework in Mental Health.Mikel Salvador Gorbea - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):51-54.
    The rise of the neurodiversity movement marks a critical shift in understanding mental health, yet medicine has been slow to integrate neurodivergent perspectives into its frameworks. In Mental Hea...
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    How do “words poorly expressed emotion” affect mental health? The mediating role of affect labelling effect.Pengfei Yue, Zhou An & Ruxin Lin - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
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    Harm Through Stigma: Commander Notification of Service Members’ Mental Health.Ana Stalzer - 2025 - Ethics and Behavior 35 (2):89-96.
    United States service members’ personal mental health information lacks the protection afforded by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), diverging from the legal safeguards granted to other citizens. The Public Welfare Law and the Department of Defense (DoD) reduces these protections through clauses, outlining nine conditions where service members’ information can be disclosed to their commanders, who may lack formal HIPAA or medical confidentiality training. Once a commander is notified, the information may be shared with others (...)
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    Review Essay: Limits of the Numerical and the Personalized Measurement Trend in Mental Health Care.Nina S. de Boer & Rosa W. Runhardt - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (5):442-458.
    Limits of the Numerical calls for the (re)contextualization of the numerical in the social domain and emphasizes that using quantitative data has epistemic and practical/moral considerations that may not align. In this review essay, we evaluate these claims using a case study, viz. the personalized, clinical experience sampling method (ESM) in mental health care. This case study (1) nuances claims made in Limits of the Numerical regarding the generality and non-contextuality of numerical data, and (2) highlights two additional (...)
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    Applying a Catholic Anthropological Framework to the Cognitive Behavioral Model of Mental Health.Johann M. D’Souza, Cajetan Cuddy, Bridget Hannahan, Larry Freeney & Constance Salhany - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (2):281-293.
    A sound philosophy of the human person is key to any application of modern clinical psychology. Psychological disorder and vice go hand in hand, indicating the need to embrace virtue theory in clinical psychology. Borrowed from the Catholic intellectual tradition, this approach to mental health encourages good habits of the soul as the antidote to psychological struggles. This article aims to demonstrate how the Catholic understanding of the human person aligns well with modern psychology.
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    The Evolution of Consciousness: Implications for Mental Health and Quality of Life.Bjørn Grinde - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book gives the reader an understanding of what consciousness is about, and of how to make conscious experiences more pleasant. It expands on a new theory that describes the evolutionary trajectory leading to conscious life forms. In short, the evidence suggests that consciousness first evolved some 300 million years ago as a consequence of the introduction of feelings. Feelings offer a strategy for making behavioural decisions. Besides playing a crucial role in the evolution of the human mind, they are (...)
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    Is “Neurodiversity” the Proper Nomenclature for Mental Health Gradation?Dean Evan Hart - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):46-48.
    Julia Knopes’s study (2025) provides a constructive contribution to neuroethics, demonstrating that individuals in peer support networks understand their mental health conditions in terms that draw...
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  13. Rethinking Peer Support: An Intersectional Approach to Mental Health for Black, Indigenous and People of Color.Denise Miller - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):41-43.
    In a recent article, Knopes (2025) examines how mental health peer support providers make use of the medical model and neurodiversity frameworks to better understand and express their mental health...
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    Editorial: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): The Mental Health, Resilience, and Communication Resources for the Short- and Long-term Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers.Andrew E. P. Mitchell, Federica Galli, Chris Keyworth, Elena Vegni & Eduardo Salas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Mental Health and Illness.Dominic Sisti - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (1):1-5.
    Mental illness affects every aspect of life and society, from relationships between individuals and within families, to small communities and entire polities. People with serious mental illness die decades before those without. Mentally ill people suffer daily as they struggle to function in societies that are unforgiving and uninterested in their pain. Those with serious mental illness may be incarcerated because of their sickness, they may be passed over or fired from jobs, subjected to ridicule and mockery, (...)
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    Flourishing, Mental Health Professionals and the Role of Normative Dialogue.Hazem Zohny, Julian Savulescu, Gin S. Malhi & Ilina Singh - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-16.
    This paper explores the dilemma faced by mental healthcare professionals in balancing treatment of mental disorders with promoting patient well-being and flourishing. With growing calls for a more explicit focus on patient flourishing in mental healthcare, we address two inter-related challenges: the lack of consensus on defining positive mental health and flourishing, and how professionals should respond to patients with controversial views on what is good for them. We discuss the relationship dynamics between healthcare providers (...)
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  17. Mental health and mental illness: Some problems of definition and concept formation.Ruth Macklin - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (3):341-365.
    In recent years there has been considerable discussion and controversy concerning the concepts of mental health and mental illness. The controversy has centered around the problem of providing criteria for an adequate conception of mental health and illness, as well as difficulties in specifying a clear and workable system for the classification, understanding, and treatment of psychological and emotional disorders. In this paper I shall examine a cluster of these complex and important issues, focusing on (...)
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  18. What does mental health have to do with well‐being?Simon Keller - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (3):228-234.
    Positive mental health involves not the absence of mental disorder but rather the presence of certain mental goods. Institutions, practitioners, and theorists often identify positive mental health with well‐being. There are strong reasons, however, to keep the concepts of well‐being and positive mental health separate. Someone with high positive mental health can have low well‐being, someone with high well‐being can have low positive mental health, and well‐being and positive (...)
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    Ethical reasoning in the mental health professions.Gary George Ford - 2000 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
    The ability to reason ethically is an extraordinarily important aspect of professionalism in any field. Indeed, the greatest challenge in ethical professional practice involves resolving the conflict that arises when the professional is required to choose between two competing ethical principles. Ethical Reasoning in the Mental Health Professions explores how to develop the ability to reason ethically in difficult situations. Other books merely present ethical and legal issues one at a time, along with case examples involving "right" and (...)
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  20. Maternal mental health: An ethical base for good practice.James Wilson & Michael Göpfert - unknown
    In this chapter we argue that the four principles of medical ethics -- beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001; Gillon, 1985), a new Family Interest Principle (introduced below) and a consideration of ‘capacity’ provide a reasoned practice guide for work with mothers experiencing health problems, focussing here on mental health when a parent is a patient. Our concern is the relationship of the clinician with a parent and through the parent their child. (...)
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  21. Mental health care and the politics of inclusion: A social systems account of psychiatric deinstitutionalization.Enric J. Novella - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (6):411-427.
    This paper provides an interpretation, based on the social systems theory of German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, of the recent paradigmatic shift of mental health care from an asylum-based model to a community-oriented network of services. The observed shift is described as the development of psychiatry as a function system of modern society and whose operative goal has moved from the medical and social management of a lower and marginalized group to the specialized medical and psychological care of the (...)
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  22. Mental Health Without Well-being.Sam Wren-Lewis & Anna Alexandrova - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (6):684-703.
    What is it to be mentally healthy? In the ongoing movement to promote mental health, to reduce stigma, and to establish parity between mental and physical health, there is a clear enthusiasm about this concept and a recognition of its value in human life. However, it is often unclear what mental health means in all these efforts and whether there is a single concept underlying them. Sometimes, the initiatives for the sake of mental (...)
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  23.  8
    Criticism of Pharmacological Approaches to Improve Morality - Focusing on Enhancement of Mental Health, Wellbeing and Virtue Improvement. 최용성 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 96:329-353.
    본 연구의 목적은 트랜스휴머니즘 시대의 약리학적 도덕교육의 방향에 대해 비판적 성 찰을 제공하고는 것이다. 즉 인류의 도덕성을 향상시키기 위한 방안 중 하나인 약리학적 방식으로 도덕적 능력을 향상시키는 방안을 살펴보고자 한다. 약리학적인 접근은 이론적 으로 의료화 또는 생의료화 현상과 깊은 연결성을 가지는데, 최근의 생의료화 접근은 치료 를 목적으로 하는 것을 넘어서 생명공학이 도덕적 생명향상에 초점을 두고 있다. 이것은 자연이나 사물을 향했던 기술이 이제 인간 자신을 향하게 되었지만 기술의 영향이 생의료 화 현상과 관련하여 주의할 필요성이 있게 된 것이다. 이 때문에 본 연구에서는 (...)
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    The Structure, Function, and Future of Mental Health Law.Stephen J. Morse - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (1):56-69.
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    Mental Health Budget Cut As Money for War Grows.Jim Salisbury - unknown
    My life during those three months looks a lot like the public mental health system. Local Community Mental Health agencies (CMHs) are required, on a daily basis, to meet the needs of people with mental illness in a system that everyone knows is tragically under funded. The system does what it can with the resources it has and looks towards the next fiscal year, with fingers crossed, hoping for some relief. Some in the system have (...)
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    Improving Care for Suicidal Patients While Protecting Human Subjects: Addressing Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research Involving Emergency Medical Services Providers.Kathryn M. Porter, Seema K. Shah & Christopher R. DeCou - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):99-101.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 99-101.
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    Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and the formation of mental health professionals.Matthew R. McWhorter - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (3):187-207.
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    Mental Health: Philosophical Perspectives: Proceedings of the Fourth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Galveston, Texas, May 16–18, 1976.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr & S. F. Spicker - 2013 - Springer.
    The concept 'health' is ambiguous [18,9, 11]. The concept 'mental health' is even more so. 'Health' compasses senses of well-being, wholeness, and sound ness that mean more than the simple freedom from illness - a fact appreci ated in the World Health Organization's definition of health as more than the absence of disease or infirmity [7]. The wide range of viewpoints of the con tributors to this volume attests to the scope of issues placed (...)
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    Mental health, big data and research ethics: Parity of esteem in mental health research from a UK perspective.Julie Morton & Michelle O’Reilly - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (4):165-172.
    Central to ethical debates in contemporary mental health research are the rhetoric of parity of esteem, challenges underpinned by the social construct of vulnerability and the tendency to homogenis...
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    Mental health services within the new York state department of correctional services: An examination of best policies and practices.William J. Morgan Jr - unknown
    A significant number of inmates with mental illness reside within the New York State Department of Corrections (NYSDOCS). New York State has taken the initiative to provide mentally ill inmates with necessary services through a collaboration of the New York State Department of Correctional Services and the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYSOMH). The collaboration results in a mental health delivery system that provides many essential services to mentally ill inmates. This paper focuses (...)
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  31. Mental Health in the Context of East and West: Beyond Resources and Geographical Realities.ElifKırmızı Alsan & Levent Küey - 2014 - In Adarsh Tripathi & Jitendra Kumar Trivedi (eds.), Mental Health in South Asia: Ethics, Resources, Programs and Legislation. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Transcultural comparisons taking the differences and commonalities into consideration in the fields of mental health and ill mental health have always been a focus of scientific interest. The ‘East’ and ‘West’ comparisons in this regard, could be the one most widely deliberated. ‘East and West’, as a human-made conceptual construct, has evolved to signify many social, cultural, political, economic and psychological realities and meanings, beyond its geographical references. Such conceptualizations both reflect and re-construct our realities. -/- (...)
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  32. Mental Health as Public Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Ethics of Prevention.Kelso Cratsley & Jennifer Radden (eds.) - 2019 - San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
    In recent years there has been increased recognition of the global burden of mental disorders, which in turn has led to the expansion of preventive initiatives at the community and population levels. The application of such public health approaches to mental health raises a number of important ethical questions. The aim of this collection is to address these newly emerging issues, with special attention to the principle of prevention and the distinctive ethical challenges in mental (...)
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    As mental health nursing roles expand, is education expanding mental health nurses? an emotionally intelligent view towards preparation for psychological therapies and relatedness.John Hurley & Robert Rankin - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):199-205.
    As mental health nursing roles expand, is education expanding mental health nurses? an emotionally intelligent view towards preparation for psychological therapies and relatedness Mental health nurses (MHN) in the UK currently occupy a challenging position. This positioning is one that offers a view of expanding roles and responsibilities in both mental health act legislation and the delivery of psychological therapies, while simultaneously generic pre‐registration training is being considered. Clearly, the view from this (...)
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    Meaning systems and mental health culture: critical perspectives on contemporary counseling and psychotherapy.James T. Hansen - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Meaning systems and psychological suffering -- Conceptualizations of meaning system -- Meaning systems and mental health culture -- Contemporary culture and objectification -- Training for talk therapists.
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    Mental health nursing and conscientious objection to forced pharmaceutical intervention.Jonathan Gadsby & Mick McKeown - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4).
    This paper attempts a critical discussion of the possibilities for mental health nurses to claim a particular right of conscientious objection to their involvement in enforced pharmaceutical interventions. We nest this within a more general critique of perceived shortcomings of psychiatric services, and injustices therein. Our intention is to consider the philosophical and practical complexities of making demands for this conscientious objection before arriving at a speculative appraisal of the potential this may hold for broader aspirations for a (...)
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    Mental health problems among healthcare professionals following the workplace violence issue-mediating effect of risk perception.Deping Zhong, Chengcheng Liu, Chunna Luan, Wei Li, Jiuwei Cui, Hanping Shi & Qiang Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:971102.
    Although there have been numerous studies on mental wellbeing impairment or other negative consequences of Workplace Violence (WPV) against healthcare professionals, however, the effects of WPV are not limited to those who experience WPV in person, but those who exposed to WPV information indirectly. In the aftermath of “death of Dr. Yang Wen,” a cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the psychological status of healthcare professionals. A total of 965 healthcare professionals from 32 provinces in China participated in our (...)
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    Mental Health Conditions Between Neurodiversity and the Medical Model.Julia Knopes - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):20-31.
    Scholarship in neuroethics and related disciplines has long reflected on the value of different conceptual models of disability and impairment. While this theoretical work is valuable, centering the voices of people with mental health conditions in neuroethics research can help us better understand how such models apply in everyday people’s lives. Drawing on qualitative data from a study on mental health peer providers’ lived experiences of recovery, this paper will demonstrate that peers borrow from both a (...)
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    From Morality to Mental Health: Virtue and Vice in a Therapeutic Culture.Mike W. Martin - 2006 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Morality and mental health are now inseparably linked in our view of character. Alcoholics are sick, yet they are punished for drunk driving. Drug addicts are criminals, but their punishment can be court ordered therapy. The line between character flaws and personality disorders has become fuzzy, with even the seven deadly sins seen as mental disorders. In addition to pathologizing wrong-doing, we also psychologize virtue; self-respect becomes self-esteem, integrity becomes psychological integration, and responsibility becomes maturity. Moral advice (...)
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    Public mental health crisis management and Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.Aileen O’Brien, Faisil Sethi, Mark Smith & Annie Bartlett - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):349-353.
    The interface between mental health services and the criminal justice system presents challenges both for professionals and patients. Both systems are stressed and inherently complex. Section 136 of the Mental Health Act is unusual being both an aspect of the Mental Health Act and a power of arrest. It has a long and controversial history related to concerns about who has been detained and how the section was applied. More recently, Section 136 has had (...)
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    Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers and the General Population During the COVID-19 in Italy.Rodolfo Rossi, Valentina Socci, Francesca Pacitti, Sonia Mensi, Antinisca Di Marco, Alberto Siracusano & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in Italy have been exposed to an unprecedented pressure and traumatic events. However, no direct comparison with the general population is available so far. The aim of this study is to detail mental health outcomes in healthcare workers compared to the general population.Methods24050 respondents completed an on-line questionnaire during the contagion peak, 21342 general population, 1295 second-line healthcare workers, and 1411 front-line healthcare workers. Depressive, anxious, post-traumatic symptoms and insomnia were assessed. Specific (...)
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  41. Mental Health Clinicians' Beliefs About the Biological, Psychological, and Environmental Bases of Mental Disorders.Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Caroline C. Proctor & Elizabeth H. Flanagan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (2):147-182.
    The current experiments examine mental health clinicians’ beliefs about biological, psychological, and environmental bases of the DSM‐IV‐TR mental disorders and the consequences of those causal beliefs for judging treatment effectiveness. Study 1 found a large negative correlation between clinicians’ beliefs about biological bases and environmental/psychological bases, suggesting that clinicians conceptualize mental disorders along a single continuum spanning from highly biological disorders (e.g., autistic disorder) to highly nonbiological disorders (e.g., adjustment disorders). Study 2 replicated this finding by (...)
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    Postpsychiatry: Mental Health in a Postmodern World.Patrick J. Bracken & Philip Thomas - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Philip Thomas.
    How are we to make sense of madness and psychosis? For most of us the words conjure up images from television and newspapers of seemingly random, meaningless violence. It is something to be feared, something to be left to the experts. But is madness best thought of as a medical condition? Psychiatrists and the drug industry maintain that psychoses are brain disorders amenable to treatment with drugs, but is this actually so? There is no convincing evidence that the brain is (...)
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    Mental Health Care and Policy (In)justice in Ontario: Making Intersections Visible.Abraham J. Cohen, Marina Morrow & Edward Rawson - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):461-480.
    This paper applies an Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis Framework to Ontario’s current mental health plan – The Roadmap: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Services – in order to identify the contextual influences, underlying values and assumptions, which promote or undermine the uptake of human rights and equity as a mental health policy priority in Ontario. We found that dominant framings of the “problem” of mental health (as lack of (...)
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    A guide to mental health for early years educators: putting wellbeing at the heart of your philosophy and practice.Kate Moxley - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This practical and accessible guide tackles the challenges that busy childcare educators face with their mental health in what is a wonderful, rewarding, but often exhausting role. Drawing from 'day-in-the-life' experiences and case studies, this book sets out high-quality staff wellbeing practices that can revolutionise the way childcare practitioners approach their job and their own health. Chapters guide the reader through a process of reflection and development, encouraging and empowering them to create a workplace culture that positively (...)
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    Mental health as moral virtuei some ancient arguments.Terence Irwin - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 37.
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    Mental Health of Pregnant and Postpartum Women During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Haohao Yan, Yudan Ding & Wenbin Guo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Prenatal and postnatal mental disorders can exert severe adverse influences on mothers, fetuses, and children. However, the effect of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant and postpartum women remains unclear.Methods: Relevant studies that were published from January 1, 2019 to September 19, 2020 were identified through the systematic search of the PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases. Quality assessment of included studies, random-effects meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis, and planned subgroup analysis were (...)
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    Contextualising mental health: interdisciplinary contributions to a new model for tackling social differences and inequalities in mental healthcare.Roxana Baiasu & Guilherme Messas - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):246-266.
    Many classical approaches in the area of phenomenological pscyhopathology focus on structures of lived experience of mental illness and overlook the role social context plays in the formation of lived experiences. The paper addresses this issue and contributes to recent research which has pointed out that there is a need for an approach to mental health which investigates the role of context in shaping lived experiences. We propose a conception of contextuality (or situatedness) which we develop in (...)
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    Mental health consequences of terrorism exposures among youth in pakistani society.Sadia Rafi, Mumtaz Ali & Irfan Nawaz - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):151-163.
    This study examines the mental health consequences of terrorism exposures among youth in Pakistani society. Using Taaro Yamni formula to draw the sample, research approached 399 youth aged 15-24 years. As a research tool, Impact of Event Scale was used with slight modifications. Using Statistical Package of Social Sciences v. 21and Stata v. 20, a multinomial model was applied to explore the relation between different variables. The major findings of the study are that a person who has personal (...)
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    Forensic mental health in Switzerland: philosophy and services.Madleina Manetsch - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley (eds.), Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press. pp. 397.
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    Rare conditions in mental health showing cultural concepts of distress.Andrew E. P. Mitchell - 2023
    Source [1] Andrew E. P. Mitchell, Federica Galli, Sondra Butterworth. (2023). Editorial: Equality, diversity and inclusive research for diverse rare disease communities. Front. Psychol., vol. 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1285774. "It is also important to recognize that certain mental health disorders are classified as rare conditions and have their own cultural concepts of distress, as defined in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)" and require “equal attention and support for individuals and their families, both physically and emotionally”. [1].
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