Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Judah Abrabanel" by Aaron Hughes
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Abrabanel, Judah (Ebreo, Leone). Dialoghi d’amore. Ed.
Santino Caramella. Bari: Laterza e Figli, 1929.
- –––. Dialoghi d’amore. Tradutione e
introduzione ebraica di Menachem Dorman. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute,
- –––. Dialogos de amor. Leao Hebreu.
Traduzido por Giacinto Manuppella. Testo italiano e versao portuguesa,
note e documenti. 2 vols. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Investigacao
Cientifica, 1983.
- –––. Dialogues d’amour. Trans. into
French attributed to Pontus de Tyard. Edited by T. Anthony Perry,
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1974.
- –––. The Philosophy of
Love. Trans. into English by F. Friedeberg-Seeley and Jean
H. Barnes and introduction by Cecil Roth. London: Soncino Press,
- –––. Dialogues of Love. Trans into
English by Damian Bacich and Rossella Pescatori. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 2009.
- Altmann, Alexander. 1983. “‘Ars Rhetorica’ as
Reflected in Some Jewish Figures of the Italian Renaissance.”
Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century, Bernard Dov
Cooperman (ed.), 1–22. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Ariani, Marco. 1984. Imago fabulosa: mito e allegoria nei “Dialoghi
D’Amore” di Leone Ebreo. Roma: Bulzoni. (Scholar)
- Bonfil, Robert. 1984. “The Historian’s Perception of the
Jews in the Italian Renaissance: Towards a Reappraisal.”
Revue des etudes juives, 143: 59–82. (Scholar)
- Burckhardt, Jacob. 1971. La Cultura del Renacimiento en Italia.
Trad. de J. Ardal. Barcelona: Obras Maestras. (Scholar)
- Damiens, Suzanne. 1971. Amour et intellect chez Leon
I´Hébreu. Toulouse: Edouard Privat Editeur. (Scholar)
- Davidson, Herbert. 1983. “Medieval Jewish
Philosophy in the Sixteenth Century.” Jewish Thought in the
Sixteenth Century. Bernard Dov Cooperman (ed.),
106–144. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Dorman, Menahem, and Zeev Levy, eds. 1985. The Philosophy of Leone
Ebreo: Four Lectures (Hebrew). Haifa: HaKibbutz Hameuchad. (Scholar)
- Feldman, Seymour. 2003. Philosophy in a Time of Crisis: Don Isaac Abravanel, Defender of the Faith. London: Routledge Curzon. (Scholar)
- Garvin, Barbara. 2001. “The Language of Leone Ebreo’s Dialoghi
d’amorem.” Italia, 13–15: 181–210. (Scholar)
- Gershenzon, Shoshanna. 2000. “Myth and Scripture: the
Dialoghi d’Amore of Leone Ebreo,” in A Crown
for a King, 125–145. (Scholar)
- –––. 1992. “The Circle Metaphor on Leone Ebreo’s
‘Dialoghi d’amore’”.
Daat, 29: 5–17. (Scholar)
- Guidi, Angela. 2011. Amour et Sagesse. Les Dialogues d’amour
de Juda Abravanel dans la tradition salomonienne. Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- Harari, David. 1988. “The Traces of the Missing Fourth Dialogue on
Love by Judah Abravanel Known as Leone Ebreo”
(Hebrew). Italia, 7(1–2): 93–155. (Scholar)
- Hughes, Aaron W. 2004. “Transforming the Maimonidean
Imagination: Aesthetics in the Renaissance Thought of Judah
Harvard Theological Review, 97(4): 461–484. (Scholar)
- –––. 2006. “Epigone, Innovator, or
Apologist: The Case of Judah Abravanel,” in The Dynamics of
Jewish Epigonism, Shlomo Berger and Irene Zweip (eds.),
109–125. Studia Rosenthalia. (Scholar)
- –––. 2008. The Art of Dialogue in Medieval Jewish
Philosophy, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Scholar)
- –––. 2012. “Translation and the Invention of
Renaissance Jewish Culture: The Case of Judah Messer Leon and Judah
Abravanel,” in The Hebrew Bible in Fifteenth-Century Spain:
Exegesis, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts, Jonathan Decter
and Arturo Prats (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 245–266. (Scholar)
- Idel, Moshe. 1983. “The Magic and Neoplatonic Interpretation of
the Kabbalah,” in Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth
Century, Bernard Dov Cooperman (ed.), 186–242. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press. (Scholar)
- –––. 1978. “The Sources of the Circle Images in
the Dialoghi D’amore,” Iyyun, 28:
156–166. (Scholar)
- Ivry, Alfred. 1983. “Remnants of Jewish Averroism in the
Renaissance,” in Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth
Century, Bernard Dov Cooperman (ed.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 243–265. (Scholar)
- Kodera, Sergius. 1995. Filone und Sofia in Leone Ebreos Dialoghi
d’amore: Platonische Liebesphilosophie der Renaissance und
Judentum. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scholar)
- Kristeller, Paul O. 1985. “Jewish Contributions to Italian
Renaissance Culture.” Italia, 4(1): 7–20. (Scholar)
- –––. 1966. Renaissance Philosophy and the Medieval Traditions. Pennsylvania: The Archabbey Press. (Scholar)
- Lawee, Eric. 2001. Isaac Abarbanel’s Stance Toward Tradition:
Defense, Dissent, and Dialogue. Albany: State
University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Lesley, Arthur M. 1992. “The Place of the Dialoghi d’Amore
in Contemporaneous Jewish Thought,” in Essential Papers on Jewish
Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy, David B. Ruderman, (ed.), 170–188. New York: New York University Press. (Scholar)
- –––. 1993. “Proverbs, Figures and Riddles: The
Dialogues of Love as a Hebrew Humanist Composition.”
Midrashic Imagination: Jewish Exegesis, Thought, and History. Ed
Michael Fishbane, 204–225. Albany: State University of New York
Press. (Scholar)
- Levy, Ze´ev. 1993. “On the Concept of Beauty in the
Philosophy of Yehudah Abrabanel,” in New Horizons in
Sephardic Studies, Yehida K. Stillman and George K. Zuker (eds.),
37–44. Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Malard, Constance. 2020. Un Banquet aristotélicien: la
renaissance de l’aristotélisme dans les Dialogues d’Amour
de Léon l’Hébreu (env. 1465–1525). Thèse de
doctorat: Philosophie, textes et savoirs: Université Paris sciences
et lettres.
- Matula, Jozef. 2020. Leone Ebreo: Renesanc̆ný dialóg medzi láskou a múdrost’ou. Olomouc: Pr̆irozený svĕt. (Scholar)
- Milburn, Alan Ray. 1937. “Leone Ebreo and the
Renaissance.” Isaac Abrabanel: Six Lectures, J.B. Trend
and H. Loewe (eds.), 131–156. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge
University Press. (Scholar)
- Perry, Anthony T. 1980. Erotic Spirituality: The Integrative
Tradition From Leone Ebreo to John Donne. Alabama: University of
Alabama Press. (Scholar)
- Pflaum, Heinz. 1926. Die Idee der Liebe: Leone Ebreo: Zwei Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Philosophie in der Renaissance. Tubingen: J.C.B.Mohr. (Scholar)
- Pines, Shlomo. 1983. “Medieval Doctrines in Renaissance
Garb: Some Jewish and Arabic Sources of Leone Ebreo’s
Doctrine.” Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century,
Bernard Dov Cooperman (ed.), 365–398. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press. (Scholar)
- Price, A.W. 1997. Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle.
Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Ruderman, David B. 1983. The World of a Renaissance Jew: The Life
and Thought of Abraham ben Mordechai Farissol.
Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press. (Scholar)
- –––. 1988. “Italian Renaissance and Jewish Thought.” Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, Albert Rabil, Jr. (ed.), vol.1, 382–433. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Scholar)
- Sonne, Isaiah. 1934. Intorno alla vita di Leone Ebreo. Firenze:
Civilta Moderna. (Scholar)
- Tirosh-Rothschild, Hava. 1990. “Jewish Culture in
Renaissance Italy: A Methodological Survey,” Italia,
9(1–2): 63–96. (Scholar)
- –––. 1997. “Jewish Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity,” in History of Jewish Philosophy, Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman (eds.), 499–573. London and New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Zimmels, Bernhard. 1886. Leo Hebraeus: Ein Judischer Philosoph der
Renaissance: Sein Leben, Seine Werke und Seine Lehren. Breslau:
Wilhem Koebner. (Scholar)
- –––. 1892. Leone Hebreo, Neue Studien. Wien:
n.p. (Scholar)
- Zonta, Giusseppe. 1967. Trattati d’amore del Cinquecento. Bari
: G. Laterza. (Scholar)