Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Agency" by Markus Schlosser
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Adams, F., 2010, “Action Theory Meets Embodied
Cognition”, in Causing Human Action: New Perspectives on the
Causal Theory of Action, A. Buckareff and J. Aguilar (eds.),
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 229–252. (Scholar)
- Ahearn, L., 2001, “Language and Agency”, Annual
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- Allen, C. and M. Bekoff, 1997, Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Alvarez, M., 2010, Kinds of Reasons: An Essay in the Philosophy of Action, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Anscombe, G.E.M., 1957, Intention, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Antony, L.M., 2002, “How to Play the Flute: A Commentary on
Dreyfus’s ‘Intelligence Without
Representation’”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive
Sciences, 1(4): 395–401. (Scholar)
- Audi, R., 1986, “Acting for Reasons”, Philosophical Review, 95(4): 511–546. (Scholar)
- Austin, J.J. and J.B. Vancouver, 1996, “Goal Constructs in
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Bulletin, 120(3): 338–375. (Scholar)
- Bandura, A., 2006, “Toward a Psychology of Human
Agency”, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1(2):
164–180. (Scholar)
- Barandiaran, X.E., E. Di Paolo, and M. Rohde, 2009,
“Defining Agency: Individuality, Normativity, Asymmetry, and
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- Bargh, J.A. and T.J. Chartrand, 1999, “The Unbearable
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- Bargh, J.A., P.M. Gollwitzer, A. Lee-Chai, K. Barndollar, and
R. Trötschel, 2001, “The Automated Will: Nonconscious
Activation and Pursuit of Behavioral Goals”, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 81(6): 1014–1027. (Scholar)
- Bayne, T., 2006, “Phenomenology and the Feeling of Doing: Wegner on the Conscious Will”, in Does Consciousness Cause Behavior?, S. Pockett, W.P. Banks, and S. Gallagher (eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 169–186. (Scholar)
- Bayne, T. and E. Pacherie, 2007, “Narrators and Comparators:
The Architecture of Agentive Self-Awareness”, Synthese,
159(3): 475–491. (Scholar)
- Beer, R.D., 1995, “A Dynamical Systems Perspective on Agent-Environment Interaction”, Artificial Intelligence, 72: 173–215. (Scholar)
- Bilgrami, A., 2006, Self-Knowledge and Resentment, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Bishop, J., 1989, Natural Agency: An Essay on the Causal Theory of Action, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Blakemore, S.J., D.M. Wolpert, and C.D. Frith, 2002, “Abnormalities in the Awareness of Action”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(6): 237–242. (Scholar)
- Brand, M., 1984, Intending and Acting: Toward a Naturalized Action Theory, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Bratman, M.E., 1987, Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “Reflection, Planning, and Temporally Extended Agency”, Philosophical Review, 109(1): 35–61; reprinted in Bratman 2007: 21–46. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Two Problems about Human Agency”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 101(3): 309–326; reprinted in Bratman 2007: 89–105. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Structures of Agency: Essays, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Broad, C.D., 1952, “Determinism, Indeterminism, and
Libertarianism”, in Ethics and the History of Philosophy:
Selected Essays, New York: Humanities Press, pp.
195–217. (Scholar)
- Brooks, R.A., 1991, “Intelligence Without Representation”, Artificial Intelligence, 47: 139–159. (Scholar)
- Chemero, T., 2009, Radical Embodied Cognitive Science,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (Scholar)
- Chisholm, R., 1964, “Human Freedom and the
Self”, The Lindley Lectures, Department of Philosophy,
University of Kansas; reprinted in Free Will, 2nd
edition, G. Watson (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2003, pp. 26–37. (Scholar)
- Chisholm, R., 1966, “Freedom and Action”, in Freedom and Determinism, K. Lehrer (ed.), New York: Random House, pp. 11–44. (Scholar)
- Clark, A. and J. Toribio, 1994, “Doing Without Representing?”, Synthese, 101(3): 401–431. (Scholar)
- Clarke, R., 2003, Libertarian Accounts of Free Will, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010a, “Intentional Omissions”, Noûs, 44(1): 158–177. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010b, “Skilled Activity and the Causal Theory of Action”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 80(3): 523–550. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, Omissions: Agency, Metaphysics, and Responsibility, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Custers, R. and H. Aarts, 2010, “The Unconscious Will: How
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Awareness”, Science, 329(5987): 47–50. (Scholar)
- D’Andrade, R., 1987, “A Folk Model of the Mind”, in Cultural Models in Language and Thought, D. Holland and N. Quinn (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 112–148. (Scholar)
- Dancy, J., 2000, Practical Reality, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Danto, A.C., 1965, “Basic Actions”, American Philosophical Quarterly, 2(2): 141–8. (Scholar)
- Davidson, D., 1963, “Actions, Reasons, and Causes”, reprinted in Davidson 1980: 3–20. (Scholar)
- –––, 1970, “How Is Weakness of the Will Possible?”, reprinted in Davidson 1980: 21–42. (Scholar)
- –––, 1971, “Agency”, reprinted in
Davidson 1980: 43–61. (Scholar)
- –––, 1973, “Freedom to Act”, reprinted in Davidson 1980: 63–81. (Scholar)
- –––, 1974, “Psychology as Philosophy”, reprinted in Davidson 1980: 229–238. (Scholar)
- –––, 1978, “Intending”, reprinted in Davidson 1980: 83–102. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980, Essays on Actions and Events, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, “Rational Animals”, Dialectica, 3(4): 317–327. (Scholar)
- Dennett, D.C., 1987, The Intentional Stance, Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Some Observations on the Psychology of Thinking About Free Will”, in Are We Free?, Psychology and Free Will, J. Baer, J.C. Kaufman, and R.F. Baumeister (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 248–259. (Scholar)
- Doris, J.M., 2002, Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Dretske, F., 1988, Explaining Behavior: Reasons in a World of Causes, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Dreyfus, H.L., 1991, “Being-in-the-World: A Commentary
on Heidegger’s Being and Time, Division I”,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Intelligence Without
Representation—Merleau-Ponty’s Critique of Mental
Representation”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive
Sciences, 1(4): 367–383. (Scholar)
- Emirbayer, M. and A. Mische, 1998, “What Is
Agency?”, American Journal of Sociology, 103(4):
962–1023. (Scholar)
- Enç, B., 2003, How We Act: Causes, Reasons, and Intentions, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Evans, J. St. B.T., 2008, “Dual-Processing Accounts of Reasoning, Judgment, and Social Cognition”, Annual Review of Psychology, 59: 255–278. (Scholar)
- Fishbein, M. and I. Ajzen, 1975, Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. (Scholar)
- Flanagan, O., 1992, Consciousness Reconsidered, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Frankfurt, H., 1971, “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person”, Journal of Philosophy, 68(1): 5–20. (Scholar)
- –––, 1978, “The Problem of
Action”, American Philosophical Quarterly, 15(2):
157–62. (Scholar)
- Franklin, C.E., 2017, “Bratman on Identity Over Time and Identification at a Time”, Philosophical Explorations, 20(1): 1–14. (Scholar)
- Fried, I., R. Mukamel, and G. Kreiman, 2011, “Internally
Generated Preactivation of Single Neurons in Human Medial Frontal
Cortex Predicts Volition”, Neuron, 69(3):
548–562. (Scholar)
- Frith, C.D., S. Blakemore, and D.M. Wolpert, 2000,
“Abnormalities in the Awareness and Control of
Action”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London B, 355(1404): 1771–1788. (Scholar)
- Gallagher, S., 2007, “The Natural Philosophy of Agency”, Philosophy Compass, 2(2): 347–357. (Scholar)
- Ginet, C., 1990, On Action, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Goldman, A., 1970, A Theory of Human Action, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Scholar)
- Gollwitzer, P.M., 1993, “Goal Achievement: The Role of
Intentions”, European Review of Social Psychology,
4(1): 141–185. (Scholar)
- Haggard, P., 2005, “Conscious Intention and Motor Cognition”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(6): 290–295. (Scholar)
- Hampshire, S., 1959, Thought and Action, London: Chatto and Windus. (Scholar)
- Harman, G., 1976, “Practical Reasoning”, Review of
Metaphysics, 79: 431–63; reprinted in The Philosophy of
Action, A. Mele (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp.
149–177. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, “Moral Philosophy Meets Social Psychology: Virtue Ethics and the Fundamental Attribution Error”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 99: 315–331. (Scholar)
- Harris C.R., N. Coburn, D. Rohrer, and H. Pashler, 2013,
“Two Failures to Replicate High-Performance-Goal Priming
Effects”, PLoS ONE, 8(8): e72467. (Scholar)
- Heckhausen, H., 1991, Motivation and Action, Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. (Scholar)
- Heider, F. and M. Simmel, 1944, “An Experimental Study of
Apparent Behavior”, American Journal of Psychology, 57:
243–259. (Scholar)
- Hieronymi, P., 2009, “Two Kinds of Agency”, in Mental Actions, L. O’Brien and M. Soteriou, (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 138–62. (Scholar)
- Hornsby, J., 2004, “Agency and Actions”, in Agency and Action, H. Steward and J. Hyman (eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–23. (Scholar)
- Hutto, D. and E. Myin, 2014, “Neural Representations Not
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Cognitive Sciences, 13(2): 241–256. (Scholar)
- Keller, I. and H. Heckhausen, 1990, “Readiness Potentials
Preceding Spontaneous Motor Acts: Voluntary vs. Involuntary Control”, Electroencephalography & Clinical
Neurophysiology, 76(4): 351–361. (Scholar)
- Kenny, A., 1963, Action, Emotion, and Will, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Scholar)
- Keren, G. and Y. Schul, 2009, “Two Is Not Always Better than
One: A Critical Evaluation of Two System
Theories”, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(6):
533–550. (Scholar)
- Kim, J., 1976, “Events as Property Exemplifications”, in M. Brand and D. Walton (eds.), Action Theory, Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 159–177; reprinted in Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 33–52. (Scholar)
- Korsgaard, C.M., 1996, The Sources of Normativity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Lavin, D., 2013, “Must There Be Basic Action?”, Noûs, 47(2): 273–301. (Scholar)
- Levy, N., 2011, “Resisting ‘Weakness of the
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82(1): 134–155. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, Consciousness and Moral Responsibility, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Libet, B., 1985, “Unconscious Cerebral Initiative and the Role of Conscious Will in Voluntary Action”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8(4): 529–566. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, “Do We Have Free Will?”, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6(8–9): 47–57. (Scholar)
- Locke, E.A. and G.P. Latham, 1990, A Theory of Goal Setting
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- Lowe, E.J., 2008, Personal Agency: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Malle, B.F., 2004, How the Mind Explains Behavior: Folk Explanations, Meaning, and Social Interaction, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- McCann, H.J., 1998, The Works of Agency: On Human Action, Will, and Freedom, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Melden, A.I., 1961, Free Action, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Scholar)
- Mele, A.R., 1992, Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional Behavior, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995, Autonomous Agents: From Self-Control to Autonomy, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, “Agency and Mental Action”, Philosophical Perspectives, 11: 231–249. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, Motivation and Agency, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009a, Effective Intentions: The Power of Conscious Will, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009b, “Mental Action: A Case Study”, in Mental Actions, L. O’Brien and M. Soteriou, (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 17–37. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Intentional, Unintentional, or Neither? Middle Ground in Theory and Practice”, American Philosophical Quarterly, 49(4): 369–379. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Actions, Explanations, and Causes”, in Reasons and Causes: Causalism and Anti-Causalism in the Philosophy of Action, G. D’Oro and C. Sandis (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 160–174. (Scholar)
- Mele, A. R and P.K. Moser, 1994, “Intentional Action”, Noûs, 28(1): 39–68. (Scholar)
- Nagel, T., 1986, The View from Nowhere, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Nelkin, D.K., 2000, “Two Standpoints and the Belief in Freedom”, Journal of Philosophy, 97(10): 564–76. (Scholar)
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- Nisbett, R.E. and T.D. Wilson, 1977, “Telling More than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental Processes”, Psychological Review, 84(3): 231–259. (Scholar)
- O’Connor, T., 2000, Persons and Causes: The Metaphysics of Free Will, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Osman, M., 2004, “An Evaluation of Dual-Process Theories of
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- –––, 2012b, “Free Will and the Unconscious Precursors of Choice”, Philosophical Psychology, 25(3): 365–384. (Scholar)
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