Linked bibliography for the SEP article "al-Farabi’s Philosophy of Society and Religion" by Nadja Germann
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Primary Literature in English Translation
- Al-Fārābī, Attainment [of Happiness], in
Alfarabi, 1962, Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, trans.
with an intro. by M. Mahdi, Glencoe, IL: Free Press, pp. 13–50
(revised ed. with a foreword by C.E. Butterworth and T.L. Pangle,
Ithaca and New York: Cornell University Press, 2001, pp. 13–50;
quotations in this entry are based on this revised edition). (Scholar)
- –––, Book of Religion, in Alfarabi
2001: 93–113.
- –––, Enumeration [of the Sciences], Chapter
Five (on philosophy of society, jurisprudence, and theology), in
Alfarabi 2001: 76–92.
- –––, Perfect State, in
al-Fārābī, 1985, On the Perfect State
(Mabādiʾ ārāʾ ahl al-madīnat
al-fāḍilah), revised text with intro., trans., and
comm. by R. Walzer, Oxford: Clarendon Press (reprint 1998; quotations
in this entry are based on this reprint). (Scholar)
- –––, Political Regime, in Alfarabi, 2015, The Political Writings: “Political Regime” and “Summary of Plato’s Laws”, trans. and annot. by C.E. Butterworth, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, pp. 27–94. (Scholar)
- –––, Selected Aphorisms, in Alfarabi
2001: 11–67.
- –––, Commentary, in
al-Fārābī, 1981, Al-Farabi’s Commentary and
Short Treatise on Aristotle’s “De
Interpretatione”, trans. with an intr. and notes by F.W.
Zimmermann, Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press (reprinted with
corrections 1991, pp. 1–219; references in this entry are to
this reprint). (Scholar)
- Alfarabi, 2001, The Political Writings: “Selected Aphorisms” and Other Texts, trans. and annot. by C.E. Butterworth, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
Secondary Literature in Western Languages
- Adams, F., 1844–1847, The Seven Books of Paulus
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Palgrave McMillan. (Scholar)
- Arfa Mensia, M., 2017, “Al-Fārābī et la
science des uṣūl al-fiqh”, Arabic
Sciences and Philosophy, 27: 139–163. (Scholar)
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Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ: A Comparison”, in
Studies in Arabic and Islam: Proceedings of the 19th
Congress, Halle 1998, S. Leder (ed.), Leuven et al.: Peeters, pp.
3–12. (Scholar)
- Black, D.L., 1990, Logic and Aristotle’s
“Rhetoric” and “Poetics” in Medieval Arabic
Philosophy, Leiden and Boston: Brill. (Scholar)
- Bouhafa, F., 2019, “Ethics and Fiqh in
al-Fārābī’s Philosophy”, in Philosophy
and Jurisprudence in the Islamic World, P. Adamson (ed.), Berlin
and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 11–27. (Scholar)
- Burrell, D., 2013, “From al-Fārābī to Mulla
Ṣadrā: The Two Phases of Islamic Philosophical
Theology”, in Philosophy and the Abrahamic Religions:
Scriptural Hermeneutics and Epistemology, T. Kirby, R. Acar, and
B. Bas (eds.), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.
279–295. (Scholar)
- Butterworth, C.E., 1991, “Al-Farabi’s Statecraft: War
and the Well-Ordered Regime”, in Cross, Crescent and Sword:
The Justification and Limitation of War in Western and Islamic
Tradition, J.T. Johnson and J. Kelsay (eds.), New York, NY:
Greenwood Press, pp. 79–100. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “What Might We Learn from
al-Fārābī about Plato and Aristotle with Respect to
Lawgiving?”, Mélanges de l’Université
Saint-Joseph, 61: 471–489. (Scholar)
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Political Philosophy, Not Political Theology”, in Afsaruddin
2011: 53–74. (Scholar)
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Bring about a Virtuous City or Preserve the Old Order”, in
Mirror for the Muslim Prince: Islam and the Theory of
Statecraft, M. Boroujerdi (ed.), Syracuse, NY: Syracuse
University Press, pp. 218–239. (Scholar)
- Campanini, M., 2011, “Alfarabi and the Foundation of
Political Theology in Islam”, in Afsaruddin 2011:
35–52. (Scholar)
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Eschatological Relations”, Journal of Islamic Research,
3 (2): 173–178. (Scholar)
- Crone, P., 2004, “Al-Fārābī’s Imperfect
Constitutions”, Mélanges de l’Université
Saint-Joseph, 57: 191–228. (Scholar)
- Daiber, H., 1986, “Prophetie und Ethik bei
Fārābī”, in L’homme et son univers au
moyen âge, vol. 2, C. Wenin (ed.), Louvain-la-Neuve:
Editions de l’Institut supérieur de philosophie, pp.
729–753. (Scholar)
- –––, 1991, “The Ismaili Background of
Fārābī’s Political Philosophy: Abū
Ḥātim ar-Rāzī as a Forerunner of
Fārābī”, in Gottes ist der Orient: Gottes ist
der Okzident, U. Tworuschka (ed.), Köln and Wien:
Böhlau, pp. 143–150. (Scholar)
- Druart, T.-A., 1995, “Al-Farabi on the Practical and
Speculative Aspects of Ethics”, in Les philosophies morales
et politiques au Moyen Âge, Actes du IXe Congrès
international de philosophie médiévale, Ottawa, du 17 au
22 août 1992 (Volume 1), B.C. Bazán, E.
Andújar, and L.G. Sbrocchi (eds.), New York, Ottawa, and
Toronto: Legas, pp. 476–485. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, “Al-Fārābī,
Ethics, and First Intelligibles”, Documenti e studi sulla
tradizione filosofica medievale, 8: 403–423. (Scholar)
- El-Rayes, W.M., 2013, “The Book of Religion’s
Political and Pedagogical Objectives”, Interpretation: A
Journal of Political Philosophy, 40 (2): 175–197. (Scholar)
- Galston, M., 1990, Politics and Excellence: The Political
Philosophy of Alfarabi, Princeton, Princeton University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992, “The Theoretical and Practical
Dimensions of Happiness as Portrayed in the Political Treatises of
al-Fārābī”, in The Political Aspects of
Islamic Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi, C.E.
Butterworth (ed.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp.
95–151. (Scholar)
- Genequand, C., 2008, “Loi morale, loi politique:
Al-Fārābī et Ibn Bāǧǧa”,
Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph,
61: 491–514. (Scholar)
- Geoffroy, M., 2012, “Raison et foi ou raison et Loi: Le
philosophe et la cité selon Averroès,
d’après al-Fārābī et Ibn
Bāǧǧa (Avempace)”, in The Medieval Paradigm:
Religious Thought and Philosophy, G. D’Onofrio (ed.),
Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 381–416. (Scholar)
- Germann, N., 2015, “Natural and Revealed Religion”, in
The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, L.X.
López-Farjeat and R.C. Taylor (eds.), London and New York:
Routledge, pp. 346–359. (Scholar)
- Griffel, F., 2009, Al-Ghazālī’s Philosophical
Theology, Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Gutas, D., 1997, “Galen’s Synopsis of Plato’s
Laws and Fārābī’s
Talkhīṣ”, in The Ancient Tradition in
Christian and Islamic Hellenism: Studies on the Transmission of Greek
Philosophy and Sciences, Dedicated to H.J. Drossaart Lulofs on his
Ninetieth Birthday, R. Kruk and G. Endress (eds.), Leiden: Brill,
pp. 101–119 (reprint in D. Gutas, 2000, Greek Philosophers
in the Arabic Tradition, Aldershot: Variorum, Nr. V). (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “The Meaning of
madanī in al-Fārābī’s
‘Political’ Philosophy”, Mélanges de
l’Université Saint-Joseph, 57: 259–282. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Die Wiedergeburt der
Philosophie und die Übersetzungen ins Arabische”, in
Rudolph 2012b: 55–91. (Scholar)
- Harvey, S., 2003, “Did Alfarabi Read Plato’s
Laws?”, Medioevo, 28: 51–68. (Scholar)
- Hasnaoui, A., A. Elamrani-Jamal, and M. Aouad (eds.), 1997,
Perspectives arabes et médiévales sur la tradition
scientifique et philosophique grecque: Actes du colloque de la
SIHSPAI, Leuven and Paris: Peeters and Institut du monde
arabe. (Scholar)
- Heck, P.L., 2008, “Doubts About the Religious Community
(milla) in al-Fārābī and the Brethren of
Purity”, in In the Age of al-Fārābī: Arabic
Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth Century, P. Adamson (ed.), London:
Warburg Institute, pp. 195–213. (Scholar)
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Brill. (Scholar)
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Scienza e opinione nella città perfetta: Letture del
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(ed.), Pisa: ETS, pp. 77–96. (Scholar)
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Philosophy in the State”, in Hasnaoui, Elamrani-Jamal, and Aouad
1997: 609–622. (Scholar)
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Letters”, in The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage:
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Omar (eds.), Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, pp.
193–217. (Scholar)
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State”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 110:
691–726. (Scholar)
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Aouad 1997: 583–608. (Scholar)
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al-Fārābī”, Acta antiqua Academiae
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- Mattila, J., 2017, “The Ethical Progression of the Philosopher in al-Rāzī and al-Fārābī”, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 27: 115–137. (Scholar)
- Najjar, F.M., 1958, “Al-Fārābī on Political
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1999, Frankfurt a. M. [Islamic Philosophy, vol. 11], pp.
362–371). (Scholar)
- –––, 1961, “Fārābī’s
Political Philosophy and Shīʿism”, Studia
Islamica, 14: 57–72.
- Neugebauer, O., 1975, A History of Ancient Mathematical
Astronomy, Berlin et al.: Springer. (Scholar)
- Neria, C.M., 2013, “Al-Fārābī’s Lost
Commentary on the Ethics: New Textual Evidence”,
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 23 (1): 69–99. (Scholar)
- O’Meara, D.J., 2002, “Religion als Abbild der Philosophie: Zum neuplatonischen Hintergrund der Lehre al-Fārābīs”, in Metaphysik und Relgion: Zur Signatur des spätantiken Denkens, T. Kobusch and M. Erler (eds.), München and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, pp. 343–353. (Scholar)
- Orwin, A.I., 2015, “Democracy under the Caliphs:
Alfarabi’s Unusual Understanding of Popular Rule”, The
Review of Politics, 77 (2): 171–190. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, Redefining the Muslim Community: Ethnicity, Religion, and Politics in the Thought of Alfarabi, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Scholar)
- Parens, J., 2006, An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions: Introducing Alfarabi, Albany: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Pines, S., 1975, “Aristotle’s Politics in
Arabic Philosophy”, Israel Oriental Studies, 5:
150–160 (various reprints). (Scholar)
- Reinhart, A.K., 1995, Before Revelation: The Boundaries of
Muslim Moral Thought, Albany: State University of New York
Press. (Scholar)
- Reisman, D.C., 2004, “Plato’s Republic in
Arabic: A Newly Discovered Passage”, Arabic Sciences and
Philosophy, 14: 263–300. (Scholar)
- Rosenthal, E.I. J., 1955, “The Place of Politics in the
Philosophy of al-Fārābī”, Islamic
Culture, 29: 157–178 (reprint 1999, Islamic
Philosophy, 10: 399–420). (Scholar)
- –––, 1958, Political Thought in Medieval Islam: An Introductory Outline, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (reprint 2009). (Scholar)
- –––, 1974, “Some Observations on
al-Fārābī’s Kitāb al-Milla”,
in Etudes philosophiques offertes au Dr. Ibrahim Madkour, O.
Amine (ed.), Cairo: Organisation Egyptienne Générale du
livre, pp. 65–74. (Scholar)
- Rudolph, U., 2012a, “Abū Naṣr
al-Fārābī”, in Rudolph 2012b: 363–457. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2012b, Philosophie in der
islamischen Welt, Band 1: 8.-10. Jahrhundert, Basel:
Schwabe. (Scholar)
- Schoeler, G., 2005, “Poetischer Syllogismus—Bildliche
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al-Fārābīs Religionstheorie”, in Logik und
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Brill, pp. 45–58. (Scholar)
- Stella, F., 2019, “Religion as Law: Meaning and Context of
Law in al-Fārābī’s Philosophy”, Rivista
degli Studi Orientali, 92 (1–2): 57–71. (Scholar)
- Streetman, W.C., 2008, “‘If It Were God Who Sent Them
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Vision”, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 18:
211–246. (Scholar)
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