Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Joseph Albo" by Dror Ehrlich and Shira Weiss
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- Albo, Joseph, 1929, Sefer ha-‘Ikkarim [Book of
Principles], I. Husik (trans. and ed.), Philadelphia: The Jewish
Publication Society of America. (Scholar)
- Ackerman, A., 2013, “Zerahia Halevi Saladin and Joseph Albo
on Natural, Conventional and Divine Law”, Jewish Studies
Quarterly, 20: 315–339. (Scholar)
- Agus, J. B., 1959, The Evolution of Jewish Thought from
Biblical Times to the Opening of the Modern Era, London:
Abelard-Schuman. (Scholar)
- Back, S., 1869, Joseph Albo’s Bedeutung in der
Geschichte der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie: Ein Beitrag zur
genauern Kenntniss der Tendenz des Buches “IKKARIM”,
Breslau: B. Heidenfeld. (Scholar)
- Baer, Y., 1961, A History of the Jews in Christian Spain
(Volume 2), Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of
America. (Scholar)
- Ben-Sasson, H. H., 1984, Retzef u-tmurah [Continuity and
Variety], J. R. Hacker (ed.), Tel Aviv: Am Oved Publishers. (Scholar)
- Bleich, J. D., 1997, “Providence in the Philosophy of Hasdai
Crescas and Joseph Albo”, in Hazon Nahum: Studies in Jewish
Law, Thought, and History Presented to Dr. Norman Lamm, Y. Elman
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311–358. (Scholar)
- Cohen, J., 1993, “Profiat Duran’s The Reproach of
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Polemic”, in Shlomo Simonsohn Jubilee Volume: Studies on the
History of the Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period, D.
Carpi et al. (eds.), Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, pp. 71–84
(English section). (Scholar)
- Davidson, H. A., 1983, “Medieval Jewish Philosophy in the
Sixteenth Century”, in Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth
Century, B. D. Cooperman (ed.), Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, pp. 106–145. (Scholar)
- Ehrlich, D., 2004a, “Ahavat ha-el u-ktivah ezoterit be-Sefer
ha-‘Ikkarim le-R. Yosef Albo” [Love of God and esoteric
writing in Albo’s Book of Roots], Da‘at, 53:
63–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004b, Filosofia ve-omanut ha-ktivah
be-Sefer ha-‘Ikkarim le-R. Yosef Albo [Philosophy and the art of
writing in R. Joseph Albo’s Book of Roots], Ph.D. diss.,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “A Reassessment of Natural Law
in Rabbi Joseph Albo’s Book of Principles”, Hebraic
Political Studies, 1: 413–439. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Het, tshuvah u-kfirah be-Sefer
ha-‘Ikkarim le-R. Yosef Albo” [Sin, repentance and heresy
in R. Josepf Albo’s Book of Principles], in Al
ha-tshuvah ve-al ha-geulah: minhat shay le-Binyamin Gross [On
repentance and redemption: presented to Binyamin Gross], D. Schwartz
& A. Gross (eds.), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, pp.
55–80. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009a, Haguto shel R. Yosef Albo:
ktivah ezoterit be-shilhey yemey he-beinayim [The thought of R.
Joseph Albo: esoteric writing in the late middle ages], Ramat-Gan:
Bar-Ilan University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009b, “Hidden Apocalyptic Messianism
in Late Medieval Jewish Thought”, Review of Rabbinic
Judaism, 12: 75–88. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Ha-dimuy ha-aristoteli
shel einey ha-atalef ke-hipertext etsel Rihal, Ibn Daud, Hillel
mi-Verona and Albo”, Daat, 74–75:
357–374. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Ekron ha-maamad ba-diyunim
al nitshiyut onesh ha-gehenom etsel ha-Ran, Rahak ve-Albo”,
Daat, 83: 69–84. (Scholar)
- Gonzalo Maeso, D., 1971, “La Judería de Soria y el
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Arabes y Hebraicos, 20 (2): 119–141. (Scholar)
- Graetz, H., 1894, History of the Jews (Volume IV),
Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America. (Scholar)
- Green, A., 2023, “Trust, Hope and Fortitude as Theological
Virtues in Joseph Albo’s Sefer ha-Ikkarim,” Jewish
Thought: Journal of the Goldstein-Goren International Center for
Jewish Thought, 5: 55–73. (Scholar)
- Guttmann, J., 1955, “Le-heker ha-mekorot shel sefer
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and Lectures], S. H. Bergman & N. Rotenstreich (eds.), Jerusalem:
Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, pp. 169–191. (Scholar)
- –––, 1964, Philosophies of Judaism: The History of Jewish philosophy from Biblical Times to Franz Rosenzweig, New York: Doubleday. (Scholar)
- Gutwirth, E., 1993, “Conversions to Christianity Amongst
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Shlomo Simonsohn Jubilee Volume: Studies on the History of the
Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period, D. Carpi et al.
(eds.), Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, pp. 97–121 (English
section). (Scholar)
- Harvey, W. Z., 1979–80, “Albo’s Discussion of
Time”, Jewish Quarterly Review, 70: 210–238. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Albo on Repentance and
Coertion”, Jewish Law Annual, 21: 47–57. (Scholar)
- Husik, I., 1928–30, “Joseph Albo The Last of the
Mediaeval Jewish Philosophers”, Proceedings of the American
Academy for Jewish Research, 1: 61–72. (Scholar)
- –––, 1966, A History of Mediaeval Jewish
Philosophy, New York: Harper Torchbook. (Scholar)
- Kellner, M., 1986, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought From Maimonides to Abravanel, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Klein-Braslavi, S., 1976, “Meziut ha-zman ve-ha-yamim
ha-rishonim la-briah ba-filosofia ha-yehudit shel yemei
ha-beinayim” [The reality of time and the primordial period
in mediaeval Jewish philosophy], Tarbiz, 45:
106–127. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980, “Terumato shel R. Nissim
Girondi le-’itzuvan shel torot ha-‘ikkarim shel Hasdai
Crescas ve-shel Yosef Albo” [The influence of R. Nissim
Girondi on Crescas’ and Albo’s “principles”],
Eshel Beer-Sheva, 2: 177–197. (Scholar)
- Kreisel, H., 2001, Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Scholar)
- Lasker, D. J., 1977, Jewish Philosophical Polemics Against
Christianity in the Middle Ages, New York: Ktav Publication
House. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980, “Torat ha-‘immut
be-mishnato ha-filosofit shel Yosef Albo” [Joseph
Albo’s theory of verification], Da‘at, 5:
5–12. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “The Impact of Christianity on
Late Iberian Jewish Philosophy”, in In Iberia and Beyond:
Hispanic Jews between Cultures, B. D. Cooperman (ed.), Newark:
University of Delaware Press, pp. 175–190. (Scholar)
- Lerner, R., 1964, “Natural Law in Albo’s Book of
Roots”, in Ancients and Moderns: Essays on the
Tradition of Political Philosophy in Honor of Leo Strauss, J.
Cropsey (ed.), New York: Basic Books, pp. 132–147. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, Maimonides’ Empire of
Light: Popular Enlightenment in an Age of Belief, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Manekin, C., 1997, “Hebrew philosophy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: an overview”, in History of Jewish Philosophy (Routledge History of World Philosophies: Volume 2), D. H. Frank & O. Leaman (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 350–378. (Scholar)
- Melamed, A., 1989, “Ha-‘Im hikdim ibn Wakar et
Albo be-sivug ha-hukim?” [Did ibn Wakar precede Albo in the
classification of the law?], Tura, 1: 270–284. (Scholar)
- Mittleman, A., 2009, Hope in a Democratic Age, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Motis Dolader, M. A., 1990, “The Disappearance of the Jewish
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Century”, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress for Jewish
Studies, 2: 143–150. (Scholar)
- Netanyahu, B., 1966, The Marranos of Spain from the Late
14th Century to the Early 16th Century According
to Contemporary Hebrew Sources, New York: American Academy for
Jewish Research. (Scholar)
- Novak, D., 1983, The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: A
Historical and Constructive Study of the Noahides laws, New York:
Mellen. (Scholar)
- Rauschenbach, S., 2002, Josef Albo: Jüdische Philosophie und christliche Kontroverstheologie in der Frühen Neuzeit [Studies in European Judaism, vol. 3], Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Ravitzky, A., 1988, Derashat ha-Pesah le-R. Hasdai Crescas u-mehkarim be-mishnato ha-filosofit [Crescas’ sermon on the Passover and studies in his philosophy], Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. (Scholar)
- Rudavsky, T. M., 1997, “Creation and Temporality in Medieval Jewish Philosophy”, Faith and Philosophy, 14: 458–477. (Scholar)
- Sadik, S., 2012, “Ha-behira be-haguto shel Rabbi Yosef
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Albo], Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal, 11:
139–151. (Scholar)
- Sarachek, J., 1932, The Doctrine of the Messiah in Medieval
Jewish Literature, New York: Hermon Press. (Scholar)
- Schlesinger, L., 1844, Introduction to Joseph Albo’s, Buch
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W. Schlessinger & L. Schlesinger (trans.), Frankfurt am Main: [s.n.]. (Scholar)
- Schwartz, D., 1991, “Ha-Yeridah ha-ruhanit datit shel
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Jewish community in Spain at the end of the fourteenth century],
Pe‘amim, 46–47: 92–114. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, Ha-Ra’ayon ha-meshihi
be-hagut ha-yehudit bi-ymei ha-beinayim [Messianism in medieval
Jewish thought], Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, Setirah ve-hastarah be-hagut ha-yehudit bi-ymei ha-beinayim [Contradiction and concealment in medieval Jewish thought], Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. (Scholar)
- Schweid, E., 1963, “Bein mishnat ha-‘ikkarim shel
R. Yosef Albo le-mishnat ha-‘ikkarim shel ha-Rambam”
[Joseph Albo’s system of dogmas as distinct from that of
Maimonides], Tarbiz, 33: 74–84. (Scholar)
- –––, 1965, “Ha-nevuah be-mishnato shel
R. Yosef Albo” [The doctrine of prophecy in the philosophic
system of R. Joseph Albo], Tarbiz, 35: 48–60. (Scholar)
- –––, 1967, Introduction to Sefer
ha-‘Ikkarim le-R. Yosef Albo: perakim [R. Joseph
Albo’s Book of Principles: chapters], Jerusalem: Bialik
Institute. (Scholar)
- –––, 1968, “Ha-pulmus neged ha-Nazrut
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polemic against Christianity as a factor in shaping Joseph
Albo’s doctrines], Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress
for Jewish Studies, 2: 309–312. (Scholar)
- Shemesh, A. O., 2019, “Two Medieval Necromantic Practices:
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Rabbinic Judaism, 22: 93–119. (Scholar)
- Sirat, C., 1990, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle
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- Tänzer, A., 1896, Die Religionsphilosophie Josef
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- Waxman, M., 1956, “Shitato shel R. Yosef Albo
be-‘ikkarei ha-dat ve-yahasah le-torat bnei-doro R. Hasdai
Crescas ve-R. Shimon ben-Zemah Duran” [The method of R.
Joseph Albo in the principles of religion and its relation to the
theory of his contemporaries, R. Hasdai Crescas and R. Shimon ben
Zemah Duran], Bi-shvilei ha-sifrut ve-ha-mahshavah
ha-‘ivrit [Paths in Jewish literature and philosophy], Tel
Aviv: Yavne, pp. 135–165. (Scholar)
- Weiss, S., 2017, Joseph Albo on Free Choice: Exegetical Innovation in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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1–44, 175–221. (Scholar)