Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Ammonius" by David Blank
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A. Works of Ammonius in Greek and in Translation
- Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca (= CAG), H.
Diels (ed.), Berlin, 1882–1909.
- CAG IV 3, Ammonius in Porphyrii Isagogen sive V
Voces, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1891.
- CAG IV 4, Ammonius in Aristotelis Categorias, A.
Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1895. On Aristotle Categories, S. M.
Cohen and G. B. Matthews (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1992. (Scholar)
- CAG IV 5, Ammonius in Aristotelis De Interpretatione
Commentarius, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1897. Latin translations:
Commentaire sur le Peri Hermeneias d’Aristote, traduction de
Guillaume de Moerbeke, G. Verbeke (ed.), Louvain and Paris, 1961.
Ammonius Hermeae, Commentaria in Peri hermeneias Aristotelis
Übersetzt von Bartholomaeus Sylvanus, Neudruck der Ausgabe
Venedig 1549, mit einer Einleitung von Rainer Thiel, Gyburg Radke und
Charles Lohr (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: versiones
Latinae temporis resuscitatarum litterarum), Stuttgart-Bad
Cannstatt, 2005. English translations: Aristotle’s Theory of
Language and its Tradition: Texts from 500–1750. Selection,
Translation and Commentary, H. Arens (trans.), Amsterdam
1984; On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 1–8,
D. Blank (trans.), London and Ithaca 1996;
Ammonius. On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9: with Boethius.
On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9, D. Blank (trans.)
(Ammonius) and N. Kretzmann (trans.) (Boethius). London and Ithaca,
1998; Blank’s translation (slightly revised by G. Seel and J.-P.
Schneider) is also found in Seel 2000. Ammonius and the Seabattle:
texts, commentary and essays (Peripatoi, Bd. 18), Berlin and New
York, 2000. (Scholar)
- CAG IV 6, Ammonii in Aristotelis Analyticorum Priorum
Librum I Commentarium, M. Wallies (ed.), Berlin, 1899.
- CAG VI 2, Asclepii in Aristotelis Metaphysicorum
Libros A-Z Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.), Berlin, 1888.
- L. Tarán, 1969. Asclepius of Tralles, Commentary to
Nicomachus’ Introduction to Arithmetic, Transactions of
the American Philosophical Society (n.s.), 59: 4.
Philadelphia. (Scholar)
- CAG XIII 1, Philoponi (olim Ammonii) in Aristotelis
Categorias Commentarium, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1898. [For
further details on the commentaries of Philoponus, see the entry on
- CAG XIII 2, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis
Analytica Priora Commentaria, M. Wallies (ed.), Berlin,
- CAG XIII 3, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis
Analytica Posteriora Commentaria cum Anonymo in Librum II, M.
Wallies (ed.), Berlin, 1909.
- CAG XIV 1, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis
Meteorologicorum Librum Primum Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.),
Berlin, 1901.
- CAG XIV 2, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Libros De
Generatione et Corruptione Commentaria, H. Vitelli (ed.), Berlin,
1897. On Aristotle On Coming-to-be and Perishing 1.1-5, C. J.
F. Williams (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1999; On Aristotle On
Coming-to-be and Perishing 1.6-2.4, C. J. F. Williams (trans.),
London and Ithaca, 1999. (Scholar)
- CAG XV, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis De Anima
Libros Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.), Berlin, 1897. On
Aristotle On the Soul 2.1–6, W. Charlton (trans.), London
and Ithaca, 2005; On Aristotle On the soul 2.7–12, W.
Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 2005; On Aristotle On the
Soul 3.1–8, W. Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 2000;
On Aristotle On the Intellect (de Anima 3.4–8), W.
Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1991. (Scholar)
- CAG XVI-XVII, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis
Physicorum Libros I-III et V-VIII Commentaria, H. Vitelli (ed.),
Berlin, 1887–8. On Aristotle Physics 2, A. R. Lacey
(trans.), London and Ithaca, 1993; On Aristotle Physics 3, M.
J. Edwards (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1994; On Aristotle Physics
5–8 with Simplicius, On Aristotle on the Void, P. Lettinck
and J. O. Urmson (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1994. (Scholar)
B. Historical Sources
- Aeneas of Gaza, Theophrastus, M.E. Colonna (ed.), Naples
- Damascius, The Philosophical History, text with
translation and notes by P. Athanassiadi, Athens, 1999.
[Athanassiadi’s Introduction is the best place to start.]
- Zacharias of Mytilene (Scholasticus), Ammonius, M.
Minniti Colonna (ed.), Naples, 1973.
- Zacharias of Mytilene, Life of Severus, M.A. Kugener (ed.
and trans.), Patrologia Orientalis II, 1904.
- Aeneas of Gaza, Theophrastus, trs. J. Dillon and D.
Russell. Zacharias of Mytilene, Ammonius, trs. S. Gertz
(Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, London, 2012).
C. Secondary Literature
- Adamson, P., 2006. “The Arabic Sea Battle: al-Farabi on the Problem of Future Contingents” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88, 163–188. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. “Neoplatonism: The Last Ten Years”, The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9, 205–220. (Scholar)
- Barnes, J., 1991. “Ammonius and Adverbs,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy (Supplementary Volume), 145–63. (Scholar)
- Bertolacci, A., 2005. “Ammonius and al-Farabi: the Sources
of Avicenna’s Concept of Metaphysics” Quaestio 5,
287–305. (Scholar)
- Blank, D. L., 2010. “Ammonius Hermeiou and his School,” in Gerson 2010, 654–666. (Scholar)
- Blumenthal, H. J., 1986. “John Philoponus: Alexandrian Platonist?” Hermes 114, 314–335. (Scholar)
- Bobzien, S., 2002. “Some elements of propositional logic in
Ammonius”, in Linneweber-Lammeskitten, H. and G. Mohr, eds.,
Interpretation und Argument, Würzburg,
103–119. (Scholar)
- Brunschwig, J., 2008. “Le chapitre 1 du De Interpretatione: Aristote, Ammonius et nous”, Laval théologique et philosophique 64, 35–87. (Scholar)
- Cameron, Alan, 1969. “The Last Days of the Academy at
Athens,” Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological
Society (n.s.), 15: 7–29. (Scholar)
- Cardullo, R. Loredana, 2002. “Asclepio di Tralle: Pensatore
originale o mero redattore ΑΠΟ ΦΩ
ΝΗΣ?”, in Barbanti, M., G. R. Giardina, and P.
Manganaro, eds., ΕΝΩ ΣΙΣ
ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΙΑ Unione e
Amicizia Omaggio a Francesco Romano, Catania, 495–514. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009. “Una lettura neoplatonica di
Metaphysica Alpha: gli scolii di Asclepio di Tralle
trascritti «dalla voce» di Ammonio”, in Cardullo, R.
L., ed., Il libro Alpha della Metafisica di
Aristotele tra storiografia e teoria (Symbolon 35),
Catania, 239–270. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. Asclepio di Tralle Commentario al
libro Alpha Meizon (A) della Metafisica di
Aristotele, Acireale. (Scholar)
- Champion, M., 2014. Explaining the Cosmos. Creation and
Cultural Interaction in Late-Antique Gaza, Oxford. [An
exploration of Aeneas, Zacharias, and Procopius, their religious and
cultural background and the philosophical content of their
works.] (Scholar)
- Cribiore, R., 2017. “The Conflict between Rhetoric and
Philosophy and Zacharias’ Ammonius”, in
L’École de Gaza: espace littéraire et
identité culturelle dans l’Antiquité tardive,
Amato, E., A. Corcella, D. Lauritzen, eds. (Orientalia Lovanensia
Analecta 249), Louvain, 73–84. (Scholar)
- De Rijk, L-M., 2003. “Boethius on De Interpretatione (Ch.
3): Is he a reliable guide?”, in Galonnier 2003,
207–227. (Scholar)
- Dillon, J., “Philosophy,” in Cambridge Ancient
History, XI: 922–965. (Scholar)
- Fortier, S., 2012. “Ammonius on Universals and Abstraction: An Interpretation and Translation of Ammonius’ In Porphyrii Eisagogen 39, 8–42”, Laval Théologique et philosophique 68, 21–33. (Scholar)
- Frede, D., 1985. “The Sea Battle reconsidered: A Defence of the Traditional Interpretation,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 3: 31–87. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. “Logik, Sprache und die Offenheit der Zukunft in der Antike. Bemerkungen zu zwei neuen Forschungsbeiträgen,” Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 52: 84–104. (Scholar)
- Galonnier, A. (ed.), 2003. Boèce ou la chaîne des
savoirs, Actes du colloque international de la Fondation
Singer-Polignac Paris, 8-12 juin 1999, Louvain and Paris. (Scholar)
- Gaskin, R., 1995. The Sea-Battle and the Master Argument: Aristotle and Diodorus Cronus on the Metaphysics of the Future, Berlin. (Scholar)
- Gerson, L.P., 2010. The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity, Cambridge. (Scholar)
- Glucker, J., 1978. Antiochus and the Late Academy ( Hypomnemata 56), Göttingen. (Scholar)
- Golitsis, P., 2008. Les Commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean
Philopon à la Physique d’Aristote. Tradition et
Innovation, (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina.
Quellen und Studien Band 3), Berlin. (Scholar)
- Griffin, M., 2016. “Ammonius and His School” in A.
Falcon, ed., Brill’s Companion to the Reception of
Aristotle (Leiden), 394–414. [A good, summary discussion of
Ammonius and his pupils.] (Scholar)
- Haas, C., 1996. Alexandria in Late Antiquity. Topography and
Social Conflict, Baltimore. (Scholar)
- Hadot, I., 1978. Le problème du néoplatonisme alexandrin. Hiéroclès et Simplicius, Paris. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990a. “The Life and Work of
Simplicius in Greek and Arabic Sources,” in Sorabji 1990a,
275–304. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990b. “Commentaire” in
Hoffmann and Hadot, eds., 1990, 19–182. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. Athenian and Alexandrian Neoplatonism and the Harmonization of Aristotle and Plato, trs. M. Chase, Leiden. (Scholar)
- Hase, H., 1839. “Joannis Alexandrini, cognomine Philoponi,
de vsu astrolabii ejusque constructione libellus”,
Rheinisches Museum 6, 127–171 bis. (Scholar)
- Heiberg, J. L., 1907. Claudii Ptolemaei Opera Quae Exstant
Omnia, Vol. II Opera Astronomica Minora, Lipsiae. (Scholar)
- Hoffmann, P. and I. Hadot, eds., 1990. Simplicius. Commentaire
sur les Catégories. I: Introduction, première partie (p.
1–9,3 Kalbfleisch), Leiden. (Scholar)
- Hugonnard-Roche, H., 2004. La logique d’Aristote du grec
au syriaque, Paris. [Collected articles 1987–2004.] (Scholar)
- Jackson, R., K. Lycos, H. Tarrant, trs. and eds., Olympiodorus
Commentary on Plato’s Gorgias, Leiden.
- Karamanolis, G.E., 2006. Aristotle and Plato in Agreement?
Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry, Oxford. [This
book does not treat Ammonius, ending as it does with Porphyry, but it
does introduce the issues which arose concerning whether Aristotle and
Plato were in accord, a fundamental principle of interpretation for
Ammonius.] (Scholar)
- Kretzmann, N., 1998. “Boethius and the truth about
tomorrow’s sea battle,” in Ammonius On Aristotle On
Interpretation 9 with Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 9,
D. Blank and N. Kretzmann (trans.), London and Ithaca,
24–52. (Scholar)
- Lee, Tae-Soo, 1984. Die griechische Tradition der aristotelischen Syllogistik in der Spätantike: eine Untersuchung über die Kommentare zu den analytica priora von Alexander von Aphrodisias, Ammonius und Philoponus, Göttingen. (Scholar)
- Luna, C., 2001. Trois études sur la tradition des
commentaires anciens à la Métaphysique
d’Aristote (Philosophia Antiqua LXXXVIII),
Leiden. (Scholar)
- Merlan, P., 1968. “Ammonius Hermiae, Zacharias Scholasticus
and Boethius,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 9:
143–203. (Scholar)
- Mignucci, M., 1998. “Ammonius’ sea battle,” in
Ammonius: On Aristotle On Interpretation 9 and Boethius:
On Aristotle On Interpretation 9, D. Blank and N. Kretzmann
(trans.), Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 53–86; also found as
“Ammonius and the Problem of Future Contingent Truth,” in
Seel 2000a, 247–284. (Scholar)
- Militello, C., 2014. “Aristotle’s Topics in
the Greek Neoplatonic Commentaries on the Categories,”
Peitho/Examina Antiqua 1(5), 91–117. (Scholar)
- Obortello, L., 2003. “Ammonius Son of Hermias, Zacharias
Scholasticus and Boethius: Eternity of God and/or Time?” in
Galonnier 2003, 465–479. (Scholar)
- O’Meara, D., 2006. “Patterns of Perfection in
Damascius’ ‘Life of Isidore’”,
Phronesis 51, 74–90. (Scholar)
- Omelyantchik, V., 2003. “Boèce et Ammonius sur la
question d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise (PERI HERMENEIAS, 16 A
1–2),” in Galonnier 2003, 241–256. (Scholar)
- Pelletier, Y., 1983. Les Attributions (Catégories). Le
texte aristotélicien et les prolégomènes
d’Ammonios d’Hermias, Montréal et Paris. (Scholar)
- Pingree, D., 1973. “The Greek Influence on Early Islamic Mathematical Astronomy”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 93, 32–43. (Scholar)
- Praechter, K., 1910. “Richtungen und Schulen im
Neuplatonismus,” in Graeca Halensis, ed., Genethliakon C.
Robert Zum 8. März 1910. Berlin, 103–156. (Scholar)
- –––, 1912. “Christlich- neuplatonische Beziehungen”, Byzantinische Zeitung 21, 1–27. (Scholar)
- Schemmel, F., 1909. “Die Hochschule von Alexandria im IV.
und V. Jahrhundert P. Ch. N.”, Neue Jahrbücher für
Pädagogik 12, 439–457. (Scholar)
- Seel, G., 2000a. Ammonius and the Seabattle: texts, commentary and essays (Peripatoi, Bd. 18), Berlin and New York. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000b. “‘In a Definite Way
True’ Truth-Values and their Modalization in Ammonius”, in
Seel 2000a, 234–246. (Scholar)
- Sharples, R., 1992. Alexander of Aphrodisias Quaestiones
1.1–2.1, London and Ithaca, NY. (Scholar)
- Sheppard, A., 1982. “Proclus’ attitude to
theurgy”, Classical Quarterly 32, 232–224. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987. “Proclus’ philosophical
method of exegesis, the use of Aristotle and the Stoics in the
Commentary on the Cratylus,” in J. Pépin and P.
Saffrey (eds.), Proclus. Lecteur et interprète des
Anciens, Paris, 137–151. (Scholar)
- Sorabji, R., 1988. Matter, Space and Motion, London and Ithaca, NY [See esp. Ch. 15]. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1990a. Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators and their Influence. London and Ithaca. Second Edition, London 2016. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990b. “THe Ancient Commentators on
Aristotle” in Sorabji 1990a, 1–30. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990c. “Infinite Power Impressed, the
transformation of Aristotle’s physics and theology,” in
Sorabji 1990a, 181–198; a longer version is in Sorabji’s
Matter, Space and Motion, London and Ithaca 1988. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. “The Three deterministic
arguments opposed by Ammonius,” in Ammonius On Aristotle On
Interpretation 9 with Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 9,
trs. D. Blank and N. Kretzmann (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)
London and Ithaca, 3–15. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003. “Sordid deals and divine names
in Ammonius’ Alexandria,” in Andrew Smith, ed.,
Neoplatonism and Society. Cardiff. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005. “Introduction,” to
The Philosophy of the Commentators 200–600 A.D.: A
Sourcebook (Volume 1: Psychology (with Ethics and Religion),
Volume 2: Physics, Volume 3: Logic and Metaphysics), Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 5 ff. [These sourcebooks are now the best place to
obtain an overview of the philosophy of the Aristotelian
commentators.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “Waiting for Philoponus”,
in Aeneas of Gaza, etc., vii–xxx. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014. “The Alexandrian classrooms excavated and sixth-century philosophy teaching”, in Remes, P. and S. Slaveva-Griffin, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, London, 30–39. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016a. “Introduction to the Second
Edition” of Sorabji 1990a, xii–xlvii. [Sorabji’s
useful review of developments, including many of his own thoughts
concerning the articles published in the first edition.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2016b. Aristotle Re-Interpreted: New Findings on Seven Hundred Years of the Ancient Commentators, London. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016c. “Introduction: Seven Hundred
Years of Commentary and the Sixth Century Diffusion to Other
Cultures”, in Sorabji 2016b, 1–80. [An illuminating review of
recent scholarly controversies and developments.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2016d. “Dating of Philoponus’
Commentaries on Aristotle and of his Divergence from his Teacher
Ammonius”, in Sorabji 2016b, 367–392. (Scholar)
- Tarán, L., 1978. Anonymous Commentary on
Aristotle’s De interpretatione. Meisenheim-am-Glan. (Scholar)
- Tempelis, E., 1997. “Iamblichus and Ammonius, Son of
Hermias, On Divine Omniscience”, Syllecta Classica 8,
207–217. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. The School of Ammonius, Son of
Hermias, On Knowledge of the Divine. Athens. (Scholar)
- Tuominen, M., 2009. The Ancient Commentators on Plato and Aristotle, Berkeley. [A good introduction to the ancient commentaries on Plato and Aristotle; focuses on Philoponus and Simplicius, rather than Ammonius, as representatives of the commentators of Late Antiquity.] (Scholar)
- Van den Berg, R. M., 2009. Proclus’ Commentary on
the Cratylus in Context (Ancient Theories of
Language and Naming), Philosophia Antiqua 112, Leiden.
[Discusses on pages 201–206 Ammonius’ ideas about
language, particularly his stance compared to Proclus’
interpretation of Plato’s Cratylus.] (Scholar)
- Verrycken, K., 1990a. “The Metaphysics of Ammonius Son of
Hermeias,” in Sorabji 1990a, 199–231. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990b. “The Development of
Philoponus’ Thought and its chronology”, in Sorabji 1990a,
232–274. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994. De vroegere Philoponus. Een studie van het Alexandrinjnse Neoplatonisme (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België 56, Nr. 153). (Scholar)
- –––, 2001/2. “La métaphysique
d’Ammonius chez Zacharie de Mytilène”, Revue
des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques 85,
241–267. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010. “John Philoponus,” in
Gerson 2010, II 733–755. (Scholar)
- Wallis, R.T., 1972. Neoplatonism, London. (Scholar)
- Watt, J. W., 2010. “Commentary and Translation in Syriac
Aristotelian Scholarship: Sergius to Baghdad”, Journal for
Late Antique Religion and Culture 4, 28–42. (Scholar)
- Watts, E. J., 2005. “Winning the Intracommunal Dialogues:
Zacharias Scholasticus’ Life of Severus”,
Journal of Early Christian Studies 13, 437–464. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006. City and School in Late Antique
Athens and Alexandria, Berkeley. (Scholar)
- Westerink, L.G., 1962. Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Philosophy, Amsterdam. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990. “The Alexandrian Commentators
and the Introductions to their Commentaries,” in Sorabji 1990a,
325–349. (Scholar)
- Whitaker, C. W. A., 1996. Aristotle’s De
Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic, Oxford. (Scholar)
- Wildberg, C. 1990. “Three Neoplatonic Introductions to
Philosophy: Ammonius, David, Elias,” Hermathena, 149:
33–51. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005. “Philosophy in the Age of
Justinian”, in Maas, M., ed., The Cambridge Companion to the
Age of Justinian, Cambridge, 316–340. (Scholar)