Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Essence and Existence in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy" by Fedor Benevich
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Note: The following sourcebook of translations was used for a wide
selection of primary sources. The citations to [HA] reference the
Chapter number and then the selection number(s), i.e., ‘[HA], 3:
T3’ references Chapter 3, selection T3 in [HA]. This work is
freely available online via the link below.]
[HA] |
Adamson, Peter and Fedor Benevich (eds.), 2023, The Heirs of
Avicenna: Philosophy in the Islamic East, 12–13th Centuries:
Metaphysics and Theology (Islamicate Intellectual History, 12.1),
Leiden/Boston: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004503991
[Adamson & Benevich (eds.) 2023 available online] |
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