Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Arcesilaus" by Charles Brittain and Peter Osorio
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Collections of Arcesilaus’ sources
- Inwood, Brad and Lloyd Gerson (eds.), 1997, Hellenistic
Philosophy: Introductory Readings, second edition, Indianapolis,
IN: Hackett.
[English translation of several of the sources for
- Mette, Hans Joachim, 1984, “Zwei Akademiker heute: Krantor
von Soloi und Arkesilaos von Pitane,” Lustrum 26:
[The evidence on Arcesilaus in Greek and Latin, with German
- Long, A. A. and D. N. Sedley (eds.), 1987, The Hellenistic
Philosophers, vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University
[English translation of several of the sources for
- Vezzoli, Simone, 2016, Arcesilao di Pitane: l’origine del Platonismo neoaccademico, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 149–268.
[The evidence on Arcesilaus in Greek and Latin, with Italian translations.]
Primary Sources
- Cicero, On Academic Scepticism, Charles Brittain
(trans.), Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2006.
[English translation of Academica.]
- –––, On the Ideal Orator, James May and
Jakob Wisse (trans.), Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,
[English translation of De oratore.]
- –––, On the Nature of the Gods,
Academica (Loeb Classical Library 268/Cicero XIX), H. Rackham
(trans.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1933.
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
- –––, De finibus bonorum et malorum (Loeb
Classical Library 40/Cicero XVII), H. Rackham (trans.), Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1914.
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
- –––, De Oratore Book III, in On the
Orator: Book 3. On Fate. Stoic Paradoxes.
Divisions of Oratory (Loeb Classical Library 349/Cicero IV),
H. Rackham (trans.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
- –––, On Moral Ends, Raphael Woolf
(trans.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
[English translation of De finibus.]
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Eminent Philosophers,
Tiziano Dorandi (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
[Greek text of Diogenes Laertius.]
- –––, Lives of Eminent Philosophers I
& II (Loeb Classical Library 184/5), R. Hicks (trans.), Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1925.
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
- –––, Lives of the Eminent Philosophers,
Pamela Mensch (trans.), Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,
[English translation of Dorandi’s edition.]
- Numenius, Platonist Philosophy 80 BC to AD 250: An Introduction
and Collection of Sources in Translation, George Boys-Stones (ed.),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 40–45.
[1F = English translation of Numenius frs. 24–25 Des
- –––, Fragments, E. Des Places (ed.),
Paris: Belles Lettres, 1973.
[Greek text with French translation.]
- –––, 1903, Eusebii Pamphili
Evangelicae Praeparationis Libri XV, 4 vols., E. H.
Gifford (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1903.
[Greek text with English translation of Eusebius; book 14.4–9
contains Numenius’ fragments.]
- Philodemus, Storia dei filosofi [.] Platone e
l’Academia, Tiziano Dorandi (ed.), Naples: Bibliopolis, 1991.
[Greek text with Italian translation of Philodemus’ Index
- –––, “Philodemus’ History of the
Philosophers: Plato and the Academy (PHerc. 1021 and 164),”
Paul Kalligas and Voula Tsouna (trans.), in Paul Kalligas, Chloe Balla, Effie
Baziotopoulou-Valavani, and Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.),
Plato’s Academy: Its Workings and Its History,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 276–383.
[Greek text, adapted from Dorandi’s edition, with English
translation of Philodemus’ Index Academicorum.]
- Plutarch, Moralia XIII Part 2: Stoic
Essays (Loeb Classical Library 470), Harold
Cherniss (trans.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
[Loeb edition with English translation of Plutarch’s
On Stoic Self-Contraditions and Common
- –––, Moralia XIV (Loeb Classical Library
428), Benedict Einarson and Phillip De Lacy (eds.), Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1967.
[Loeb edition with English translation of Plutarch’s
Against Colotes.]
- –––, Moralia XV: Fragments (Loeb
Classical Library 429), F. H. Sandbach (trans.), Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1969.
[Loeb edition with English translation of some of the
testimonia for Arcesilaus.]
- Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, Julia Annas and
Jonathan Barnes (trans.), New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994,
second edition 2000.
[English translation of Outlines of Pyrrhonism.]
- –––, [M] Against the Logicians
[Adversus Mathematicos 7–8], Richard Bett (trans.),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- –––, Outlines of Pyrrhonism (Loeb
Classical Library 273/Sextus Empiricus I), R. G. Bury (trans.),
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1933.
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
- –––, Against Logicians (Loeb Classical
Library 291/Sextus Empiricus II), R. G. Bury (trans.), Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1935.
[Loeb edition with English translation.]
Arcesilaus’ life and philosophical activity
- Beghini, Andrea, 2016, “Arcesilao e Numenio: Note a Fr. 25
Des Places (= Eus. Praep. Ev. XIV, 5, 12–13 Des Places),”
Studi Classici e Orientali 62: 297–314. (Scholar)
- Dorandi, Tiziano, 1989, “Arcesilas de Pitane,” in
Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. 1, Richard Goulet
(ed.), Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, pp.
326–30 (no. 302). (Scholar)
- Görler, Woldemar, 1994, “Älterer Pyrrhonismus
– Jüngere Akademie, Antiochos aus Askalon, § 47
Arkesilaos,” in Die Philosophie der Antike 4: Die
Hellenistische Philosophie, Helmut Flashar (ed.), Basel:
Schwabe & Co., pp. 786–96. (Scholar)
- Habicht, Christian, 1994, “Hellenistic Athens and her
philosophers,” in Athen in Hellenistischer Zeit,
Christian Habicht, Munich: C.H. Beck, pp. 231–47. (Scholar)
- Long, A. A., 1986, “Diogenes Laertius, the Life of Arcesilaus,” Elenchos 7: 429–49. (Scholar)
- Lurie, Michael, 2014, “Der schiffbrüchige Odysseus oder: Wie Arkesilaos zum Skeptiker wurde,” Philologus 58: 183–6. (Scholar)
- Savalli-Lestrade, Ivana, 2017, “Le monde d’Arcésilas
de Pitanè,” Revue des études anciennes
119: 521–50. (Scholar)
- von Arnim, Hans, 1895, “Arkesilaos von Pitane,”
RE 2: 1164–68. (Scholar)
Arcesilaus’ skeptical position
- Allen, James, 2018, “Aporia and the New Academy,” in
The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy, George
Karamanolis and Vasilis Politis (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 172–91. (Scholar)
- Annas, Julia, 1988, “The Heirs of Socrates,” Phronesis 33: 100–112. (Scholar)
- Bénatouïl, Thomas, 2011, “Anna Maria Ioppolo,
La testimonianza di Sesto Empirico sull’ Accademia
scettica,” Philosophie antique 11:
229–36. (Scholar)
- Bett, Richard, 1989, “Carneades’ Pithanon: A
Reappraisal of its Role and Status,” Oxford Studies in
Ancient Philosophy 7: 59–94. (Scholar)
- Brittain, Charles, 2005 [2008], “Arcesilaus,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>. (Scholar)
- Cooper, John, 2004, “Arcesilaus: Socratic and Sceptic,”
in Knowledge, Nature, and the Good, John Cooper, Princeton:
Princeton University Press, pp. 81–103. (Scholar)
- Couissin, Pierre, 1929, “Le Stoicisme de la Nouvelle
Adadémie,” Revue d’histoire de la
philosophie 3: 241–76 [= “The Stoicism of the New
Academy,” trans. Jonathan Barnes and Myles Burnyeat, in Myles
Burnyeat (ed.), 1983, The Skeptical Tradition,
London: University of California Press, pp. 31–63]. (Scholar)
- Frede, Michael, 1979, “Des Skeptikers Meinungen,”
Neue Hefte für Philosophie, Aktualität der
Antike 15/16: 102–29. Translated as “The Skeptic’s
Beliefs,” in his, 1987, Essays in Ancient Philosophy,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 179–200;
reprinted as “The Sceptic’s Beliefs” in Myles Burnyeat and
Michael Frede (eds.), 1997, The Original Sceptics,
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, pp. 1–24.] (Scholar)
- –––, 1984, “The Sceptic’s Two Kinds of
Assent and the Question of the Possibility of Knowledge,” in Philosophy in History, Richard Rorty, Jerome Schneewind and Quentin Skinner (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 255–278; reprinted as “The Skeptic’s Two Kinds of
Assent and the Question of the Possibility of Knowledge,” in his, 1987, Essays in Ancient Philosophy,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 201–22; reprinted
in Myles Burnyeat and Michael Frede (eds.), 1997, The Original
Sceptics, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, pp. 127–51. (Scholar)
- Friedman, Jane, 2013, “Suspended Judgment,” Philosophical Studies 162: 165–81. (Scholar)
- Görler, Woldemar, 1994, “Älterer Pyrrhonismus
– Jüngere Akademie, Antiochos aus Askalon, § 47
Arkesilaos,” in Die Philosophie der Antike 4: Die
Hellenistische Philosophie, Helmut Flashar (ed.), Basel:
Schwabe & Co., pp. 796–824. (Scholar)
- Gourinat, Jean-Baptiste, 2014, “Comment se détermine le kathekon? Remarques sur la conformité à la nature et le raisonnable,” Philosophie antique 14: 13–39. (Scholar)
- Ioppolo, Anna-Maria, 1981, “Il concetto di
‘eulogon’ nella filosofia di Arcesilao,” in Lo
scetticismo antico, Gabriele Giannantoni (ed.), vol. 1, Naples:
Bibliopolis, pp. 143–61. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, Opinione e scienza, Naples:
Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “Su alcune recenti
interpretazioni dello scetticismo dell’Accademia,”
Elenchos 21: 334–60. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Arcésilas dans le
Lucullus de Cicéron,” Revue de
métaphysique et de morale 57: 21–44. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, La testimonianza di Sesto Empirico
sull’Accademia scettica, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “L’epochê chez
Arcésilas: réponse à Thomas
Bénatouïl,” Philosophie antique 11:
- –––, 2018, “Arcesilaus,” in
Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present, Diego Machuca and
Baron Reed (eds.), London: Bloomsbury, pp. 36–50. (Scholar)
- Lévy, Carlos, 1978, “Scepticisme et dogmatisme dans
l’Académie: l’ésotérisme
d’Arcésilas,” Revue des études
latines 56: 335–348. (Scholar)
- Maconi, Henry, 1988, “Nova non philosophandi philosophia,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 6: 231–53. (Scholar)
- Perin, Casey, 2010, “Scepticism and belief,” in The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism, Richard Bett (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 145–64. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Making Sense of Arcesilaus,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 45: 313–40. (Scholar)
- Schofield, Malcolm, 1999, “Academic epistemology,” in
The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Keimpe Algra,
Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld and Malcolm Schofield (eds.), Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 323–51. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1983, “The Motivation of Greek
Skepticism,” in The Skeptical Tradition, Myles Burnyeat
(ed.), London: University of California Press, pp. 9–29. (Scholar)
- Snyder, Charles, 2014, “The Socratic Benevolence of
Arcesilaus’ Dialectic,” Ancient Philosophy 34:
341–63. (Scholar)
- Striker, Gisela, 1980, “Skeptical Strategies,” in
Doubt and Dogmatism, Malcolm Schofield, Myles
Burnyeat and Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.
54–83; reprinted in Striker, Gisela, 1996, Essays on
Hellenistic Epistemology and Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 92–115. (Scholar)
- Stopper, M. R., 1983, “Schizzi Pirroniani,” Phronesis 28: 265–97, pp. 275–78. (Scholar)
- Thorsrud, Harold, 2009, Ancient Scepticism, Stocksfield: Acumen, pp. 36–58. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Arcesilaus and Carneades,” in The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism, Richard Bett (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 58–70. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Arcesilaus: Socratic Skepticism in Plato’s Academy,” Lexicon Philosophicum 6: 195–220. (Scholar)
- Vezzoli, Simone, 2016, Arcesilao di Pitane: l’origine del Platonismo neoaccademico, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 17–78. (Scholar)
Arcesilaus’ relation to other philosophers
- Annas, Julia, 1992, “Plato the Sceptic,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, suppl. vol.: 43–72. (Scholar)
- Barnes, Jonathan, 1997, Logic and the Imperial Stoa, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Beghini, Andrea, 2019, “Il caso ‘Crantore’:
Contributo alla storia dell’Academia ellenistica,” Antiquorum
Philosophia 13: 101–25. (Scholar)
- Bénatouïl, Thomas and Dimitri El Murr, 2010,
“L’Académie et les géomètres: usages et
limites de la géométrie de Platon à
Carnéade,” Philosophie antique 10:
- Bett, Richard, 1990,
“Carneades’ Distinction between Assent and Approval,” The Monist 73.1:
3–20. (Scholar)
- Brennan, Tad, 1996, “Reasonable Impressions in Stoicism,” Phronesis 41: 318–34. (Scholar)
- Brittain, Charles, 2001, Philo of Larissa, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, and John Palmer, 2001, “The New
Academy’s Appeals to the Presocratics,” Phronesis 46:
38–72. (Scholar)
- Burnyeat, Myles, 1980, “Can the Sceptic Live His Scepticism?”, in Doubt and Dogmatism, Malcolm Schofield, Myles Burnyeat and Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 20–53; reprinted in Myles Burnyeat (ed.), 1983, The Skeptical Tradition, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 117–48; reprinted in Myles Burnyeat and Michael Frede (eds.), 1997, The Original Sceptics, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, pp. 25–57. (Scholar)
- Castagnoli, Luca, 2018, “Dialectic in the Hellenistic Academy,” in Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle, Thomas Bénatouïl and Katerina Ierodiakonou (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 168–217. (Scholar)
- Coope, Ursula, 2016, “Rational Assent and Self-Reversion: A Neoplatonist Response to the Stoics,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 50: 237–88. (Scholar)
- Couissin, Pierre, 1929, “L’origine et l’évolution de
l’epoche,” Revue des études grecs 42:
- Decleva Caizzi, Fernanda, 1986, “Pirroniani ed Accademici nel
III secolo a.c.,” in Aspects de la philosophie
Hellénistique, Helmut Flashar and Olof Gigon (eds.),
Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique 32, Geneva: Fondation
Hardt, pp. 147–83. (Scholar)
- Frede, Michael, 1983, “Stoics and Skeptics on Clear and Distinct Impressions,” in The Skeptical Tradition, Myles Burnyeat (ed.), London: University of California Press, pp. 65–93; reprinted in his, 1987, Essays in Ancient Philosophy, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 151–76. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, “Stoic Epistemology,” in The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Keimpe Algra, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld and Malcolm Schofield (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 295–322. (Scholar)
- Ioppolo, Anna-Maria, 1990, “Presentation and Assent: A Physical and Cognitive Problem in Early Stoicism,” Classical Quarterly 40: 433–49. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Gli Accademici
“neôteroi” nel secondo secolo d.C.,”
Méthexis 15: 45–70. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Elenchos socratico e
genesi della strategia argomentativa dell’Accademia scettica”, in
Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie, Michael
Erler and Jan Hessler (eds.), Berlin: De Gruyter, pp.
355–69. (Scholar)
- Lévy, Carlos, 2007, “The New Academy and its
Rivals,” in A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, Mary
Louise Gill and Pierre Pellegrin (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell, pp.
448–64. (Scholar)
- Long, A. A., 1978, “Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonist and
Satirist,” PCPS 204 ns 24: 69–91. (Scholar)
- Reinhardt, Tobias, 2018, “Pithana and
probabilia,” in Dialectic after Plato and
Aristotle, Thomas Bénatouïl and Katerina Ierodiakonou
(eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 218–53. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1977, “Diodorus Cronus and Hellenistic
philosophy,” PCPS ns 23: 74–120. (Scholar)
- Snyder, Charles, 2018, “On the Teaching of Ethics from Polemo
to Arcesilaus,” Études platoniciennes 14:
1–25. (Scholar)
- Striker, Gisela, 1981, “Über den Unterschied zwischen den Pyrrhoneern und den Akademikern,” Phronesis 26: 153–71. Translated as “On the difference between the Pyrrhonists and the Academics,” in Gisela Striker, 1996, Essays on Hellenistic Epistemology and Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 135–49. (Scholar)
- Trabattoni, F., 2005, “Arcesilao platonico?” in
L’eredità platonica: Studi sul platonismo da Arcesilao a
Proclo, Mauro Bonazzi and Vincenza Celluprica (eds.), Naples:
Bibliopolis, pp. 13–50. (Scholar)
- vander Waerdt, Paul, 1989, “Colotes and the Epicurean
refutation of scepticism,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine
Studies 30: 225–67. (Scholar)
- Vezzoli, Simone, 2016, Arcesilao di Pitane: l’origine del Platonismo neoaccademico, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 79–147. (Scholar)
- von Staden, Heinrich, 1978, “The Stoic Theory of Perception
and its ‘Platonic’ Critics,” in Studies in
Perception, Peter Machamer and Robert Turnbull (eds.), Columbus,
Ohio: Ohio State University Press, pp. 96–136. (Scholar)
- Williams, Michael, 2004, “The Agrippan Argument and Two Forms of Skepticism,” in Pyrrhonian Skepticism, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121–45. (Scholar)