Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Aristotle’s Political Theory" by Fred Miller
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
Note on Citations. Passages in Aristotle are cited as
follows: title of treatise (italics), book (Roman numeral), chapter
(Arabic numeral), line reference. Line references are keyed to the
1831 edition of Immanuel Bekker which had two columns (“a”
and “b”) on each page. Politics is abbreviated as
Pol. and Nicomachean Ethics as NE. In this
article, “Pol. I.2.1252b27”, for example, refers
to Politics book I, chapter 2, page 1252, column b, line 27.
Most translations include the Bekker page number with column letter in
the margin followed by every fifth line number.
Passages in Plato are cited in a similar fashion, except the line
references are to the Stephanus edition of 1578 in which pages were
divided into five parts (“a” through “e”).
Caveat on Bibliography. Although fairly
extensive, this bibliography represents only a fraction of the
secondary literature in English. However, the items cited here contain
many references to other valuable scholarly work in other languages as
well as in English.
A. Greek Text of Aristotle’s Politics
- Dreizehnter, Alois, Aristoteles’ Politik, Munich: Wilhelm
Fink, 1970 [generally the most reliable critical edition]. (Scholar)
- Ross, W. D., Aristotelis Politica, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1957.
B. English Translations of Aristotle’s Politics
- Barker, Ernest, revised by Richard Stalley, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1995.
- Jowett, Benjamin, revised in The Complete Works of
Aristotle (The Revised Oxford Translation), Jonathan Barnes
(ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984, vol. II, pp.
- Lord, Carnes, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013, revised
- Rackham, H., Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press,
- Reeve, C. D. C., Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2017 (new
- Simpson, Peter L. P., Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1996.
- Sinclair, T. A., revised by Trevor J. Saunders, Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1983.
The Clarendon Aristotle Series (Oxford University Press) includes
translation and commentary of the Politics in four
- Trevor J. Saunders, Politics I–II (1995).
- Richard Robinson with a supplementary essay by David Keyt,
Politics III–IV (1995).
- David Keyt, Politics V–VI (1999).
- Richard Kraut, Politics VII–VIII (1997).
- Also of interest is the Constitution of Athens, an
account of the history and workings of the Athenian democracy.
Although it was formerly ascribed to Aristotle, it is now thought by
most scholars to have been written by one of his pupils, perhaps at
his direction toward the end of Aristotle’s life. A reliable
translation with introduction and notes is by P. J. Rhodes,
Aristotle: The Athenian Constitution. Harmondsworth: Penguin,
1984. (Scholar)
C. Anthologies
- Barnes, Jonathan, Malcolm Schofield, and Richard Sorabji (eds.),
Articles on Aristotle (Volume 2: Ethics and Politics),
London: Duckworth, 1977.
- Boudouris, K. J. (ed.), Aristotelian Political
Philosophy, 2 volumes, Athens: Kardamitsa Publishing Co.,
- Deslauriers, Marguerite, and Pierre Destrée (eds.), The
Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2013. (Scholar)
- Höffe, Otfried (ed.), Aristoteles Politik, Berlin:
Akademie Verlag, 2001.
- Keyt, David, and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), A Companion to
Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991. (Scholar)
- Kraut, Richard, and Steven Skultety (eds.), Aristotle’s
Politics: Critical Essays, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,
2005. (Scholar)
- Lockwood, Thornton, and Thanassis Samaras (eds.), Aristotle’s
Politics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2015. (Scholar)
- Lord, Carnes, and David O’Connor (eds.), Essays on the
Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science, Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1991. (Scholar)
- Patzig, Günther (ed.), Aristoteles’ Politik: Akten des
XI. Symposium Aristotelicum, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 1990. (Scholar)
D. Single-authored Commentaries and Overviews
- Aquinas, Thomas, Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics,
translated by Richard J. Regan, Indianapolis Publishing Co.: Hackett,
2007. (Scholar)
- Barker, Ernest, The Political Thought of Plato and
Aristotle, London: Methuen, 1906; reprinted, New York: Russell
& Russell, 1959.
- Bodéüs, Richard, The Political Dimensions of
Aristotle’s Ethics, Albany: SUNY Press, 1993. (Scholar)
- Brill, Sara, Aristotle on the Concept of the Shared Life,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Hansen, Mogens Herman, Reflections on Aristotle’s
Politics, Copenhagen: Tusculaneum Press, 2013. (Scholar)
- Keyt, David, Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and
Political Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters,
- Kontos, Pavlos, Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason:
Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils, Abingdon, New York:
Routledge, 2021.
- Kraut, Richard, Aristotle: Political Philosophy, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Miller, Fred D., Jr., Nature, Justice, and Rights in
Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. (Scholar)
- Mulgan, Richard G., Aristotle’s Political Theory, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1977. (Scholar)
- Newman, W. L., The Politics of Aristotle, 4 vols. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1887–1902; reprinted Salem, NH: Ayer,
1985. (Scholar)
- Nichols, Mary, Citizens and Statesmen: A Study of Aristotle’s
Politics, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1992. (Scholar)
- Pangle, Lorraine Smith, Reason and Character: The Moral
Foundations of Aristotelian Political Philosophy, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2020.
- Pellegrin, Pierre, Endangered Excellent: On the Political
Philosophy of Aristotle, translated by Anthony Preus, Albany, NY:
SUNY Press, 2020.
- Riesbeck, David J., Aristotle on Political Community,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Roberts, Jean, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and
the Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2009.
- Schütrumpf, Eckart, Aristoteles: Politik, 4 vols.
Berlin and Darmstadt: Akademie Verlag, 1999–2005.
- Simpson, Peter, A Philosophical Commentary on the Politics of
Aristotle, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
- Strauss, Leo, “On Aristotle’s Politics,” in The
City and Man, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964, pp.
13–49. (Scholar)
- Susemihl, Franz, and R. D. Hicks, The Politics of
Aristotle, London: Macmillan, 1894. [Includes books
I–III and VII–VIII renumbered as IV–V.]
- Trott, Adriel M., Aristotle on the Nature of Community,
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Veogelin, Eric, Order and History (Vol. III:
Plato and Aristotle), Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State
University Press, 1977.
- Yack, Bernard, The Problems of a Political Animal: Community,
Justice, and Conflict in Aristotelian Political Thought,
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.
E. Studies of Particular Topics
1. Biographical and Textual Studies
- Barker, Ernest, “The Life of Aristotle and the Composition and Structure of the Politics,” Classical Review, 45 (1931), 162–72. (Scholar)
- Jaeger, Werner, Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His
Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1948.
- Kelsen, Hans, “Aristotle and the Hellenic-Macedonian
Policy,” in Jonathan Barnes et al. (eds.), Articles on
Aristotle (Volume 2: Ethics and Politics), London: Duckworth,
1977, pp. 170–94. (Scholar)
- Lord, Carnes, “The Character and Composition of Aristotle’s
Politics,” Political Theory, 9 (1981),
459–78. (Scholar)
2. Methodology and Foundations of Aristotle’s Political Theory
- Adkins, A. W. H., “The Connection between Aristotle’s
Ethics and Politics,” in David Keyt and Fred
D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics,
Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp. 75–93. (Scholar)
- Cherry, Kevin M., Plato, Aristotle and the Purpose of
Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- Depew, David J., “The Ethics of Aristotle’s
Politics,” in Ryan K. Balot (ed.), A Companion to
Greek and Roman Political Thought, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,
pp. 399–418. (Scholar)
- Frank Jill, “On Logos and Politics in
Aristotle,” in Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras (eds.),
Aristotle’s Politics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2015, pp. 9–26. (Scholar)
- Frede, Dorothea, “The Political Character of Aristotle’s
Ethics,” in Marguerite Deslauriers and Pierre Destrée
(eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 14–37. (Scholar)
- Gerson, Lloyd, “On the Scientific Character of
Aristotle’s Politics,” in K. I. Boudouris, K. I. (ed.),
Aristotelian Political Philosophy, Athens: Kardamitsa
Publishing Co., 1995, vol. I, pp. 35–50. (Scholar)
- Irwin, Terence H., “Moral Science and Political Theory in Aristotle,” History of Political Thought, 6 (1985), pp. 150–68. (Scholar)
- Kahn, Charles H., “The Normative Structure of Aristotle’s
Politics,” in Günther Patzig (ed.)
Aristoteles’ ‘Politik’, Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990, pp. 369–84. (Scholar)
- Kamtekar, Rachana, “The Relationship between
Aristotle’s Ethical and Political Discourses (NE X
9),” in Ronald Polansky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2014, pp. 370–82. (Scholar)
- Keyt, David, “Aristotle’s Political Philosophy,” in
David Keyt, Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and
Political Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters,
2017, 165–95. (Scholar)
- Lockwood, Thornton, “Politics II: Political
Critique, Political Theorizing, Political Innovation,” in
Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras (eds.), Aristotle’s
Politics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2015, pp. 64–83. (Scholar)
- Miller, Fred D., Jr., “The Unity of Aristotle’s
Ethics and Politics,” in David Konstan and David Sider (eds.),
Philoderma: Essays in Greek and Roman Philosophy in Honor of
Phillip Mitsis (Siracusa: Parnassos Press, 2022), pp.
215–43. (Scholar)
- Ober, Joshua, “Aristotle’s Political Sociology: Class,
Status, and Order in the Politics,” in Carnes Lord and
David O’Connor (eds.), Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian
Political Science, Berkeley: University of California Press,
1991. (Scholar)
- Pellegrin, Pierre, “On the ‘Platonic’ Part of
Aristotle’s Politics,” in William Wians (ed.)
Aristotle’s Philosophical Development, Lanham, MD: Rowman
& Littlefield, 1996, pp. 347–59. (Scholar)
- –––, “Is Politics a Natural
Science?” in Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras (eds.),
Aristotle’s Politics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2015, pp. 27–45. (Scholar)
- –––, “Aristotle’s
Politics,” in Christopher Shields (ed.), The Oxford
Handbook of Aristotle, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp.
558–85. (Scholar)
- Peonids, F., “The Relation between the Nicomachean
Ethics and the Politics Revisited,” History of
Political Thought 22 (2001): 1–12. (Scholar)
- Rowe, Christopher J., “Aims and Methods in Aristotle’s
Politics,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr.
(eds.), A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford:
Blackwell, 1991, pp. 57–74. (Scholar)
- Salkever, Stephen G., “Aristotle’s Social Science,”
Political Theory, 9 (1981), pp. 479–508; reprinted in
Richard Kraut and Steven Skultety (eds.), Aristotle’s Politics:
Critical Essays, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005, pp.
27–64. (Scholar)
- –––, Finding the Mean: Theory and Practice
in Aristotelian Political Philosophy, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1990.
- Santas, Gerasimos X.,“The Relation between Aristotle’s
Ethics and Politics,” in K. I. Boudouris, K. I. (ed.),
Aristotelian Political Philosophy, Athens: Kardamitsa
Publishing Co., 1995, vol. I, pp. 160–76. (Scholar)
- Smith, Nicholas D. and Robert Mayhew, “Aristotle on What the
Political Scientist Needs to Know,” in K. I. Boudouris (ed.)
Aristotelian Political Philosophy, Athens: International
Center for Greek Philosophy and Culture, 1995, vol. I, pp.
189–98. (Scholar)
- Vander Waerdt, Paul A., “The Political Intention of
Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy,” Ancient Philosophy
5 (1985), 77–89. (Scholar)
- –––, “The Plan and Intention of
Aristotle’s Ethical and Political Writings,” Illinois
Classical Studies 16 (1991), 231–53. (Scholar)
3. Political Naturalism
- Ambler, Wayne, “Aristotle’s Understanding of the Naturalness
of the City,” Review of Politics, 47 (1985),
163–85. (Scholar)
- Annas, Julia, “Aristotle on Human Nature and Political Virtue,” The Review of Metaphysics, 49 (1996), 731–54. (Scholar)
- Berryman, Sylvia, Aristotle on the Sources of the Ethical
Life, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2919, esp. Ch. 3
“Naturalism in Aristotle’s Politics.”
- Chan, Joseph, “Does Aristotle’s Political Theory Rest on a
Blunder?” History of Political Thought, 13 (1992),
189–202. (Scholar)
- Chappell, Timothy, “‘Naturalism’ in Aristotle’s
Political Philosophy,” in Ryan K. Balot (ed.), A Companion
to Greek and Roman Political Thought, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell,
2009, pp. 382–98. (Scholar)
- Cherry, K. and E. A. Goerner, “Does Aristotle’s Polis Exist
‘By Nature’?” History of Political Thought,
27 (2006), 563–85. (Scholar)
- Cooper, John M., “Political Animals and Civic
Friendship,” in Günther Patzig (ed.), Aristoteles’
‘Politik’, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 1990, pp. 220–41; reprinted in Richard Kraut and
Steven Skultety (eds.), Aristotle’s Politics: Critical
Essays, Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005, pp.
65–89. (Scholar)
- DePew, David J., “Humans and Other Political Animals in
Aristotle’s Historia Animalium,” Phronesis, 40
(1995), 156–76. (Scholar)
- –––, “Political Animals and the Genealogy
of the Polis: Aristotle’s Politics and
Plato’s Statesman,” in Geert Keil and Nora Kreft
(eds.), Aristotle’s Anthropology, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2019, pp. 238–57. (Scholar)
- Everson, Stephen, “Aristotle on the Foundations of the
State,” Political Studies, 36 (1988),
89–101. (Scholar)
- Karbowski, Joseph, “Political Animals and Human Nature in
Aristotle’s Politics,” in Geert Keil and Nora
Kreft (eds.), Aristotle’s Anthropology, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 221–37. (Scholar)
- Keyt, David, “The Meaning of BIOS in Aristotle’s
Ethics and Politics,” Ancient
Philosophy , 9 (1989), 15–21; reprinted in David Keyt,
Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and Political
Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters, 2017,
101–9. (Scholar)
- –––, “Three Basic Theorems in Aristotle’s
Politics,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr.
(eds.), A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford:
Blackwell, 1991, pp. 118–41; reprinted in David Keyt,
Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and Political
Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters, 2017,
111–38. (Scholar)
- Kullmann, Wolfgang, “Man as a Political Animal in
Aristotle,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), A
Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp.
94–117. (Scholar)
- Lloyd, Geoffrey, “Aristotle on the Natural Sociability,
Skills and Intelligence of Animals,” in Verity Harte and Melissa
Lane (eds.), Politeia in Greek and Roman Philosophy,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 277–94. (Scholar)
- Miller, Fred D., Jr., “Aristotle: Naturalism,” in Christopher J. Rowe and Malcolm Schofield (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 321–43. (Scholar)
- Mulgan, Richard, “Aristotle’s Doctrine that Man is a
Political Animal,” Hermes, 102 (1974),
438–45. (Scholar)
- Reeve, C. D. C., “The Naturalness of the Polis in Aristotle,” in Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 512–25. (Scholar)
- Roberts, Jean, “Political Animals in the Nicomachean Ethics,” Phronesis, 34 (1989), 185–202. (Scholar)
4. Household: Women, Children, and Slaves
- Booth, William James, “Politics and the Household: A
Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics Book One,”
History of Political Thought, 2 (1981), 203–26. (Scholar)
- Brunt, P. A., “Aristotle and Slavery,” in Studies
in Greek History and Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1993, pp. 434–88. (Scholar)
- Chambliss, J. J., “Aristotle’s Conception of Children and
the Poliscraft,” Educational Studies, 13 (1982),
33–43. (Scholar)
- Cole, Eve Browning, “Women, Slaves, and ‘Love of
Toil’ in Aristotle’s Moral Psychology,” in Bat-Ami Bar On
(ed.), Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato
and Aristotle, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, pp. 127–44. (Scholar)
- Deslauriers, Marguerite, “The Virtues of Women and
Slaves,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 25
(2003), 213–31. (Scholar)
- –––, “Political Rule Over Women in
Politics,” in Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras
(eds.), Aristotle’s Politics: A Critical Guide, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 46–63. (Scholar)
- Fortenbaugh, W. W., “Aristotle on Slaves and Women,”
in Jonathan Barnes et al. (eds.), Articles on Aristotle, vol.
2, Ethics and Politics. London: Duckworth, 1977, pp. 135–9. (Scholar)
- Frank, Jill, “Citizens, Slaves, and Foreigners: Aristotle on
Human Nature,” American Political Science Review, 98
(2004), 91–104. (Scholar)
- Freeland, Cynthia, Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle,
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998.
- Garnsey, Peter, Ideas of Slavery from Aristotle to
Augustine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
- Lindsay, Thomas K., “Was Aristotle Racist, Sexist, and
Anti-Democratic?: A Review Essay,” Review of Politics
56 (1994), 127–51. (Scholar)
- Lockwood, Thornton, “Justice in Aristotle’s Household and
City,” Polis, 20 (2003), 1–21. (Scholar)
- –––, “Is Natural Slavery Beneficial?” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 45 (2007), 207–21. (Scholar)
- Mayhew, Robert, The Female in Aristotle’s Biology: Reason or
Rationalization, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. (Scholar)
- Modrak, Deborah, “Aristotle: Women, Deliberation, and Nature,” in Bat-Ami Bar On (ed.), Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and Aristotle, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, pp. 207–21. (Scholar)
- Mulgan, Robert G., “Aristotle and the Political Role of Women,” History of Political Thought, 15 (1994), 179–202. (Scholar)
- Nagle, D. Brendan, The Household as the Foundation of
Aristotle’s Polis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2006. (Scholar)
- Pellegrin, Pierre, “Natural Slavery,” in Marguerite
Deslauriers and Pierre Destrée (eds.), The Cambridge
Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2013, pp. 92–116. (Scholar)
- Saxenhouse, Arlene W., “Family, Polity, and Unity: Aristotle
on Socrates’ Community of Wives,” Polity, 15 (1982),
202–19. (Scholar)
- Schofield, Malcolm, “Ideology and Philosophy in Aristotle’s
Theory of Slavery,” in Günther Patzig (ed.)
Aristoteles’ ‘Politik’, Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990, pp. 1–27; reprinted in Richard
Kraut and Steven Skultety (eds.), Aristotle’s Politics: Critical
Essays, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005, pp.
91–119. (Scholar)
- Senack, Christine M., “Aristotle on the Woman’s Soul,”
in Bat-Ami Bar On (ed.), Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist
Readings in Plato and Aristotle, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, pp.
223–36. (Scholar)
- Simpson, Peter, “Aristotle’s Criticism of Socrates’
Communism of Wives and Children,” Apeiron, 24 (1991),
99–114. (Scholar)
- Smith, Nicholas D., “Plato and Aristotle on the Nature of Women,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 21 (1983), 467–78. (Scholar)
- –––, “Aristotle’s Theory of Natural
Slavery,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), A
Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp.
142–55. (Scholar)
- Spelman, E. V., “Aristotle and the Politicization of the
Soul,” in Sandra Harding and M. B. Hintikka (eds)
Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology,
Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht:
D. Reidel, 1983, pp. 17–30. (Scholar)
- –––, “Who’s Who in the Polis,” in
Bat-Ami Bar On (ed.), Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist
Readings in Plato and Aristotle, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, pp.
99–125. (Scholar)
- Stauffer, Dana J., “Aristotle’s Account of the Subjection of
Women,” Journal of Politics, 70 (2008),
929–41. (Scholar)
5. Political Economy
- Ambler, Wayne H., “Aristotle on Acquisition,”
Canadian Journal of Political Science, 17 (1984),
487–502. (Scholar)
- Crespo, Ricardo F., A Re-assessment of
Aristotle’s Economic Thought. London: Routledge,
2014. (Scholar)
- Dobbs, Darrell, “Aristotle’s Anticommunism,”
American Journal of Political Science, 29 (1985),
29–46. (Scholar)
- Finley, M. I., “Aristotle and Economic Analysis,” in Jonathan Barnes et al. (eds.), Articles on Aristotle, vol. 2, Ethics and Politics. London: Duckworth, 1977, pp. 140–58. (Scholar)
- Gallagher, Robert L., Aristotle’s Critique of Political
Economy with a Contemporary Application. London: Routledge,
2018. (Scholar)
- Hadreas, Peter, “Aristotle on the Vices and Virtue of Wealth,” Journal of Business Ethics, 39 (2002), 361–76. (Scholar)
- Hartman, Edwin M., “Virtue, Profit, and the Separation Thesis: An Aristotelian View,” Journal of Business Ethics ,99 (2011), 5–17. (Scholar)
- –––, Virtue in Business: Conversations with
Aristotle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Inamura, Kazutaka, “The Role of Reciprocity in Aristotle’s
Theory of Political Economy,” History of Political
Thought, 32 (2011), 565–87. (Scholar)
- Irwin, Terence H., “Aristotle’s Defense of Private Property,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.). A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp. 200–25. (Scholar)
- Judson, Lindsay, “Aristotle on Fair Exchange,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 15 (1997), 147–75. (Scholar)
- Keyt, David, “Aristotle and the Joy of Working,” in
David Keyt, Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and
Political Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters,
2017, pp. 223–39. (Scholar)
- Mathie, William,“Property in the Political Science of
Aristotle,” in Anthony Parel & Thomas Flanagan(eds.),
Theories of Property: Aristotle to the Present. Waterloo,
Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979, pp. 12–35. (Scholar)
- Mayhew, Robert, “Aristotle on Property,” The Review of Metaphysics, 46 (1993), 802–31. (Scholar)
- McNeill, D., “Alternative Interpretations of Aristotle on Exchange and Reciprocity,” Public Affairs Quarterly, 4 (1990), 55–68. (Scholar)
- Mei, Todd S., “The Preeminence of Use: Reevaluating the
Relation between Use and Exchange in Aristotle’s Economic
Thought,” American Journal of the History of Philosophy
47 (2009), 523–48. (Scholar)
- Meikle, Scott, “Aristotle on Money” Phronesis 39 (1994), 26–44. (Scholar)
- –––, Aristotle’s Economic Thought,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. (Scholar)
- Miller, Fred D. Jr., “Property Rights in Aristotle,”
in Richard Kraut and Steven Skultety (eds.), Aristotle’s Politics:
Critical Essays, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005, pp.
121–44. (Scholar)
- –––, “Was Aristotle the First Economist?” Apeiron, 31 (1998), 387–98. (Scholar)
- –––, “Aristotle and Business: Friend or Foe?” in Eugene Heath and Byron Kaldis (eds.), Wealth, Commerce and Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, pp. 31–52. (Scholar)
- Morris, Tom, If Aristotle Ran General Motors: The New Soul of
Business, New York: Henry Holt, 1997.
- Nielsen, Karen Margrethe, “Economy and Private
Property,” in Marguerite Deslauriers and Pierre Destrée
(eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 67–91. (Scholar)
- Solomon, Robert C., “Corporate Roles, Personal Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach to Business Ethics,” Business Ethics Quarterly, 2 (1992), 317–39. (Scholar)
- –––, “Aristotle, Ethics, and Business
Organizations,” Organization Studies, 25
(2004), 1021–43. (Scholar)
6. Political Justice and Injustice
- Brunschwig, Jacques, “The Aristotelian Theory of
Equity,” in Michael Frede and Gisela Striker (eds.),
Rationality in Greek Thought, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 115–55. (Scholar)
- Marguerite Deslauriers, “Political Unity and
Inequality,” in Marguerite Deslauriers and Pierre Destrée
(eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 117–43. (Scholar)
- Georgiadis, Constantine, “Equitable and Equity in
Aristotle,” in Spiro Panagiotou (ed.), Justice, Law and
Method in Plato and Aristotle, Edmonton: Academic Printing &
Publishing, 1987, pp. 159–72. (Scholar)
- Keyt, David, “Aristotle’s Theory of Distributive
Justice,” in David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), A
Companion to Aristotle’s Politics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp.
238–78. (Scholar)
- –––, “The Good Man and the Upright Citizen
in Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics,” in
David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr. (eds.), Freedom, Reason, and
the Polis: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 220–40. Reprinted
in David Keyt, Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and
Political Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Leuven: Peeters,
2017, 197–221. (Scholar)
- –––, “Nature and Justice,” in David Keyt,
Nature and Justice: Studies in the Ethical and Political
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