Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century" by Alan Chalmers
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Achinstein, P., 2001, The Book of Evidence, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Anstey, P., 2002, “Robert Boyle and the Heuristic Value of Mechanism”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 33: 161–74. (Scholar)
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Science, 47: 561–89. (Scholar)
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of Philosophy, 3: 174–80. (Scholar)
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- Duhem, P., 2002, Mixture and Chemical Combination and Related
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ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen”, Annalen
der Physik, 17: 549–60, translated in R. Furth (1956,
1–18). (Scholar)
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Annalen der Physik, 19: 371–81, translated in Furth (1956,
19–35). (Scholar)
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63–7). (Scholar)
- Emerton, N., 1984, The Scientific Reinterpretation of Form, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Fisher, N., 1982, “Avogadro, the Chemists, and Historians of
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- Furth, R. (ed.), 1956, Albert Einstein: Investigations on the
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- Glymour, C., 1980, “Theory and Evidence”, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Helmholtz, H., 1881, “On the Modern Development of Faraday's
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the Chemical Society, 39: 227–304. (Scholar)
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79–100. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, Experiment, Models, Paper Tools: Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century, Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Mandelbaum, M., 1964, Philosophy, Science and Sense Perception: Historical and Critical Studies, Baltimore: John Hopkins Press. (Scholar)
- Mayo, D., 1996, Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge, Chicago: Chicago University Press. (Scholar)
- Meinel, C., 1988, “Seventeenth-Century Atomism: Theory, Epistemology and the Insufficiency of Experiment”, Isis, 79: 68–103. (Scholar)
- Van Melsen, A., 1952, From Atomos to Atom, Pittsburgh; Dusquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Needham, P. 2004a, “Has Daltonian Atomism Provided Chemistry With any Explanations?”, Philosophy of Science, 71: 1038–48. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004b, “When Did Atoms Begin to Do Explanatory Work in Chemistry?” International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 18: 199–219. (Scholar)
- Newman, W., 1991, The Summa Perfectionis of Pseudo-Geber,
Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, Gehennical Fire: The Lives of
George Starkey, an American Alchemist in the Scientific
Revolution, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, “The Alchemical Sources of
Robert Boyle’s Chemistry and Corpuscular
Philosophy”, Annals of Science, 53: 567–85. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, Atoms and Alchemy, Chicago:
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- –––, 2010, “How not to Integrate the History and Philosophy of Science: A Reply to Chalmers”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 41: 203–213. (Scholar)
- Niven, W., 1965, The Scientific Papers of James Clerk
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- Nye, M., 1972, Molecular Reality: A Perspective on the
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- Nyhof, J., 1988, “Philosophical Objections to the Kinetic Theory”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 39: 81–109. (Scholar)
- Ostwald, W., 1904, “Elements and Compounds” reprinted
in C. Gibson and A. Greenaway (eds), Faraday Lectures,
1869–1928, London: The Chemical Society, 1928. (Scholar)
- Perrin, J., 1990, Atoms, Woodbridge, Ct.: Ox Bow
Press. (Scholar)
- Pyle, A., 1995, Atomism and Its Critics, Bristol: Thoemmes Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Boyle on Science and the Mechanical Philosophy: A Reply to Chalmers”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 33: 175–190. (Scholar)
- Rocke, A., 1984, “Atomism in the Nineteenth Century:
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Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “What Did Theory Mean to Nineteenth-century Chemists”, Foundations of Chemistry, 15: 145–156. (Scholar)
- Stewart, M., 1974, Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert
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- –––, 1970, Atoms and Powers: An Essay on
Newtonian Matter Theory and the Development of Chemistry,
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
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Magazine, 44: 293–316. (Scholar)
- Van Fraassen, B., “The Perils of Perrin in the Hands of Philosophers”, Philosophical Studies, 143: 5–24. (Scholar)