Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Simone de Beauvoir" by Debra Bergoffen and Megan Burke
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Works by Beauvoir
- 1927, 4e cahier, holograph manuscript, Paris:
Bibliothèque Nationale. (Scholar)
- 1928–29, Carnet 6, holograph manuscript, Paris:
Bibliothèque Nationale. (Scholar)
- 1929–31, Carnet 7, holograph manuscript, Paris:
Bibliothèque Nationale. (Scholar)
- 1943 [1954], L’Invitée, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as She Came to Stay, Yvonne Moyse and Roger
Senhouse (trans.), Cleveland, OH: World Publishing, 1954. (Scholar)
- [P&C] 1944, Pyrrhus et Cinéas: A Cette Dame,
Paris: Editions Gallimard; translated as “Pyrrhus and Cineas: A
Cette Dame”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in PhilW:
89–149. (Scholar)
- 1945a, “La Phénoménologie de la perception de
Maurice Merleau-Ponty”, Les Temps Modernes, 1(2):
363–367; translated as “A Review of The Phenomenology of
Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty”, in Marybeth Timmerman
(trans.), PhilW: 159–164. (Scholar)
- 1945b, “Idéalisme moral et réalisme
politique”, Les Temps Modernes, 1(2): 248–268.
Reprinted in ESN: 49–88; translated as “Moral Idealism and
Political Realism”, Anne Deing Cordero (trans.), in PhilW:
175–193. (Scholar)
- 1945c, “L’existentialisme et la sagesse des
nations”, Les Temps Modernes, 1(3): 385–404.
Reprinted in ESN: 13–48; translated as “Existentialism and
Popular Wisdom”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.) in PhilW:
- 1945d, untitled and undated manuscript. Probably original of
“Jean Paul Sartre: Strictly Personal”, Malcolm Cowley
(trans.), Harper’s Bazaar, January 1946, pp. 113, 158,
160; translated as “Jean-Paul Sartre”, Marybeth Timmerman
(trans.) in PhilW: 229–235. (Scholar)
- 1945e, Le Sang des autres, Paris: Gallimard; translated
as The Blood of Others, Yvonne Moyse and Roger Senhouse
(trans.), New York: Knopf, 1948; translation reprinted New York:
Pantheon Books, 1983. (Scholar)
- 1945f, Les Bouches inutiles, Paris: Gallimard; translated
as The Useless Mouths, Liz Stanley and Catherine Naji
(trans.), in LitW: 33–88.
- 1945g, “Quatre jours à Madrid”, Combat,
14–15 April, p. 1–2; translated as “Four Days in
Madrid”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in PolW: 16–21. (Scholar)
- 1946a, “Œil pour œil”, Les Temps
Modernes, 1(5): 813–830; reprinted in ESN: 109–143;
translated as “An Eye for an Eye”, Kristana Arp (trans.),
PhilW: 245–260. (Scholar)
- 1946b, “Littérature et métaphysique”,
Les Temps Modernes, 1(7):1153–1163; reprinted in ESN:
89–107; translated as “Literature and Metaphysics”,
Véronique Zaytzeff and Frederick M. Morrison (trans.) in PhilW:
269–277. (Scholar)
- 1946c [1955], Tous les homes sont mortels, Paris:
Gallimard; translated as All Men Are Mortal, Leonard M.
Friedman (trans.), Cleveland, OH: World Publishing, 1955.
- 1947a, “An Existentialist Looks at Americans”, New
York Times Magazine, 25 May, pp. 13, 51, 52. Reprinted in PhilW:
307–315. (Scholar)
- 1947b, “Qu’est-ce que l’existentialisme?”,
France-Amérique, 29 June 29, pp. 1, 5; translated as ,
“What is Existentialism?”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.),
PhilW: 323–326.
- 1947c [1976], Pour une morale de
l’ambigüité, Paris: Gallimard; translated as
The Ethics of Ambiguity, Bernard Frechtman (trans.), New
York: Citadel Press, 1976.
- 1947d, “Femininity, the trap”, Vogue, 15 March, pp.
171, 232, 234, translator unknown. Reprinted with some modifications
as “Femininity: The Trap”, in FemW: 42–47. (Scholar)
- 1948, L’Amerique au jour le jour, Paris: Editions
Paul Marihein; translated as America Day by Day, P. Dudley
[pseud.] (trans.), London: Duckworth, 1952. (Scholar)
- [ESN] 1948, L’Existentialisme et la sagesse des nations,
Paris: Nagel. A collection of some of her essays. (Scholar)
- [SS] 1949, Le Deuxième sexe, Paris: Editions
- 1953, The Second Sex, H. M. Pashley (trans.), New York:
Knopf. (Scholar)
- 2010, The Second Sex, C. Borde and S. Malovany-Chevallier
(trans.), New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
- 1949, Review in Les Temps Modernes, 7(49): 943–949;
translated as “A Review of The Elementary Structures of Kinship
by Claude Lévi-Strauss”, Véronique Zaytzeff and
Frederick Morrison (trans.), in FemW: 58–66. (Scholar)
- 1950, “It’s About Time Women Put a New Face on
Love”, Flair, 1, 3, April, 76–77, translator
unknown. Reprinted with some modifications in FemW: 76–80 (Scholar)
- 1951–52, “Faut-il brûler Sade?” (Must We
Burn Sade?),
- 1951, part 1, Les Temps modernes, 74:
1002–1033. (Scholar)
- 1952, part 2, Les Temps modernes, 75:
- 1953, English translation, A. Michelson (trans.), London: Peter
- 2012, English translation, Kim Allen Gleed, Marilyn Gladdis Rose,
and Virginia Preston (trans.), PolW: 44–101.
- 1954 [1956], Les Mandarins, Paris: Gallimard; translated
as The Mandarins, Leonard M. Friedman (trans.), Cleveland:
World , 1956.
- 1955a, “Merleau-Ponty et le pseudo-sartrisme”, Les
Temps modernes, 10: 2072–2122; translated in 1989 as
“Merleau-Ponty and Pseudo-Sartreanism”, Véronique
Zaytzeff and Frederick M. Morrison (trans.), International Studies in
Philosophy, 21(3): 3–48; translation reprinted in in PolW:
206–257. (Scholar)
- 1955b, Privilèges, Paris: Gallimard.
- 1955c, “La pensée de droite,
aujourd’hui”, Les Temps Modernes, 112–13,
(May 1955): 1539–1575; 114–15 (June-July 1955):
2219–2261. Reprinted in Privilèges: 93–200;
translated as “Right Wing Thought Today”, Véronique
Zaytzeff and Frederick M. Morrison (trans.), in PolW:
- 1957 [1958], La Longue marche, essai sur la Chine, Paris:
Gallimard; translated as The Long March, Austryn Wainhouse
(trans.), Cleveland, OH: World Publishing, 1958.
- 1958 [1959], Mémoires d’une jeune fille
rangée, Paris: Gallimard; translated as Memoirs of a
Dutiful Daughter, James Kirkup (trans.), Cleveland, OH: World
- 1959a, “Préface” to Le “planning”
familial, Lagroua Weill-Hallé, Paris: Maloine; translated as
“Preface to Family Planning”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.),
in FemW: 81–83. (Scholar)
- 1959b, “Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome”,
Bernard Frechtman (trans.), Esquire, August 1959. Reprinted
with some modifications in FemW: 114–125. A French back
translation appeared in Écrits, Claude Rancis and
Fernande Gontier (eds.), 363–376. (Scholar)
- 1960a, “Préface” to La grand’peur
d’aimer, Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé, Paris:
Éditions Julliard-Sequana; translated as “Preface to The
Great Fear Of Loving”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
84–87. (Scholar)
- 1960b [1962], La Force de l’âge, Paris:
Gallimard; translated as The Prime of Life: The Autobiography of
Simone de Beauvoir, Peter Green (trans.), Cleveland, OH: World
Publishing, 1962.
- 1961, “La condition féminine”, La NEF
(La nouvelle équipe française) 5(January–March):
121–127. Reprinted in Écrits: 401–409; translated
as “The Condition Of Women”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.)
in FemW: 88–96 (Scholar)
- 1962, “Preface”, in Djamila Boupacha, Simone de
Beauvoir and Gisile Halimi, Paris: Gallimard; translated as
“Preface”, in Djamila Boupacha: The Story of the
Torture of a Young Algerian Girl Which Shocked Liberal French
Opinion, Patrick Green (trans.), London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1962. Retranslated as “Preface to Djamillia Boupacha”,
Marybeth Timmerman (trans.) in PolW: 272–282. (Scholar)
- 1963 [1965], La Force des choses, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as After the War: Force of Circumstance I and
Hard Times: Force of Circumstance II, Richard Howard
(trans.), New York: Putnam, 1965.
- 1964a, “Preface”, in La Bâtarde, by Violette
Leduc, Paris: Gallimard; translated as “Foreword” in La
Bâtarde [The Bastard], Derek Coleman (trans.), New York:
Riverhead Books, 1965. (Scholar)
- 1964b, Une Mort très douce, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as A Very Easy Death, Patrick O’Brian
(trans.), New York: Putnam, 1966. (Scholar)
- 1964c, “Préface”, translator unknown, to
The Sexually Responsive Woman, by Phyllis and Eberhard
Kronhausen, New York: Grove Press. Reprinted in FemW:
97–98. (Scholar)
- 1965a, “Que peut la littérature?”, Le Monde,
249: 73–92. (Scholar)
- 1965b, “What Love Is—and Isn’t”,
McCall’s, translator unknown, August, pp. 71, 133. Reprinted in
FemW: 99–102.
- 1966, “Préface” to Treblinka, by
Jean-François Steiner, Paris: Fayard; translated as
“Preface to Treblinka”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in
PolW: 305–310. (Scholar)
- 1966a, Les Belles images, Paris: Gallimard; translated as
Les belles images, Patrick O’Brian (trans.), New York:
Putnam, 1968. (Scholar)
- 1966b, “Situation de la femme
d’aujourd’hui”, lecture 20 September 1966 in Tokyo.
Printed in Écrits: 422–439; translated as “The
Situation Of Women Today”, Debbie Mann (trans.), in FemW:
- 1966c, “La femme et la creation”, lecture 22 September
1966 in Japan. Printed in Écrits: 458–474;
translated as “Women and Creativity”, Marybeth Timmerman
(trans.), in FemW: 155–169. (Scholar)
- 1967 [1969], La Femme rompue, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as The Woman Destroyed, Patrick O’Brian
(trans.), New York: Putnam, 1969. (Scholar)
- 1969, “Amour et politique”, Le nouvel
observateur, 222, February 10–16; translated as “Love
and Politics”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
103–105. (Scholar)
- 1970 [1972], La Vieillesse, Paris: Gallimard; translated
by Patrick O’Brian and printed in the United States as The
Coming of Age, (trans.), New York: Putnam, 1972, and in the
United Kingdom as Old Age, London: André Deutsch,
1972. (Scholar)
- 1971, “En France aujourd’hui on peut tuer
impunément”, J’accuse, 2(February 15):
475–481; in Écrits: 475–481; translated as
“In France Today Killing Goes Unpunished”, Marybeth
Timmerman (trans.), in PolW: 287–292.
- 1972a [1974], Tout compte fait, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as All Said and Done, Patrick O’Brian
(trans.), New York: Putnam, 1974. (Scholar)
- 1972b, “La Femme révoltée”, an interview
by Alice Schwartzer, Le nouvel observateur, 14 February 1972,
47–54. Reprinted in Écrits: 482–497; translated as
“The Rebellious Woman—An Interview by Alice
Schwartzer”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
192–208 (Scholar)
- 1972c, “Réponse à quelques femmes et à
un homme”, Le nouvel observateur, 6 March 1972,
40–42. Reprinted in Écrits: 498–504; translated as
“Response to Some Women and a Man”, Marybeth Timmerman
(trans.), in FemW: 209:–215. (Scholar)
- 1972d, “L’avortement des pauvres”, Le nouvel
observateur, 414, October 16–22, 57; translated as
“Abortion and the Poor”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in
FemW: 216–218.
- 1972e, “Déposition de Simone de Beauvoir au
procès de Bobigny”, printed in Écrits:
510–513; translated as “Beauvoir’s Deposition at the
Bobigny Trial”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
- 1973a, “La Syrie et les prisonniers”, Le
monde (December 18). Reprinted in Écrits 254–255;
translated as “Syria and Its Prisoners”, Marybeth
Timmerman (trans.), in PolW: 311–313. (Scholar)
- 1973b, “Préface” to Avortement: une loi en
procès. L’affaire de Bobigny. Sténotypie
intégrale des débats du tribunal de Bobigny, 8 novembre
1972 by the Association Choisir (To Choose Association), Paris:
Gallimard. Reprinted in Écrits: 505–509;
translated as “Preface to Abortion: A Law On Trial The Bobigny
Affair”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
223–227. (Scholar)
- 1973c, “Everyday Sexism”, Les Temps Modernes,
329, December. Reprinted in Écrits: 514; translated as
“Everyday Sexism”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
240–241. (Scholar)
- 1974a, Promenade au pays de la vieillesse, film by
Marianne Ahrne, Simone de Beauvoir, Pépo Angel, and Bertrand
Hurault, directed by Marianne Ahrne, Stockholm, Sweden, for Swedish
Television; transcription done by Justine Sarrot and Oliver Davis;
translated as “A Walk Through the Land of Old Age”,
Alexander Hertich (trans.), in PolW: 339–363. (Scholar)
- 1974b, “Presidée par Simone de Beauvoir, ‘La
ligue du droit des femmes’ veut abolir la prostitution”,
Le monde, 8 March 1974, 36; translated as “League of
Women’s Rights Manifesto”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in
FemW: 242–245. (Scholar)
- 1974c, “Préface” to Divorce en France,
by Claire Cayron, Paris: Denoël-Gonthier. Reprinted in
Écrits: 515–518; translated as “Preface to Divorce
In France”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
246–249. (Scholar)
- 1974d, “Présentation” to Les femmes
s’entêtent, special issue of Les Temps Modernes,
April–May, 1719–1720. Printed in Écrits:
519–521; translated as “Introduction to Women
Insist”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
250–252. (Scholar)
- 1975, “Solidaire d’Israël: un soutien
critique”, Les Cahiers Bernard Lazare, 51(June 1975).
Reprinted in Écrits 522–532; translated as
“Solidarity With Israel”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in
PolW: 314–323. (Scholar)
- 1976a, “Préface” to Regards
féminins, by Anne Ophir, Collection Femmes, Paris:
Denoël-Gonthier. Reprinted in Écrits: 577–579;
translated as “Preface to Through Womens’ Eyes”,
Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW: 253–255. (Scholar)
- 1976b, “Quand toutes les femmes du monde…”,
Le nouvel observateur, 1 March 1976, 52. Reprinted in
Écrits: 566–567; translated as “When All The Women
Of The World…”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in
FemW: 256–257. (Scholar)
- 1976c, “Mon point de vue, par Simone de Beauvoir: une
affaire scandaleuse”, Marie Claire 286, June, 6;
translated as “My Point of View: An Outrageous Affair”,
Debbie Mann and Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
258–259. (Scholar)
- 1977a, “Préface”, to Histoires du MLF,
by Annie de Pisan and Anne Tristan, Paris: Calmann-Lévy,
7–12; translated as “Preface to Stories from the French
Women’s Liberation Movement”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.),
in FemW: 260–264. (Scholar)
- 1977b, “Foreword” to History: A Novel,
English translation of La Storia: Romanzo, by Elsa Morante, Franklin
Center, PA: The Franklin Library, only a shortened version appeared
here. Full version printed in Écrits: 580–582.
Retranslated as “Foreword to History: A Novel”, Marybeth
Timmerman (trans.), in FemW: 176–178. (Scholar)
- 1979a [1982], Quand prime le spirituel, Paris: Gallimard;
translated as When Things of The Spirit Come First: Five Early
Tales, Patrick O’Brian (trans.), New York: Pantheon Books,
1982. (Scholar)
- 1979b, “Mon expérience d’écrivain
(September 1966)”, in Écrits: 439–457. (Scholar)
- 1979c, “De l’urgence d’une loi
antisexiste”, Le monde, 18–19 March, 1; translated as
“The Urgency of an Anti-Sexist Law”, Marybeth Timmerman
(trans.), in FemW: 265–267.
- 1979d, “Discours d’introduction”, given at a
press conference of the International Committee for Women’s
Rights, 15 March; translated as “Press Conference Of The
International Committee For Women’s Rights”, Marybeth
Timmerman (trans.), in FemW: 268–269.
- 1979e, Les Écrits de Simone de Beauvoir, Claude
Francis and Fernande Gontier, Paris: Gallimard.
- 1981a [1984], La Cérémonie des adieux, suivi de
Entretiens avec Jean-Paul Sartre, Août-Septembre 1974,
Paris: Gallimard; translated as Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre,
Patrick O’Brian (trans.), New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. (Scholar)
- 1981b, “Foreword” to Chroniques d’une
imposture: du mouvement de libération des femmes à une
marque commerciale, Paris: l’Association Mouvement pour les
Luttes Féministes; translated as “Forward to Deception
Chronicles: From the Women’s Liberation Movement to a Commercial
Trademark”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
270–272. (Scholar)
- 1983, “La femme, la pub et la haine”, Le
monde, Wednesday, 4 May, 1, 10; translated as “Women, Ads,
and Hate”, Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in FemW:
273–276. (Scholar)
- 1985, “Préface”, in Shoah, Claude
Lanzmann, Paris: Fayard; translated as “Preface to Shoah”,
Marybeth Timmerman (trans.), in PolW: 324–328. (Scholar)
- 1986, “Préface”, to Mihloud,
anonymous, for the French publication, Aix-en-Provence: Alinea;
translated as “Preface to Mihloud”, Lillian S. Robinson
(trans.), in FemW: 282–285. (Scholar)
- 1990, Lettres à Sartre, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir
(ed.), Paris: Gallimard; translated as Letters to Sartre,
Quintin Hoare (trans.), New York: Arcade, 1991.
- 1998, A Transatlantic Love Affair: Letters to Nelson
Algren, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir (ed.), New York: The New Press.
Letters written in English.
- [PhilW] 2004, Philosophical Writings, Margaret A. Simons
(ed.) with Marybeth Timmerman, and Mary Beth Mader (eds.), (The
Beauvoir Series), Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. (Scholar)
- 2006, Diary of a Philosophy Student: Volume 1,
1926–27, Barbara Klaw, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, and
Margaret A. Simons (eds.), (The Beauvoir Series), Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, (Scholar)
- 2009, Wartime Diary, Anne Deing Cordero (trans.), Sylvie
Le Bon de Beauvoir, and Margaret Simons (eds.), (The Beauvoir Series),
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
- [LitW] 2011, “The Useless Mouths” and Other Literary
Writings, Margaret A. Simons, and Marybeth Timmerman (eds.), (The
Beauvoir Series), Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. (Scholar)
- [PolW] 2012, Political Writings, Margaret A. Simons,
Marybeth Timmerman, and Mary Beth Mader (eds.), (The Beauvoir Series),
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. (Scholar)
- [FemW] 2015, Feminist Writings, M.A. Simons and M.B.
Timmerman (eds.), Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. (Scholar)
- 2019, Diary of a Philosophy Student: Volume 2,
1926–27, Barbara Klaw, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, and
Margaret A. Simons (eds.), (The Beauvoir Series), Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press. (Scholar)
- 2020, Les Inseparables, Paris: L’Herne; translated
as Inseparable, Sandra Smith (trans.), New York: Harper
Collins, 2021. (Scholar)
Secondary Literature
- Alfonso, R. Rita, 2005, “Transatlantic Perspectives of Race: Beauvoir’s Phenomenology of ‘Race’ in America Day by Day”, Philosophy Today, 49(Supplement): 89–99. doi:10.5840/philtoday200549supplement11 (Scholar)
- Altman, Meryl, 2007, “Beauvoir, Hegel, War”,
Hypatia, 22(3): 66–91.
doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.2007.tb01091.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, Beauvoir in Time, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004431218 (Scholar)
- Anderson, Ellie, 2021, “Phenomenology and the Ethics of Love”, Symposium, 25(1): 83–109. (Scholar)
- Antonopoulos, A. Alexander, 2017, “Who is the Subject of
The Second Sex? Life, Science, and Transmasculine Embodiment
in Beauvoir’s Chapter on Biology”, in A Companion to
Simone de Beauvoir, Laura Hengehold and Nancy Bauer (eds.), New
York: Wiley, 463–477. (Scholar)
- Arp, Kristana, 2001, The Bonds of Freedom: Simone de
Beauvoir’s Existentialist Ethics, Chicago: Open Court. (Scholar)
- Bair, Deidre, 1990, Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography, New
York: Summit Books. (Scholar)
- Bartky, Sandra Lee, 1990, Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression, New York and London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Bauer, Nancy, 2001, Simone de Beauvoir, Philosophy, and Feminism, New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Beauvoir on the Allure of
Self-Objectification”, in Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations
in the Ontology of Sex, Gender, and the Self, Charlotte Witt
(ed.), New York and London: Spring. 117–130. (Scholar)
- Belle, Kathryn Sophia (formerly Kathryn T. Gines), 2010,
“Sartre, Beauvoir, and the Race/GenderAnalogy: A Case for Black
Feminist Philosophy”, in Convergences: Black Feminism and
Continental Philosophy, Donna-Dale L. Marcano, Kathryn T. Gines
(now Belle) and Maria del Guadalupe (eds.), Albany: SUNY Press.
35–51. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Comparative and Competing
Frameworks of Oppression in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second
Sex”, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal,
35(1–2): 251–273. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Simone de Beauvoir and the
Race/Gender Analogy in The Second Sex Revisited”, in
A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir, Laura Hengehold and Nancy
Bauer (eds.), New York: Wiley. 47–58. (Scholar)
- Bergoffen, Debra B., 1997, The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “Simone de Beauvoir: Disrupting the Metonymy of Gender”, in Resistance Flight Creation: Feminist Enactments of French Philosophy, Dorothea Olkowski (ed.), Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 97–112. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Menage à Trois: Freud, Beauvoir and the Marquis de Sade”, Continental Philosophy Review, 34(2): 151–163. doi:10.1023/a:1017925122900 (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre: Woman, Man, and the Desire to Be God”, Constellations, 9(3): 409–418. doi:10.1111/1467-8675.00290 (Scholar)
- –––, 2012a, “Introduction”, in PolW,
Margaret A. Simons, Marybeth Timmerman, and Mary Beth Mader (eds.),
39–43. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012b, “Simone de Beauvoir in Her
Times and Ours: The Second Sex and Its Legacy in French
Feminist Thought”, in Situating Existentialism: Key Texts in
Context, Jonathan Judaken and Robert Bernasconi (eds.), New York:
Columbia University Press, 360–385. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Why Rape? Lessons from The Second Sex”, in A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir, Laura Hengehold and Nancy Bauer (eds.), New York: Wiley, 311–324. (Scholar)
- Bernasconi, Robert, 2019, “Richard Wright as Educator: The
Progressive Structure of Simone de Beauvoir’s Account of Racial
Hatred in the United States”, Yale French Studies,
135(6): 151–168. (Scholar)
- Berruz, Stephanie Rivera, 2016, “At the Crossroads: Latina
Identity and Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second
Sex”, Hypatia, 31(2): 319–333.
doi:10.1111/hypa.12226 (Scholar)
- Braddock, Matthew, 2007, “A Critique of Simone de Beauvoir’s Existential Ethics”, Philosophy Today, 51(3): 303–311. doi:10.5840/philtoday200751336 (Scholar)
- Brosman, Catharine Savage, 1991, Simone de Beauvoir
Revisited, Boston: Twayne Publishers. (Scholar)
- Burke, Megan, 2019, When Time Warps: Gender, Race, and Sexual
Violence, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “On Bad Faith and Authenticity: Rethinking Genderless Subjectivity”, Simone de Beauvoir Studies, 31(2): 86–104. (Scholar)
- Butler, Judith, 1986, “Sex and Gender in Simone de
Beauvoir’s The Second Sex”, Yale French
Studies, 72: 35–49. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, “Gendering the Body:
Beauvoir’s Philosophical Contribution”, in Women,
Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Philosophy, Ann Garry and
Marilyn Pearsall (eds.), Boston: Unwin Hyman. 253–262. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Beauvoir on Sade: Making Sexuality into an Ethic”, in The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir, Claudia Card (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 168–188. (Scholar)
- Ceton, Carolien, 2005, “Identity As Evolutive: An Intercultural Approach Based on an Examination of Mudimbe, de Beauvoir, Taylor, and Mbembe”, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy/Revue Africaine de Philosophie, 19(1–2): 109–128. (Scholar)
- Chaperon, Sylvie, 1999 [2021], “Haru sur Le
Diuxième Sexe” in Un Siècle
d’antifèminisme, Christine Bard (ed.), Paris:
Fayard. 269–283; translated as “Outcry over The Second
Sex”, Simone de Beauvoir Studies, 32(1):
19–34. (Scholar)
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