Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Giordano Bruno" by Dilwyn Knox
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Bruno, Opere italiane, ed. Aquilecchia, listed
- Bruno, Opere latine conscripta, as listed
- BW
- Bruno, Werke, as listed below.
- DK
- Diels and Kranz, as listed below.
- Bible, King James Version, as listed below.
Primary Literature
Works by Bruno
Collections of works by Bruno
- Opera latine conscripta, 3 vols in 8 pts, eds
Francesco Fiorentino, Felice Tocco, Girolamo Vitelli,
and others, Naples and Florence: Morano, Le Monnier, 1879–91.
(Reprinted, Stuttgart, Bad-Cannstatt: Frommann–Holzboog,
1961–62.) The page numbers of this edition are indicated in
the margins of many later editions and translations. In this SEP
entry, a Roman number following the abbreviation
BOL indicates a volume number of this edition; and an
Arabic numeral immediately after a Roman numeral and full stop
indicates a separately paginated part of a volume. Hence “BOL
II.3, 213” designates Bruno, Opera latine scripta,
volume II, part 3, page 213. (Scholar)
- Oeuvres complètes, 7 vols, Italian texts ed.
Giovanni Aquilecchia, with French translations and
commentaries in French by various authors, Paris: Les Belles Lettres,
1993–99. Revised editions of vols 1, 3, 4 and 7, published
2003–16. (Scholar)
- Opere italiane, 2 vols, ed.
Giovanni Aquilecchia, introd. Nuccio Ordine, with
commentaries by various authors, Turin: UTET, 2002.
- Opere magiche, Latin texts edited and translated into
Italian, with commentaries, by Simonetta Bassi,
Elisabetta Scapparone and Nicoletta Tirinnanzi, introd.
Michele Ciliberto, Milan: Adelphi, 2000.
- Opere mnemotecniche, 2 vols, general editor Michele
Ciliberto, Latin texts edited and translated into Italian, with
commentaries, by Marco Matteoli, Rita Sturlese and
Nicoletta Tirinnanzi, introd. Nicoletta Tirinnanzi,
Milan: Adelphi, 2004–09.
- Opere lulliane, Latin texts with Italian translations by
Marco Matteoli, Rita Sturlese and Nicoletta Tirinnanzi,
with an introduction by Michele Ciliberto, Milan: Alelphi,
- Corpus iconographicum. Le incisioni nelle opere a stampa,
ed. Mino Gabriele, Milan: Adelphi, 2001.
- Werke, 7 vols, general editor Thomas Leinkauf,
Italian texts ed. Giovanni Aquilecchia and (vol. 7) Eugenio
Canone, with German translations and commentaries by various
authors, Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2006–19.
Individual Works by Bruno
The website La biblioteca ideale di Giordano Bruno. Le opere e le
fonti (in the
Other Internet Resources
section below), includes lists of Bruno’s Italian and Latin
works, with links to online versions of them.
English translations of Bruno’s works
- 1950, On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, in Dorothea
Waley Singer, Giordano Bruno. His Life and Thought, with Annotated
Translation of His Work On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, New
York: Schuman. (Translation of De l’infinito, universo e
mondi, first published at London in 1584. Modern edition of the
Italian text in BOI II, 7–167.)
- 1964, The Expulsion of The Triumphant Beast, tr. Arthur
D. Imerti, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Reprint,
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1992. (Translation of
Spaccio de la bestia trionfante, first published at London in
1584. Modern edition of the Italian text in BOI II,
169–404.) (Scholar)
- 1998, Cause, Principle and Unity, tr. Robert de
Lucca, with Essays on Magic, tr. Richard J. Blackwell,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Translations of: 1) De la
causa, principio et uno, originally published at London in 1584,
corresponding to the modern edition in BOI I, 591–746; 2) De
magia, published for the first time in BOL III, 395–506;
and 3) De vinculis in genere, published for the first time in
BOL III, 635–700.)
- 2002, The Cabala of Pegasus, tr. Sidney L. Sondergard and
Madison U. Sowell, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (Translation
of Cabala del cavallo pegaseo, first published at London in
1585. Modern edition of the Italian text in BOI II,
- 2013, On the Heroic Frenzies. A Translation of De gli
eroici furori, Italian text ed. Eugenio Canone, English translation by
Ingrid D. Rowland, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (First
published at London in 1585. Modern edition of the Italian text in BOI
II, 485–753.)
- 2018, The Ash Wednesday Supper, tr. Hilary Gatti,
Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Translation of La cena de
la ceneri, first published at London in 1584. Modern edition of
the Italian text in BOI I, 425–590.)
New English translations of Bruno’s Italian works are appearing
in the Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library, a series published by the
University of Toronto Press. At the time of writing (March, 2024), the
series includes Rowland’s translation of On the Heroic
Frenzies and Gatti’s translation of The Ash Wednesday
Supper, both as listed above. A translation of the Expulsion
of the Triumphant Beast by Gatti in the same series is due to
appear in mid-2024.
Documents relating to Bruno’s life and trial
- Firpo, Luigi (ed.), 2000, Le procès [de Giordano
Bruno], Italian and Latin texts, together with French
translations by Alain–Philippe Segonds, Paris: Les
Belles Lettres. (Original Italian edition, without Segond’s
supplementary notes, Rome: Salerno editrice, 1993.) (Scholar)
- Spampanato, Vincenzo, 1933, Documenti della vita di Giordano Bruno, Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)
Other primary sources
- Apian, Peter, Cosmographicus liber, Landshut: Johann
Weyssenburger, 1524.
- Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich, De occulta philosophia libri
tres, Cologne: Johannes Soter, 1533. Modern edition by Vittoria
Perrone Compagni, Leiden: Brill, 1992. (Scholar)
- Aristotle, Metaphysics, Greek text ed. and tr. Hugh
Tredennick, 2 vols, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb
Classical Library), 1933–35. Bruno read the Metaphysics
in one or more of the available medieval or Renaissance Latin
versions. (Scholar)
- –––, The Physics, Greek text ed. and
tr. Philip H. Wicksteed and Francis M. Cornford, 2 vols, Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library), 1929–34.
Bruno read the Physics in one or more of the available
medieval or Renaissance Latin versions. (Scholar)
- –––, Parts of Animals, Greek text ed.
and tr. Arthur L. Peck, with Aristotle’s Movement of
Animals and Progression of Animals, tr. Edward S.
Forster, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical
Library), 1937. Bruno read these two works in one or one or more of
the available medieval or Renaissance Latin versions. (Scholar)
- Bible. Available online at the
website. English quotations in this SEP entry are taken from the King
James Version. Bruno used the Vulgate, also available at the
website, and possibly other Latin versions of the Bible.
- Brucker, Jakob Johann, Historia critica philosophiae a mundi
incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem deducta, 6 volumes, 2nd
edition, Leipzig: Wiedmann and Reichel, 1766–67. First edition,
Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1742–44. (Scholar)
- Burckhardt, Jakob, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien,
Basel: Schweighauser, 1860. English translation: The Civilization
of the Renaissance in Italy, tr. S. G. C. Middlemore, introd.
Peter Burke, notes Peter Murray, London: Penguin Books, 1990. (Scholar)
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
libri VI, Nuremberg: Johannes Petrejus, 1543. Bruno read either
this first edition or the second, 1566, edition published by Heinrich
Petri at Nuremberg. English translation: On the Revolutions,
tr. and commentary Edward Rosen, London: Macmillan, 1978. (Scholar)
- Dionysius the Areopagite, pseudo-, The Divine Names.
Composed in the late fifth or early sixth century AD. Translated in
pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works, tr. Colm Luibheid,
London: SPCK, 1987, with contributions by other authors.
- Diels, Hermann, and Kranz, Walther (eds), Die Fragmente der
Vorsokratiker, 3 vols, Berlin: Weidmann, 1958.
- Erasmus, Desiderius, De libero arbitrio diatribe sive
collatio, Basel: Johann Froben, 1524. English translation:
Discourse on Free Will. Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther,
tr. Ernst F. Winter, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. The volume
includes an abridged translation of Luther’s De servo
arbitrio, for which, see Luther 1525. (Scholar)
- Ficino, Marsilio, Theologia platonica, Florence: Antonio
di Bartolommeo Miscomini, 1482. English translation, with the Latin
text: Platonic Theology, eds James Hankins and William Bowen,
and tr. Michael J. B. Allen and John Warden, 6 volumes,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001–06. (Scholar)
- –––, Commentum in Philebum, in Ficino,
Commentaria quinque perpetua in Platonem, Florence:
Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, 1496. English translation, with the
Latin text: The Philebus Commentary, ed. and tr. Michael J.
B. Allen, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. (Scholar)
- –––, De sole, first published, together
with Ficino’s De lumine, Florence: Antonio di
Bartolommeo Miscomini, 1496. Italian translation: Marsilio Ficino,
Scritti sull’ astrologia, tr. Ornella Pompeo Faracovi,
Milan: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1999. (Scholar)
- Franckenberg, Abraham von, Oculus sidereus, Gdansk: Georg
Rheten, 1644.
- Galilei, Galileo, Sidereus Nuncius, Venice: Tommaso
Baglioni, 1610. English translation: Starry Messenger, tr.
Stillman Drake, in Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo,
together with translations of other works by Galileo Galilei, New
York: Doubleday, 1957. (Scholar)
- Hasdale, Martin, [Letter to Galileo Galilei, dated 15 April,
1610], in Galileo Galilei, Le opere, 20 vols in 21 pts,
Florence: Barbéra, 1929–39, vol. 10: 314–315. (Scholar)
- Hegel, G. F. W. Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der
Philosophie, first delivered at Jena in 1805–06 and eight times
thereafter. English translation, from Karl Ludwig
Michelet’s edition, revised, published at Berlin,
1840–44: Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr.
Elizabeth S. Haldane and Frances H. Simson, 3 vols, London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1892–96,
available online
at the Project Gutenberg website.
- Hermes Trismegistus (spurious author), Pimander. English
translation: Hermetica. The Corpus hermeticum and the Latin
Asclepius, tr., introd. and notes by Brian Copenhaver, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992. The original Greek texts were
composed sometime in Egypt between the late first- and late
third-century AD. Bruno used Marsilio Ficino’s Latin translation
of the Pimander, published for the first time at Treviso in
1471 and many times thereafter, and a Latin translation of the
Asclepius made “before the early fifth but after
the early fourth century [AD]” (Copenhaver, p. xliii). (Scholar)
- Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza in
Briefen an den Herrn Moses Mendelsohn, Breslau: Gottlieb
Löwe, 1789. First edition: Breslau: Gottlieb Löwe, 1785.
English translation of excerpts from the 1789 edition:
Concerning the Doctrine of Spinoza in Letters to Herr Moses
Mendelssohn, in Jacobi, The Main Philosophical Writings
and the Novel Allwill, tr. George di Giovanni, Montreal and
Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1994. On pp. 359-360,
Di Giovanni discusses, but does not include a translation
of, Jacobi’s material concerning Bruno in the
1789 edition. (Scholar)
- Lucretius, De rerum natura. Composed in the mid-first
century BC. Latin text with an English translation: On the Nature
of Things, ed. and tr. W. H. D. Rouse, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press (Loeb Classical Library), 1924.
- Luther, Martin, De servo arbitrio, Cologne: Hero Fuchs,
1525. Abridged English translation: The Bondage of the Will
in: Erasmus, Discourse on Free Will, as above. (Scholar)
- Mersenne, Marin, L’Impiété des
déistes, 2 unnumbered vols, Paris: Pierre Billaine, 1624.
Modern edition: ed. Dominique Descotes, Paris: H. Champion, 2005. (Scholar)
- Pico della Mirandola, Gianfrancesco, Examen vanitatis
doctrinae gentium, veritatis christianae disciplinae, Mirandola:
Giovanni Mazzocchi, 1520. Modern edition of the Latin text: ed.
Nikolas Egel, Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2022. (Scholar)
- Plato, Republic, Greek text ed. and tr. Paul Shorey, 2
vols, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical
Library), 1930–35. Bruno used Marsilio Ficino’s Latin
translation, which was first published in Ficino’s translation
of Plato’s works, together with the latter’s commentaries,
summaries and other matter related to Plato and the Platonic corpus,
at Florence: Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, 1484–85. (Scholar)
- –––, Timaeus, together with other works
by Plato, Greek texts ed. and English tr. Robert G. Bury, Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library), 1929. Bruno
used Marsilio Ficino’s Latin translation, as indicated in the
preceding entry. (Scholar)
- Plotinus, [Enneads], Greek text ed. and tr. A. H.
Armstrong, 7 vols, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb
Classical Library), 1966–88. Bruno used Marsilio Ficino’s
Latin translation and commentary, first published at Florence by
Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini in 1492, and several times in the
sixteenth century. (Scholar)
- Proclus, Elements of Theology, ed., tr. and commentary by
E. R. Dodds, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. A late
work; Proclus died in 485 AD. (Scholar)
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, Bruno oder über das
göttliche und natürliche Prinzip der Dinge, Berlin: J.
F. Unger, 1802. English translation: Bruno, or, On the Natural and
the Divine Principle of Things, tr. Michael G. Vater, Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1984. (Scholar)
- Thomas Aquinas; for information on works by Thomas cited in this
SEP entry, with guidance on editions and translations of them, see the
SEP entry for
Thomas Aquinas
and the website
Thomas Aquinas in English
curated by Thérèse Bonin.
- –––, Opera omnia, vol. 1–, Rome:
Ex typographia polyglotta S. C. Propaganda Fide, 1882–.
- –––, [Disputed Questions about Truth.]
Quaestiones disputatae de veritate, in Thomas Aquinas,
Opera omnia (as above), vol. 22. Composed 1256–59.
English translation: Truth, 3 vols, tr. Robert W. Mulligan,
James V. McGlynn and Robert W. Schmidt, Chicago: Henry Regnery,
1952–54. Latin text
available online (Aquinas Institute),
with the English translation by Mulligan, MacGlynn and Schmidt, under
title Disputed Questions about Truth. (Scholar)
- –––, Scriptum super libros Sententiarum
magistri Petri Lombardi (incomplete: up to Super IV
Sent., dist. 22 only), 4 vols, eds Pierre Mandonnet and M. Fabien
Moos, Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1929–56. Composed 1252–1256.
The Latin text of the complete work, together with an English
translation by Chris Decaen, Beth Mortensen and Dylan Schrader,
available online (Aquinas Institute). (Scholar)
- –––, Summa theologiae, with the
commentary of Tommaso de Vio (Cardinal Cajetan), in Thomas Aquinas,
Opera omnia, as above, vols 4–12. The Summa
was composed between 1267 and 1273, but remained unfinished at
Thomas’s death in 1274. The Latin text with an English
translation by Lawrence Shapcote is
available online (Aquinas Institute). (Scholar)
- –––, Super primum[–secundam] epistolam
ad Corinthios lectura, in: Thomas Aquinas, Super Epistolas S.
Pauli lectura, ed. Raffaele Cai, 8th revised ed., Turin:
Marietti, 1953. The Latin text with an English translation by Fabian
R. Larcher and Matthew Lamb is
available online (Aquinas Institute). (Scholar)
- –––, Super librum De causis expositio,
ed. H. D. Saffrey, Fribourg and Louvain, Société
philosophique, 1954. The Latin text with an English translation (of
unspecified authorship) is
available online (Aquinas Institute).
Composed c. 1272. (Scholar)
- –––, Expositio Libri Physicorum, in:
Thomas Aquinas Opera omnia (as above), vol. 2. Composed
1268–1270. English translation: Commentary on
Aristotle’s Physics, tr. Richard J. Blackwell, Richard J.
Spath, W. Edmund Thirlkel and Pierre H. Conway, New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1963; reprinted: Notre Dame, IN: Dumb Ox Books,
1999. The Latin text with this English translation is
available online (Aquinas Institute). (Scholar)
- –––, De principiis naturae (On the
Principles of Nature), in Thomas Aquinas, Opera omnia,
vol. 43. Composed c. 1255. English translation: Joseph Bobik,
Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements. A Translation and
Interpretation of the De principiis naturae
and the De mixtione elementorum of St.
Thomas Aquinas, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press,
1998. The Latin text with an English translation by Roman A. Kocourek
available online (Aquinas Institute). (Scholar)
- Veyssière de Lacroze, Mathurin, Entretiens sur divers
sujets d’histoire, de littérature, de religion et de
critique, Cologne: Pierre Marteau, 1711.
- Virgil, [Works, including the Aeneid], Latin texts ed.,
with English tr., by H. Ruston Fairclough, 2 vols, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library), 1918–26.
Virgil died in 19 BC, before completing his revision of the
Aeneid. (Scholar)
Secondary Literature
Studies cited in this entry and selected studies
- Aquilecchia, Giovanni, 1995, “Giordano Bruno in Inghilterra
(1583–1585). Documenti e testimonianze”, Bruniana
& Campanelliana, 1: 21–42. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Giordano Bruno, Turin:
Aragno. (A revised version of the 1971 edition, also published as an
entry to the Dizionario biografico degli italiani, vol. 14
(1972), available on line.
Based on a careful reading of the available documentation and free of
the supposition that colours many biographies.) (Scholar)
- Blum, Paul Richard, 2012, Giordano Bruno. An Introduction, tr. Peter Henneveld, Amsterdam: Rodopi. (Recommended for those unfamiliar with Bruno’s life and works.) (Scholar)
- Brown, Stuart, 2002, “Monadology and the Reception of Bruno
in the Young Leibniz”, in Gatti 2002, 381–403. (Scholar)
- Canone, Eugenio, and others, 2000, Giordano Bruno
1548–1600. Mostra storico documentaria, Roma, Biblioteca
Casanatense, 7 giugno–30 settembre 2000, Florence: Olschki.
(A visual tour of Bruno’s life and works.) (Scholar)
- Del Prete, Antonella. 2023. “À la croisée de
traditions différentes. Giordano Bruno et la doctrine des
éléments”, in De mundi recentioribus
phænomenis. Cosmologie et science dans l’Europe des Temps
modernes. XVe-XVIIe siècles. Essais en l’honneur de
Miguel Ángel Granada, eds Édouard Mehl and
Isabelle Pantin, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, 183–205. (Scholar)
- Gatti, Hilary (ed.), 2002, Giordano Bruno. Philosopher of the Renaissance, Ashgate: Aldershot. (Scholar)
- Gatti, Hilary, 2011, Essays on Giordano Bruno, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Granada, Miguel Ángel, 1990, “L’interpretazione
bruniana di Copernico e la Narratio prima di Rheticus”,
Rinascimento, 30: 343–365.
- ––– 1994, “Il rifiuto della distinzione
fra potentia absoluta e potentia ordinata di Dio e
l’affermazione dell’universo infinito in Giordano
Bruno”, Rivista di storia della filosofia, new series,
49: 495–532. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “‘Voi siete dissolubili,
ma non vi dissolverete’. Il problema della dissoluzione dei
mondi in Giordano Bruno”, Paradigmi, 18:
261–289. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, La reivindicación de la
filosofía en Giordano Bruno. Barcelona: Herder. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Kepler and Bruno on the
Infinity of the Universe and of Solar Systems”, Journal of
the History of Astronomy, 39: 469–495. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Libro I. La relazione
Dio/mondo e la necessità dell’universo infinito”,
in Granada and Tessicini, 2020, 47–69. (Scholar)
- Granada, Miguel Ángel, and Tessicini, Dario (eds), 2020,
Giordano Bruno, De immenso, Letture
critiche, Pisa: Fabrizio Serra. (Scholar)
- Knox, Dilwyn, 2001, “Bruno’s Doctrine of Gravity,
Levity and Natural Circular Motion”, Physis, new
series, 38:171–209. (Published 2002.) (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. “Bruno: Immanence and
Transcendence in De la causa, principio et uno, Dialogue
II”, Bruniana & Campanelliana, 19:
463–482. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020a, “De immenso II.
La perfezione dell’universo”, in Granada and Tessicini,
2020, 71–102. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020b, “Wonder and the
Philosopher’s Perfection: Giordano Bruno”, in Francesca
Bugliani Knox and Jennifer Reek (eds), Poetry, Philosophy and
Theology in Conversation. Thresholds of Wonder, London,
Routledge. Pp. 29–49. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, “The World Soul and
Individual Souls. Two Notes on Giordano Bruno’s Lampas
triginta statuarum”, in: Giordano
Bruno. Law, Philosophy, and Theology in the Early Modern
Era, ed. Massimiliano Traversino Di Cristo, Paris, Garnier.
Pp. 275–300. (Scholar)
- Lai, Tyrone, 1973, “Nicholas of Cusa and the Finite Universe”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 11:161–167. (Scholar)
- McFarland, Thomas, 1969, Coleridge and the Pantheist
Tradition, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Michel, Paul-Henri, 1962, La Cosmologie de Giordano Bruno, Paris: Hermann. Translated as The Cosmology of Giordano Bruno, tr. R. E. W. Maddison, Paris: Hermann, 1973. (Scholar)
- Nelson, John Charles, 1958, Renaissance Theory of Love. The Context of Giordano Bruno’s Eroici furori. New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- Ricci, Saverio, 1990, La fortuna del pensiero di Giordano Bruno, 1600–1750, Florence: Le Lettere. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, Giordano Bruno nell’Europa
del Cinquecento, Rome: Salerno. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, Dal Brunus redivivus al
Bruno degli italiani. Metamorfosi della nolana filosofia tra sette e
ottocento, Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. (Scholar)
- –––, 2104, “Le procès de Giordano
Bruno par l’Inquisition”, Lexicon philosophicum,
2: 97–125.
[Ricci 2014 available online] (Scholar)
- Rowland, Ingrid D., 2008, Giordano Bruno. Philosopher, Heretic, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. (Recommended for those unfamiliar with Bruno’s life and works.) (Scholar)
- Segonds, Alain–Philippe, 2000, “Notes”; see
Firpo 2000. (Scholar)
- Spruit, Leen, 1988, Il problema della conoscenza in Giordano
Bruno, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, “Motivi peripatetici nella
gnoseologia bruniana dei dialoghi italiani”, Verifiche,
18: 367–399. (Scholar)
- Sturlese, Rita, 1987. “‘Et Nolanus vivat, recipiatur,
adoretur’. Le note del ‘Postillatore napoletano’ al
dialogo De l’infinito di Giordano Bruno”, in
Scritti in onore di Eugenio Garin, Pisa: Scuola Normale
Superiore, Pisa. Pp. 117–128. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, “Le fonti del Sigillus
sigillorum del Bruno, ossia: il confronto con Ficino a Oxford
sull’anima umana”, Nouvelles de la République
des Lettres, anno 1994, 89–167. (Scholar)
- Tessicini, Dario, 2007, I dintorni dell’infinito.
Giordano Bruno e l’astronomia del Cinquecento, Pisa:
Fabrizio Serra. (Valuable for an understanding of what Bruno did
and did not understand about astronomy.)
- Yates, Frances A., 1964, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, London: Routledge adn Kegan Paul. (Readable, informative, even if the overall interpretation is no longer considered sound.) (Scholar)
Bibliographies (ordered chronologically)
- Salvestrini, Virgilio, 1958, Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno
(1582–1950), second revised edition by Luigi Firpo,
Florence: Sansoni. (Scholar)
- Severini, Maria Elena, 2002, Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno, 1951–2000, Sussidi eruditi, 58, Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. (Scholar)
- Figorilli, Maria Cristina, 2003, Per una bibliografia di
Giordano Bruno, 1800–1999, Paris: Les Belles lettres. (Scholar)
- Gatti, Hilary, ‘Giordano Bruno’, first instantiation 2104, regularly updated thereafter, in the Oxford Bibliographies online resource; accessible by subscription only. (Scholar)
Additional Resources
- Canone, Eugenio, and Ernst, Germana (eds), 1995–,
Bruniana & Campanelliana, Pisa, 1–. (A journal
dedicated mainly to Bruno and Campanella.) (Scholar)
- ––– (eds), 2006–, Enciclopedia bruniana e campanelliana, 1–, Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. (Scholarly entries on concepts and persons mentioned by Bruno and Tommaso Campanella.) (Scholar)
- Ciliberto, Michele (ed.), 2014, Giordano Bruno. Parole, concetti, immagini, 3 vols, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale. (Contains entries, with bibliographies, on most aspects of Bruno’s philosophy especially helpful for authors relating to its reception.) (Scholar)