Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Byzantine Philosophy" by Katerina Ierodiakonou and Börje Bydén
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
Anonymus Christianus
- Kroll, G. and P. Viereck (eds.), 1895, Hermippus de astrologia
dialogus, Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
Anonymus (1007)
Anonymus (11th century)
- Pontikos, I. (ed.), 1992,
Anonymi Miscellanea Philosophica. A Miscellany in the
Tradition of Michael Psellos (Cod. Baroccianus Gr. 131),
CPhMA – Philosophi Byzantini 6, Athens: The Academy of
Athens. (Scholar)
Anonymus (12th century)
- R. Romano (ed.), 1974, Timarion, Naples. (Scholar)
- Westerink, L. G. (ed.), 1968–72, Arethae
archiepiscopi Caesariensis Scripta minora, 2 vols., Leipzig:
Teubner. (Scholar)
- Share, M. (ed.), 1994,
Arethas of Caesarea’s Scholia on Porphyry’s Isagoge and
Aristotle’s Categories, Corpus Philosophorum
Medii Aevi, Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina, vol. 1, Athens:
The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
Barlaam of Calabria
- Solutions, in Sinkewicz 1981, pp. 200–217.
Bessarion, Basileios
- Mohler, L. (ed.), 1927, Bessarionis In calumniatorem Platonis
libri 4. Textum graecum addita vetere versione latina.
Paderborn. (Scholar)
Blemmydes, Nikephoros
- Anonymus (Boulismas, D.) (ed.), 1784, De corpore, vol. 3,
pp. 1–29, Leipzig. (Scholar)
- Anonymus (Boulismas, D.) (ed.), 1784, De anima, vol. 3,
pp. 29–48, Leipzig. (Scholar)
- Wegelin, J. (ed.), 1885, Epitome logica, Patrologia
Graeca 142: 675–1004, Paris. (Scholar)
- Wegelin, J. (ed.), 1885, Epitome physica, Patrologia
Graeca 142: 1004–1320, Paris. (Scholar)
- Munitiz, J. A. (ed.), 1984, Autobiographia sive curriculum
vitae. Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 13. Turnhout.
[transl.: Nikephoros Blemmydes, A Partial Account, Leuven,
1988.] (Scholar)
- Lackner, W. (ed.), 1985,
Nikephoros Blemmydes, Gegen die Vorherbestimmung der
Todesstunde, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Commentaria in
Aristotelem Byzantina, vol. 2, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
Choumnos, Nikephoros
- Chrestou, K. P. (ed.), 2002, To philosophiko ergo tou
Nikēphorou Choumnou, Thessaloniki. (Scholar)
Eustratios of Nicaea
- Heylbut, G. (ed.), 1892,
Eustratii et Michaelis et Anonyma in Ethica Nicomachea
commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 20,
Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1907,
Eustratii in Analyticorum posteriorum librum secundum
commentarium, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 21.1,
Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
Gregoras, Nikephoros
- Leone, P. L. M (ed.), 1970, “Nicephori Gregorae
‘Antilogia’ et ‘Solutiones
quaestionum’”, Byzantion 40:
471–516. (Scholar)
- Leone, P. L. M (ed.), 1975, Niceforo Gregora, Fiorenzo o
Intorno alla sapienza, Naples. (Scholar)
- Beyer, H.-V. (ed.), 1976, Nikephoros Gregoras: Antirrhetika
1, Wiener byzantinistische Studien 12. Vienna. (Scholar)
- Leone, P. A. M (ed.), 1982–83, Nicephori Gregorae
epistulae, vols. 1–2, Matino. (Scholar)
[Heliodorus of Prusa]
- Heylbut, G. (ed.), 1889,
In Ethica Nicomachea paraphrasis, Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 19.2, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
John of Damascus
- Kotter, B. (ed.), 1969, Die Schriften des Johannes von
Damaskos, vol. 1, Berlin. (Scholar)
John Italos
- Kotsabassi, S. (ed.), 1999, Joannes Italos & Leon
Magentinos: Byzantinische Kommentatoren der aristotelischen
Topik, Thessaloniki: Vanias. (Scholar)
- Cereteli, G. (ed.), 1924
& 1926, Joannis Itali Opuscula selecta, vol. I: De
arte dialectica & II: De syllogismis, De arte
rhetorica, Tbilisi. (Scholar)
- Joannou, P. (ed.), 1956, Ioannes Italos, Quaestiones
Quodlibetales, Studia Patristica et Byzantina 4, Ettal:
Buch-Kunstverlag. (Scholar)
- Ketschakmadze, N. (ed.), 1966, Ioannis Itali Opera,
Tbilisi. (Scholar)
Kabasilas Chamaetos, Nicholas
- Demetracopoulos, J. A. (ed.), 1999, Nikolaou Kabasila Kata
Pyrrōnos: Platōnikos philoskeptikismos kai aristotelikos
antiskeptikismos stē byzantinē dianoēsē tou 14o
aiōna. Athens, pp. 13–20. (Scholar)
Manuel Holobolos
- Nikitas, D. Z. (ed.), 1982, Eine byzantinische Übersetzung
von Boethius’ De hypotheticis syllogismis,
Hypomnemata 69, Göttingen. (Scholar)
- Nikitas, D. Z. (ed.), 1990, Boethius, De topicis
differentiis kai oi byzantines metafraseis ton Manouel
Olobolou kai Prochorou Kudoni, Corpus Philosophorum Medii
Aevi: Philosophi Byzantini 5, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
Metochites, Theodore
- Drossaart Lulofs, H. J. (ed.), 1943, Aristotelis de somno
et vigilia liber adiectis vetribus translationibus et Theodori
Metochitae commentario, Leiden. (Scholar)
- Hult, K. (ed.), 2002, Theodore Metochites on Ancient Authors
and Philosophy: Semeioseis gnomikai 1–26 & 71,
Göteborg. (Scholar)
- Polemis, I. A. (ed.), 2002, Theodoros Metochites, Ēthikos
ē Peri paideias, Athens: Kanaki. (Scholar)
- Bydén, B. (ed.), 2003, Theodore Metochites’
Stoicheiosis Astronomike and the Study of Natural Philosophy and
Mathematics in Early Palaiologan Byzantium, Göteborg. (Scholar)
- Bloch, D. (ed.), 2005, “Theodore Metochites On
Aristotle’s De memoria”, CIMAGL 76,
3–30. (Scholar)
- Polemis, I. A. (ed.), 2006, Theodoros Metochites, Peri tou
mathēmatikou eidous tēs philosophias, kai malista peri tou
harmonikou. Poiēma 10, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert. (Scholar)
Michael of Ephesus
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1891, Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 1, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Heylbut, G. (ed.), 1892, Eustratii et Michaelis et Anonyma in Ethica Nicomachea commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 20, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Wallies, M. (ed.), 1898,
Alexandri quod fertur in Aristotelis Sophisticos elenchus
commentarium, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 2.3,
Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1901, Michaelis Ephesii in librum quantum
Ethicorum Nicomacheorum commentarium, Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 22.3, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1903,
Ioannis Philoponi (Michaelis Ephesii) in libros De generatione
animalium commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca
14.3, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Wendland, P. (ed.), 1903,
Michaelis Ephesii in Parva naturalia commentaria,
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 22.1, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1904,
Michaelis Ephesii in libros De partibus animalium, De animalium
motione, De animalium incessu commentaria, Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 22.2, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
- Immisch, O. (ed.),
19292, Aristoteles, Politica, Leipzig,
xvii–xxi and 293–327.
Michael Psellos
- Renauld, É. (ed.), 1926–28, Michel Psellos,
Chronographie ou histoire d’un siècle de Byzance
(976–1077), 2 vols., Paris; repr. 1967. (Scholar)
- Westerink, L. G. (ed.), 1948, Michael Psellus, De omnifaria
doctrina, Nijmegen. (Scholar)
- O’Meara, D. J. (ed.),
1989, Michaelis Pselli Philosophica Minora, 2. Opuscula
psychologica, theologica, daemonologica, Leipzig:
Teubner. (Scholar)
- Gautier, P. (ed.), 1989, Michaelis Pselli Theologica 1,
Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
- Criscuolo, U. (ed.), 1990, Michele Psello: Epistola a Giovanni
Xifilino, 2nd edition, Hellenica et byzantina neapolitana
14, Naples: Bibliopolis (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1990, Michele Psello: Epistola a
Michele Cerulario, 2nd edition, Hellenica et byzantina
neapolitana 15, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Duffy, J. (ed.), 1992,
Michaelis Pselli Philosophica Minora, 1. Opuscula logica,
physica, allegorica, alia, Stuttgart: Teubner. (Scholar)
- Westerink, L. G. and J. M. Duffy (eds.), 2002, Michaelis
Pselli Theologica 2, Munich and Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
Nicholas of Methone
- Angelou, A. A. (ed.), 1984, Nicholas of Methone, Refutation of
Proclus’ Elements of Theology, Athens: The Academy of
Athens. (Scholar)
Pachymeres, George
- Stéphanou, E. and Tannery, P. (eds.), 1940, Quadrivium
de Georges Pachymère, Studi e testi 94, Vatican
City. (Scholar)
- Westerink, L. G. et al. (eds.), 1989, George Pachymeres,
Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides (Anonymous Sequel to
Proclus’ Commentary), Corpus Philosophi Byzantini
4, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
- Pappa, E. (ed.), 2002, Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia: Buch
10, Kommentar zur Metaphysik des Aristoteles, Corpus
Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina,
vol. 2, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
- Oikonomakos, K. (ed.), 2005, Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia
11, Ethica Nicomachea, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi,
Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina, vol. 3, Athens: The Academy
of Athens. (Scholar)
- Pappa, E. (ed.), 2008, Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia: Buch
6, Kommentar zu De partibus animalium des Aristoteles, Corpus
Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina,
vol. 4/1, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
- Telelis, I. (ed.), 2012, Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia:
Buch 5, Commentary in Aristotle’s Meteorologica, Biblion pempton,
tōn meteōrikōn, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi,
Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina, vol. 6, Athens: The Academy of
Athens. (Scholar)
Palamas, Gregory
- Sinkewicz, R. E., 1988, Saint Gregory Palamas, The One Hundred
and Fifty Chapters, Toronto. (Scholar)
Planoudes, Maximos
- Pavano, A. (ed.), 1992, Maximus Planudes: M. Tullii
Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis in Graecum translatum, Rome.
- Megas, A. (ed.), 1995, Maximus Planudes, Macrobii
Commentariorum in ‘Somnium Scipionis’ libri duo in linguam
graecam translati, Thessaloniki. (Scholar)
- Papathomopoulos, M. et al. (eds.), 1995, Augoustinou Peri
Triados Biblia pentekaideka, haper ek tēs Latinōn dialektou
eis tēn Hellada metēnenke Maximos ho Planoudēs, 2
vols. Athens. (Scholar)
- Papathomopoulos, M. (ed.), 1999, Anicii Manlii Severini
Boethii De Consolatione philosophiae: Traduction grecque de
Maxime Planude. Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Commentaria
in Aristotelem Byzantina 9. Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
- Henry, R. (ed.),
1959–77, Photius, Bibliothèque, 8 vols.,
Paris. (Scholar)
- Laourdas, B. and
Westerink, L. G. (eds.), 1983–88, Photii patriarchae
Constantinopolitani Epistulae et Amphilochia, 6 vols., Leipzig:
Teubner. (Scholar)
Plethon, George Gemistos
- Lagarde, B. (ed.), 1973,
“Le De Differentiis de Pléthon
d’après l’autographe de la Marcienne”,
Byzantion 43: 312–343. (Scholar)
- Tambrun-Krasker, B. (ed.),
1987, Georges Gémiste Pléthon, Traité des
vertus, Athens: The Academy of Athens. (Scholar)
- Maltese, E. V. (ed.), 1988,
Georgii Gemisti Plethonis contra Scholarii pro Aristotele
obiectiones, ed.. Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
Scholarios, George (Gennadios)
- Petit, L., Sideridès, X. A., and Jugie, M. (eds.),
1928–36, Œuvres complètes de Gennade
Scholarios, vols. I–VIII, Paris. (Scholar)
- Hayduck, M. (ed.), 1883, in De anima commentarium,
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 23.1, Berlin: Reimer. (Scholar)
Symeon Seth
- Delatte, A. (ed.), 1939, Anecdota Atheniensia et alia.
Vol. 2. Textes grecs relatifs à l’histoire des
sciences. Liège. (Scholar)
Theodore Doukas Laskaris (Theodore II)
- Migne, J.-P. (ed.), 1894, De naturale communione,
Patrologia Graeca 140: 1267–1396, Paris. (Scholar)
- Festa, N. (ed.), 1898 & 1899, Kosmikē
dēlōsis, Giornale della Società asiatica
italiana 11: 97–114 & 12: 1–52. (Scholar)
Theodore Prodromos
- Cramer, J. A. (ed.), 1836, Xenedemus, or,
Predicables, in Anecdota graeca e codd. manuscriptis
bibliothecarum Oxoniensum, vol. 3, 204–15, Oxford. (Scholar)
- Tannery, P. (ed.), 1887, “Théodore Prodrome sur le
grand et le petit”, Annuaire des Études Grecques
21: 104–119. (Scholar)
General surveys
- Brisson, L., 1998, “Le monde byzantin et la philosophie
grecque”, in Philosophie grecque, M. Canto-Sperber
(ed.), Paris, pp. 745–779. (Scholar)
- Bydén, B. and Ierodiakonou, K., 2012, “Greek philosophy”, in The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy, J. Marenbon (ed.), Oxford, pp. 29–57. (Scholar)
- Cacouros, M., 1998, “De la pensée grecque à la
pensée byzantin”, in Le discours philosophique,
J.-F. Mattéi (ed.), Paris, 1362–1384. (Scholar)
- Couloubaritsis, L., 1998, Histoire de la philosophie ancienne et médiévale, Paris. (Scholar)
- De Libera, A., 1993,
“La philosophie à Byzance”, in La
philosophie médiévale, Paris, 9–51.
- Eleuteri, P., 1995,
“La filosofia”, in Lo spazio
letterario della Grecia antica, vol. 2:
La ricezione e l’attualizzazione del testo, G.
Cambiano, L. Canfora and D. Lanza (eds.), Rome, pp. 437–464. (Scholar)
- Hunger, H., 1978, Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur der
Byzantiner, vol. 1, Munich, pp. 3–62. (Scholar)
- Ierodiakonou, K., 2010, “Byzantium”, in The
Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, R. Pasnau (ed.),
Cambridge, 39–49. (Scholar)
- Ierodiakonou, K. and Zografidis, G., 2010, “Early Byzantine philosophy”, in The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity, L. Gerson (ed.), vol. 2, Cambridge, 843–68. (Scholar)
- Ierodiakonou, K. and O’Meara, D., 2008, “Byzantine
philosophy”, in The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine
Studies, E. Jeffreys et al. (eds), Oxford, 711–20. (Scholar)
- Kapriev, G., 2005, Philosophie in Byzanz, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. (Scholar)
- Podskalsky, G., 1989, “Philosophie. II B. Byzanz”,
in Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie 7:
623–626, Darmstadt. (Scholar)
- Tatakis, B., 1949, La philosophie Byzantine, Paris. Modern Greek translation with bibliography for 1949–76 by L. Benakis, Athens 1977. English translation by N. J. Moutafakis, Indianapolis & Cambridge 2003. (Scholar)
- Wilson, N., 1983, Scholars of Byzantium, London:
Duckworth. (Scholar)
Collections of articles
- Barber, C. and Jenkins, D. (eds.), 2007, Reading Michael
Psellos, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Barber, C. and Jenkins, D. (eds.), 2009, Medieval Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Benakis, L. G., 2002, Texts and Studies on Byzantine Philosophy, Athens: Parousia. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, Byzantine Philosophy
B´, Athens: Parousia. (Scholar)
- Bydén, B. and Ierodiakonou, K. (eds.), 2012, The Many
Faces of Byzantine Philosophy, Athens: The Norwegian Institute at
Athens. (Scholar)
- Cacouros, M. and Congourdeau, M.-H. (eds.), 2006, Philosophies
et Sciences à Byzance de 1204 à 1453, Leuven: Peeters. (Scholar)
- Ierodiakonou, K. (ed.), 2002, Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources, Oxford: OUP. (Scholar)
- Kaldellis, A. and N. Siniossoglou (eds.), 2017, The Cambridge
Intellectual History of Byzantium, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (Scholar)
- Mariev, S. (ed.), 2016, Byzantine Perspectives on
Neoplatonism, Berlin: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Rigo, A. (ed.), 2011, Byzantine Theology and its Philosophical
Background, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Speer, A. and P. Steinkrüger (eds.), 2012, Knotenpunkt Byzanz. Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, Berlin and New York: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
See also entries on individual authors in
- Anton, J., 1994, “The Aristotelianism of Photius”, in
Aristotle in Late Antiquity, L. R. Schrenk (ed.), Washington,
D.C., pp. 158–183. (Scholar)
- Barker, E., 1957, Social and Political Thought in Byzantium
from Justinian I to the Last Palaeologus, Oxford. (Scholar)
- Barnes, J., 2002, “Syllogistic In the Anon Heiberg”, in Ierodiakonou 2002, pp. 97–137. (Scholar)
- Beck, H., 1937, Vorsehung und Vorherbestimmung in der
theologischen Literatur der Byzantiner, Rome. (Scholar)
- Beck, H.-G., 1952, Theodoros Metochites: Die Krise des
byzantinischen Weltbildes im 14. Jahrhundert, Munich. (Scholar)
- –––, 1959, Kirche und theologische Literatur
im byzantinischen Reich, Munich. (Scholar)
- Benakis, L., 1991, “Bibliographie internationale sur la
philosophie byzantine (1949–1990)”, in Bibliographie
byzantine publiée à l’occasion du XVIIIe
Congrès international d’Etudes byzantines. Athens,
pp. 319–377. (Scholar)
- Blumenthal, H. J., 1997, “Sophonias’ Commentary on
Aristotle’s De anima”, in Néoplatonisme et
philosophie médiévale, L. Benakis (ed.), Turnhout,
307–317. (Scholar)
- Browning, R., 1962, “An unpublished funeral oration on Anna
Comnena”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological
Society 188: 1–12. Reprinted in
Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators and Their
Influence, R. Sorabji (ed.), London: Duckworth, 1990,
393–406. (Scholar)
- –––, 1962–62, “The Patriarchal
School at Constantinople in the Twelfth
Century”, Byzantion 32: 167–202 and 33:
11–40. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975, “Enlightenment and Repression
in Byzantium in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries”, Past
& Present 69: 3–23. (Scholar)
- Bydén, B., 2002, “The Nature and Purpose of
the Semeioseis gnomikai: the Antithesis of Philosophy and
Rhetoric”, in Theodore Metochites on Ancient Authors and
Philosophy: Semeioseis gnomikai 1–26 & 71, K. Hult
(ed.), 2002, Göteborg, 2002, pp. 245–88. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “‘Strangle Them with
These Meshes of Syllogisms’: Latin Philosophy in Greek
Translations of the Thirteenth Century”, in Interaction and
Isolation in Late Byzantine Culture, J.O. Rosenqvist
(ed.), SRII Transactions 13, Stockholm,
pp. 133–157. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “Logotechhnikes kainotomies sta
prōima palaiologeia upomnēmata sto Peri psuchēs tou
Aristotelē”, Hypomnema 4: 221–51. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “The Criticism of Aristotle in
Nikephoros Gregoras’ Florentius”, in Dōron
Rodopoikilon: Studies in Honour of Jan Olof Rosenqvist,
D. Searby, E. Balicka-Witakowska and J. Heldt (eds.), Uppsala: Acta
Universitatis Upsaliensis, 107–22. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013a, “Photios and the Non-Synonymy
of Substance: Amphilochia 138”, in Aristotle’s
Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions,
S. Ebbesen, J. Marenbon and P. Thom (eds.), Copenhagen: Det Kongelige
Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 9–34. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013b, “‘No Prince of
Perfection’: Byzantine Anti-Aristotelianism from the Patristic
Period to Plethon”, in Power and Subversion in
Byzantium, D. Angelov and M. Saxby (eds.), Farnham: Ashgate,
147–76. (Scholar)
- Bydén, B., Ebbesen, S., Hansen, H., Ierodiakonou, K.,
Mora-Márquez, A. M., and Tuominen, M., 2017, “George
Gemistos Plethon, On Aristotle’s Departures from Plato 0–19:
Notes”, in The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle’s Works on
Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages,
B. Bydén and C. Thomsen Thörnqvist (eds.), Toronto: PIMS,
297–344. (Scholar)
- Cacouros, M., 1994–95, “La tradition du commentaire de
Théodore Prodrome au deuxième livre de Seconds
Analytiques d’Aristote: quelques étapes dans
l’enseignement de la logique à
Byzance”, Diptucha 6: 329–354. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, “Théodore Prodrome,
Jacques de Venise, Robert Grosseteste et l’histoire d’une
erreur interprétative dans l’exégèse
des Seconds Analytiques 2.1. Notes sur la tradition
exégétique des
Analytiques”, CIMAGL 66: 135–155. (Scholar)
- Clucas, L., 1981, The Trial of John Italos and the Crisis of
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- Constantinides, C. N., 1982, Higher Education in Byzantium in
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1310), Nicosia. (Scholar)
- Demetracopoulos, J. A., 2011, “Palamas Transformed: Palamite
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‘Essence’ and ‘Energies’ in Late
Byzantium”, in Greeks, Latins, and Intellectual History
1204–1500, M. Hinterberger and C. Schabel (eds.), Leuven:
Peeters, 263–372. (Scholar)
- Ebbesen, S., 1981, Commentators and Commentaries on
Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi: A Study of Post-Aristotelian
Ancient and Medieval Writings on Fallacies, 3 vols, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992, “Western and Byzantine Approaches to Logic”, CIMAGL 62: 167–178. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, “Greek and Latin Medieval Logic”, CIMAGL 66: 67–95. (Scholar)
- Ebbesen, S. and Pinborg, J., 1981–82, “Gennadios
and Western Scholasticism”, Classica et Medievalia 33:
263–319. (Scholar)
- D’Ancona, C., 2001, “Review of R. Arnzen, Aristoteles’ De
Anima. Eine verlorene spätantike Paraphrase in arabischer und
persischer Überlieferung”, Oriens, 36:
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- Duffy, J., 1988, “Michael Psellos, Neophytos Prodromenos and
Memory Words for Logic”, in Gonimos. Neoplatonic and
Byzantine Studies
Presented to L. G. Westerink, J. Duffy and J. Peradotto
(eds.), Buffalo, N.Y., pp. 207–16. (Scholar)
- García-Huidobro, J., 2012, “Michael of Ephesus and the Byzantine Reception of the Aristotelian Doctrine of Natural Justice”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 94: 274–95. (Scholar)
- Giocarinis, K., 1964, “Eustratios of Nicaea’s defense of the
doctrine of Ideas”, Franciscan Studies 24:
159–204. (Scholar)
- Golitsis, P., 2007a, “Un commentaire perpétuel de
Georges Pachymère à la Physique
d’Aristote, faussement attribué à Michel
Psellos”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100.2:
637–76. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007b, “Nicéphore Blemmyde
lecteur du Commentaire de Simplicius à la Physique
d’Aristote”, in The Libraries of the
Neoplatonists, C. D’Ancona Costa (ed.), Leiden: Brill,
pp. 243–56. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Georges Pachymère comme
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