Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Girolamo [Geronimo] Cardano" by Guido Giglioni and Jonathan Regier
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Cardano, Girolamo, Opera omnia, ed. Charles Spon, 10 volumes,
Lyon: Jean-Antoine Huguetan and Marc-Antoine Ravaud, 1663; repr.
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann, 1966, abbreviated in this article
as ‘OO’).
For the many editions of Cardano’s work published before the
1663 Opera omnia, see the chronology established by Ian
Maclean in Cardano 2004a, 43–111.
- 1953, Book on Games of Chance, trans. Sydney Henry Gould,
in Oystein Ore, Cardano: The Gambling Scholar, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 182–241.
- 1973, Writings on Music, ed. and trans. Clement A.
Miller, Rome: American Institute of Musicology.
- 1982, Della mia vita, ed. and trans. Alfonso Ingegno,
Milan: Serra e Riva.
- 1990, L’oroscopo di Cristo, ed. and trans. Armando
Torno, Milan: Philobiblon. (Scholar)
- 1992, Sul sonno e sul sognare, eds. Mauro Mancia and
Agnese Grieco, trans. Silvia Montiglio and Agnese Grieco, Venice:
- 1998, Aforismi astrologici, ed. Giuseppe Bezza, trans.
Renzo de Martino, Milano: Xenia.
- 1999, Pronostico generale dil nobile messer Hieronymo Cardano
physico milanese, ed. Germana Ernst, in Girolamo Cardano: Le
opere, le fonti, la vita, eds. Marialuisa Baldi and Guido Canziani,
Milan: Angeli, 461–475.
- 2001, Il prosseneta, ovvero della prudenza politica, ed.
and trans. Piero Cigada, Milan: Mondadori.
- 2002 [1930], The Book of My Life, trans. Jean Stoner and
intro. Anthony Grafton, New York: NYRB Classics.
- 2003, Metoposcopia: manuale per la lettura della fronte:
interpretazione dei caratteri in base alle linee frontali e ai nei
illustrato con ottocento immagini, con le corrispondenze
astrologico-planetarie, ed. and trans. Arecchi Albert, Milan:
- 2004a, De libris propriis: The editions of 1544, 1550, 1557,
1562, with supplementary material, ed. Ian Maclean, Milan:
- 2004b, De subtilitate, Tomo I, Libri I-VII, ed. Elio
Nenci, Milan: FrancoAngeli.
- 2005, Come si interpretano gli oroscopi, ed. and trans.
Ornella Pompeo Faracovi, Pisa and Rome: Istituti Editoriali e
Poligrafici Internazionali.
- 2006a, De immortalitate animorum, ed. José Manuel
García Valverde, Milan: FrancoAngeli.
- 2006b, Liber de ludo aleae, ed. Massimo Tamborini, Milan:
- 2008a, De Sapientia libri quinque, ed. Marco Bracali,
Florence: Olschki.
- 2008b, Somniorum Synesiorum libri quatuor. Les quatres livres
des songes de Synesios, 2 vols., ed. and trans. Jean-Yves
Boriaud, Florence: Olschki.
- 2008c, Elogio di Nerone, ed. and trans. Marco Di Branco,
Rome: Salerno.
- 2008d, De utilitate ex adversibus capienda praefatio, ed.
Raffaele Passarella, Milan: Angeli.
- 2009, De Uno. Sobre lo uno, ed. and trans. José
Manuel García Valverde, Florence: Olschki.
- 2011a, Artis magnae sive de regulis algebraicis liber
unus, ed. Massimo Tamborini, Milan: Angeli.
- 2011b, Guglielmo: Dialogo sulla morte, ed. José
Manuel García Valverde, trans. Paolo Raimondi Turin:
- 2013, The De Subtilitate of Girolamo Cardano, 2 vols.,
trans. John M. Forrester with intro. John Henry Tempe: Arizona Center
for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
- 2014, Carcer, eds. Marialuisa Baldi, Guido Canziani,
Eugenio Di Rienzo, Florence: Olschki.
- 2017, Il libro dei segreti, ed. Davide Giavina, Milan:
- 2019a, De consolatione, ed. Marialuisa Baldi, Florence:
- 2019b, Le Livre de ma vie / De Vita propria, ed. and
trans. Jean-Yves Boriaud, Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
- 2021a, Traité des songes. De somniis, ed. and
trans. Jean-Yves Boriaud, Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
- 2021b, Sulla consolazione, trans. Marialuisa Baldi,
Florence: Olschki.
Additional bibliographic information about studies on Cardano can be
found in Schütze 1998.
- Baldi, Marialuisa and Guido Canziani (eds.), 1999. Girolamo
Cardano: Le opere, le fonti, la vita, Milan: FrancoAngeli. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, Cardano e la tradizione dei saperi, Milan: FrancoAngeli. (Scholar)
- Baldini, Ugo and Leen Spruit (eds.), 2009, Catholic Church and
Modern Science: Documents from the Archives of the Roman Congregations
of the Holy Office and the Index, Vol. I: Sixteenth-Century
Documents, 2 volumes, Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana. (Scholar)
- Bianchi, Lorenzo, 2008, “Machiavelli e Cardano. Note su
naturalismo e fortuna,” in Dopo Machiavelli /
Après Machiavel, eds. Lorenzo Bianchi and Alberto
Postigliola, Naples: Liguori, 53–74. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Inganni e impostura tra
Cardano e Naudé,” in I castelli di Yale online,
1: 25–47. doi:10.15160/2282-5460/528 (Scholar)
- Boriaud, Jean-Yves (ed.), 2012, La pensée scientifique
de Cardan, Paris: Les Belles Lettres. (Scholar)
- Casali, Elide, 2013, “Il Pronostico del 1534 di Girolamo
Cardano. L’esemplare della Collezione Campi,” Bruniana
& Campanelliana, 19(2): 571–575. (Scholar)
- Corrias, Anna, 2018, “When the Eyes Are Shut: The Strange
Case of Girolamo Cardano’s Idolum in Somniorum
Synesiorum Libri IIII,” Journal of the History of
Ideas, 79: 179–197. (Scholar)
- Couzinet, Marie-Dominique, 2001, “La variété
dans la philosophie de la nature: Cardan, Bodin,” in La
varietas à la Renaissance, ed. Dominique de
Courcelles, Paris: École des Chartes, 105–117. (Scholar)
- Di Rienzo, Eugenio, 1987, “Dal principato civile alla
tirannide: Il Neronis encomium di Gerolamo Cardano,”
Studi storici, 28: 157–82. (Scholar)
- Ernst, Germana, 2001, “Veritatis amor dulcissimus:
Aspects of Cardano’s Astrology,” in Secrets of Nature:
Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe, eds. William R.
Newman and Anthony Grafton, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press,
39–68. (Scholar)
- García Valverde, José Manuel, 2013,
“Averroistic Themes in Girolamo Cardano’s De
Immortalitate Animorum,” in Renaissance Averroism and
Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, eds.
Anna Akasoy and Guido Giglioni, Dordrecht: Springer,
145–71. (Scholar)
- Giglioni, Guido, 2005–2007, “Mens in Girolamo
Cardano,” in Per una storia del concetto di mente, ed.
Eugenio Canone, 2 volumes, Florence: Olschki, II: 83–122. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “‘Bolognan Boys Are
Beautiful, Tasteful, and Mostly Fine Musicians’: Cardano on Male
Same-Sex Love and Music,” in The Sciences of Homosexuality
in Early Modern Europe, eds. Kenneth Borris and George Rousseau,
New York: Routledge, 201–20. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, “Nature and Demons: Girolamo
Cardano Interpreter of Pietro d’Abano,” in
Continuities and Disruptions between the Middle Ages and the
Renaissance, eds. Charles Burnett, José Meirinhos, and
Jacqueline Hamesse, Louvain-la Neuve: Brepols, 89–112. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “The Many Rhetorical Personae
of an Early Modern Physician: Girolamo Cardano on Truth and
Persuasion,” in Rhetoric and Medicine in Early Modern
Europe, eds. Stephen Pender and Nancy S. Struever, Burlington,
VT: Ashgate, 173–93. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Girolamo Cardano: University
Student and Professor,” Renaissance Studies, 27(4):
517–532. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Humans, Elephants, Diamonds
and Gold: Patterns of Intentional Design in Girolamo Cardano’s
Natural Philosophy,” Gesnerus, 71: 237–247. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Scaliger versus Cardano versus
Scaliger,” in Forms of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance
Europe, eds. David A. Lines, Marc Laureys and Jill Kraye, Bonn:
Bonn University Press, 109–130. (Scholar)
- Gliozzi, Giuliano, 1976, “Cardano, Gerolamo,” in
Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Rome: Istituto della
Enciclopedia Italiana, 1960-, XIX, 758b–63b. (Scholar)
- Grafton, Anthony, 1999, Cardano’s Cosmos: The Worlds and
Works of a Renaissance Astrologer, Cambridge, MA, and London:
Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Ingegno, Alfonso, 1980, Saggio sulla filosofia di Cardano, Florence: La Nuova Italia. (Scholar)
- Keßler, Eckhard (ed.), 1994, Girolamo Cardano:
Philosoph, Naturforscher, Arzt, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Scholar)
- Maclean, Ian, 1984, “The Interpretation of Natural Signs:
Cardano’s De subtilitate Versus Scaliger’s
Exercitationes,” in Occult and Scientific
Mentalities in the Renaissance, ed. Brian Vickers, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 231–52. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “Girolamo Cardano: the Last Years of a Polymath,” Renaissance Studies, 21: 587–607. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Cardano’s Eclectic
Psychology and its Critique by Julius Caesar Scaliger,”
Vivarium, 46: 392–417. (Scholar)
- Marcus, Hannah, 2020, Forbidden Knowledge: Medicine, Science,
and Censorship in Early Modern Italy, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Martin, Craig, 2022, “Girolamo Cardano’s Meteorological
Predictions: Hippocratism, Weather Signs, Winds, and the Limits of
Astrology,” Perspectives on Science, 30(5):
851–873. (Scholar)
- Ore, Øystein, 1953, Cardano: The Gambling Scholar,
Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Pompeo Faracovi, Ornella, 2012, “Girolamo Cardano e il
ritorno a Tolomeo,” Il linguaggio dei cieli. Astri e simboli
nel Rinascimento, Roma: Carocci, 125–138. (Scholar)
- Prins, Jacomien, 2018, “Girolamo Cardano and Julius Caesar
Scaliger in Debate about Nature’s Musical Secrets,”
Journal of the History of Ideas, 8(2): 169–189. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, “Cardano and Scaliger in Debate
on the Revival of Ancient Music,” Journal of
Musicology, 39: 109–132. (Scholar)
- Regier, Jonathan, 2019, “Reading Cardano with the Roman Inquisition: Astrology, Celestial Physics and the Force of Heresy,” Isis, 110: 661–679. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, “A Hot Mess: Girolamo Cardano, the Inquisition and the Soul,” HOPOS, 11: 547–563. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, “Shadows of the Thrown Spear:
Girolamo Cardano on Anxiety, Dreams, and the Divine in Nature,”
Early Science and Medicine, 28: 95–119. (Scholar)
- Sakamoto, Kuni, 2016, Julius Caesar Scaliger, Renaissance
Reformer of Aristotelianism: A Study of His Exotericae
Exercitationes, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Schütze, Ingo, 1998, “Bibliografia degli studi su Girolamo Cardano dal 1850 al 1995,” Bruniana & Campanelliana, 4(2): 449–467. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, Die Naturalphilosophie in
Girolamo Cardanos De subtilitate, Munich: Fink. (Scholar)
- Siraisi, Nancy G., 1997, The Clock and the Mirror: Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance Medicine, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Valente, Michaela, 2003, “‘Correzioni
d’autore’ e censure dell’opera di Cardano,” in
Cardano e la tradizione dei saperi, eds. Baldi and Canziani,
Milan: FrancoAngeli, 437–456. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Facing the Roman Inquisition:
Cardano and Della Porta,” Bruniana & Campanelliana,
23: 533–540. (Scholar)