Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Certainty" by Baron Reed
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- Albertini, Tamara, 2005. “Crisis and Certainty of Knowledge in Al-Ghazālī (1058–1111) and Descartes (1596–1650),” Philosophy East and West, 55: 1–14. (Scholar)
- Alston, William, 1980. “Level Confusions in Epistemology,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 5: 135–50. (Scholar)
- Audi, Robert, 1998. Epistemology, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Ayer, A.J., 1940. The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge, New York: Macmillan. (Scholar)
- –––, 1956. The Problem of Knowledge, London: Penguin. (Scholar)
- Beddor, Bob, 2020a. “Certainty in Action,” Philosophical Quarterly, 70: 711–37. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020b. “New Work for Certainty,” Philosopher’s Imprint, 20: 1–25. (Scholar)
- BonJour, Laurence, 1985. The Structure of Empirical Knowledge, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Broughton, Janet, 2002. Descartes’s Method of
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- Brown, Jessica, 2018. Fallibilism: Evidence and Knowledge, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Chisholm, Roderick, 1966. Theory of Knowledge, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Scholar)
- –––, 1973. The Problem of the Criterion, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1976. Person and Object, La Salle, IL: Open Court. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989. Theory of Knowledge,
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- Cicero, On Academic Scepticism, C. Brittain (tr.).
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- Cohen, Stewart, 1988. “How to Be a Fallibilist,” Philosophical Perspectives, 2: 91–123. (Scholar)
- Coliva, Annalisa, 2010. Moore and Wittgenstein: Scepticism, certainty, and common sense, London: Palgrave. (Scholar)
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- Cottingham, John, 1986. Descartes, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Craig, Edward, 1990. Knowledge and the State of Nature: An Essay in Conceptual Synthesis, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- DeRose, Keith, 1995. “Solving the Skeptical Problem,” Philosophical Review, 104: 1–52. (Scholar)
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(eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
- –––, [PW 3], The Philosophical Writings
of Descartes (Volume 3), J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff, D. Murdoch,
and A. Kenny (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Feldman, Richard, 2003. Epistemology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Scholar)
- Firth, Roderick, 1967. “The Anatomy of Certainty,” Philosophical Review, 76: 3–27. (Scholar)
- Fogelin, Robert, 1994. Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Fumerton, Richard, 1995. Metaepistemology and Skepticism, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005. “Speckled Hens and Objects of Acquaintance,” Philosophical Perspectives, 19: 121–39. (Scholar)
- Goodman, Nelson, 1952. “Sense and Certainty,” Philosophical Review, 61: 160–7. (Scholar)
- Hawthorne, John, 2004. Knowledge and Lotteries, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Hetherington, Stephen, 2001. Good Knowledge, Bad Knowledge: On Two Dogmas of Epistemology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Hume, David, 1748 [2007]. An Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding, P. Millican (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University
- James, Susan, 2020. Spinoza on Learning to Live Together, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Jeshion, Robin, 2000. “On the Obvious,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 60: 333–55. (Scholar)
- Kenny, Anthony, 1968 [1995]. Descartes: A Study of his
Philosophy, Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
- Klein, Peter, 1981. Certainty: A Refutation of Scepticism, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992. “Certainty,” in A
Companion to Epistemology, J. Dancy and E. Sosa (eds.), Oxford:
Blackwell, 61–4. (Scholar)
- Lehrer, Keith, 1974. Knowledge, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990. Theory of Knowledge, Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (Scholar)
- Lewis, C.I., 1929. Mind and the World Order, New York: Dover. (Scholar)
- –––, 1946. An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation, La Salle, IL: Open Court. (Scholar)
- –––, 1952. “The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge,” Philosophical Review, 61: 168–75. (Scholar)
- Locke, Dustin, 2015. “Practical Certainty,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 90: 72–95. (Scholar)
- Loeb, Louis, 1992. “The Cartesian Circle,” in The Cambridge Companion to Descartes, J. Cottingham (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 200–35. (Scholar)
- Malcolm, Norman, 1963. Knowledge and Certainty, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Scholar)
- Markie, Peter, 1986. Descartes’s Gambit, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992. “The Cogito and Its
Importance,” in The Cambridge Companion to Descartes,
J. Cottingham (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
140–73. (Scholar)
- Matthen, Mohan, 2014. “How to Be Sure: Sensory Exploration and Empirical Certainty,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 88: 38–69. (Scholar)
- Miller, Richard, 1978. “Absolute Certainty,” Mind, 87: 46–65. (Scholar)
- Mizrahi, Moti, 2019. “You Can’t Handle the Truth: Knowledge =
Epistemic Certainty,” Logos & Episteme, 10:
443–4. (Scholar)
- Moore, G.E., 1942. “A Reply to My Critics,” in The
Philosophy of G.E. Moore, P. Schilpp (ed.), LaSalle, IL: Open
Court. (Scholar)
- –––, 1959. “Certainty,” in his
Philosophical Papers, London: George Allen & Unwin,
227–51. (Scholar)
- Pasnau, Robert, 2017. After Certainty: A History of Our Epistemic Ideals and Illusions, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Petersen, Esben Nedenskov, 2019. “A case for a certainty norm of
assertion,” Synthese, 196: 4691–710.
- Plato, Plato: Complete Works, J. Cooper (ed.),
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1997.
- Pollock, John, 1986. Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
- Pritchard, Duncan, 2005. “Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, and Contemporary Anti-Scepticism,” in Readings of Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, D. Moyal-Sharrock and W.H. Brenner (eds.), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 189–224. (Scholar)
- Reed, Baron, 2002. “How to Think about Fallibilism,” Philosophical Studies, 107: 143–57. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “Knowledge, doubt, and circularity,” Synthese, 188: 273–87. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. “Fallibilism, Epistemic Possibility, and Epistemic Agency,” Philosophical Issues, 23: 40–69. (Scholar)
- Reichenbach, Hans, 1952. “Are Phenomenal Reports Absolutely Certain?” Philosophical Review, 61: 147–59. (Scholar)
- Russell, Bertrand, 1948. Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, New York: Simon and Schuster. (Scholar)
- Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, J.
Annas and J. Barnes (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
- Sienkiewicz, Stefan, 2019. Five Modes of Scepticism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Sosa, Ernest, 1997. “How to Resolve the Pyrrhonian Problematic: A Lesson from Descartes,” Philosophical Studies, 85: 229–49. (Scholar)
- Spinoza, Baruch, Theological-Political Treatise, J.
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- Stanley, Jason, 2005. Knowledge and Practical Interests, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008. “Knowledge and Certainty,” Philosophical Issues, 18: 35–57. (Scholar)
- Turri, John, 2016. “Knowledge, certainty, and assertion,” Philosophical Psychology, 29: 293–9. (Scholar)
- Unger, Peter, 1975. Ignorance: A Case for Scepticism, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1978. “A Defense of Skepticism,”
in Essays on Knowledge and Justification, G. Pappas and
M. Swain (eds.), Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
317–36. (Scholar)
- Van Cleve, James, 1977. “Probability and Certainty: A Reexamination of the Lewis-Reichenbach Debate,” Philosophical Studies, 32: 323–34. (Scholar)
- –––, 1979. “Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle,” Philosophical Review, 88: 55–91. (Scholar)
- Williams, Michael, 1999. “Skepticism,” in The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology, J. Greco and E. Sosa (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell, 35–69. (Scholar)
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1969. On Certainty, G.E.M. Anscombe and G.H. von Wright (eds.), New York: Harper & Row. (Scholar)
- Wright, Crispin, 2003. “Wittgensteinian Certainties,” in Wittgenstein and Scepticism, D. McManus (ed.), London: Routledge, 22–55. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004. “On Epistemic Entitlement: Warrant for Nothing (and Foundations for Free)?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Supplement), 78: 167–212. (Scholar)