Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Social and Political Thought in Chinese Philosophy" by Stephen C. Angle

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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.

This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.

Primary Texts

[DDJ] Dao De Jing; see the entry on Laozi.
[GL] Greater Learning: for a translation, see Wing-tsit Chan, A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.
[GZ] Guanzi; for a translation see W. Allyn Rickett (ed. and trans.), Guanzi: Political, Economic, and Philosophical Essays from Early China, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.
[HCT] Readings in Han Chinese Thought, Mark Csikszentmihalyi (ed. and trans.), Indianapolis: Hackett Press, 2006. (Cited texts include Jia Yi, “Protecting and Tutoring” and “The Platform Steps”; Chao Cuo, “Responses to an Imperial Edict”; and Dong Zhongshu, “The Meaning of the Five Phases.”)
[HFZ] Han Feizi; for a translation, see Han Fei Tzu: Basic Writings, Burton Watrson (trans.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1964; and see the entry on Legalism in Chinese Philosophy.
[HHJ] Hu Hong Ji; Hu Hong 胡宏, 《胡宏集》 [Collected Works of Hu Hong], Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1987.
[LY] Lunyu (Analects); for a translation, see The Original Analects, E. Bruce and A. Taeko Brooks (eds. and trans.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1998; see the entry on Confucius.
[MC] Mencius (or Mengzi); see the entry on Mencius.
[MZ] Mozi: for a translation, see The Mozi: A Complete Translation, Ian Johnston (trans.), New York: Columbia University Press, 2010; see the entry on Mohism.
[SBH] Shen Buhai; Cited from the collection of fragments: Herrlee G. Creel, Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.
[SJS] Book of Lord Shang: for a translation, see Yuri Pines (ed. and trans.), The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017; see the entry on Legalism in Chinese Philosophy.
[WJ] Zhu Xi’s Wenji (Collected Writings); Zhu Xi 朱熹, 《朱 子全書》 [Complete Works of Master Zhu], Shanghai and Hefei: Shanghai Guji chubanshe and Anhui Jiaoyu chubanshe, 2002; see the entry on Zhu Xi.
[XZ] Xunzi; for a translation, see Xunzi: The Complete Text, Eric L. Hutton (trans.), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014; see the entry on Xunzi.
[YF] Huang Zongxi’s “Yuan Fa” (“On Standards”); for a translation, see Huang Zongxi, “On Law”, in Justin Tiwald and Bryan W. Van Norden (ed.), Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy: Han Dynasty to the 20th Century, Cambridge: Hackett, 2014, 315–18.
[ZZ] Zhuangzi; for a translation, see Zhuangzi: The Essential Writings, Brook Ziporyn (trans.), Indianapolis: Hackett Press, 2009; see the entry on Zhuangzi.

Secondary Texts

Generated Sun Jan 12 06:24:49 2025