Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Compositionality" by Zoltán Gendler Szabó
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- Barker, Stephen, 1997, “Material Implication and General Indicative Conditionals”, The Philosophical Quarterly, 47(187): 195–211. doi:10.1111/1467-9213.00055 (Scholar)
- Berg, Jonathan, 2002, “Is Semantics Still Possible?” Journal of Pragmatics, 34(4): 349–359. (Scholar)
- Båve, Arvid, 2005, Insensitive Semantics, Oxford:
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- –––, 2001, “Why Compositionality Won’t Go Away: Reflections on Horwich’s ‘Deflationary’ Theory”, Ratio, 14(4): 350–368. doi:10.1111/1467-9329.00169 (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, The Compositionality Papers, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 98: 145–161.
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16: 192–205, Peter Geach (trans.), 1952, Translations from
the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, Oxford: Blackwell,
pp. 42–55. Reprinted in Frege 1984: 182–194. (Scholar)
- –––, 1906a, “Foundations of Geometry
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Geometrie), reprinted in Frege 1984: 293–340. (Scholar)
- –––, 1906b, “Introduction to Logic”
(Einleitung in die Logik), in Frege 1979: 185–196. (Scholar)
- –––, 1914, “Logic in Mathematics”
(Logik in der Mathematik), in Frege 1979: 201–250. (Scholar)
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Correspondence, Hans Kaal (trans.), Gottfried Gabriel et al.
(eds.), Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp. 78–80. (Scholar)
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(Logik in der Mathematik), in Frege 1979: 253–257. (Scholar)
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- –––, 1979, Posthumous Writings, Hermes et al. (eds.), Chicago: Chicago University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1984, Collected Papers on Mathematics,
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- Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey Pullum, and Ivan Sag, 1985,
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- Geach, Peter, 1965, “Logical Procedures and the Identity of Expressions”, Ratio, old series 7(2): 199–205. Reprinted in Logic Matters, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980: 108–115. (Scholar)
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557–572. (Scholar)
- Groenendijk, Jeroen and Martin Stokhof, 1990, “Dynamic Montague Grammar”, in L. Kálmán et al. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Logic and Language, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 3–48. (Scholar)
- –––, 1991, “Dynamic Predicate Logic”, Linguistics and Philosophy, 14(1): 39–100. doi:10.1007/bf00628304 (Scholar)
- Heim, Irene, 1982, The Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Garland Publishing Inc., 1988. (Scholar)
- Hendrix, Herman, 2001, “Compositionality and Model-Theoretic Interpretation”, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 10(1): 29–48. doi:10.1023/a:1026592526654 (Scholar)
- Higginbotham, James, 1985, “On Semantics”, Linguistic Inquiry, 16(4): 547–593. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, “Linguistic Theory and
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Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald
Davidson, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 29–48. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Conditionals and Compositionality”, in John Hawthorne (ed.), Philosophical Perspectives, 17: 181–194. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “Remarks on
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The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, pp. 425–444. (Scholar)
- Hintikka, Jaakko, 1981, “Theories of Truth and Learnable Languages”, in Kanger & Öhman 1981: 37–58. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-9012-8_4 (Scholar)
- Hintikka, Jaakko and G. Sandu, 1997, “Game-Theoretical
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361–410. (Scholar)
- Hodges, Wilfrid, 1998, “Compositionality is Not the Problem”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 6: 7–33. doi:10.12775/llp.1998.001 (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Formal Features of Compositionality”, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 10(1): 7–28. doi:10.1023/a:1026502210492 (Scholar)
- –––, 2012,“Formalizing Between Meaning and Syntax”, in Werning, Hinzen, & Machery 2012: 245–261. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199541072.013.0011 (Scholar)
- Horwich, Paul, 1997, “The Composition of Meanings”, Philosophical Review, 106(4): 503–533. doi:10.2307/2998510 (Scholar)
- Husserl, Edmund, 1913, Logische Untersuchungen II/1,
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- Janssen, Theo M.V., 1983, Foundations and Applications of
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- –––, 2001, “Frege, Contextuality and Compositionality”, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 10(1): 115–136. doi:10.1023/a:1026542332224 (Scholar)
- Jacobson, Pauline, 2002, “The (Dis)Organization of Grammar: 25 Years”, Linguistics and Philosophy, 25(5): 601–626. doi:10.1023/a:1020851413268 (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Direct Compositionality”, in Werning, Hinzen, & Machery 2012: 109–128. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199541072.013.0005 (Scholar)
- Johnson, Kent, 2004, “On the Systematicity of Language and Thought”, Journal of Philosophy, 101(3): 111–139. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “On the Nature of Reverse Compositionality”, Erkenntnis, 64(1): 37–60. doi:10.1007/s10670-005-0362-z (Scholar)
- Kamp, Hans, 1981, “A Theory of Truth and Semantic
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Language, Amsterdam: Amsterdam Centre, pp. 277–322. (Scholar)
- Kamp, Hans and Barbara Partee, 1995, “Prototype Theory and Compositionality”, Cognition, 57: 129–191. (Scholar)
- Kanger, Stig and Sven Öhman (eds.), 1980, Philosophy and Grammar, Dordrecht: Reidel. (Scholar)
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- Kazmi, Ali and Francis Jeffry Pelletier, 1998, “Is Compositionality Formally Vacuous?” Linguistics and Philosophy, 21(6): 629–633. doi:10.1023/a:1005388721969 (Scholar)
- Kratzer, Angelica, 1986, “Conditionals”, Chicago Linguistic Society, 22(2): 1–15. (Scholar)
- Lahav, Ran, 1989, “Against Compositionality: the Case of Adjectives”, Philosophical Studies, 57(3): 261–279. doi:10.1007/bf00372697 (Scholar)
- Larson, Richard L. and Peter Ludlow, 1993, “Interpreted Logical Forms”, Synthese, 95(3): 305–355. (Scholar)
- Larson, Richard L. and Gabriel M.A. Segal, 1995, Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Lasersohn, Peter, 2012, “Contextualism and Compositionality”, Linguistics and Philosophy, 35: 171–189. doi: 10.1007/s10988-012-9115-z (Scholar)
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- Lewis, David, 1970, “General Semantics”, Synthese, 22(12): 18–67. Reprinted in Philosophical Papers, Vol. 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983: 189–229. (Scholar)
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- –––, 1998, Papers in Philosophical Logic, vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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- Pagin, Peter, 2003, “Communication and Strong Compositionality”, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 32: 287–322. (Scholar)
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