Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic" by Lloyd Humberstone
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
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- Béziau, Jean-Yves, and Marcelo E. Coniglio, 2010, “To Distribute or Not to Distribute?”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 19: 566–583. (Scholar)
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- Blamey, Stephen, and Lloyd Humberstone, 1991, “A Perspective on Modal Sequent Logic”, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 27: 763–782. (Scholar)
- Blok, W.J., and D. Pigozzi, 1989, “Algebraizable
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- Caicedo, Xavier, 2004, “Implicit Connectives of Algebraizable Logics”, Studia Logica, 78: 155–170. (Scholar)
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- Cook, R.T., 2005, “What’s Wrong with Tonk?”,
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- Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, R. Giuntini, and R. Greechie, 2004,
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- Davies, Martin, and Lloyd Humberstone, 1980, “Two Notions of Necessity”, Philosophical Studies, 38: 1–30. (Scholar)
- De, Michael, and Hitoshi Omori, 2014, “More on Empirical Negation”, in R. Goré, B. Kooi and A. Kurucz (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 10, pp. 114–133. (Scholar)
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- Deutsch, David, 1989, “Quantum Computational
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- Deutsch, David, Artur Ekert, and Rossella Lupacchini, 2000, “Machines, Logic and Quantum Physics”, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 6: 265–283. (Scholar)
- Dicher, Bogdan, 2016, “Weak Disharmony: Some Lessons for Proof-Theoretic Semantics”, Review of Symbolic Logic, 9: 583–602. (Scholar)
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- Dummett, M.A., 1991, The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Dunn, J.M., and G.M. Hardegree, 2001, Algebraic Methods in Philosophical Logic, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Ertola Biraben, R.C., 2012, “On Some Extensions of
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- Ertola Biraben, R.C., and H. J. San Martín, 2011, “On
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- Fariñas del Cerro, Luis, and Andreas Herzig, 1996,
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- Font, J.M., and P. Hájek, 2002, “On
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Logica, 70: 157–182. (Scholar)
- Francez, Nissim, 2014, “Harmony in Multiple-Conclusion Natural-Deduction”, Logica Universalis, 8: 215–259. (Scholar)
- Francez, Nissim, and Roy Dyckhoff, 2012, “A Note on Harmony”, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 41: 613–628. (Scholar)
- Fusco, Melissa, 2015, “Deontic Modality and The Semantics of Choice”, Philosophers’ Imprint 15, Article No. 28. (Scholar)
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- Gabbay, D.M., 1977, “On Some New Intuitionistic Propositional Connectives, I”, Studia Logica, 36: 127–139. (Scholar)
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- –––, 1981, Semantical Investigations in
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- Garson, James W., 1990, “Categorical Semantics”, in Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap, J.M. Dunn and A. Gupta (eds.), Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 155–175. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Natural Semantics: Why Natural Deduction is Intuitionistic”, Theoria, 67: 114–139. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, What Logics Mean: From Proof Theory to Model-Theoretic Semantics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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1969. (Scholar)
- Girard, Jean-Yves, 1987, “Linear Logic”, Theoretical Computer Science, 50: 1–102. (Scholar)
- Girard, Jean-Yves, with Paul Taylor and Yves Lafont, 1989, Proofs and Types, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Groenendijk, Jeroen, and Martin Stokhof, 1982, “Semantic Analysis of \(Wh\)-Complements”, Linguistics and Philosophy, 5: 175–233. (Scholar)
- Hamblin, C.L., 1967, “One-Valued Logic”, Philosophical Quarterly, 17: 38–45. (Scholar)
- Hand, Michael, 1993, “Negations in Conflict”, Erkenntnis, 38: 115–29. (Scholar)
- Hart, W.D., 1982, “Prior and Belnap”, Theoria, 48: 127–138. (Scholar)
- Harris, J.H., 1982, “What’s so Logical about the
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- Hodes, Harold, 2004, “On the Sense and Reference of a Logical Constant”, Philosophical Quarterly, 54: 134–165. (Scholar)
- Horn, Laurence R., and Heinrich Wansing, 2022,
“Negation”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of
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- Hjortland, Ole, 2012, “Harmony and the Context of Deducibility”, in Insolubles and Consequences: Essays in Honour of Stephen Read, Dutilh Novaes, C., and O. T. Hjorltand (eds.), London: College Publications, pp. 105–117. (Scholar)
- Holliday, Wesley H., 2023, “A Fundamental Non-Classical Logic”, Logics, 1:36–79. (Scholar)
- Holliday, Wesley H., and Matthew Mandelkern, 2022, “Compatibility, Compossibility, and Epistemic Modality”, in M. Degano, T. Roberts, G. Sbardolini & M. Schouwstra (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, UvA, Amsterdam. (Scholar)
- Hösli, Brigitte, and Gerhard Jäger, 1994, “About Some Symmetries of Negation”, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 59: 473–485. (Scholar)
- Hudson, James L., 1975, “Logical Subtraction”, Analysis, 35: 130–135. (Scholar)
- Huet, Gérard, and Gordon Plotkin (eds.), 1991, Logical
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- Humberstone, Lloyd, 1995, “Negation by Iteration”,
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- Omori, Hitoshi, and Heinrich Wansing, 2018, “On Contra-Classical Variants of Nelson Logic N4 and Its Classical Extension”, Review of Symbolic Logic, 11:805–820. (Scholar)
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