Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Constructive Empiricism" by Bradley Monton and Chad Mohler
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Alspector-Kelly, M., 2001, “Should the Empiricist be a Constructive Empiricist?”, Philosophy of Science, 68(4): 413–431. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Seeing the Unobservable: Van Fraassen and the Limits of Experience”, Synthese, 140: 331–353. (Scholar)
- Bandyopadhyay, P., 1997, “On an Inconsistency in Constructive Empiricism”, Philosophy of Science, 64(3): 511–514. (Scholar)
- Beebe, J., and F. Dellsén, 2020, “Scientific Realism in the Wild: An Empirical Study of Seven Sciences and History and Philosophy of Science”, Philosophy of Science, 87 (April): 336–364. (Scholar)
- Bueno, O., 1999, “Empiricism, Conservativeness, and Quasi-Truth”, Philosophy of Science, 66: S474–S485. (Scholar)
- Churchland, P., 1985, “The Ontological Status of
Observables: In Praise of the Superempirical Virtues”, in
Churchland and Hooker 1985, pp. 35–47. (Scholar)
- Churchland, P., and C. Hooker (eds.), 1985, Images of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism (with a reply from Bas C. van Fraassen), Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Dicken, P., 2007, “Constructive Empiricism and the Metaphysics of Modality”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 58: 605–612. (Scholar)
- Friedman, M., 1982, Review of The Scientific Image,
Journal of Philosophy, 79: 274–283. (Scholar)
- Gutting, G., 1985, “Scientific Realism versus Constructive
Empiricism: A Dialogue”, in Churchland and Hooker 1985, pp.
118–131. (Scholar)
- Hacking, I., 1985, “Do We See Through a Microscope?”,
in Churchland and Hooker 1985, pp. 132–152. (Scholar)
- Healey, R., 2019, “The Aims of Reliable Knowledge: A Reply to
Seungbae Park”, Social Epistemology Review and Reply
Collective, 8 (9): 25–30
[Healey 2019 available online]. (Scholar)
- Kitcher, P., and W. Salmon, 1987, “Van Fraassen on Explanation”, Journal of Philosophy, 84(6): 315–330. (Scholar)
- Kusch, M., 2015, “Microscopes and the Theory-Ladenness of
Experience in Bas van Fraassen’s Recent Work”, Journal
for General Philosophy of Science, 46: 167–182. (Scholar)
- Ladyman, J., 2000, “What’s Really Wrong With
Constructive Empiricism? Van Fraassen and the Metaphysics of
Modality”, British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, 51: 837–856. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Constructive Empiricism and Modal Metaphysics: A Reply to Monton and van Fraassen”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 55: 755–765. (Scholar)
- Monton, B. (ed.), 2007, Images of Empiricism: Essays on Science and Stances, with a Reply from Bas C. van Fraassen, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Monton, B., and B. van Fraassen, 2003, “Constructive
Empiricism and Modal Nominalism”, British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 54: 405–422. (Scholar)
- Railton, P., 1989, “Explanation and Metaphysical
Controversy”, in P. Kitcher and W. Salmon (eds.), Scientific
Explanation, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp.
220–252. (Scholar)
- Rochefort-Maranda, G., 2011, “Constructive Empiricism and the Closure Problem”, Erkenntnis, 75: 61–65. (Scholar)
- Rosen, G., 1994, “What is Constructive Empiricism?”, Philosophical Studies, 74(2): 143–178. (Scholar)
- Rowbottom, D., 2019, “Scientific realism: what it is, the contemporary debate, and new directions”, Synthese, 196: 451–484. (Scholar)
- Teller, P., 2001, “Whither Constructive Empiricism?” Philosophical Studies, 106: 123–150. (Scholar)
- Van Dyck, M., 2007, “Constructive Empiricism and the Argument from Underdetermination”, in Monton 2007, pp. 11–31. (Scholar)
- van Fraassen, B., 1980, The Scientific Image, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1985, “Empiricism in the Philosophy
of Science”, in Churchland and Hooker 1985, pp.
245–308. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, Laws and Symmetry, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, “Gideon Rosen on Constructive
Empiricism”, Philosophical Studies, 74(2):
179–192. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “The Agnostic Subtly Probabilified”, Analysis, 58(3): 212–220. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, The Empirical Stance, New Haven: Yale University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Constructive Empiricism Now” Philosophical Studies, 106: 151–170. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “From a View of Science to a New Empiricism”, in Monton 2007, pp. 337–383. (Scholar)